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I can not do achievements anymore.


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> @"Anchous.3750" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Did any of the people in your group actually know about the event's mechanics? Most important being the need to break the zealots' defiance bar.

> >

> Yes, the group knew about mechanics. I didn’t go for a class with a much higher DPS just because my character did not survive for 10 seconds at the pre-event with the Zealots. Therefore, I went for a class that could survive and inflict enough CC-damage, but with a very low DPS.


That sounds like you are moving around the brand using the wrong mount. You should using a skimmer, griffon or skyscale. Basically anything that doesn't have to touch the ground. It's not an absolute requirement since I just used the raptor when I was going through on my first character but using those makes it much easier.


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> @"Anchous.3750" said:


> But I see how hard it is for me to inflict damage, how slowly the trip of enemy health decreases. And as sometimes 2-3 people come and cause such damage like ten people.



All I was saying was that bringing the equivalent of a full party of non-damage dealing healers to an encounter is a recipe for disaster. If you choose to not damage the foe in a fight then you are choosing to lose the fight. That is not a function of the age of the content, it is a matter of failure to do what was necessary to win. Next time try adapting your build, and suggest the same for others if necessary, to the encounter.


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On EU you can normally find a group for the Ire event on the LFG, it has a preset timer for it now, so it does make it easier to do, it could come down to you not knowing about the pre set time for the event or the hours that you actually play,


4) People in my guilds did not come to help because they had given these achievements long time ago and they don’t need them.


Time for a new guild, most achievements in the game dont take long to do, even if it is a map event, the fact that no one would help says your guild isnt right for what you are trying to achieve.


On the empty map thing, ill agree to some extent on this, but this comes down to Anet and the way maps are designed, i tend to do all achievements on new maps in the first week or so, as i find that after 2-3 weeks most of these maps are dead, and you can find it hard to do the metas.

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> I have a character with good DPS. But if I make it more survivable, then I lose the DPS for which this character was created. Therefore I have two of them: the one who dies, but with the DPS, and the other - who does not die without the DPS. ))


Well, that's unpopular point in this game. But I'd say that dead character does no DPS :) Try to add some vitality or even toughness. Then exchange it to more damaging stats when you feel more comfortable with that character. To be honest, dps difference between berserk and marauder stats is not that significant. May be even look at some wvw roamer specs - with some changes they should feel comfortable in open world as for me.


Personally I got back to GW2 after a 4 years pause, and my guardian was dying everywhere first weeks, even on core maps. I switched it to the full marauder, then discovered the new elite specs and built a firebrand with a full plaguedoctor's set: condition/vitality/healing/concentration - and it changed my life :-D Now I feel myself ready to get rid of that healing/vitality buffer. And even wearing this hybrid set I provide more then average damage usually in fractals.



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> @"YtseJam.9784" said:

> Sadly, that's why you have to get on the new maps and complete those achievements within the first 2 weeks of them being released or else you'll miss the train and won't be able to get them.

That's it. I meet people who have been playing for 7+ years and they have no reason to return to old maps. And those, who have just started playing, have no chance.

I would like to believe that this achievement be replaced, for example, with "Forged with Fire".


> @"Friday.7864" said:

> They made too many annoying achievements in too many maps.

> I'd ach hunt but I have better things to do with my life than to waste hours or days on certain achievements.

It would be easier if there were more people.


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First off, I disagree with all the doom and gloom here, this has nothing to do with game going down a "death spiral" - this game is very much alive, people saying this game is dead/dying never played a truly dead/dying game.


For the OP I'd suggest do an internet search for "PoF meta train" and you may find several with respective schedules; there are also LW S4 meta trains, find out when they're running and you'll get anything done quickly and easily.


For the player who mentioned the ibogas around the Tree in Jahai, try a different class/build (with pet(s) preferably) to aggro/tank the interrupting mobs, or, go there on the day Jahai is in the rotation and you'll have much better chances to do it with others.


Games get old like everything else in this world and things change; specifically for games like this one, more content and longer storyline also means the playerbase will get further spread out. The game is lively, interesting and innovative as ever.

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Its why this games mechanics are in need of an over haul and why making content where you need a team is bad over time.. especially in GW2.


The games not DEAD, its just customers no longer want to do older content daily so newer customers or those returning are screwed.. Its just badly designed and needs to scale off one customer.

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Try doing it around peak hours, after reset. It really helps to have a commander tag. If that doesn't work, try in a week when everybody gets bored of the new map.


The thing about serpetn's ire is that you don't actually need that many people. Only about 5-10. However, they need to be _competent_ people. They need to know how to split up evenly, to be built in full berserker/viper, and to put full CC on their bar for the zealots. This event used to be really hard, but it isn't anymore. This event was specifically designed to make it impossible to succeed via auto attacking.

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> @"Anchous.3750" said:

> Good day or night for everyone. I am cry when I am writing this. You ask me: "Annie, why are you crying?" And I will answer: "I can’t do more achievements". Why?

> 1) Because old maps are dead. There are no people on them.

> 2) There are no other instans in LFG, where could I join to do events.

> 3) People on my map do not come for help.

