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Poll: Build Templates

Miss Lana.5276

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I'm a Gw1 player so i'm not particularly happy with the idea of a previously FREE! feature becoming monitized in the sequel game.


That said however I kinda get it.. at least in terms of the gear slots anyway.

But the build templates should absolutely be free!.. at least the storage ones anyway.

I'm fine with the active build template slots being limited and the option to buy more.. that's fine but storage.. no! I should be able to store as many builds as I like without any charge, just like I could in Gw1!


All that said.. i'm hearing that the active build templates will be based on character not account so if that is indeed true then I honestly don't care all that much.

I'd rather make alt characters for different builds than build swap anyway and i'm going to continue doing so after the update.

I will probably buy some build storage slots to store more builds providing they are fairly priced but I will not be buying active slots at all.

800 gems for 3 storage slots is way too much, 600 is pushing it but acceptable when a sale hits, 400 gems would be my preferred price but anything above 800 gems is an instant black list for me and I will consider them a rip off and never buy them.

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The following string is for equipment templates for a very similar game made by a superior company. It is called Guild Wars and is made by Arenanet. This string told the game what type of armor/weapon your character would equip, but also its sigil rune and inscription. And it was stored client side, so i could have as many as i wanted. So after build a full set of legendary armor, runes, and sigils, why can i not have the same system as guild war 1.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > It would be fine if i could enable it fully for 10€. They will most likely charge that per slot. Also can anyone explain the use of an account wide storage? that one just seems useless.

> > It seems to exist solely for the build exchange between players (so you can look up someone else's build without changing to that class). For actual use of templates you will need the per-character slots.

> >


> iirc a dev said you cant share gear templates

I was talking about account-wide build template slots. Those _can_ be shared.


> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> It's fine; they need cash to pay the bills.

So do I. To paraphrase someone's argument, I'm not running a charity here either.



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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand


> Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.

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Templates were a free addition in GW1, it did not add virtual equipment slots, it was just a way to equip a list of stuff and skills on the char, which is what a template should do, nothing more nothing less. The whole thing was just a string with a mass skill/equipment swap function to process it.

You could store 550 templates in a folder and you could create subfolders. They were text files stored on the client folder.


I don't understand how we went from that to 6 templates in gw2.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Now, you say you don't get paid for your work if it doesn't sell. Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either. This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


> @"Kanok.3027" said:

>Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either. This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


> @"Kanok.3027" said:

>This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


> @"Kanok.3027" said:

>Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


> @"Kanok.3027" said:

>I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


Interesting. Not biased whatsoever, though right? Someone who barely used arctemplates doesn't mind even though the rest of us with 5 or more, some of us 7 or more, some of us 10 or more, personally I have over 20 on my ele main, will need to spend $$$$$$$ to get back the functionality that was just taken from us.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> I'm fine with this. If I need additional slots, I can either use my debit card, or farm gold. Either way, I'm covered. People want everything for free, but forget that Anet is still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort. If people really want to moan about it, perhaps Anet shouldn't even release this content because people are just going to meow and moan that they shouldn't gotten it all for free anyway, since day 1. Believe me, I saw the Twitter post and the amount of entitled posts about how it should have been free from day one with unlimited slots and so on was headache-inducing.


> You don't want to use the new build/equipment templates out of some misplaced principal? Fine, however, don't be surprised if arcdps's build templates don't work anymore (and no, not because Anet is going to disable that). I read what deltaconnected says and they said they aren't really going to be supporting build templates much longer, if at all, after release of the official so offset the workload. If you blame Anet for arcdps build templates not working after release because delta doesn't want to work on them anymore, which is understandable, then that's on you. People were already talking about how Anet is somehow going to disable the ability to run arcdps...even though they've never made any plans to do so. The amount of tinfoil hats being made is staggering.


> Either way, I'm looking forward to this. Fully support it. Don't like it? Don't use it.


