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Happy holidays from ArenaNet: Looking Ahead to the New Year!

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2019 has been a rough year for the studio and the game.

I sincerely wish you all happy holidays and I hope next year will be better. :) The roadmap looks good so far, thanks for sharing. The Visions can be a good step-up from the short story format from Season 4. I do expect our skills to be replaced, though, similar to Caithe's memories in LS2. Since we won't be playing as the Commander, but as someone else, it makes sense to have different skills.


I really hope Anet and GW2 can get back up to their feet next year. So, happy holidays, get some rest and have a great time. :)

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I wonder is visions is taking the place of ep3 in q1, kind of a let down but ehh visions could be cool. As much as i apreciate the deadlines anet is setting (which is pretty big for the studio) it gives a crystal clear showcase of the issue with the game rn: the content in this roadmap is pittyful and in some cases laughable.


You telling me that in the span of 3 months outside of the big balance patch all wvw has to look forward to is a new mount skill? You telling me that we will go at least 3 more months without a raid and a fractal? I can deff see this roadmap as the closure some ppl didnt want to see. Its kind of a lose lose situation for anet on this one. They simply need to step up their game in all the non lw areas.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> For those of you that don't bother to read the main GW2 page or those that want an idea of what's coming up in 2020, at least for Q1 see here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/



It is also stickied to the top of the General Discussion forum: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94511/happy-holidays-from-arenanet-looking-ahead-to-the-new-year](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94511/happy-holidays-from-arenanet-looking-ahead-to-the-new-year#latest)

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> @"Klypto.1703" said:

> Alliances definitely not happening it seems


How do people keep saying this? Is it late? Yes, definitely. Very late? Yes. But there's no reason to believe they stopped working on it entirely. It was mentioned before that part of the backend has similar problems to the new sPvP tournament system, and that is clearly nearing completion now.

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I was recapturing the past year this morning. All the things that happened to the game, all the troubles we faced. After that I was hoping for 2020 to be better for the game and ANet. Start the year with some refreshing ideas and do everything better than last year. Learn from the mistakes and improve. Then I saw this announcement.


**Visions of the Past**: Judging from the description, it looks like Seeds of Truth (LS 2 E7). In that story chapter you were allowed to re-play Caith's story from certain/important points. Playing as her. It was a pretty cool experience, although I still remember the noisy complaints of the warrior-mains cursing about not being able to use their own skill-set while playing a Thief. Some of the challenges were really tough, with the given skill-set more than just challenging. But it was a really cool experience. So I am looking forward to this new/old content.


**Shadow in the Ice**: That is by far the shortest trailer I have seen in a while, mindblowing 10 seconds! If you are picky, it is actually only 5 seconds of content and 5 seconds watching on the logo. Advertising the thing with "something big is comming" is rather hilarious. But I have to admit, I like that kind of humor ^^. _Whisper in the Dark_ was released on 19th of November 2019, _Shadow in the Ice_ will be released at the 28th of January 2020 ... that are barely two months. Amazing!


**Lunar Year**: If they add something new to the festival, something more engaging, fine for me. It is worth a try at least. More rewards are always welcome.


**WvW**: Warclaw balance. Let us talk about the status of Eotm or the World Restructuring? Nah, that is not important enough. Let us talk about the cat :3.


_Note_: Having a road-map for the World Restructuring would be really nice. I know this may result into a huge disappointment. But honestly, how bad could it be?


**sPvP**: Swiss Tournaments, k. Balance Updates. We will see about that.

This is the beginning of 2020. We have a small road-map, a couple of things we can look forward to and a long list of things we are still waiting for without an concrete time-schedule at all. We need continuity and reliability from ANet. Keep up the communication and improve it, we are your player-base. Give us a road-map like this at the beginning of every quarter. Keep announcing big updates early and allow us to discuss them, adjust some details before the final release to avoid massive negative publicity.


You have created a couple of nice filler-events in 2019, use them in 2020. Run some public events with very little risk of messing up, no big partners and please NO region-restricted events. There are still people around who are willing to organize community-events, support them. Be present on the big fairs. Show us and your competitors that you are there. It is a 7 year old game, you do not have to create the same hype as a brand-new game.


In the end I would like to wish the community and ANet happy holidays and a good start into the new year. It has been 7 interesting, funny and challenging years for the community and the staff. There have been moments of joy and sadness for everyone. But the game is still alive, the community is still active and the game is still considered one of the best of its kind. We had a rough and exhausting year. Now it is time to relax, enjoy the holidays together and celebrate the end of the year.

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I just briefly read through, and from what I gathered, we'll have to play as a charr?


Now, I don't mind playing one mission as a charr with a mesmer illusion, but playing a whole episode or chapter as a charr?


Don't like it... one bit.

If I wanted to play as a charr, I would have a charr character.


Well, as I say, don't knock it until you try it, right?

I suppose we have no choice, if we want to proceed in story mode.

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I think some of us are missing the point. In the subject of this thread the OP specifically thanks Anet for this communication, which many players have been asking for. I think that the purpose of this thread is to be a **highly visible thank you** to Anet for communicating with us. And that it would dilute the purpose of this thread to be lost among all the other comments in a giant, merged, mega-thread. I will post in this thread, as I want to be very visible in thanking Anet for communicating with us.


>edit: clarity>

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> I just briefly read through, and from what I gathered, we'll have to play as a charr?


> Now, I don't mind playing one mission as a charr with a mesmer illusion, but playing a whole episode or chapter as a charr?

> Why?

> Don't like it... one bit.

> If I wanted to play as a charr, I would have a charr character.


> Well, as I say, don't knock it until you try it, right?

> I suppose we have no choice, if we want to proceed in story mode.


It’ll be a set piece almost certainly separate from the main story. If it uses the scrying in the sane way GW1 does it at Eye of the North, it’ll be like a bonus mission

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We aren't playing just a Charr, we're playing Ryland, the entire point of Visions is that we're going to scry. Probably with the help of the Eye of the North, to get information we otherwise would not. I'm hardly a fan of the Charr(Though I do like their writing.) as a people, but getting a bit more insight into what they think and feel will be a boon to the story imo.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> **Shadow in the Ice**: That is by far the shortest trailer I have seen in a while, mindblowing 10 seconds!


Well, it's a *teaser* trailer, not a full episode trailer. Dropped a full month in advance, at that!

They did something like that for S3E6 - remember the clip teasing Sharur? Basically just a few seconds of someone walking showing footfalls.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Nice bit of info to see but is the 1 ep per quarter indicative of all future quarters? doesnt q1 consist of Jan Feb and March? Ep1 in jan, lunar festival likely in feb and what does that leave us for march?


Actually, the News Blog states that the Lunar Festival releases in January _before_ Episode 2 on January 28th. I would expect Episode 3 in March.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Nice bit of info to see but is the 1 ep per quarter indicative of all future quarters? doesnt q1 consist of Jan Feb and March? Ep1 in jan, lunar festival likely in feb and what does that leave us for march?


> Actually, the News Blog states that the Lunar Festival releases in January _before_ Episode 2 on January 28th. I would expect Episode 3 in March.


Wouldnt that make it in the roadmap then?

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