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Game Update Notes: December 3, 2019

Fire Attunement.9835

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Anet... Put the crippling back on for Garish Pillar. We need the crippling. We don't need the spam on it.


Ultimately, this update mostly bad for scourge. More nerfs, mostly unneeded especially when the elite spec could use some buffs and the removal of sand Savant.


Will scourge still be oppressive in WvW? Probably... Will we get further nerfed for Sand Savant's sins? Most definitely...

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I thought some time ago you said you wanna have same balance in WvW and in sPvP.

Now you do some big changes, like nerfing condi teef or holo healing potential, or some Rampage adjusts and none of those changes goes to WvW. In first part of the post you’re talking about „competetive modes” but after reading second part, about real changes, it looks like only one of those modes is getting cured of overpowered skills disease.

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This is the first time that I ever decided to post on the forums been just watching the change after change but this time its enough you doing an amazing job of running your players experience with those "**balances**"


Scourge was nerfed to the ground, made useless on pve only viable on wvw and we were kinda ok with it but now your gonna destroys it on wvw also?! Wille you nerf scourges thiefs are free to have dodges for 99% of the fight wile outputting massive amounts of damage, making them able to 1vs3 with little to no skill, ty for ruining the game for a lot of people, just a little advice play your own game before you try to "balance" anything or what ever your doing...


Just think its funny that scourge was the only wvw change when we currently have classes that can 1vs5 with 0 skill and others that can one-shot


No updates on the wvw worlds population unbalance since last year, a lot of worlds with outnumbered buffs even during prime time this is just unacceptable for the longevity of wvw, guilds are quitting every month players every day what is done about this? Nothing.


Every month, it's more clear that this company sadly doesn't care about their wvw community, all they care its about their living world episodes that we get to get to wait for months on end to play them for one day to one week and be done with it 10/10


This same company is always proud of their "sub free" guess what I and a lot of players would rather pay a subscription if the quality was better.

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> @"Aussiemon.7418" said:

> So you completely ignored all the feedback regarding falling damage trait removal that _wasn't_ about Griffinrook?


> This is a stupid change. It makes the game objectively worse, and your stubborn insistence on it is frustrating.


I think they should just slap it into all JP permanently.

This would atleast put the trait there where it was utilized the most.

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I'll make it simple. The reason why this game balance is a mess is mainly due to ANet coming up with this kind of change:


> Unholy Sanctuary: This trait now heals a percentage of your maximum health each second while in shroud. This value is 2% in PvE and 1% in competitive modes.


While it's a buff that will be welcome (because players instinctively grasp at every straw you give them), design-wise this is an abomination that shouldn't ever be implemented into a game.


In practice, this change won't affect the choice of trait in _death magic_ and the split between PvE and competitive mode mainly lead the player to wonder whether ANet have any clue about what priority PvE players have. From the very beginning, you won't take DM in PvE unless you intend to "tank" because _death carapace_ exist. ANet can overbuff the necromancer health regen in PvE throught unholy sanctuary as much as they want, it won't change the fact that you will neither take the trait to tank nor take the traitline if you don't intend to tank and minion master thingy will benefit you more in open PvE.


Powercreeping a trait with an horrible design just to avoid trying to resolve the true problem of the trait. My respect for the balance team have gone down another bit...

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> We read your feedback on Detection Pulse feeling odd as the Purge Gyro's toolbelt skill and your desire to see Chemical Field returned. While we agree with the sentiment overall that there is more gameplay and interesting options with Chemical Field, there is also important counterplay present with Detection Pulse. As we can't place Purge Gyro's Detection Pulse back on the elite toolbelt slot, we're instead replacing Utility Goggles' lackluster toolbelt skill, Analyze, with Detection Pulse. Utility Goggles is also getting a small but significant change from granting fury to instead granting some brief resistance.


i'm speechless that this was the final conclusion made... putting detection pulse on utility goggles toolbelt...


i'm guessing people just complained because they wanted scrapper to work how it used to with function gyro on f and detection pulse on elite, but if you're not gonna revert it back to how it was, then this is a straight up nerf that no-one wants. Yeah poison field was nice on purge gyro before to use on downs, but it is way more important to have detection pulse slotted in one of the used toolbelt skills for scrims or WvW raiding.


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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"Jaidy.1824" said:

> > removal of falling damage traits is silly. whats so complicated about it?


