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What's the counterplay to Confusion


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why are people complaining against confusion, its simply the worst condition, not once have I died and saw confusion at the top of the chart, its always at the bottom with 2k dmg max. You counter confusion the same way you counter every other attacks.

1 evade

2 block

3 invulnerable

4 cleanse ( becouse its a condi )

5 dont use skills ( sometime fight is over, sometimes you can kite, sometimes you have cooldowns anyways and sometimes you can just stealth and wait it out )

6 resistance

7 transfer it

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The counterplay to confusion is to slow the use of skills for a couple seconds or to cleanse. Most confusion durations are very short so you can usually counter it by using 1-2 defensive or disengage skills. When playing a build with little cleansing, against mirage i usually try to wait it out since its easier to predict and avoid some of their damage. For thief i usually have to panic cleanse since confusion is almost always part of their burst combo.

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Confusion is considered a burst condition. But it is conditional damage meaning that, unlike burn, you can avoid some of the damage by waiting for the condition to expire.


However, for fighting mesmer you also have to account for reapplication. You can stop using active skills only to the extent that active skill use won’t be required to prevent constant reapplication of confusion.


So the counterplay is more like fighting power damage than traditional condi. Take a few hits but focus on active defense. You can’t plan on saving your cleanses because it’s shorter duration. You will use cleanse mainly if you mess up and have 10+ confusion stacks.


Active: dodge, block, evade (skills) and cleave (clones)

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> Immediatly Cleansing?

> Stow weapon and kiting?


> I find spefically hard to fight against thieves and mesmer that can constantly pressure you after applying confusion


> Thief is easier to avoid the confusion but mesmer oh god


> the only thing i can do is run half map




Stall until the stack is high then use resistance and cleanse and beat them down

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Don't spam skills. there are no long confusion durations or high confusion stack bursts in the game unless you let a mirage stack on you with axe. Use your blocks or cleanses, your heal, or evade instead. Confusion on its own only punishes people not looking at their bar, which is ideally what it should be doing.


I'd actually like to see **more** confusion play if it was less paired with torment or not paired with torment at all, since getting stacked with confusion AND torment doesn't make sense to me in the way of counterplay, but yeah. Confusion on its own isnt a problem.

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Pro tip, you can use abilities while you have confusion, confusion does not punish using abilities, it punishes spamming abilities like monkey.

if mesmer lands entire scepter 3 for 7 stacks of confusion, off the top of my head, by using 2 abilities confusion will deal about 2,8k dmg + 2k power dmg from sc3 comes to 4,8k.


TLDR use skills when confused, just use them when it matters, if you can stun mirage off so he cant pressure it its worth the peanuts of damage you will take from confusion.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> what is the counterplay of power damage?

> Stow weapon and kiting?


> I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> the only thing i can do is run half map


Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....


What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment? Don't attack and don't move? Stay out of range and keep abusing cleanses only to get more stacks with ease?


The whole concept around Condi is flawed. Giving it any boost only promotes unhealthy gameplay and trolling ability.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > what is the counterplay of power damage?

> > Stow weapon and kiting?

> >

> > I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> > necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> > the only thing i can do is run half map


> **Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....**


> What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment? Don't attack and don't move? Stay out of range and keep abusing cleanses only to get more stacks with ease?


> The whole concept around Condi is flawed. Giving it any boost only promotes unhealthy gameplay and trolling ability.


you also can say that to confusion, if you do all that you dont get hit by confusion <3


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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > what is the counterplay of power damage?

> > Stow weapon and kiting?

> >

> > I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> > necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> > the only thing i can do is run half map


> Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....


> What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment?


> @"BadMed.3846" said: Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > what is the counterplay of power damage?

> > > Stow weapon and kiting?

> > >

> > > I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> > > necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> > > the only thing i can do is run half map

> >

> > **Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....**

> >

> > What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment? Don't attack and don't move? Stay out of range and keep abusing cleanses only to get more stacks with ease?

> >

> > The whole concept around Condi is flawed. Giving it any boost only promotes unhealthy gameplay and trolling ability.


> you also can say that to confusion, if you do all that you dont get hit by confusion <3



To some extent, yes. Not the same though. Condi is boring passive play that rewards low effort with high rewards.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > what is the counterplay of power damage?

> > > > Stow weapon and kiting?

> > > >

> > > > I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> > > > necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> > > > the only thing i can do is run half map

> > >

> > > **Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....**

> > >

> > > What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment? Don't attack and don't move? Stay out of range and keep abusing cleanses only to get more stacks with ease?

> > >

> > > The whole concept around Condi is flawed. Giving it any boost only promotes unhealthy gameplay and trolling ability.

> >

> > you also can say that to confusion, if you do all that you dont get hit by confusion <3

> >


> To some extent, yes. Not the same though. Condi is boring passive play that rewards low effort with high rewards.


if you get hit by power you receive all the damage and can insta killed

if you get hit by condi you have a second chance to clean it and ignore all the damage

if you get hit by torment/confusion you have a second chance to clean it and a third chance to stay still and ignore all the damage


where is the low effort high rewards?



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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > > what is the counterplay of power damage?