Agreed. :)

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Unless they do something better with balance and desirability of other specs it's a feature I don't see myself using. No need. They've ruined the game with e-specs and trait line bloat. Thanks to their tinkering -taking away from core and giving to e-specs in order to drive expansion sales they've reduced most trait lines to a state where most only have one(two would be stretching it for most) worthwhile adept, master, and grandmaster traits per line.


Even if you're the laziest and slowest of clickers it's not rocket science or even particularly tedious to change a spec on the fly. This might have been appreciated before the worst of the damage was done leading up to Heart of Thorns but now?


At any other time, under other circumstances perhaps, I'd have been upset at being money-grubbed for something that should have been a basic feature. Now it's more a matter of, 'Ohhhmygod... don't care.'


~~That said I understand it will be a welcome change for some- especially those few playing SPvP who will want to change specs and gearing quickly before the beginning of a match. More power to them, because even with such a feature their chosen game mode is so deep in the hole that something is better than nothing- even if they're going to be nickled and dimed to enjoy something that's received next to no attention in forever for the worst of its problems.~~


Edit: Never mind it. SPvP won't be getting these. Worthless change. Literally so.

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I could not care less about build templates. Most veterans have multiple characters setup with specific builds. This feature is primarily useful for players with legendary weapons, armor, runes and trinkets, so 0.00001% of player base.


As for them costing gems. It is basically gold. As long as at least 2 available for free, I do not think it is an issue at all. 1 will be too stingy from Anet. If it is zero however, that would be bullshit.

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> @"solemn.9608" said:

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > Now, you say you don't get paid for your work if it doesn't sell. Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either. This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.

> ~

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> >Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either. This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.

> ~

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> >This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.

> ~

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> >Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.

> ~

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> >I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them.


> Interesting. Not biased whatsoever, though right? Someone who barely used arctemplates doesn't mind even though the rest of us with 5 or more, some of us 7 or more, some of us 10 or more, personally I have over 20 on my ele main, will need to spend $$$$$$$ to get back the functionality that was just taken from us.


If we are going to used the ''biased or not'' card , then we should remembers some players that whined about the 60 dollars HoT (too high cost) .

Spouting that the company lied to them and didnt offer a ''extra baseline GW2(30 euros) (to use the Daily Logins) with each new HoT acount bought ''.


If Arcdps is deleted from the person who created it , a new person who has the same mad-programing skills will reimplanted it or create new for free

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Came back to read some responses and I see people saying these will somehow make legendary gear clunky or won't stat swap quickly and I'm genuinely confused how they came to that conclusion...?


"Equipment Templates can also record the customization of legendary items, which can freely change attributes and upgrades. You can equip a single legendary item to multiple Equipment Templates with different attributes and upgrade choices for each."

Did they miss this? ^

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> @"solemn.9608" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand

> >

> > Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

> A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

> They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

> It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.


It's more than that, this isn't as simple as just a mod, is a rework to some core features of the hero pannel.

The 3 free templates each character will have are replacing the current 3 templates already in the game for PvE, PvP and WvW builds and we'll be able to use all 3 of them for any game mode we choose to.

By all means use mods if that's your preference, but some of us are unwilling to risk our accounts using 3rd party software like that on MMO's.

People asked for an official system in the game and now we're getting it, can't be mad about that when this is what a lot of people wanted and constantly asked for.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand

> > >

> > > Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

> > A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

> > They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

> > It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.


> It's more than that, this isn't as simple as just a mod, is a rework to some core features of the hero pannel.

> The 3 free templates each character will have are replacing the current 3 templates already in the game for PvE, PvP and WvW builds and we'll be able to use all 3 of them for any game mode we choose to.

> By all means use mods if that's your preference, but some of us are unwilling to risk our accounts using 3rd party software like that on MMO's.

> People asked for an official system in the game and now we're getting it, can't be mad about that when this is what a lot of people wanted and constantly asked for.


I don't think you CAN risk your account by using a simple .dll. I have never analyzed any of the gw2 code or files so I don't know for sure, but even a game made in 2012 should have been made by professionals that are able to make a d3d9.dll not have access to your password, for instance. So this is a moot point, especially because the distributor of said .dll file has so far been trustworthy and no such issues have been reported.


