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Would you keep playing a game that ACTIVELY makes your experience worse just to charge you money ?


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.


I strongly disagree with this statement. As a pretty casual player I didn't even know third party addons for builds existed and I felt pretty neutral regarding this build template feature. But since it went live it became clear that it is a huge step backwards (apart from the constant crashes even after 3 additional patches). I usually play PVE and a bit of WvW and would have been perfectly fine if what I had stayed the way it is. But hey - now my WvW build is gone and I realize they did not "gift" 3 build slots, they replaced the build choices we had for PVE and WVW with this new system and guess what - it also doesn't automatically switch anymore when you go between PVE, PVP and WvW.


So I am now expected to use these new templates and manually switch them every time I want to play the other game mode? How can you call that a "boon"? We had the same 3 build templates before and they automatically switched between game modes, now that's what I call a feature. But maybe that is something that is planned to come in the future as a gem store addon, you'd never know.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Translation:

> "Dear ArenaNet:

> I don't like paying money for features because I feel like you're selling me the solutions to problems you created. I also want everyone to sympathize with me while I throw a tantrum, but I don't want it to look like I'm throwing a tantrum, so I'll frame it as information-gathering.

> plz nerf."


" I don't like paying money for features because I feel like you're selling me the solutions to problems you created."


This part is so valid that the rest of the translation is forgivable.

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Over the last 4 years this game has degraded a lot.. communities, game mechanics, Crazy mobile style gaming, ridiculous amounts of currencies and over bearing cash shop.. Its not really the GW2 i purchased at release..


I guess i'll play till it gets too much then take another 4 year break. As it is i can't see me being here long.

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No. And just as many other people have retorted with, thank Dwayna GW2 isn't like that.


I'll agree that it would be nice if you could set a build for a certain game mode so it auto switches like it use to, but that's probably something they'll look into now that people keep pointing it out. But for me at least? Whenever I wanted to play WvW I had to switch to all completely different gear. So I honestly don't care that I now have to hit 2 keybinds to switch gear and build because compared to before it was what? 32 clicks to right click equip all the gear pieces? So yeah.

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LOL some crazy poll you've got there. These new templates added a LOT to my game. I was able to make about 70g selling off invisible bags that I no longer needed. I can flip between builds and gear sets easily now. This is fantastic. Sorry about your third party addon mod not working anymore, but your third party addon mod was doomed from the day your started using it. Acting all sad that the inevitable disabling of your third party addon mod and its hacked DLL files has finally happened isn't useful.

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> @"Vash.2386" said:

> > @"Brandon Uzumaki.1524" said:

> > Anet already said that PvP will have a separate build template, this stuff that is happenning is probably some bug since the PvP template is not implemeted and is conflicting with the PvE/WvW one, tough i hope they don't try to sell templates on PvP, not PvP of all places lol.

> > Dunno, maybe sending a ticket or a bug report could help solve this (if it is indeed a bug/conflict), guess that's too hard to do.


> I jumped into pvp as soon as the patch hit, I didn't bother checking my build or even equipment because I assumed it was the same. Game started and I was like what kitten is this madness...... lesson learned. Very disappointed in this implementation of their templates.


same, i usually go do other things after clicking Accept to pvp match til the match starts, and i queue from PvE

then i finds out, oh fuck the patch screwed me over :lol:


luckily my team was overall more collaborative and won

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it has always been like that. e.g. if you play pve storyline, your inventory gets flushed with all sort of items so fast that you need more inventory and bankspace quickly. this is not coincidently happening, thats by intended design to drive the herds to buy the solution to a targetly created problem.


heres more examples


buy inventory and bankspace - the solution to a targetly designed problem.

no proper items in loot - buy them in the gemstore

ultra rare drops which sell for couple of thousand gold - use creditcard for gems to gold and buy

new player? some maps are locked behind episode story - buy access to special maps.

salvaging loot requires to always buy salvaging tool - buy one permanent tool in the store

more classes available than character slots - buy more slots

collecting resources requires to buy limited tools always - buy permanent tool in the store

want to savely get runes and sogils out of a weapon - buy extractors in the store


the game is targetly designed to cause the players problems to incentivize the usage of cash. entertainment is not the priority.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

> > > >

> > > > **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

> > > >

> > > > Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

> > >

> > > So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

> > I'm with Ashantara. Never used ARC, still more hassle now with the new system.

> >

> > Before:

> > PvE -> PvP and back: zero clicks

> > PvE -> WvW and back: one weapon change from inventory

> >

> > Now:

> > PvE -> any other mode and back: Need to change both build and gear manually

> >

> > Edit: To answer the OP: I'll keep playing, but I surely won't spend any money on those "features". Using alts seems to be the better option still, what a shame really. What a waste of a feature.


