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Pistol whip spam thieves


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Hi there everyone! I'm bringing to attention the latest one-trick-pony thief build! Its game plan is simple: shadowstep in (or steal), pistol whip them a few times, shadowstep out! wash, rinse, repeat! Finally kill them with regular power thief stuff when you're out of cooldowns and stability to deal with the constant pistols being whipped! So...can Anet deal with this new toxic, low effort build that sees play in high ranked matches? Idk, increase the cost on pistol whip? decrease the stun? idk, but I do know that I'm not thrilled for 4 months of seeing this cancer in half my ranked games ^^

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> @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> It’s funny.


> Sindrener was literally joking while playing this meme build on stream « imagine some gold plebs go on forum now and ask to nerf s/p ».


> Actually hilarious.

it's not a meme build, it's the best build you can run in ranked right now. it's played because you can actually 1v1 with it, as well as teamfight. You can't do either of those with d/p, or s/d

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> @"scarydogie.3024" said:

> > @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> > It’s funny.

> >

> > Sindrener was literally joking while playing this meme build on stream « imagine some gold plebs go on forum now and ask to nerf s/p ».

> >

> > Actually hilarious.

> it's not a meme build, it's the best build you can run in ranked right now. it's played because you can actually 1v1 with it, as well as teamfight. You can't do either of those with d/p, or s/d


Why the fuck would you trade arguably one of the best roaming specs in the game (core s/d) for something that is a mediocre duelist / team fighter and does less damage on +1s. Most thieves are not Sindrener so you just see them spam all initiative into thin air and then get ganked by a rev.

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> @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> > @"scarydogie.3024" said:

> > > @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> > > It’s funny.

> > >

> > > Sindrener was literally joking while playing this meme build on stream « imagine some gold plebs go on forum now and ask to nerf s/p ».

> > >

> > > Actually hilarious.

> > it's not a meme build, it's the best build you can run in ranked right now. it's played because you can actually 1v1 with it, as well as teamfight. You can't do either of those with d/p, or s/d


> Why the kitten would you trade arguably one of the best roaming specs in the game (core s/d) for something that is a mediocre duelist / team fighter and does less damage on +1s. Most thieves are not Sindrener so you just see them spam all initiative into thin air and then get ganked by a rev.


if these thieves can't play sp, why would they be able to play sd? sp has a much lower skill floor than sd does, so it's a lot easier to just pick up and be effective with. You also certainly do a lot more damage on +1s as sp than sd. and mediocre duelist? you can 1v1 and contest a node against every single spec in the game right now, even outnumbered. I'd suggest actually playing the build and practicing with it before making your own assumptions.

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It has very clear vulnerability frames (both a cast time and aftercast apparently), can be walked out of with stab, immobilizes the thief (have you tried kiting?)...


And maybe don't unload all your burst into the evade. C'mon. It's only a thing now because Swipe CDR buff allows players to land it slightly more often. People will complain about it for a while, learn how to counter, and then it'll go back to being sorta useful but eh.

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Lol. So basically whenever thief finds atleast somewhat viable build... our community is up on a mission to destroy it. Nice. And that's why thief is only a +1 and decap class. It was always the most hated class in gw2. Btw.. that S/P build is quite a meme tbh.. and still ppl want to nerf it. Such a joke.

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Really? Pistol whip whining? I understand monkey teef, because window in which you can stop them is really small, but pistol whip? The only class that comes to my mind which can have serious problems is necro, everything else should punish it right away after you notice its actually s/p.

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I can't tell if joke thread or not. People actually die to memewhip now? That's quite embarrassing if true.


But I agree, personal improvement would take effort so instead lets nerf something that's already trash, that way you don't have to deal with it anymore. Surely that's how good balance is achived!

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> Lol. So basically whenever thief finds atleast somewhat viable build... our community is up on a mission to destroy it. Nice. And that's why thief is only a +1 and decap class. It was always the most hated class in gw2. Btw.. that S/P build is quite a meme tbh.. and still ppl want to nerf it. Such a joke.


Thief is designnated to +1 role becouse of singular traits that provide permanent out of combat swiftness ( with no boon duration mind you )

combined with both out of combat and in combat insanity level of mobility, combined with INI system that rewards spamming the same ability.


MB if every single thief ability didnt provide INSANE mobility, MB then they would be alloed to be strong duelists?

What do thiefs run these days?

Heal? Withdraw, Low cooldown reasonably long dash.

Roll for ini? another long dash that gives ini for potentially more dashes.

Shadowstep? wow double teleport.

Dagger storm? Wow movespeed boost.


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Praise Sind who turn a weapon set consider trash since nearly the end of LSW season 1, into a meme/toxic in a few weeks juste by playing it.


To make an anwser, S/P have two weak spot, one after the stun and another at the end of the animation. Just learn the right timing and you will probably trash more than 90% of them.

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