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If they were free & unlimited, how many Build Template tabs would you use on your most played char?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > > > There isn't much reason right now to use them the way the game is designed, at least in PvE. The main thing is switching between condi, power, or support. So, 3? But you can always just use more alts, which have a lot of other benefits.

> > > >

> > > > My support chrono has 30+

> > >

> > > For what? Every single utility and single trait switch out?

> >

> > For each boss 2 (if we have chrono, ren, fb or double chrono)

> >

> > And most bosses have diferent build, and for bosses where tank and second chrono do something else (like dhuum) there is another one

> >

> > Edit:Oh, build does notinclude gear? Then maybe I can get away with 15. I have 30+ gear templates


> Yet even more reason why I'll never raid.


That is not required but I like to minmax. One or two builds are perfectly fine for raids. I just like to do things efficient

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I think 3 for WvW and 3 for PVE is enough for me. Depends on the class since on some I do more WvW and on some more PVE. I don't raid. These would be switching between the class specializations, mayor traits. For example on my ele I would have S/D weaver roamer, Staff weaver big AOE dmg and support tempest. Maybe also F/S tempest roamer. For small adaptations in gear or traits I can live with changing them manually.

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Needs an "other" option. As in I have no idea! I don't alter builds very often at all. Maybe swap out portal for feedback depending on whether I am in a jp or combat situation. I went through all my alts yesterday to closely examine their builds in light of the balance changes; I think I changed one trait (not line, individual tier trait) on each of maybe three of them, and these are builds I've had for years. Nothing that needs a whole template change.


But with easy changing I might start experimenting more. Get a power/condi choice, double up the elites on one alt, etc. Plus there's RP potential in being able to set up a tab with alternate clothing that needn't be combat quality, and perhaps I'd want a few such "costumes." So could be I'll want all the things. I won't know if I need/want more than the default slots until it's released and I've had a chance to use it for a bit.

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I'm not going to touch it with a 10' pole until I get some clarification on the gear. From what I understand when you use it and store the gear, it basically becomes Soulbound and can't be used on another character that can wear that gear. So if I did that I would lose my Legendary gear and weapons to one character.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > > > There isn't much reason right now to use them the way the game is designed, at least in PvE. The main thing is switching between condi, power, or support. So, 3? But you can always just use more alts, which have a lot of other benefits.

> > > >

> > > > My support chrono has 30+

> > >

> > > For what? Every single utility and single trait switch out?

> >

> > For each boss 2 (if we have chrono, ren, fb or double chrono)

> >

> > And most bosses have diferent build, and for bosses where tank and second chrono do something else (like dhuum) there is another one

> >

> > Edit:Oh, build does notinclude gear? Then maybe I can get away with 15. I have 30+ gear templates


> Yet even more reason why I'll never raid.


You could absolutely raid with just 1 build (swapping out a utility skill every now and then if you really wanna be efficient) and be just fine, having a specific build for every boss is just trying to min/max

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They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored. It's the same reason why we can't have unlimited bag, bank, and material storage increases. They can increase the max amount of build/gear slots later (like they've done with everything else).


I can understand people being disappointed with the amount of free slots we'll get. But it isn't reasonable to expect them to let us have as many as we want (free+gem store purchases). They have to store all the data somehow.

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Just because I don’t need 10+ builds doesn’t mean that this isn’t poorly done. There should be free (or one time payment) unlimited templates players can store on their own computers and paid templates (cost dependent on number of templates) where players can store their templates on Anet's servers.


If I were one of the players who used Arc and had dozens of builds, this would make me quit. Anet handled this extremely poorly.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> 4-6 is being a big generous for me i would use roughly 3 for sure and maybe a 4th or super off non meta builds it would be my "play build" when i want to test new things after balance patches etc.


Yeah, this exactly. I have a few that I'd want to easilt swap between, but never so many that I'd need more than 4 at most.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> My 25 characters are unitaskers. Created and designed for a single role each.