> For the builds I'm going to guess you have to change it manually because you haven't bothered to save templates for each of those modes that you want...or don't want to use the templates they gave you pre-setup? I mean, you should be able to have the templates set up for each mode and just switch between them.

What...? Maybe stop assuming things and read what I've written?

For my main, I have template 1 as PvE setup, template 2 for sPvP, template 3 for WvW.

So that's exactly like the hidden templates before.

Before, they switched automatically when we changed gamemodes. Now I have to switch them manually. So, more clicks. That's all.


> For the equipment, because you're using one set of Legendary gear for each mode and have it set up differently for each mode and you can't save those setups in templates happens to be the case why it needs to be done manually?

Again, stop guessing please. As I have written, the only change I need is one weapon swap between PvE and WvW. No special legendary setup involved.

Before the change, I did this via inventory. Now I did set up an actual gear template for WvW, but still have to click through the menues, so no real progress here.


I only answered to a question if there's more clicking now than before. And there is. Obviously.

For characters that I use in only one game mode I can actually have a few "build templates" now, which is nice. Swapping between healing and DPS for different phases of one event is something I couldn't do before. But those are alts I don't play that much.

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Never have stayed around games I find unenjoyable.

Many who read these forums know posters however who just have not had a good thing to say about the game from release. They are slapping us in the face, they are stealing my money for this shiny, on and on. Fortunately most people learn to accept these people as not really being relevant, so all good.

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Said "yes" only because this is an incredibly biased poll, to say I don't think this feature has inherently made the game worse and thus will continue to play the game for the foreseeable future. As a casual PvE player and roleplayer it has been immensely useful to me; before I would only ever use one set of armor and weapons for the most part, because as a roleplayer for example my Norn Daredvil and Human Deadeye are different people with different fighting styles. Its rather nice I can take another set of weapon and armors to play around with now, especially now that I'm starting to become interested in Raids and Fractals and want to explore them, so I can now have my casual PvE roleplaying gear I use when doing stuff with my friends in the open world and world boss rushes, and now perhaps something else for when I want to do more challenging content.


I don't do PvP or WvW so I can't really comment on the issues that its wonky when you swap between them, however I will still acknowledge that there is much that can be improved on this system; ANet should commit to improving it so that the builds remember what your previous build was in PvE, PvP, and WvW when you switch between them, and the bugs related to Legendary gear especially. It is far from perfect, but at least for some of us, understand this has made a significant change for the better. I'm not saying this isn't perfect; it is very clear to me now that ANet did not properly, fully test this out before implementing it, or assuming most players will only ever play one mode on a toon. This is especially egregious considering Legendary weapons require multiple game modes to craft.


To many of us who play casually, this is doing a lot for many of us, but its also far from perfect and needs improvement. Futhermore, the sheer amount of gems being charged for increasing these is unacceptable, as I have stated in two separate posts on the official feedback thread. The amount of gems needs to be either drastically reduced, so that $10 worth of gems is enough to virtually max out the amount of trait and equipment tabs you can have on a character (with a little left over ideally), OR ANet needs to sell account-wide upgrades. Make it so buying an Equipment Tab upgrade gives you more on every single character, capping out when you've bought 4 for a total of six equipment tabs on every character you have and will ever make. It either needs to be incredibly cheap, or a simple of account-wide upgrades worth investing. If it was like that, I'd probably buy two Equipment Tabs for my account.


So to your poll; no, I won't play a game that actively makes my experience worse. But Guild Wars 2 has not been that, and as you clearly are speaking of GW2, I will click "yes" anyways. Although I will contend even from my extremely casual PvE style that this feature needs improvement, both in functionality and its monetization.

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Why do you think the population has dwindled, and why we are in the current state we are now? Because the game has little to offer if you've spent anytime at all here so if you're new sure... you have tons to do. But if you are a vet then you're expected to see yourself out because the game is not being made for you anymore! You are not the targeted demographic or the wanted customer, you're a reminder of better days.


A-net seem to have proven that time and again~

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"amnessa.6154" said:

> >


> This is a forum for discussing GW2.


well im not the OP. And since if someone wanted to answer the question, he should be having some gaming background and one cannot only know GW2 since he could not compare of anything else. I mean if you had lived in a concrete box you wouldnt know anything else as a fact other than things in the box. And if we are talking about only GW2 (a mmorpg game existed in 21th century), it is created from cumulative history of older games, novels, events etc. So no, question is not specified as only "GW2". that makes it a general question about "a game" concept. I may turn my back the fact that we are in GW2 forums but this wont change anything in regards of my 4th sentence.

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> @"amnessa.6154" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"amnessa.6154" said:

> > >

> >

> > This is a forum for discussing GW2.