> 4) People in my guilds did not come to help because they had given these achievements long time ago and they don’t need them.

> 5) I don't have 5+/10+ people for meta-events.


> Today I wanted to do "A Bug in the System: Redeeming IG-6417".

> One of the conditions is this meta:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Serpents%27_Ire

> After 6 (six, yes) hours random people come to do this event. And... we failed. We wasted 25+ minutes and we failed, because we have not enough damage for "[Group Event] Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealots before the Branded crystal detonates (80)". We didn’t even get to the boss.... There were about six of us. All of us were depressed by the fact that we could not make a meta that no one ever comes to, because it is not popular (and other reasons in paragraphs above). I think that we didn’t have enough damage because all of us were for support classes. Because in that location it is difficult to survive that which causes a lot of damage and does not have a fortress. But your system calculated the health of monsters as if we were not support classes, but classes with incredible damage.

> I like doing achievements. but I can’t do them at any time of the day/week/month/yeat. I always, always need other people. Not one, not two, but at least 5-10 people. That's a lot.

> Please review the criteria and conditions under which the power of monsters is established.

> On maps of old content it is impossible to make achievements. Not only these. For example, achievements like "Bounty". It can be made, but the best chance is when they appear in the "Daily". But what about the bounty of LS3? They can’t be done without a good party (example, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_champion_bounty_(The_Prickly_Pair)).

> And hundreds of such examples!

> New content will be released now, people will do achievements again and that’s all... Those who start playing later will ever be able to make them with great difficulty.

> I can not go on. The game has ceased to be fun due to the fact that the old content is absolutely not popular.


> And review the stats of monsters. Playing as a Druid (heal spec), I really can not do a lot of damage. And I very actively press buttons, I never afk, I give all my best. But this is not enough...

> Please come up with improved rewards for old events, so that people return to old maps.

> I hope my ticket will not be lost and you will hear me. Thanks.


> P.S. Sorry for my English.


My advice to you would be to start topic,and look for people who need same achis you do.


I am sure there are plenty of players who need to do stuff.

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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> First off, I disagree with all the doom and gloom here, this has nothing to do with game going down a "death spiral" - this game is very much alive, people saying this game is dead/dying never played a truly dead/dying game.


> For the OP I'd suggest do an internet search for "PoF meta train" and you may find several with respective schedules; there are also LW S4 meta trains, find out when they're running and you'll get anything done quickly and easily.


> For the player who mentioned the ibogas around the Tree in Jahai, try a different class/build (with pet(s) preferably) to aggro/tank the interrupting mobs, or, go there on the day Jahai is in the rotation and you'll have much better chances to do it with others.


> Games get old like everything else in this world and things change; specifically for games like this one, more content and longer storyline also means the playerbase will get further spread out. The game is lively, interesting and innovative as ever.


Game is alive around new releases,2 weeks after that,so long.


New releases are the only time you can find more than 5 squads on whole LFG (not counting 20 lf raid squads,with one player per who's selling runs)

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Regarding 'dead' maps, anet is now rotating a zone in ls3 and one in ls4 as well to have dailies. Encouraging people to go for them, and you get extra chests since theres less zone dailies to do. But it seriously cuts down on the dailies clutter.


I do have to admit that it was a good idea to merge these dailies. Hoping to see more things like this to improve the situation for new players. I'm one of those that have been playing for almost 7 years and I have no reason to go to those maps unless there's a NEW achievement/collection that requires me to go there, since I have all of them already done.


And I really miss how LS1 was done, it made an impact on a lot of existing maps. You can still see the remains of the tower in Kessex Hills, you can still see the thumpers all across the maps from the Aetherblade invasion. I don't understand why the norm is to add a new map for every new chapter. The gw2.dat has doubled in size since launch with all this new areas, just reuse them for newer episodes and they will get populated with players.

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Metas like serpent ire are hard to complete nowadays, even when the map was popular it was hard to find a group able to complete, but things like bounties are quite easy if you have a commander tag.

1) Tag up

2) Announce in map chat so you get about 5 players

3) Start a bounty train. Do the easier ones first

4) You eventually starts to gather more and more players, and then moves to do the harder ones.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Having the exact same issues with achievements - Can't get enough people for the bounties. I've tried using LFG and mentor tag and only 2-3 other players show up in 30 minutes and the bounty fails most of the time. They really should scale these bounties and events down to need only 2-4 **casuals** minimum to be doable or just remove the wait time on failed bounties. Waiting for hours to get a team of 5+ players on dead maps (especially during non-peak hours, which many players are restricted to) is just frustrating and a waste of everyone already in the group's time.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> Having the exact same issues with achievements - Can't get enough people for the bounties. I've tried using LFG and mentor tag and only 2-3 other players show up in 30 minutes and the bounty fails most of the time. They really should scale these bounties and events down to need only 2-4 **casuals** minimum to be doable or just remove the wait time on failed bounties. Waiting for hours to get a team of 5+ players on dead maps (especially during non-peak hours, which many players are restricted to) is just frustrating and a waste of everyone already in the group's time.


Maybe join a guild with PvE as a focus? Certainly many of them would be willing to assist. It just expands your potential for success.

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