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Legendary-tier unique abilities & stat updates


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Hello all!


First a note about myself: I've been an avid fan of this game since i got it in 2013, and have enjoyed all of the content from open world to spvp for years, but it's only recently I've decided to venture into the forums. I haven't really had a larger issue with the game I've been passionate enough to make a post detailing any ideas for solutions i've had, so here's my first. If there's a similar discussion thread about it I might have missed, let me know please. Let's get into it!


So I've seen a great deal of discussion around the purpose of legendary gear, particularly since the introduction of legendary armor a few years ago and the recent introduction of legendary runes. Given the intimidating level of effort and cost that goes into crafting these, it's a very personal feeling of accomplishment to *finally* get all of those items together in mystic forge and pop out that shiniest of gear.

So an idea I've had for awhile about the weapons I've also expanded to include the armor and runes, and would like to share it since I feel that it would be warranted given the difficulty that goes into acquiring the most elite of gear.


-All Legendary-tier items should be uniquely powerful compared to ascended and exotic-tier items, but not game-breaking.

-All Legendary-tier items should have an attribute rating of 10% higher than ascended gear beneath it.

-All Legendary Weapons should have an individual ability unique to it, which must be self-specific and pve-specific as to avoid unbalancing groups.


For armor, there are two things that need to be looked at, which are stat increases and armor rating.

If we look at the comparison between each tier of gear going down all the way to common, the difference in stat levels at 80 is actually really haphazard, ranging anywhere from a 4% increase to a whopping 25% with stat and defense ratings. So for armor rating where it matters (pve/wvw), having an 8% increase in defense rating would be ideal, given that there is a mere 4% increase in the next tier below with exotic to ascended-tier armor, referencing the defense rating table: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor#Defense_rating


For runes, since there are no ascended-tier runes to mind the gap between exotic and legendary tier, the simplest and most logical option would be to add (7) slot attribute that can be slotted into back items. Even though they don't get a defensive rating, they technically count as part of the armor ensemble as they are a visible part of it. This bonus would simply be the #2 attribute of the rune at the same amount as the next lowest #1 attribute.


Now for weapons, we're going to get into a whole new area of abilities since each of them are acquired in such dramtically different and wide-reaching kinds of achievements and mats to acquire them. As stated above, each legendary weapon should have an inherent ability entirely unique to such a weapon, both involving the lore behind it and type of weapon it actually is. These should be relevant ONLY to the player, so as to not make any one particular legendary weapon useful to something giving buffs to allies or enhancing group gameplay in such a way as to make it essential for the well-to-do commander.


So with that said, I have put *considerable* thought over the years into what those abilities should look like. I have no idea to the coding difficulty of implementing this, but I at least attempted to make it reasonable.

Note: ALL of these abilities are PVE-only, and transmutation charges in no way change the effects.

For your consideration, all of the legendary weapon unique abilities:


-The Bifrost:

20% chance to summon a friendly water Djinn as a follower to aid you in battle for 60s on critical hit.

(Zomorros is a water Djinn, and it's his staff)



Deal a chain-lightning attack to up to 3 enemies upon critically striking a foe every every 2s.

(same as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Strike_(Sigil), but graphic chain-strikes up to 2 more targets)


-The Dreamer

20% chance for any enemy you kill to drop a random holiday/celebration consumable food item.

(It's a polychromatic unicorn bow firing polychromatic unicorns. It at least has to be consistent.)


-The Flameseeker Prophecies

Gain Aegis after delivering a critical strike (with the shield) every 1s. Aegis base cd is 20s.

(armor formula of 8% increase in defensive rating applies here)



Gain a 50% increase to gold gains from killing hostile npcs

(Underwater NPC farming isn't very common, but this is a nice touch for the shiniest underwater weapon IMO)



Deal 3 seconds of Chill upon critically striking an enemy every 2s

(chill effect scales with expertise. Useful for bar-breaking and reapers.)



Summons a friendly spirit wolf follower to aid you in battle for 60s on critical hit every 1s.

(the point of offhand legendaries having a 1s internal CD for their ability is that it is tied to the weapon skill's cd since they don't have a normal attack. Howl is also unique with being able to summon a small pack of ghost wolves over the duration of combat depending the cooldown of your warhorn skill)



-20% chance to inflict Burning for 5s every second.

(Burning scales with expertise. Since daggers have the highest attack speed on average of any weapon, the burning rate on this seems reasonable enough)


-The Juggernaut:

20% chance to summon a friendly chromatic ooze follower to aid you in battle for 60s.

