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here come the bunker meta bois


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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> uuhhh why?


Meta sidepoint classes are generally impossible to kill 1v1 now. Ex weaver/prot holo.


If you can't kill the side pointer 1v1, then there is no reason to bring high damage to side points, because it makes you vulnerable to a +1 while your opponent will survive -1 longer.


If you agree with that, then it makes sense to play the tankiest sidepointers possible and rely on burst damage roamers to win the node for you aka rev/thief/mesmer.


Its just a return to cele meta in another form:


1v1 Bunker (x1-2) / Mobile Bruiser (x1-2) / Roamer (x2)


1v1 Bunker / Support / Big teamfight dps / Thief / Roamer

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> Meta sidepoint classes are generally impossible to kill 1v1 now. Ex weaver/prot holo.

Boon hate and counter pressure is all it takes.


Prot holo is nothing without Hard Light Arena which is why saving the skills before it is important and sure not falling for flash shell blind spam either.


Weaver is purely based around Twist of Fate, the moment they have none of that. Enough CC's properly timed is all it takes, counter pressure is a benefit to have since they have lot of burning to give.

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We've been at a point for a while where once you reach a certain skill threshold all side noders basically stall out to varying degrees based on match up for minutes on end only ending sooner when mid gets cleaned up by one team and a plus can snow ball and execute the side noders whose team got wiped, usually a rev.


I wouldn't call that a bunker meta, though. That's more like when Scrapper got reworked as only a handful of the most offensively overpowered builds could hope to kill it under specific circumstances.

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As I and others mentioned in the balance changes thread a bit ago, when you start nerfing the offensive potential of professions *without* toning down the sustain of other options, naturally we are going to start to turn to more sustain and lethargic/stalling tactics to tie down points. I hate bunker metas with a passion. A high-sustained-damage pressure meta is what set GW2 in a league of it's own and made it exhilarating. Bunker metas are yawn worthy : S

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > uuhhh why?


> Meta sidepoint classes are generally impossible to kill 1v1 now. Ex weaver/prot holo.


> If you can't kill the side pointer 1v1, then there is no reason to bring high damage to side points, because it makes you vulnerable to a +1 while your opponent will survive -1 longer.


> If you agree with that, then it makes sense to play the tankiest sidepointers possible and rely on burst damage roamers to win the node for you aka rev/thief/mesmer.


> Its just a return to cele meta in another form:


> 1v1 Bunker (x1-2) / Mobile Bruiser (x1-2) / Roamer (x2)

> Or

> 1v1 Bunker / Support / Big teamfight dps / Thief / Roamer


Ehh. I just don't see this happening beyond AT finals. But AT finals are gold standard, so maybe? But the 1v1-er, Support class, teamfighter, thief, roamer setup you describe has been used for months...

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> This meta isn't anywhere in the ballpark of bunker meta like HoT was bunker meta. Not even close.


> In HoT bunker metas, you could play a 9 to 12 minute game and only ever see two or three nodes even change color in that entire timeframe. That's how ridiculously tanky everything was in HoT.


I miss that bunker season following HoT, not because I played a bunker (which I didn't), however I made a unique build that could take 2 bunkers down on 1 node and cap it. It was deemed as the "Bunker Buster" that received such a hard nerf, that it cannot be built the same way again. A build I was super proud of.

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I think a good guard symbol spec can pretty much side node against my class (holo) indefinitely. I'm not sure if other classes have a way to get around it, but you basically can't stand on point, and they have reflect, so...... The other really tough one in the hands of a good player is Weaver.

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