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End support of Win 7

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I remember, long ago in the dark times, the a game I was playing, called Everquest which required a sub, upgraded their graphics and I had to upgrade my PC to continue playing. So, I would say it is not unprecedented, even if unlikely to happen, for a game to upgrade and leave out some of their users.

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Windows 7 isn't going to die off, it is basically the modern Windows XP.


Microsoft is ending support for it to try and force users on Win10, which they've been trying to do ever since its release, but its not going to work any better than the other methods, because they're fundamentally different operating systems.


I'll never understand this attitude companies have of "my apple is definitely an orange, if only you'll just taste it".

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I don't get this idea why people think that the end of official support for an OS it means the end of times, because it certainly isn't. The way I see it, if you're careful and know what you're doing such as not visiting potentially dangerous websites, downloading and **running** unknown files and using internet explorer, then Win7 is still good to use. Malicious software doesn't install itself.


Back when I ran Win7 for over 5 years, I never installed updates and even turned off the Update functionality for the matter (personal choice). I ran a lightweight antivirus, used an open source browser such as Firefox (along with a few popup blocking addons) and have been generally careful what I do on the net.


As for GW2, I don't see why this would matter, the game doesn't care what OS you're running as long as it meets the required features.

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> Malicious software doesn't install itself.

Actually it can and does. Usually we are protected by our NAT firewalls. But using the horrible internet of things we have now, your smart fridge can infect your Windows computer.

A windows computer sitting behind a router with nothing else on the network is reasonably well protected as of right now. A targeted attack will still get you, but your safe from the random port scanning malware out there.

Remove the router though, and good luck to you.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> There even is a chance that some governments force Microsoft to prolong the support of Windows 7.

Probably because they are still upgrading to Win7.


Or if its the US military nuclear launch system, probably upgrading to more modern Win95 and 3.5" floppy drives.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Shame, personally I prefer windows 7 over 10...


Just switch to 8.1, which is what I will do by the end of the year, as it has been polished over the years and now - with certain 3rd party applications like Classic Shell - can be changed to look like 7 or even XP if you so desire. Once support for 8.1 ends, I will start to worry what to do, because I don't see myself switching to an OS like Win 10 that is a permanent open beta.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Probably because they are still upgrading to Win7.


> Or if its the US military nuclear launch system, probably upgrading to more modern Win95 and 3.5" floppy drives.


Aren't your voting machines still running a highly vulnerable Windows XP? :lol:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Shame, personally I prefer windows 7 over 10...


> Just switch to 8.1, which is what I will do by the end of the year, as it has been polished over the years and now - with certain 3rd party applications like Classic Shell - can be changed to look like 7 or even XP if you so desire. Once support for 8.1 ends, I will start to worry what to do, because I don't see myself switching to an OS like Win 10 that is a permanent open beta.



8 is worse imo lol


I don't plan on sticking with 10 forever either.. i'm still hoping some company will make a proper and good gaming OS and I can dump windows entiely.

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Guild Wars 2 lists this under their requirements: "Windows® XP Service Pack 3 or better" for the core game and Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire lists "Windows® 7 or better (64 bit only)" Before they drop support for Windows 7, they'd first need to drop support for XP and then Vista, and of course drop support for 32bit Windows.

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This is sad news, Windows 7 was a great operating system. Now Microsoft clients are left just with Windows 10, which is an operating system full of bloatware, with unwanted software, with high resource usage, and with huge disrespects to consumer's privacy.


Luckily there is Linux, and many games (including GW2) can work on it. Even Steam has a software adapted to it.


There is also game emulation through WINE on FreeBSD, but this is another discussion.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > There even is a chance that some governments force Microsoft to prolong the support of Windows 7.

> Probably because they are still upgrading to Win7.


> Or if its the US military nuclear launch system, probably upgrading to more modern Win95 and 3.5" floppy drives.


No, the governments will pay for extra support beyond the end of life date.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> This is sad news, Windows 7 was a great operating system. Now Microsoft clients are left just with Windows 10, which is an operating system full of bloatware, with unwanted software, with high resource usage, and with huge disrespects to consumer's privacy.




All of which can be removed or disabled.


I’ll also add that most bloatware isn’t due to the operating system install but from whoever you bought your preconfigured PC from installing them. Dell has been notorious for this as the various companies pay them to do so.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> majority of ppl in china still using windows 7 so its aint going nowhere. Look how many ppl's pc got bricked by windows 10 update,


Well they don’t even support direct x 10 yet, so they’d have to decode everything in the game including all of guild wars 1 coding. At that point it’d be cheaper to just remake guild wars 1 or 2

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Sooner or later you will have to move out of windows 7 anyway. Your drivers will not be updated, your browser will go more and more out of sync with the rest of internet. You will be stuck out of the most recent hardware if you try to upgrade your PC, if you buy a new one windows 10 will be preinstalled on it with no option to install windows 7... All in all, it will be a slow unpleasant death.

If it is a fast death, that will be because something very unpleasant has happened and you'd better have backed your data up.

So, all in all, you'd better move to windows 10 when you have the choice instead of being forced into it by circumstances.

Luckily, Microsoft seems to have gotten the hang on its new OS and you don't hear as many horror stories about it as you used to do.

For those who stick with Windows 7, you should expect a very rough beginning of the year since many criminals might want to size a window of opportunity while it last. So be extra careful during those early 2020 months. At least, that's my assessment.

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