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Guild Wars 1 remake or remaster

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ESL was shutdown, then layoffs, and 2 projects were canceled. There are rumors of Guild Wars 3 being canceled and of Guild Wars 2 shutdown.


Can Arenet fans finally give the game we been hoping for since guild wars 2 teasers? Guild wars 1 model and project strategy, although very tedious, put Arenanet on the map. I understand that statistically, following the World of Warcraft model and trying to grab their population was a very good move in the short term, but Look at the state of the company now. You lost many of your Guild Wars 1 diehard fans simply because Guild Wars 2 is nothing like the first game. We can all argue that there are improvements in GW2 but the underlining dual profession system and the refreshing Magic the Gathering card like hex/enchantment system have been stripped away from the base game. Guild wars 2 lacks the customization and numerous skill building mechanics the first game had.


This generation of game release strategy have been to rehash or revisit their roots by remastering and remaking the games that put them on the map. With that said, can we get a true to Guild Wars 1 remake?

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Is the dev team bigger than two people? Thanks for being optimistic but I prefer a real response. Resident Evil 2,3; Final Fantasy 7,8; Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare; Spiro; Skull Knight all these games remastered or remade. I've seen the guild wars 1 update efforts on the wiki -they are amazing but how about Arenanet give their first game some more wholesome love?


Sure we can all go back to 2005 and play with a population of less than 1000 players, but don't expect it grow without the developers support.


So want to help persuade the developer or sit back and watch your dream game be some lost relic of the past? Your choice. I say bring it back!!!

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I’d rather all resources piled into gw2. They already cancelled most side projects and put people back in this game. GW1 had its day (for me) and I dont really want to see a remaster at the expense of gw2 which has heavily suffered from focus being elsewhere


There’s not many gw1 devs left anyway so prob any appetite for it would be gone

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> @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> Is the dev team bigger than two people? Thanks for being optimistic but I prefer a real response. Resident Evil 2,3; Final Fantasy 7,8; Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare; Spiro; Skull Knight all these games remastered or remade. I've seen the guild wars 1 update efforts on the wiki -they are amazing but how about Arenanet give their first game some more wholesome love?


> Sure we can all go back to 2005 and play with a population of less than 1000 players, but don't expect it grow without the developers support.


> So want to help persuade the developer or sit back and watch your dream game be some lost relic of the past? Your choice. I say bring it back!!!


All those games are single player game with the exception of CoD, which isn't exactly a remake, it's a completely different game. The main difference with all those games is that Guild Wars 1 is still active

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I would like to see a fusion of both games


For instance, keep the specialisations system, but also let characters have two classes, and be able to select the weapon skills we want from a vast selection.


So imagine having a Warrior/Ranger.

Specs for tanking with a pet.

Select old school skills, such as sever, and deep wound, but still be able to swap when you swap weapon to a short bow, and be able to use barrage, while your pet knocks the opponent down.


Using a fusion of point attribution and specialisations?

Oh yes please.


Take all good stuff from both sides and make a prequel.

Based on the time when the six were still in Orr.

The forgotten, The Charr migration from Dalada Uplands, the rise of the Mursaat.


Omg, that would be ever sooo good.

So yeah. Prequel please.

Called GW Zero, or The beggining.

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Pfft. I wish the camera didn't jump around with the contours of the ground, but it's still perfectly playable. Worthwhile too.


I don't wish to downplay your view. While I love GW2 and I enjoy GW for the references and differences, GW2 is the game for me. For all I know remaking GW could be the healthiest thing Anet could possibly do for the franchise: give the hardcore players a proper hardcore game. Just let me keep picking my dandelions. I'm not afraid for GW2's future, it's the best casual MMORPG out there, hands down. It's the hardcore audience that wants more than adorable mittens for their Griffon that's hard to compete for. (I'm not saying GW2 shouldn't make an effort for them, it absolutely should, but it'll never replace GW. If GW gets a reboot, I'm fine with it.)



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> It doesn't make business sense to look backward. A company should focus on moving forward.


That's actually not entirely true. Remastering old games is big business right now. And this year have seen some pretty big remasters or news of some big remasters. Now they might be single player games for the most part, but the effort is proving to be lucrative



- Zelda on the gameboy got a huge remaster and sold fantastically well

- Most of the Resident Evils

- Final Fantasy 7 is getting a massive remaster treatment and will be a blockbuster release

- Trials of Mana


And that is by no means an exhaustive list


There is very much a demand for remastering old games and the calls for companies to re-do their backlists is growing. There is def potential in a GW1 remaster, esp as a fully solo experience. It is more accurate to suggest it might not be a good business decision for Anet given what little we know of their structure and internal workings.


I would have no issue with the OP's suggestion if I didn't think GW2 would suffer for it.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I guess. One's mileage may vary. Maybe if game companies created games/content that was innovative and new then there wouldn't be such a call for remaking old titles.


I don't agree with that either. The industry is incredibly varied and there is plenty of safe and plenty of innovative ideas out there and plenty of calls to emulate or bring back old stuff. The industry shouldn't just be about progression. Looking back and remembering is a big, important part of the entertainment industry.


As technology moves on, players want to experience the game as they remember it which is never how they really look when they return to it's original format. Anyone who has played an original N64 or PS1/2 game today will understand that for example. GW1 looks and plays like an absolute pig these days, but it didn't 10 years ago. If they remastered it so it felt like how I remember it, I'd prob play it.


If a developer/publisher has the resources to justice to a remaster of a popular title, then they absolutely should. And I for one will continue to enjoy such things like my remastered Turok games..........