(Do you think you'd be rid of the ooze that easily?)



20% chance to heal yourself upon critically striking an enemy every 2s.

(Heal amount is 370 with 0.15x modifier, same as superior sigil of water)



Deal 3 seconds of torment upon critically striking an enemy every 2s.

(Combat scaling for underwater legendaries tends to be a little higher due to underwater combat restrictions)


-Kamohoali'i Kotaki:

Deal 3 seconds of bleeding upon critically striking an enemy every 2s.

(Same reasoning as previously stated)



20% chance to deal 10s of vulnerability on a critical hit

(No matter how bad a day you're having, poor weather can always make it worse. Same with vulnerability).


-The Bard:

Gain Vigor after delivering a critical strike (with the focus) every 1s. Vigor base cd is 10s.

(I feel like dancing. Do you feel like dancing?)


-The Moot:

20% chance to inflict Blind for 5s every critical hit.

(Prolonged exposure to Disco may cause blindness and possible fever conditions)


-The Predator:

20% chance to gain Fury for 5s every critical hit.

(I mean, it DOES have a very nice scope)



20% chance to inflict Confusion for 5s every critical hit.

(You build Chaos gun from performing a lot of pranks, so it's fitting it deals confusion)



Every time you inflict burning, inflict another stack of burning for 1s.

(Compliments Incinerator, and burn-heavy condi builds get that extra oomph)



Deal 10% more damage during daylight.

(does what it says on the tin)



Deal 10% more damage during the night.




You deal 10% more damage.

(I don't know what else you would have expected)



20% chance to gain 2s of Alacrity on a critical hit.

(With all the time making it, you should be able to make up for it during fights)


-The Binding of Ipos:

Every time you inflict torment, inflict another stack of torment for 1s.

(Demonic lore tome is evil, but not evil enough to be used by revenants)


-Chuka and Champawat:

20% chance to deal 5s of bleeding on critical hit.

(Shortbows tend to be almost exclusively condi-focused weapons, so this fits pretty snugly)


-Claw of the Khan-ur:

20% chance to summon a friendly Charr legionnaire follower to aid you in battle for 60s on critical hit.

(As gen 2 legendary can only be made once and are account-bound, it is impossible to make a 2nd claw for yourself to use on the offhand to stack the bonus)



20% chance to deal 5s of cripple on critical hit.

(I wouldn't want to step on it or the trail it leaves)



20% chance to gain a random boon for 5s on critical hit.

(Considering its properties, random boon variability made the most sense to me, since inflicting random conditions would introduce some weird stacking issues in combat)


-Flames of War:

Kills empower Flames of War. At 25 stacks, any critical hit done with the torch does 200x damage.

(This is a bit iffy with the multiplier, but the basic idea is that after accruing stacks, you can instantly drop any elite or lower level hostile npc of your choosing)


-The HMS Divinity:

10% chance to knock down your enemy on a critical hit

(It's literally a hand-cannon)



Kills empower HOPE. At 25 stacks, your next critical attack turns you invulnerable for 4 seconds.

(Being able to time attacks at max stacks introduces a lot of options for boss content, especially in raids. The time you're invulnerable is definitely up for debate, though as it is very, very powerful.)



20% chance to inflict 5 seconds of poison on a critical hit.

(As with other condi-crit legendaries, the staff has a wide application range, but sees pretty even usage between power and condition abilities. Poison dealing fits especially well on every class for it, since the classes that use staffs and are condi-focused have skills that also deal poison (necro, mesmer,), while classes that feature power-focused abilities aren't necessarily going to using that particular weapon for dealing primarily condi damage (druid, dardevil, guardian, elementalist).



20% chance to inflict 5 seconds of blind on a critical hit.

(assists well with all longbow abilities)



Kills empower Sharur. At 25 stacks, inflict AoE fear for 5s up to 20 targets.

(for real tho; Orr is scary)


-The Shining Blade:

20% chance on critical hit for you to deal a follow-up strike.

(seems a bit underwhelming, but that bonus is for every strike, and so there's a hefty dps increase potential given available sword abilities)



Gain regeneration after a critical strike (with the shield) ever 1s. Regeneration cd is 10s.

(good little bit of healing for tank and support classes)



Each critical hit deals 3s of immobilize with 1s cd, up to 20 targets.