> well im not the OP. And since if someone wanted to answer the question, he should be having some gaming background and one cannot only know GW2 since he could not compare of anything else. I mean if you had lived in a concrete box you wouldnt know anything else as a fact other than things in the box. And if we are talking about only GW2 (a mmorpg game existed in 21th century), it is created from cumulative history of older games, novels, events etc. So no, question is not specified as only "GW2". that makes it a general question about "a game" concept. I may turn my back the fact that we are in GW2 forums but this wont change anything in regards of my 4th sentence.


You claimed that no one said that the question was specific to GW2. The OP chose to post it in an area labeled as GW2 discussion. By definition that means it was about GW2.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"amnessa.6154" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"amnessa.6154" said:

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is a forum for discussing GW2.

> >

> > well im not the OP. And since if someone wanted to answer the question, he should be having some gaming background and one cannot only know GW2 since he could not compare of anything else. I mean if you had lived in a concrete box you wouldnt know anything else as a fact other than things in the box. And if we are talking about only GW2 (a mmorpg game existed in 21th century), it is created from cumulative history of older games, novels, events etc. So no, question is not specified as only "GW2". that makes it a general question about "a game" concept. I may turn my back the fact that we are in GW2 forums but this wont change anything in regards of my 4th sentence.


> You claimed that no one said that the question was specific to GW2. The OP chose to post it in an area labeled as GW2 discussion. By definition that means it was about GW2.


To take it further: If it's not related to GW2, then it doesn't belong in the official Guild Wars 2 forums. As such, it should be deleted... If it is related to GW2, all of these are relevant responses given the 'poll.'

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> How about option number three: The opening poster isn't describing a real situation, so how can I answer yes or no?


I answered it as a hypothetical question. Although, the OP may be talking about GW2. But... if a game actively made the game-play worse, I would probably move on. For me, GW2 has not done that. If this is about the new builds (I assume it is) I rather like the new system. I never felt the need to change my build, especially because it was hard to remember what it was before. This new system has made it convenient to play around with different builds. YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

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lets see:


pve - wvw check what is going on. nothing?

before: 1 click.

after: 1 click.


pve - wvw check what is going on. zerg fights?

before: 1 click

after: 1 or 2 clicks, depending on com


wvw - pve: same as above


so basically, nothing changed?




wvw special case:

before: 15 clicks

after: 2 clicks


hm, massive improvement. Not that the 15 clicks were that bad, could do it in a couple of seconds. Build-template 'brain' is still fully functional. Showing age, but functional nonetheless


pve only:

want to run standard build: nothing to do

want to run alternative build:

before 10-20 clicks

after: 2 clicks


hm, massive improvement.


also: 12 free bag slots. Massive improvement.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> lets see:


> pve - wvw check what is going on. nothing?

> before: 1 click.

> after: 1 click.


> pve - wvw check what is going on. zerg fights?

> before: 1 click

> after: 1 or 2 clicks, depending on com


> wvw - pve: same as above


> so basically, nothing changed?


> wait:


> wvw special case:

> before: 15 clicks

> after: 2 clicks


> hm, massive improvement. Not that the 15 clicks were that bad, could do it in a couple of seconds. Build-template 'brain' is still fully functional. Showing age, but functional nonetheless


> pve only:

> want to run standard build: nothing to do

> want to run alternative build:

> before 10-20 clicks

> after: 2 clicks


> hm, massive improvement.


> also: 12 free bag slots. Massive improvement.



So you run the same gear and spec in wvw as pve?

If not thats 2 clicks for you to get into your wvw traits and wvw equipment pannels bud

So 3 clicks total since you have to click to enter wvw aswell.


Before it was 1 click to enter and bam all done.

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I run the same armor&trinkets&runes&sigils. Weapons depend on situation. My wvw spec and my pve spec are virtually the same.

zerg fight? switch to staff, switch to staff spec (two clicks) or switch to staff, stay on pve spec (because no one is going to cleanse me, one click)

no zerg fight? dont switch to staff, stay pve spec. (no click) or switch to staff, stay pve spec (one click) or dont switch to staff, go wvw-non-staff spec (one click)

in fact 'before' could be 2 or 4 clicks. Depending on situation. I was generous ;)

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I am considering to never play the game now since I saw that the builds templates are actually a gimmick to take away existing feature of having different setups between PvE, sPvP and wvw, that switches automatically. Then trying to sell them back for gems under the guise of “new” feature, which require manual changing.


Epic fail.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I am considering to never play the game now since I saw that the builds templates are actually a gimmick to take away existing feature of having different setups between PvE, sPvP and wvw, that switches automatically. Then trying to sell them back for gems under the guise of “new” feature, which require manual changing.


> Epic fail.


They are not selling them back you get all you had before they even throw in a second equipment window so you can have power and condi gear on the same character for example.

I do agree tho that the unability to not lock loadouts so they get automaticly worn when entering spvp and wvw is a huge downgrade tho.

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