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YOLO**** Renegade, the Meme ****YOLO


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It was funny for a while, but it's dead meme now. I think it's about time this thing gets brought up to par now devs.


**First,** let's talk about the ultimate meme, **Renegade summons**


As it is right now for the summons to have their complete effect you are required to sit in them for their entire duration. Well, if you sit in them for the full duration now it’s negligible the effect they have, even more if there are multiple enemies standing in them.


If you guys want to make Renegade summons viable, **each summon should be a complete 100-0 or near 100-0 **through sheer damage or overpowering effect causing a loss in combat effectiveness (cc or condition combos of some sort).


It just falls flat logically. You have to outplay enemies so severe that you cause them to be inside of your **non-snaring AOE for multiple seconds**. Then, after the time passes the overall effect is equal to, or in reality, weaker than even instant casts.


**NEXT,** issue is shortbow.


Short bow does **way too low damage** even after the +333% damage buff, and skill #2 and #3 are still way too impractical to reliably count on their damage.


As it is right now skills #1-5 can use anywhere from +30% to +300% damage increase, if the lack of reliability is to remain the same. Renegade also suffers from being forced into using the most defensive amulets for sustain that is still well below near every spec in game, even non meta builds. Even in if the damage output was increased to ridiculous levels given an offensive amulet like vipers, the spec has no built in sustain that would even allow such a play style to succeed.


That leads me to my next point.


The Renegade talent tree is near **useless**, and it only serves as a **minor** damage buff. **The tree provides no sustain, no cc mitigation,** a near useless situational stun, and duration increases to bleed, which Renegade does not pump out a lot of in the first place.


I mean, if the lack of defense from the tree were any clue as to how Renegade were to be played I would _assume_ it to be a spec that was a major damage dealer. That's not the case at all.


**Renegade excels at nothing and is subpar at everything.**


I'm not trying to do the Devs job for them, and tbh we all know they wouldn't listen anyway as my post history and many others on this forum have been highlighting the shortcomings of Renegade since its release. But, the meme is dead now. It's a broken meme. It's time for a change.





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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > Renegade can be built to mitigate condition damage without the need for resistance. The specialization is more suited towards healing/boon support than it is dps.


> That is in PvE. SPvP renegade is trash.


Almost made it to Plat 2 as a healing renegade.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > Renegade can be built to mitigate condition damage without the need for resistance. The specialization is more suited towards healing/boon support than it is dps.

> >

> > That is in PvE. SPvP renegade is trash.


> Almost made it to Plat 2 as a healing renegade.


Any experienced player can take any synergistic build to 1600. That does not mean anything except you are an experienced player. If a build is to be deemed, at a minimum, viable, it needs to have sufficient representation by players in above 1600. Which is not the case.


And you can just slot out renegade for herald and get much better results in a support build.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> It was funny for a while, but it's dead meme now.



The sad truth is, it was never even strong enough to have become a meme in the first place. It's been so weak this entire time that it has maintained an almost entirely invisible status, to the point that people don't even notice it when it's in a game against them.


I think a more accurate statement would be that: "Renegade was a stillbirth" concerning competitive modes.


Of all the things that did not receive power creep.... just.... why not?


But don't worry! Druid will be down in the grave soon with Renegade so he won't be lonely. For some reason Arenanet just can't leave the Druid nerfing alone. Seriously though, Druid is like 1/2 a step from being Renegade status.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > Renegade can be built to mitigate condition damage without the need for resistance. The specialization is more suited towards healing/boon support than it is dps.

> > >

> > > That is in PvE. SPvP renegade is trash.

> >

> > Almost made it to Plat 2 as a healing renegade.


> If a build is to be deemed, at a minimum, viable, it needs to have sufficient representation by players in above 1600. Which is not the case.


The lack of representation is not due to renegade being trash. It's due to the fact that 99% of pvpers have a copy-paste build from mettabattle. 99% of pvpers are lazy enough to craft a build from their own. Espiecially when they already have a large choice of builds on mettabattle. Give them a renegade build and they will play it (The mettabattle one sucks hard). I personnaly have found a power one which is **FAR FAR FAR** from being trash. I think it would be somewhere between good and great on mettabattle. I know another guy who founded a mixed power/condi build and from what I ve seen, it looks good/great too.


> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> It was funny for a while, but it's dead meme now. I think it's about time this thing gets brought up to par now devs.


> **First,** let's talk about the ultimate meme, **Renegade summons**


> As it is right now for the summons to have their complete effect you are required to sit in them for their entire duration. Well, if you sit in them for the full duration now it’s negligible the effect they have, even more if there are multiple enemies standing in them.


> If you guys want to make Renegade summons viable, **each summon should be a complete 100-0 or near 100-0 **through sheer damage or overpowering effect causing a loss in combat effectiveness (cc or condition combos of some sort).