(Being on the business end of this doom tuba is terrifying enough as it is)



20% chance on kill to summon a friendly snake spirit to aid you in battle for 30s.

(same snake spirit currently summoned by the scepter when you use it)


Please discuss, and let me know what you think of the legendary weapon abilities, especially how they'd balance out in open world.

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Legendary gear is supposed to be cosmetic only and at most a QoL upgrade. Not something that would enter a meta.


Giving legendary gear better stats would make them meta.


Legendary gear should remain as a purely optional tier to work towards. Making them meta would make it required and no longer optional.

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You realise that you suggest to make legendaries *twice* as strong an upgrade over Ascended as Ascended is over Exotic? And that is *only* looking at stats, not your proposed unique effects!


I'm *strongly* against anything that would make legendaries mandatory, and *either part* of your suggestion - stat boost *or* the special effect (you're suggestion a straight +10% damage with Eternity for crying out loud!) would absolutely have that consequence!


**Hard** no!

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GW2 was designed to avoid exactly this kind of situation. Anet wanted top tier equipment to be relatively quick and easy to obtain, and then any further progression to be either purely cosmetic or simply new options rather than something better (like getting 1 of each weapon your character can use, it gives you more skills to choose from but doesn't actually make them stronger).


Legendaries were designed with that in mind, it's a long term goal for those who want one but purely cosmetic because you can get the exact same stats from normal ascended gear. Making legendaries stronger than ascended would ruin that and mean that anyone who wants the best stats has to go through all the hassle of getting a full set of legendary equipment.

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>-All Legendary-tier items should be uniquely powerful compared to ascended and exotic-tier items, but not game-breaking.

>-All Legendary-tier items should have an attribute rating of 10% higher than ascended gear beneath it.

basically the same and no

>-All Legendary Weapons should have an individual ability unique to it, which must be self-specific and pve-specific as to avoid unbalancing groups.

hell no

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It's actually something I've thought about too, but Legendaries should not have higher stats than ascended. The unique abilities I agree with, however it should only have those abilities in open world(where it does not matter as much) and not instanced or pvp content.


This is to dissuade elitism for gear in instanced content and too much of unfair advantage in pvp.

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I think the ‘no’ has been really resounding.


Your ideas sound kinda cool. I love the thought you put into the legendary weapon effects. Had the game started there instead of sigils I think it would have been ok.


But as many have noted above, it would create too much of a gear treadmill and make legendary weapons almost a requirement.


There are many that feel that the bump from Exotic to Ascended/Legendary was too much.


But this game was grounded in the (purported) lack of a gear treadmill.

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I really like OPs ideas on a cosmetic level. I'd love it if my Bolt had more lightning effects on the target on just a cosmetic level. Cosmetically these are cool ideas. But I also don't want to see a damage boost in anyway.


But I do think it would be nice if there were some really cool and unique utility infusions that could be put on backpieces. Anet was lazy about utility infusions. They could have been much better.

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"The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. _**We’re talking about ten times damage output.**_ You can’t necessarily put a DPS check that the average player is going to be able to overcome without making the fight entirely trivialized for the hardcore. But we have some tricks up our sleeve that we’re going to be trying." Mike Z, [https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring](http://https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring "https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring")


This game is 7 years old and some people are running around to this day without a clue of how to take advantage of their mechanics or to exploit an enemy mobs weaknesses, new and returning players aside. I can't tell you how many people still just hit skills off cooldown like all those Longbow 4 rangers we hate so much for pushing things out of the way just because the skill is up. I frequently educate players within and without my guild to coach them on how to improve a build or execute certain combinations correctly, or even understand what skills qualify as CC for the purposes of taking down break bars. However, when their understanding on gearing, skills, stats, and general game mechanics *IS improved*, they find that they're much more effective now that they're not playing in a manner that doesn't respect the combat learning curve. People have successfully done raids in blues for goodness sake, lets not say that the only reason they could do it was because of their gear. That said:




While everyone is right that there should not be any more needless power creep, they're wrong to assume that space can't be provided to grow into it or that keeping with the GW2 2012 philosophy *without changing* is the only way forward. That's called stagnation.


Also, Legendaries should be legendarily powerful, not simply offer legendary "service" in the form of the stat swap. Yes it's powerful in its own right, but not in any way that makes them desirable to those who don't play many builds.