Same with WoW add-ons , you risk very little by using them.

Just because a large group of people were misinformed doesn't mean they weren't misinformed.


> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> Came back to read some responses and I see people saying these will somehow make legendary gear clunky or won't stat swap quickly and I'm genuinely confused how they came to that conclusion...?


> "Equipment Templates can also record the customization of legendary items, which can freely change attributes and upgrades. You can equip a single legendary item to multiple Equipment Templates with different attributes and upgrade choices for each."

> Did they miss this? ^


+1. They must have missed that. I was happy to read this in the announcement, at least.


> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> If we are going to used the ''biased or not'' card , then we should remembers some players that whined about the 60 dollars HoT (too high cost) .

> Spouting that the company lied to them and didnt offer a ''extra baseline GW2(30 euros) (to use the Daily Logins) with each new HoT acount bought ''.


> If Arcdps is deleted from the person who created it , a new person who has the same mad-programing skills will reimplanted it or create new for free


Somewhat of a strawman argument but I guess .. didn't they go back on that decision and offer customer appreciation packages bc they knew their players were upset about it?

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand

> > >

> > > Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

> > A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

> > They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

> > It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.


> It's more than that, this isn't as simple as just a mod, is a rework to some core features of the hero pannel.

> The 3 free templates each character will have are replacing the current 3 templates already in the game for PvE, PvP and WvW builds and we'll be able to use all 3 of them for any game mode we choose to.

> By all means use mods if that's your preference, but some of us are unwilling to risk our accounts using 3rd party software like that on MMO's.

> People asked for an official system in the game and now we're getting it, can't be mad about that when this is what a lot of people wanted and constantly asked for.


No it is simple. I'm the first to say when stuff is not as easy as people make it to be, like rework of netcode or balancing or modifying the core of the engine.


But a template interface is easy, more so especially because there are already 3 existing templates lying dormant. Coders are 2 things : smart, lazy. If they need to do something 3 times, they build a design pattern (I know I would) so that they only design it once and don't touch it if they need to add more later. That means those 3 builds templates are part of a collection of instances (and don't say they might not, it's insulting our profession, I refuse to think someone working at a.net is going to dirty code that kind of stuff, especially on a project that big). So pushing N templates would be the exact same as they already did with those 3. All the underlying functions should already be built and the only thing they need to do is rework the UI to add tabs or lists for the graphical display of those collections and button for saving and loading (because the functions are already there, they are saved when you move a skill or an item in the templates we already have).


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> @"sajah varel.9261" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand

> > > >

> > > > Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

> > > A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

> > > They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

> > > It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.

> >

> > It's more than that, this isn't as simple as just a mod, is a rework to some core features of the hero pannel.

> > The 3 free templates each character will have are replacing the current 3 templates already in the game for PvE, PvP and WvW builds and we'll be able to use all 3 of them for any game mode we choose to.

> > By all means use mods if that's your preference, but some of us are unwilling to risk our accounts using 3rd party software like that on MMO's.

> > People asked for an official system in the game and now we're getting it, can't be mad about that when this is what a lot of people wanted and constantly asked for.


> No it is simple. I'm the first to say when stuff is not as easy as people make it to be, like rework of netcode or balancing or modifying the core of the engine.


> But a template interface is easy, more so especially because there are already 3 existing templates lying dormant. Coders are 2 things : smart, lazy. If they need to do something 3 times, they build a design pattern (I know I would). That means those 3 builds templates are part of a collection of instances (and don't say they might not, it's insulting our profession, I refuse to think someone working at a.net is going to dirty code that kind of stuff, especially on a project that big). So pushing N templates would be the exact same as they already did with those 3. All the underlying functions should already be built and the only thing they need to do is rework the UI to add tabs or lists for the graphical display of those collections and button for saving and loading (because the functions are already there, they are saved when you move a skill or an item in the templates we already have).