> It just falls flat logically. You have to outplay enemies so severe that you cause them to be inside of your **non-snaring AOE for multiple seconds**. Then, after the time passes the overall effect is equal to, or in reality, weaker than even instant casts.


> **NEXT,** issue is shortbow.


> Short bow does **way too low damage** even after the +333% damage buff, and skill #2 and #3 are still way too impractical to reliably count on their damage.


> As it is right now skills #1-5 can use anywhere from +30% to +300% damage increase, if the lack of reliability is to remain the same. Renegade also suffers from being forced into using the most defensive amulets for sustain that is still well below near every spec in game, even non meta builds. Even in if the damage output was increased to ridiculous levels given an offensive amulet like vipers, the spec has no built in sustain that would even allow such a play style to succeed.


> That leads me to my next point.


> The Renegade talent tree is near **useless**, and it only serves as a **minor** damage buff. **The tree provides no sustain, no cc mitigation,** a near useless situational stun, and duration increases to bleed, which Renegade does not pump out a lot of in the first place.


> I mean, if the lack of defense from the tree were any clue as to how Renegade were to be played I would _assume_ it to be a spec that was a major damage dealer. That's not the case at all.


> **Renegade excels at nothing and is subpar at everything.**


> I'm not trying to do the Devs job for them, and tbh we all know they wouldn't listen anyway as my post history and many others on this forum have been highlighting the shortcomings of Renegade since its release. But, the meme is dead now. It's a broken meme. It's time for a change.>


I don t play short bow so won't argue on it, but for the others...

About renegades' summons, they re not that bad once you re used to them. The 2 mains issues I noticed are that you need to combine at least the elite **and **another one to be effective. And the second one, the worse if you asked me, is that they re vulnerable to knockback. This control itself counter all kalla's skills. (I am looking at you shied of absorption).

About the tree, well I don t totally agree with you. When you can literally have perma 25 might (for 5 ppl when stars are aligned), I don t call it a minor buff. That's litterally what carries my build. There's also a small sustain added with righteous rebell. Yes -7% on condi damage is not wow, but it's clearly different and better than "no sustain".


Renegade is not that bad, it s just overshadowed by other specs whose auto-attack hits for 2-3k...


Edit: and please devs, it would be nice if the summons hits were unblockable. They re static, meaning you can just walk away when they re dancing to avoid them. They are vulnerable to crowd control effect, on top of that they take a while before they start dancing again after they 've been stun. You can t cancel and re-use them latter(except the elite) if your enemy uses a shield. For all those reasons, their hits should be unblockable to punish those who want to face-tank. Thanks.

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Viable renegade would suck at least with Kala. The warband members just put down a huge amount of visual clutter with giant aoe that completely cover points. It's one of those specs like freshair ele which is fashionable to suggest buffs for because it has never been meta but most people would hate it actually being meta. With that being said, shortbow, orders from above, and the traitline are healthy enough to not be cancerous if they got close to meta status, but currently there isn't anything interesting about them to really define a play style by.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Viable renegade would suck at least with Kala. The warband members just put down a huge amount of visual clutter with giant aoe that completely cover points. It's one of those specs like freshair ele which is fashionable to suggest buffs for because it has never been meta but most people would hate it actually being meta. With that being said, shortbow, orders from above, and the traitline are healthy enough to not be cancerous if they got close to meta status, but currently there isn't anything interesting about them to really define a play style by.


I agree with you. Kalla being meta would not be fun to fight against. I do still think they could use buffs, like a consume flipover that has a unique effect for each summon, but I'm happy with Kalla being a PvE legend. Regarding the entirety of Renegade itself, I'd like to see buffs to shortbow over anything else. I also believe Citadel Bombardment should be more potent than it is, perhaps by increasing the radius on each strike so it is actually a potent nuke that people should feel the need to dodge. It seems to be designed specifically around large hitboxes on raids, which I find to be a questionable design decision.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Renegade in pvp and wvw is garbage and needs a massive rework. At least they worked Herald first...


I agree with the first words of the first phrase. But doesn't need a rework, because both the legend and the short bow were specifically tailored for PvE and to be bad in PvP and they don't have a single interesting thing to provide, so trying to improve them would be as bio-engineering a chihuahua with the goal to compete in greyhound racing: a total waste of time.


The time would be better spent in trying to make the next Rev spec les onesided, flat-dimensional, just conceived to punch the sandbag dps golem in PvE.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> i think renegade are strong as kitten, but most people want to use it only with premade builds via meta and the meta for renegade is bad, they don't want to think for themselvess, but they could buff renegade removing energy cost from weapons since they already have cd


This. Be just copy and paste other people's builds and never think how they can make something work for themselves, even if everyone says it's trash. I only run off meta cause that works for me. There's this guy I see sometimes in unranked, Andallized or whatever his name is. Always run off meta rev builds for years and he's good imo. He makes weird shit work and I like that about him.