The game has long been too easy and it struggles with a reason to merit even ascended quality items. " Whoa whoa! Why would you allow for more power creep if it's already so easy?!" **_This ignores the possibility for Anet to buff enemies_** by making them:


1. Hit harder/faster - take advantage of the increased armor values for ascended & the OP's proposed legendary armor adjustments

2. Be more difficult to damage (not simply armor or health increases) - increase the value of ascended & legendary weapons

2a. Have to be struck by certain conditions/effects/positional to exploit their vulnerabilities - Ex: Giant beetles can only be hit from the front, it makes them unique to deal with. People actually have to be put in front of its charge animation and dodge/block when they notice it or be launched. It demands you pay attention.

3. Introduce damage types like existed in GW1 *beyond simply direct physical damage* - this has so many more implications and I wish they never shied away from it in the first place.

4. Have unique mechanics - Probably my most desired change. More mobs need to have different attack patterns, methods of engagement/disengaging, and more frequent use of their alleged "powers". Why do spiders only poison on their big charge poison spray and not *also* with every other bite? Why do bears and other animals with fangs and claws not inflict bleeding with every other strike? Jacarandas, annoying as they are, at least have multiple ways to interact with the player that provokes interrupts or dodging out of the AoE of their lightning. Even the Canids in Elona are a nice change of for damage and escapability.


I understand there would necessarily be issues in PvP and WvW scenarios for balance reasons, but that's gonna have to be shelved for me.

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> "The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. _**We’re talking about ten times damage output.**_ You can’t necessarily put a DPS check that the average player is going to be able to overcome without making the fight entirely trivialized for the hardcore. But we have some tricks up our sleeve that we’re going to be trying." Mike Z, [https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring](http://https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring "https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring")


> This game is 7 years old and some people are running around to this day without a clue of how to take advantage of their mechanics or to exploit an enemy mobs weaknesses, new and returning players aside. I can't tell you how many people still just hit skills off cooldown like all those Longbow 4 rangers we hate so much for pushing things out of the way just because the skill is up. I frequently educate players within and without my guild to coach them on how to improve a build or execute certain combinations correctly, or even understand what skills qualify as CC for the purposes of taking down break bars. However, when their understanding on gearing, skills, stats, and general game mechanics *IS improved*, they find that they're much more effective now that they're not playing in a manner that doesn't respect the combat learning curve. People have successfully done raids in blues for goodness sake, lets not say that the only reason they could do it was because of their gear. That said:


> # YES


> While everyone is right that there should not be any more needless power creep, they're wrong to assume that space can't be provided to grow into it or that keeping with the GW2 2012 philosophy *without changing* is the only way forward. That's called stagnation.


> Also, Legendaries should be legendarily powerful, not simply offer legendary "service" in the form of the stat swap. Yes it's powerful in its own right, but not in any way that makes them desirable to those who don't play many builds.


> The game has long been too easy and it struggles with a reason to merit even ascended quality items. " Whoa whoa! Why would you allow for more power creep if it's already so easy?!" **_This ignores the possibility for Anet to buff enemies_** by making them:


> 1. Hit harder/faster - take advantage of the increased armor values for ascended & the OP's proposed legendary armor adjustments

> 2. Be more difficult to damage (not simply armor or health increases) - increase the value of ascended & legendary weapons

> 2a. Have to be struck by certain conditions/effects/positional to exploit their vulnerabilities - Ex: Giant beetles can only be hit from the front, it makes them unique to deal with. People actually have to be put in front of its charge animation and dodge/block when they notice it or be launched. It demands you pay attention.

> 3. Introduce damage types like existed in GW1 *beyond simply direct physical damage* - this has so many more implications and I wish they never shied away from it in the first place.

> 4. Have unique mechanics - Probably my most desired change. More mobs need to have different attack patterns, methods of engagement/disengaging, and more frequent use of their alleged "powers". Why do spiders only poison on their big charge poison spray and not *also* with every other bite? Why do bears and other animals with fangs and claws not inflict bleeding with every other strike? Jacarandas, annoying as they are, at least have multiple ways to interact with the player that provokes interrupts or dodging out of the AoE of their lightning. Even the Canids in Elona are a nice change of for damage and escapability.


> I understand there would necessarily be issues in PvP and WvW scenarios for balance reasons, but that's gonna have to be shelved for me.