Same here. I only have 4 characters with more than 1 build. If you have more than 3 sets of gear on 1 character, you must have spent a fortune on storage. So do not scream you need 50 build templates for free.

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My Guardians Arc templates currently are,

DH Power DPS (Raids/Fractals), FB condition DPS (Raids), Condition Quickbrand (Raids), Power Quickbrand (Fractals), Harrier Healbrand (Raids), Harrier/Magi Healbrand (Fractals), different versions for Virtues and Radiance for Healbrand, Minstrel Tank Healbrand (Raids), Open World FB (OW), Zerg FB (WvW), Roaming FB (WvW), Core Guard (PvP/WvW), Sup Bunker FB (PvP), Hybrid FB (PvP), are some of the essentials, plus about 5-8 more very niche builds/fun other therorycrafted builds I sometimes play and iterate on, making it about 20.


Other characters vary from 3-10, depending on how much I play them and things like whether legendary Armor is on those characters as well.


Plus as a build maker and Therorycrafter in general, I like the ability of just being able to put together a new build and save it as it is currently with Arc, to come back to it later to test and iterate on, without having to shell out gems for an additional slot for something that might not pan out as build, or just be a fun little project to mess around with in Open World/WvW for a few days.


Considering that's actually a lot of what I do, and often the sole reason to even enter open world for me, paid and therefor limited Templates is definitely going to cut into my playtime as well as overall enjoyment of the game, especially after having had access to free and unlimited templates since over 2 years already with Arc.


> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > My 25 characters are unitaskers. Created and designed for a single role each.


> Same here. I only have 4 characters with more than 1 build. If you have more than 3 sets of gear on 1 character, you must have spent a fortune on storage. So do not scream you need 50 build templates for free.


You must have spend a fortune on character slots then, but no, having Legendary Armor on all frequently played characters makes this quite comfortable. Many builds also share stats, at least on trinkets, and just need some adjustment of stats on legendary armor and different Runes.

Having 20 builds with just 1-2 invisible 20 slot bag holding all the Trinkets and Weapons and such is quite feasible, and imo much preferred over making 20 characters of that profession.


Even if we spent a fortune on storage, we already did that and it's not like we are getting that back, to now spend a fortune again on templates we had free until then since years, while invalidating those past purchases.


But I'm glad that this change and business model doesn't screw you over personally.

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Doing end-game content requires preparation, and that means a significant amount of downtime. Unless everyone in the group has full-on legendary everything and are using ArcDPS build templates, *there will be waiting time*. That's more than enough time for me to switch gears and traits depending on the role I'll be in. I don't really see any good reason to use more than 3 templates.

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> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.


They are unlimited in the original Guild Wars.


Each build is basically a string of text with a given title, and those are stored locally. While it's not infinite (I guess one could make so many thousands of text files that the game would have trouble opening the entire list), it's basically unlimited (and really, doesn't take a significant amount of space).


For builds (and not gear), ArenaNet has already said that players can transfer them between themselves using basically a string of text, so looks like the same principles apply in GW2 that worked on the original Guild Wars. Thus, asking for unlimited build slots sounds very reasonable - just store them locally, not on ArenaNet's side.


When talking about equipment slots, though, then I agree with you - those should be limited and monetized, since they're basically inventory slots with some extra capabilities.



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My most played character is an Engineer. Lack of Weapon Swap means I will have to double the number of build templates and/or equipment templates I would have to use compared to other classes, except for Elementalist. Anet needs to discount slots for Build Templates and Equipment Templates for Engineer and Elementalist OR give those two classes Out-of-Combat Weapon Swap. Complaints about Revenant gave them in-combat weapon swaps, so I don't think an Out-of-Combat weapon swap is an unreasonable request.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.

> And yet Arc templates managed to do just that. Magic?

> (hint: no, it does not need to be stored serverside)




Well, the actual item object still has to be stored, but that's just inventory slots.

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