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I don't think Renegade's wvw performance should be lumped in with pvp. In wvw you can mix gear and run celestial stats that aren't watered down, combine that with easily maintained 25x might and you can actually reach Renegade's true potential as a hybrid damage spec. The main thing holding it back is decent sustain comparable to Infuse Light...

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Good discussion boys. Maybe mods will some day decide it’s worth their time to address the issue


Truly, the saddest part about Renegade is that to everyone make the spec work in a PVE environment (the only place the spec has some sort of value) the value of the spec is using it with weapons Revenant already had. The shortbow is dog ****

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@"JayAction.9056" Idk, I think renegade is okay and doesn't really need that much reworking. The damage is okay as it is now, the short bow is a bit buggy like skills not firing if too close to your target and weird stuff like that so yeah that could be fixed and skill 2 and 3 be reworked to something that actually can hit something in pvp. Otherwise renegade is pretty balanced currently.


Sounds like that people who complain about renegade just wants to have a renegade that works like herald cause that's what they are used to and can't play anything else and think outside the box. There's other classes in the game that doesn't have glint heal panic button.




The gameplay isn't perfect, I random dodge way too much and maybe do some stupid decisions and miss skills etc. and I am still doing fine in the match. I could be doing way more if I didn't waste my stuff but oh well...

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:


> **Renegade excels at nothing and is subpar at everything.**


That's because there are two playstyles in GW2:

* Instant-burst from maximum range using tab-target, lock-on skills

* Negating positioning and timing by teleporting or negating incoming effects and damage while attacking


Renegade (mostly just Revenant in general) is what happens when you hit a critical saturation of "So how many more times can we re-color the same garbage, guys?" You end up with Herald (Thief except it has cooldowns and Defiant Stance) and Renegade (The first main playstyle except it's bad because... balance... flavor?? Guys, we can't make it too obvious that this is basically just Mesmer/Ranger, so we have to make it... not... good??).


> @"JayAction.9056" said:


>It's time for a change.


The best thing that you could do for Revenant would be to just delete it and salvage its more redeemable parts for abilities to be used by other classes. This game started with 4 too many classes back in 2012. The addition of Revenant was like bumbling a coup de grace to a dying animal and then running away as it writhes in final, unjustifiably prolonged pain.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> @"JayAction.9056" Idk, I think renegade is okay and doesn't really need that much reworking. The damage is okay as it is now, the short bow is a bit buggy like skills not firing if too close to your target and weird stuff like that so yeah that could be fixed and skill 2 and 3 be reworked to something that actually can hit something in pvp. Otherwise renegade is pretty balanced currently.


> Sounds like that people who complain about renegade just wants to have a renegade that works like herald cause that's what they are used to and can't play anything else and think outside the box. There's other classes in the game that doesn't have glint heal panic button.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAJIuORv1Y


> The gameplay isn't perfect, I random dodge way too much and maybe do some stupid decisions and miss skills etc. and I am still doing fine in the match. I could be doing way more if I didn't waste my stuff but oh well...


Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you;


That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game.


Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care.


If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning.


I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you.


I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is.



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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" Idk, I think renegade is okay and doesn't really need that much reworking. The damage is okay as it is now, the short bow is a bit buggy like skills not firing if too close to your target and weird stuff like that so yeah that could be fixed and skill 2 and 3 be reworked to something that actually can hit something in pvp. Otherwise renegade is pretty balanced currently.

> >

> > Sounds like that people who complain about renegade just wants to have a renegade that works like herald cause that's what they are used to and can't play anything else and think outside the box. There's other classes in the game that doesn't have glint heal panic button.

> >

> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAJIuORv1Y

> >

> > The gameplay isn't perfect, I random dodge way too much and maybe do some stupid decisions and miss skills etc. and I am still doing fine in the match. I could be doing way more if I didn't waste my stuff but oh well...


> Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you;


> That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game.


> Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care.


> If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning.


> I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you.


> I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is.




Yeah, we fought like during the first month after I made the build so there's that and then there's NA ping which is like 150-250 depending on the day.


Sure the build isn't a holo or spellbreaker but it shouldn't be. Those classes are stupidly overtuned still after the nerfs. Saying that there's multiple builds that would farm the renegade 100-0 the whole match is false tho. I have also beaten you in a 1v1 a few times. The counter builds are spellbreaker and holo if they are good but that's also true for other classes as well and you can avoid them pretty easily in a match.