So your solution to the fact that some people already struggle with the game is to not only make legendaries more powerful so players will feel they have to have them, but also balance everything for players with legendary equipment, so it's even harder for those without it? That just makes the problem even worse.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > "The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. _**We’re talking about ten times damage output.**_ You can’t necessarily put a DPS check that the average player is going to be able to overcome without making the fight entirely trivialized for the hardcore. But we have some tricks up our sleeve that we’re going to be trying." Mike Z, [https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring](http://https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring "https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring")

> >

> > This game is 7 years old and some people are running around to this day without a clue of how to take advantage of their mechanics or to exploit an enemy mobs weaknesses, new and returning players aside. I can't tell you how many people still just hit skills off cooldown like all those Longbow 4 rangers we hate so much for pushing things out of the way just because the skill is up. I frequently educate players within and without my guild to coach them on how to improve a build or execute certain combinations correctly, or even understand what skills qualify as CC for the purposes of taking down break bars. However, when their understanding on gearing, skills, stats, and general game mechanics *IS improved*, they find that they're much more effective now that they're not playing in a manner that doesn't respect the combat learning curve. People have successfully done raids in blues for goodness sake, lets not say that the only reason they could do it was because of their gear. That said:

> >

> > # YES

> >

> > While everyone is right that there should not be any more needless power creep, they're wrong to assume that space can't be provided to grow into it or that keeping with the GW2 2012 philosophy *without changing* is the only way forward. That's called stagnation.

> >

> > Also, Legendaries should be legendarily powerful, not simply offer legendary "service" in the form of the stat swap. Yes it's powerful in its own right, but not in any way that makes them desirable to those who don't play many builds.

> >

> > The game has long been too easy and it struggles with a reason to merit even ascended quality items. " Whoa whoa! Why would you allow for more power creep if it's already so easy?!" **_This ignores the possibility for Anet to buff enemies_** by making them:

> >

> > 1. Hit harder/faster - take advantage of the increased armor values for ascended & the OP's proposed legendary armor adjustments

> > 2. Be more difficult to damage (not simply armor or health increases) - increase the value of ascended & legendary weapons

> > 2a. Have to be struck by certain conditions/effects/positional to exploit their vulnerabilities - Ex: Giant beetles can only be hit from the front, it makes them unique to deal with. People actually have to be put in front of its charge animation and dodge/block when they notice it or be launched. It demands you pay attention.

> > 3. Introduce damage types like existed in GW1 *beyond simply direct physical damage* - this has so many more implications and I wish they never shied away from it in the first place.

> > 4. Have unique mechanics - Probably my most desired change. More mobs need to have different attack patterns, methods of engagement/disengaging, and more frequent use of their alleged "powers". Why do spiders only poison on their big charge poison spray and not *also* with every other bite? Why do bears and other animals with fangs and claws not inflict bleeding with every other strike? Jacarandas, annoying as they are, at least have multiple ways to interact with the player that provokes interrupts or dodging out of the AoE of their lightning. Even the Canids in Elona are a nice change of for damage and escapability.

> >

> > I understand there would necessarily be issues in PvP and WvW scenarios for balance reasons, but that's gonna have to be shelved for me.


> So your solution to the fact that some people already struggle with the game is to not only make legendaries more powerful so players will feel they have to have them, but also balance everything for players with legendary equipment, so it's even harder for those without it? That just makes the problem even worse.


There's a fundamental disconnect with what I'm saying and what you chose to take out of it. There's more going on in this one topic than simply "the gear". This touches everything from the GW2 reward structure and what it focuses upon, to tutorials for new players, player learning/growth resources and their availability, and finally what Anet considers end-game content. And for the record, I would like to see my list changes for the game as it currently exists, completely aside from the proposed changes from the OP.


However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.


People struggling with the game wasn't even a topic expanded on until I brought it up. The game doesn't take any significant steps towards showing new players what to expect from their professions or from combat in general. It is first the game's responsibility to show what is possible and it *then* becomes the players responsibility to be curious and take initiative. If the player chooses not to do so, so be it.





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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.


You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.


They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.


This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.


The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.


I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.


> You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.


> They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.


Yes, I necessarily realize that they're contrary to their core philosophy - I'm specifically saying that clinging to the same philosophy for as long as they have may have had unintended consequences. The gear ceiling in GW2 is easy to hit. Even if you just play PvE and all of its faceroll content you can get them with ease. If you play the other game modes in addition, then it's 2-3 fold easier since you can use all of those mode-specific currencies to acquire ascended.