> So much this, why in the kitten is falling damage trait being removed ?



My personal belief is(tinfoil hat equipped), someone is peeved players use portals to circumvent jumping puzzles and this is one step to deter that.


> @"Zetsuei.8942" said:

> It doesn't matter how many times you buff shades for Scourges, the player not being considered a shade limits what the class can do in every aspect of the game. No other class has to jump through so many hoops just to access their offensive/defensive potential. Imagine if banners/druid spirits had a circular range of 300 and you only got those buffs if you're standing on top of them. Before you do any more changes to shades you need to revert the last nerf and go from there.


This right here in PvE. Revert all nerfs on Necromancer PvE that were related to WvW/sPvP issues.

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For once i think that the patch will overall be very well and apreciated.


One major thing i want to mention though: Thanks for lowering the scourges target cap! scourge has been and will still be prominent in WvW meta but requiring about 2 scourges per group was always really unfait for less "required" classes. Would be great if we could transition the meta towards something where class participation can be mainly balanced. (i get that some classes are better for roaming, some for zerging, others for smallscale. however scourge had an unusual high demand for it since a very long time which i apreciate being adressed)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Yes, now my medium range p/p condi engie can swap to another condi melee wea... I mean another condi long ran... I mean absolutely nothing of worth because engineer only have two weapons and they are specced mutually exclusive.


> Brilliant Anet. Absolutely brilliant.


> Also with the detection pulse change, this is basicly *deleted* in WvW. No one use utility googles. All slots are filled on all kind of specs just to compete with other classes. On the purge gyro it was acceptable because the purge gyro is commonly used in the zerg healer spec, which is the primary revealer of enemy zergs - the *only* revealer of enemy zergs.


> So thanks. I hate it.


It's more for elementalists running sword or dagger mainhand I think. If you use a sword and there's siege in Urban Battleground or WvW for example, swapping to staff or scepter mainhand for that portion becomes much simpler.


Also holosmiths can use rifle swapped to sword+pistol ; scrappers can swap from hammer to rifle. Just because condi engineer doesn't have a melee condi weapon doesn't invalidate a weaponswap.


We don't know if this will also apply to PvP , where weapon swapping is not possible once match starts.


I agree with you on the change to purge gyro though , it seems that there really isn't an easy choice if you're support scrapper as elixir gun and purge gyro are a must , with bulwark gyro traditionally used as well. Bulwark gyro will likely be dropped for the utility goggles and if it doesn't put you in combat people will switch out of the utility before engaging.



The change on guardian mace 3 should be PvE only probably as mace could then be used on firebrands to charge Justice every 15s (before -20% recharge trait) when a kill isn't possible to recharge it (radiance traitline).


I'm looking forward to the scourge change in WvW for sand savant's total targets, but I don't know if devouring darkness change is too heavy handed.


CoR will need to be tested to see if the pathing is still iffy.


I'm not sure why Peak Performance had its damage bonus split to baseline. I guess Rampage changes are anticipated to have fewer warriors running the elite, which means lower abilities with physical.



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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Not sure why everybody is so excited about the ele and engi weaponswap thing.

> > Only usable while out of combat.....a convenience feature if anything.


> This is huge if useable in PVP.


I dont understand why people bring up PvP all the time when talking about this.


Outside of some rare fringe-case scenarios, this will literally only be used to maybe stack some boons while traversing the map (and praying you dont get into combat while doing so)

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Detection moving to goggles, and goggles gaining Resistance, seems fantastic to me. Stunbreak and resistance with detection as an option makes goggles seem like a really powerful offensive tool for a build that doesn't bother with condi cleanse.


> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Outside of some rare fringe-case scenarios, this will literally only be used to maybe stack some boons while traversing the map (and praying you dont get into combat while doing so)


Boon-stacking is really, really good though. Tempests with Warhorns could jack up the power of a group drastically. Any Elementalist which previously didn't have RTL slotted can get it now. Not to mention being able to lay certain effects before combat begins and switching weapons before you enter into your 'proper' set (healing effects don't actually put you in combat, and staff heals are great). It'd honestly be insane to let any of these classes do this in PvP; arguably even WvW should prevent it.

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Detection moving to goggles, and goggles gaining Resistance, seems fantastic to me. Stunbreak and resistance with detection as an option makes goggles seem like a really powerful offensive tool for a build that doesn't bother with condi cleanse.


> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Outside of some rare fringe-case scenarios, this will literally only be used to maybe stack some boons while traversing the map (and praying you dont get into combat while doing so)


> Boon-stacking is really, really good though. Tempests with Warhorns could jack up the power of a group drastically. Any Elementalist which previously didn't have RTL slotted can get it now. Not to mention being able to lay certain effects before combat begins and switching weapons before you enter into your 'proper' set (healing effects don't actually put you in combat, and staff heals are great). It'd honestly be insane to let any of these classes do this in PvP; arguably even WvW should prevent it.


idk if the healing thing will matter too much.. cause the moment you get the smallest hit you are in combat. i can see this being useful on support tempest if they are super careful to stay behind

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Detection moving to goggles, and goggles gaining Resistance, seems fantastic to me. Stunbreak and resistance with detection as an option makes goggles seem like a really powerful offensive tool for a build that doesn't bother with condi cleanse.


> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Outside of some rare fringe-case scenarios, this will literally only be used to maybe stack some boons while traversing the map (and praying you dont get into combat while doing so)


> Boon-stacking is really, really good though. Tempests with Warhorns could jack up the power of a group drastically. Any Elementalist which previously didn't have RTL slotted can get it now. Not to mention being able to lay certain effects before combat begins and switching weapons before you enter into your 'proper' set (healing effects don't actually put you in combat, and staff heals are great). It'd honestly be insane to let any of these classes do this in PvP; arguably even WvW should prevent it.


Ye, the water field from staff 5 is about the only application I can see being good.


but as @"noiwk.2760" said, getting into combat with your "utility weaponset" and not being able to switch off it, certainly is a big risk factor.


I mean, it certainly is a buff .....but I would be hard pressed to call it "insane for PvP".

At best its a mobility boost while traveling between nodes. At worst it will screw you over due to being stuck on an unoptimal weaponset.

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> Hammer auto buffs - good. Players who actually play **scrapper properly thank you.**

> (I asked for hammer auto buffs of 5% -> 10% -> 15% a few months back so I'm glad to see the changes)


Nahhhh and nahhh just speak about ur self, better up the speed than the damage of hammer auto and u just lose 8 sec of +10% damages with Elixir U nerf (stab = more damages for scrapper) ....can't be happy with this..... for the moment. Will see.


And really i don't understand why ppl so excited about weapons swap for engi ??? how many weapons engi have ???? maybe it's a plus for WwW and PVE for sigil stack but pvp..... (for elem in other hand ...it's a huge help, 40 weapons skills :astonished: )

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> # 12/03/2019—Skills and Balance Update


> ## PvP Changes


> ### Engineer


> - Elixir U: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 1 second in PvP only.



I dont think its nessecary. Imagine doing that. You would screw up an entire skill for the whole class, making it completely garbage and nerfing with that the S**_crap_**per even more than the holosmith, even though the holosmith itself doesnt need any of such nerfs.


Holosmith itself isnt really overpowered. Is has sustain, compared to the other lether-wielders. Its doing decent damage too,while being in the Holo-form. But if many people are complaining because of the holo being too good, just because they cant survive its attacks until the photon-forge overheats, then its the fault of them taking berserk gear instead of sustain gear.... its not the holo thats the problem here. Even if it would be too good, removing stability wouldnt do anything regarding to that.


but still happy to see a balance patch thats NOT going to nerf the revenant

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > # 12/03/2019—Skills and Balance Update

> >

> > ## PvP Changes

> >

> > ### Engineer

> >

> > - Elixir U: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 1 second in PvP only.

> >


> I dont think its nessecary. Imagine doing that. You would screw up an entire skill for the whole class, making it completely garbage and nerfing with that the S**_kitten_**per even more than the holosmith, even though the holosmith itself doesnt need any of such nerfs.


> Holosmith itself isnt really overpowered. Is has sustain, compared to the other lether-wielders. Its doing decent damage too,while being in the Holo-form. But if many people are complaining because of the holo being too good, just because they cant survive its attacks until the photon-forge overheats, then its the fault of them taking berserk gear instead of sustain gear.... its not the holo thats the problem here. Even if it would be too good, removing stability wouldnt do anything regarding to that.


Lol yeah holo is completely overstacked and needs nerfs 100%. Ur holo is fine and that people are at fault for running zerg stats is kinda funny no offense.

This is a good change.

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