My main point here is that renegade isn't a bad spec. It's actually a pretty effective spec and doesn't really need nerfs. What does need nerfs are the overtuned classes and that's not just the case for renegade but other specs as well.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" Idk, I think renegade is okay and doesn't really need that much reworking. The damage is okay as it is now, the short bow is a bit buggy like skills not firing if too close to your target and weird stuff like that so yeah that could be fixed and skill 2 and 3 be reworked to something that actually can hit something in pvp. Otherwise renegade is pretty balanced currently.

> > >

> > > Sounds like that people who complain about renegade just wants to have a renegade that works like herald cause that's what they are used to and can't play anything else and think outside the box. There's other classes in the game that doesn't have glint heal panic button.

> > >

> > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAJIuORv1Y

> > >

> > > The gameplay isn't perfect, I random dodge way too much and maybe do some stupid decisions and miss skills etc. and I am still doing fine in the match. I could be doing way more if I didn't waste my stuff but oh well...

> >

> > Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you;

> >

> > That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game.

> >

> > Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care.

> >

> > If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning.

> >

> > I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you.

> >

> > I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is.

> >

> >


> Yeah, we fought like during the first month after I made the build so there's that and then there's NA ping which is like 150-250 depending on the day.


> Sure the build isn't a holo or spellbreaker but it shouldn't be. Those classes are stupidly overtuned still after the nerfs. Saying that there's multiple builds that would farm the renegade 100-0 the whole match is false tho. I have also beaten you in a 1v1 a few times. The counter builds are spellbreaker and holo if they are good but that's also true for other classes as well and you can avoid them pretty easily in a match.


> My main point here is that renegade isn't a bad spec. It's actually a pretty effective spec and doesn't really need nerfs. What does need nerfs are the overtuned classes and that's not just the case for renegade but other specs as well.


You have never actually “beaten” me.


If I recall I was playing sometbing like celestial on old meta Rev when you won just as a test for my own perception of what works.


We can set up a time for 1v1s if you want. I’m pretty sure even my condi build would 100-0 Renegade.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" Idk, I think renegade is okay and doesn't really need that much reworking. The damage is okay as it is now, the short bow is a bit buggy like skills not firing if too close to your target and weird stuff like that so yeah that could be fixed and skill 2 and 3 be reworked to something that actually can hit something in pvp. Otherwise renegade is pretty balanced currently.

> > > >

> > > > Sounds like that people who complain about renegade just wants to have a renegade that works like herald cause that's what they are used to and can't play anything else and think outside the box. There's other classes in the game that doesn't have glint heal panic button.

> > > >

> > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAJIuORv1Y

> > > >

> > > > The gameplay isn't perfect, I random dodge way too much and maybe do some stupid decisions and miss skills etc. and I am still doing fine in the match. I could be doing way more if I didn't waste my stuff but oh well...

> > >

> > > Nice gameplay man, but I’ve actually played against your more times than one and ima be real with you;

> > >

> > > That build is subpar and you usually get wins just by being flat out better than people at the game. I never actually consider you competition or a threat when I see you in game.

> > >

> > > Whenever I’ve seen you I tunnel vision you or ignore you completely when you are running the trait for energy on swap and you riposting shadows over and over and over cus your damage is just too low for me to even care.

> > >

> > > If a team of mediocre true top 50 players your build would be on farm. I can think of multiple builds from multiple classes including my own Rev build that would (and I personally already have) farm you 100-0 with no chance for you to come close to winning.

> > >

> > > I remember that time I saw you in FFA arena. You struggled against a meme build but I think you have slightly tweaked your build since then... still no contest, you’d get farmed. Especially using shortbow. Anybody that knows how to LOS is going to meme you.

> > >

> > > I would like to see you try to 1v1 some of the better warrs and other high stun classes from N/A so you can get an idea of how trash that build is.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah, we fought like during the first month after I made the build so there's that and then there's NA ping which is like 150-250 depending on the day.

> >

> > Sure the build isn't a holo or spellbreaker but it shouldn't be. Those classes are stupidly overtuned still after the nerfs. Saying that there's multiple builds that would farm the renegade 100-0 the whole match is false tho. I have also beaten you in a 1v1 a few times. The counter builds are spellbreaker and holo if they are good but that's also true for other classes as well and you can avoid them pretty easily in a match.

> >

> > My main point here is that renegade isn't a bad spec. It's actually a pretty effective spec and doesn't really need nerfs. What does need nerfs are the overtuned classes and that's not just the case for renegade but other specs as well.


> You have never actually “beaten” me.


> If I recall I was playing sometbing like celestial on old meta Rev when you won just as a test for my own perception of what works.


> We can set up a time for 1v1s if you want. I’m pretty sure even my condi build would 100-0 Renegade.


We can, you have an EU account?

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