I have 18 characters, each with a full set of ascended and 2-3 of them have an extra set sitting in their inventory. Some have legendary weapons. But none have legendary armor. I stopped at 57ish legendary insights and am always on the fence about whether or not I want to continue on them since all my ascended is just as good. Mystic forge stat swapping is barely an inconvenience if I want to do a different build. At this point I'd only want them for their cosmetics, but the more I think about it I lose more and more interest in them.


What's the point? Why get legendary beyond its appearance or QoL? There is none.


> This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.


And that's a problem why exactly? Because of this?


> The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.


> I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.


If people are worried about bullying and absurd gear checks, I don't see that as being relevant here. If anything, people post trophies from raid bosses as "kill proof" to show them they've done the bosses before. As I mentioned, raids can be done in gear as common as blues if you're worried that community standards will fall, that's on the community for deciding to go a certain way.




Let me level with you. I'm just a player sitting at the edge of every release because that's about all I can do. Between new content in PvE and whatever farming I do I'm just in WvW or PvP. But I play everything. Every game mode, and let me just say there's not a whole lot to work on, so I welcome a goal. I welcome something to chase after. Most of the things I see right now don't move me in any capacity. So I'm just here waiting for new things to do, new content, new _anything_ really. I don't see much in the way of longterms goals that mean anything and that's my problem here - in addition with the game simply being too easy.

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.

> >

> > You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.

> >

> > They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.


> Yes, I necessarily realize that they're contrary to their core philosophy - I'm specifically saying that clinging to the same philosophy for as long as they have may have had unintended consequences. The gear ceiling in GW2 is easy to hit. Even if you just play PvE and all of its faceroll content you can get them with ease. If you play the other game modes in addition, then it's 2-3 fold easier since you can use all of those mode-specific currencies to acquire ascended.


> I have 18 characters, each with a full set of ascended and 2-3 of them have an extra set sitting in their inventory. Some have legendary weapons. But none have legendary armor. I stopped at 57ish legendary insights and am always on the fence about whether or not I want to continue on them since all my ascended is just as good. Mystic forge stat swapping is barely an inconvenience if I want to do a different build. At this point I'd only want them for their cosmetics, but the more I think about it I lose more and more interest in them.


> What's the point? Why get legendary beyond its appearance or QoL? There is none.


> > This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.


> And that's a problem why exactly? Because of this?


> > The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.


> > I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.


> If people are worried about bullying and absurd gear checks, I don't see that as being relevant here. If anything, people post trophies from raid bosses as "kill proof" to show them they've done the bosses before. As I mentioned, raids can be done in gear as common as blues if you're worried that community standards will fall, that's on the community for deciding to go a certain way.


> ---------------


> Let me level with you. I'm just a player sitting at the edge of every release because that's about all I can do. Between new content in PvE and whatever farming I do I'm just in WvW or PvP. But I play everything. Every game mode, and let me just say there's not a whole lot to work on, so I welcome a goal. I welcome something to chase after. Most of the things I see right now don't move me in any capacity. So I'm just here waiting for new things to do, new content, new _anything_ really. I don't see much in the way of longterms goals that mean anything and that's my problem here - in addition with the game simply being too easy.


1. I don't raid. I don't have the attention span to really learn a rotation. I should mention that I main an Elementalist. I'm just fine with not getting legendary armor due to this as I believe that raids should have some reward that is appropriately better given their difficulty compared to other content in the game. I also didn't bring up raids at all, so not sure why you're making it a point to mention to me that they can be done in blues like I missed it the first time.

2. I have no problems getting into groups when I choose to do so. I stay out of the ones that look like they are looking for the pros or are trying to speedrun. And ask if it's not clear. And I start my own if I can't find one and don't want to wait for someone to start one. I think people PUGing have every right to have requirements for who joins them. Even if they are ridiculous and super specific. I don't think there is a huge bullying problem with PUG's.

3. I have come to realize that in most games that don't have a definite "win" point that I need a long term goal to work on while I play what I want or directly to get it. This goal needs to not be something that's part of the meta as I like to run meta as it increases the pool of groups I can join. I like that I can decide that I want to work towards gearing up a new character in ascended without feeling like I'm hurting the character I'm getting the legendary gear for.

4. I do get that you need a goal that's not just a small carrot, but it would turn me off of the game if there were no long term small carrot goals like what legendary gear currently is.


I do hope you find a goal that works for you, but hope that you also realize that for many of us that this is the only game out there where the long term goals are cosmetic and QoL based and not with it being fully gearing out our characters in max tier gear.

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