> > > > Stow weapon and kiting?

> > > >

> > > > I find spefically hard to fight against every class that can constantly pressure you after applying power damage

> > > > necro is easier to avoid the damage but warriors thiefs and holos oh god

> > > > the only thing i can do is run half map

> > >

> > > **Get out of LoS, use obstacles, watch and dodge the hit, kite....**

> > >

> > > What can you do with nonstop application of confusion and torment? Don't attack and don't move? Stay out of range and keep abusing cleanses only to get more stacks with ease?

> > >

> > > The whole concept around Condi is flawed. Giving it any boost only promotes unhealthy gameplay and trolling ability.

> >

> > you also can say that to confusion, if you do all that you dont get hit by confusion <3

> >


> Condi is boring **passive play**


Explain the bold?


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It’s true though.


Bleed, poison and burn are always consistent damage.


Confusion and torment only do full damage if an additional factor/condition is met (skill use and movement respectively).


People often complain about confusion and torment having less counterplay but, in fact the opposite is the case. You can cleanse/block/evade/invuln AND you can stow weapons or stand in place. That doesn’t mean the *only* thing you should be doing is stowing weapons. But it does mean you may temporarily stop moving or using skills as part of mitigating the damage you will take.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> It’s true though.


> Bleed, poison and burn are always consistent damage.


> Confusion and torment only do full damage if an additional factor/condition is met (skill use and movement respectively).


> People often complain about confusion and torment having less counterplay but, in fact the opposite is the case. You can cleanse/block/evade/invuln AND you can stow weapons or stand in place. That doesn’t mean the *only* thing you should be doing is stowing weapons. But it does mean you may temporarily stop moving or using skills as part of mitigating the damage you will take.


The way complainers view torment : IF I MOVE I TAKE DOUBLE DAMAGE, PUNISHED FOR MOVING.

The way I view torment : If i find a way to not move during torment, I will take HALF the damage.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > It’s true though.

> >

> > Bleed, poison and burn are always consistent damage.

> >

> > Confusion and torment only do full damage if an additional factor/condition is met (skill use and movement respectively).

> >

> > People often complain about confusion and torment having less counterplay but, in fact the opposite is the case. You can cleanse/block/evade/invuln AND you can stow weapons or stand in place. That doesn’t mean the *only* thing you should be doing is stowing weapons. But it does mean you may temporarily stop moving or using skills as part of mitigating the damage you will take.


> The way complainers view torment : IF I MOVE I TAKE DOUBLE DAMAGE, PUNISHED FOR MOVING.

> The way I view torment : If i find a way to not move during torment, I will take HALF the damage.


I shouldn't have to point out that standing still, while effective in halving torment damage, allows your opponent to hit you with AoEs or high damage moves to punish you for not moving. It isn't nearly as cut and dry as "stand still dont take damage".


That being said, torment on its own is fine, if you don't also get punished for acting/using skills to facilitate remaining in place.

Confusion on its own is fine, if you dont also get punished for stowing and moving around while it expires.


Both of those together is a problem. being punished for moving and acting at the same time implies the counterplay, at least for a moment, is to behave like a golem. And we have ample evidence of what players can do to golems.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > It’s true though.

> > >

> > > Bleed, poison and burn are always consistent damage.

> > >

> > > Confusion and torment only do full damage if an additional factor/condition is met (skill use and movement respectively).

> > >

> > > People often complain about confusion and torment having less counterplay but, in fact the opposite is the case. You can cleanse/block/evade/invuln AND you can stow weapons or stand in place. That doesn’t mean the *only* thing you should be doing is stowing weapons. But it does mean you may temporarily stop moving or using skills as part of mitigating the damage you will take.

> >

> > The way complainers view torment : IF I MOVE I TAKE DOUBLE DAMAGE, PUNISHED FOR MOVING.

> > The way I view torment : If i find a way to not move during torment, I will take HALF the damage.


> I shouldn't have to point out that standing still, while effective in halving torment damage, allows your opponent to hit you with AoEs or high damage moves to punish you for not moving.


> Torment on its own is fine, if you don't also get punished for acting/using skills to facilitate remaining in place.

> Confusion on its own is fine, if you dont also get punished for stowing and moving around while it expires.


> Both of those together is a problem.


or you know, use brains, warrior can shield block and stand still. gj you counter both.

thief + mesmer + engi can stealth.

if you can do it then its a bonus, you shouldnt EXPECT to get a freebe, you got hit, pay the price.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > You shouldnt EXPECT to get a freebe, you got hit, pay the price.


> Fair point. No arguing that. <3

> That rationale should also be applied to Mirage cloak.



yes, along with many things.

most people dont get the sad truth, if there is 10 overpowered things, nerfing half of them only makes things worse :D

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > You shouldnt EXPECT to get a freebe, you got hit, pay the price.

> >

> > Fair point. No arguing that. <3

> > That rationale should also be applied to Mirage cloak.

> >


> yes, along with many things.

> most people dont get the sad truth, if there is 10 overpowered things, nerfing half of them only makes things worse :D


That depends on whether the balancing team finishes the job or not, or leaves it half done. Time will tell.

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