I don't have as much exp in the field as I'm still a student so I couldn't say it quite as well. Thank you

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> @"solemn.9608" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > > another thing I want to ask. There are addons for GW2 that do Build Templates, so why is this taking so long to add in GW2? That is what I dont understand

> > > >

> > > > Because this is ingrained into the very game itself as a feature not the same as a mod.

> > > A build template program for a video game is not the hardest thing to code.

> > > They knew it already existed and chose to monetize their own.

> > > It's shady and forces us to use their option when we were fine without it.

> >

> > It's more than that, this isn't as simple as just a mod, is a rework to some core features of the hero pannel.

> > The 3 free templates each character will have are replacing the current 3 templates already in the game for PvE, PvP and WvW builds and we'll be able to use all 3 of them for any game mode we choose to.

> > By all means use mods if that's your preference, but some of us are unwilling to risk our accounts using 3rd party software like that on MMO's.

> > People asked for an official system in the game and now we're getting it, can't be mad about that when this is what a lot of people wanted and constantly asked for.


> I don't think you CAN risk your account by using a simple .dll. I have never analyzed any of the gw2 code or files so I don't know for sure, but even a game made in 2012 should have been made by professionals that are able to make a d3d9.dll not have access to your password, for instance. So this is a moot point, especially because the distributor of said .dll file has so far been trustworthy and no such issues have been reported.


> Same with WoW add-ons , you risk very little by using them.

> Just because a large group of people were misinformed doesn't mean they weren't misinformed.


> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > Came back to read some responses and I see people saying these will somehow make legendary gear clunky or won't stat swap quickly and I'm genuinely confused how they came to that conclusion...?

> >

> > "Equipment Templates can also record the customization of legendary items, which can freely change attributes and upgrades. You can equip a single legendary item to multiple Equipment Templates with different attributes and upgrade choices for each."

> > Did they miss this? ^


> +1. They must have missed that. I was happy to read this in the announcement, at least.


> > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > If we are going to used the ''biased or not'' card , then we should remembers some players that whined about the 60 dollars HoT (too high cost) .

> > Spouting that the company lied to them and didnt offer a ''extra baseline GW2(30 euros) (to use the Daily Logins) with each new HoT acount bought ''.

> >

> > If Arcdps is deleted from the person who created it , a new person who has the same mad-programing skills will reimplanted it or create new for free


> Somewhat of a strawman argument but I guess .. didn't they go back on that decision and offer customer appreciation packages bc they knew their players were upset about it?


I can name some ppl , that hop from thread to thread and cling to any excuse/reason , so the company reduces HoT price :)))

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I haven’t been ever disappointed with gw2, but this frustrates me like nothing before. The number one priority feature I wanted for the game and then it is executed in this way.

I will try to give two points feedback without much tainting with emotions, but it is hard.


* Why the monetization feels so out of place is, that this feature is a QOL feature on the scale of “open all” or “salvage all”. That we now have to pay for a comparing feature, it simply feels awful.

* But the main point is, why is it executed the way it is? In my opinion in the worst possibly way to design this feature. The point is, if I understand it right, the new equipment slots are nothing more but bagslots. So more or less the same situation we have now. For me the best way to have implemented this would have been an unlock of gear per character (or account). The template slots would only overwrite the stats and runes of your current gear. This way every piece of gear unlocked for the character would have been added value with incredible easy access to it. The way it is now, the gear templates won’t do this. Your inventory will still be flooded with gear. I can’t imagine that there will be enough templates slots for every available stat, nor that getting enough will be possible from the standpoints of costs reasonably. So, every time the meta shifts we will have gear that will lose its value and will be moved out of the gear slots to update your builds. So, inventory wars will continue to prevail. We will continue having gear corpses in our banks and on our characters. Even if this changes everything, underlying there is not much change at all.


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> @"Mithos.9023" said:


> * Why the monetization feels so out of place is, that this feature is a QOL feature on the scale of “open all” or “salvage all”. That we now have to pay for a comparing feature, it simply feels awful.


I'd relate it more to additional crafting licences than something like open/salvage all.




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