TLDR: There is room and a need for both


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> @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> Is the dev team bigger than two people? Thanks for being optimistic but I prefer a real response. Resident Evil 2,3; Final Fantasy 7,8; Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare; Spiro; Skull Knight all these games remastered or remade. I've seen the guild wars 1 update efforts on the wiki -they are amazing but how about Arenanet give their first game some more wholesome love?


Some of those are arguably worse due to "modernization"

Personally as a diehard FF7 fan since 1997 the changes in the FF7 remake make me sick to my stomach.. I cannot stress enough how much I hate that remake.

Modern Warfare too largely the same cept for a bunch of microtransactions forced in.


Gw1 doesnt need a remake it's fine as it is and the game is still live.

With remakes always comes the risk of destroying the originals appeal in the first place.

The only Remakes I personally enjoy are those that remain faithful to the original and those that enhance the original while remaining faithful.

Homeworld, Turok, Witcher Resident Evil 1 and Baldurs Gate I'd prefer to use as examples of good remakes that remain faithful to the original games yet enhance them significantly.

Im Not sure on RE2 yet though, own it but havent played it yet but I do like what i've seen of it so far, the gameplay changes are drastic and I'd much prefer had they done a RE1 style remake instead but so long as they don't take away from the experience it'll be a good remake in my book.


If Gw1 were to be remade it would be very hard to recapture the first game unless they made sure to keep a lot of annoying problems such as the massive skill list/balance issues which would mean the gameplay would need to be largely the same.

As much as I love Gw2's combat system I don't think it works for Gw1 without purging a lot of the games skills and likewise the build diversity the first game was known for.

A Gw1/Gw2 hybrid which has often been discussed for a Gw1 remake just wouldnt work in practice imo despite how cool it would be to play Gw1 in the same kind of way as we play Gw2.

That old online RPG element that Gw1 had and Gw2 does not is one of the things people loved about Gw1 anyway so it would have to be there for the remake imo and that would result in a lot of Gw2 style features being dropped for the remake.

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> @"Gryphon.2875" said:

> > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> >

> >

> > Omg, that would be ever sooo good.

> > So yeah. Prequel please.

> > Called GW Zero, or The beggining.


> I'd love one set even further back, the age of the Jotun and Dwarves, with them as PCs, as well as Seers and Mersaat.


It would be interesting to play as a human or charr, during the first Ascalonian war.

When humans drove charr from Ascalon, the first time around.


As a white mantle when they first made contact with the Mursaat .


The war in orr.


The first conflict with shiro.

Canthan storyline was quite confusing.

Was like shiro was living two separate lives.


The first war against Abaddon.


There are so many parts in GW history that are untold and need to be played through.


It could be done in a remake, and then carry the story fowards to when prophecies started.

But it could be trimmed down from then forwards though.

Prophecies was huge, and it took forever.

One thought at times that you would never see the end of it.

Sometimes got boring and tedious along the way.


Just as well you can skip it, and taxi run from post searing Ascalon to Gates of Lion's Arch.

Then the real story begins.

Maguma jungle and desert gets boring sometimes.


On the other hand, the majority of the southern shiverpeaks was never used for anything, except exploration.

We're talking from Droknar's Forge, all the way to North of Lorna's pass.


In GW2, most of the maps are now being used, and no doubt the remaining maps will surely be unveiled towards the end.

All is left is Woodland Cascades, North Shiverpeaks, and Scavenger's Causeway.

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Those diehard GW1 fans that have left are now ~10 years older than they were when GW1 was active. I think this also plays a role.


I started GW1 way after GW2, so without much of that nostalgia factor. To me, from today's point of view, it seems pretty time consuming. It seems like a game I would have loved as a teenager or in my early twenties. However, I am older now and I don't have as much freetime and as much motivation to learn game mechanics as I had back then. GW1 seems to be a fun game, but I think it aims for a younger audience than GW2 and therefore a remake probably can't bring back the old fans, at least not for long. However, if it was adjusted to be playable with less time investment, it would be far more casual and even less appealing to those old fans. Kind of a lose-lose situation.

Maybe a port to mobile could work, though.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> Those diehard GW1 fans that have left are now ~10 years older than they were when GW1 was active. I think this also plays a role.


> I started GW1 way after GW2, so without much of that nostalgia factor. To me, from today's point of view, it seems pretty time consuming. It seems like a game I would have loved as a teenager or in my early twenties. However, I am older now and I don't have as much freetime and as much motivation to learn game mechanics as I had back then. GW1 seems to be a fun game, but I think it aims for a younger audience than GW2 and therefore a remake probably can't bring back the old fans, at least not for long. However, if it was adjusted to be playable with less time investment, it would be far more casual and even less appealing to those old fans. Kind of a lose-lose situation.

> Maybe a port to mobile could work, though.


Not sure why you think it's more time consuming. For example if you start in Cantha, you can reach max level in like 8 hours and get the highest tier of armor before you even finish leveling. Meanwhile in GW2 getting all the ascended and building up your agony resistance, masteries, unlocking elite specs, etc take way more time.


It's probably one of the easiest to get into and most alt-friendly games out there.

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I dont want a remake. I just started playing gw 1 again, next to gw 2. I would be interested in a new game inspired by the first one, but up to date with modern design and 3d action combat/movement, but with build/skill flexibility. It would not be a mmo, but a corpg game (this how gw 1 was called in the beginning, and what it truely is). It could even be a mix of both (openworld and instanced maps), but without the massive element, so no immersion/gamebreaking zergs. This could be accomplished by capping the amount of people, and a return of selectable zones (like gw 1) instead of the megaserver system.

Story wise i would rather have a prequel setting, in a pre tech age, so primitive pre tech asuras would be perfect for me :p

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If they were going to remake/remaster GW1, you can bet it would be for a mobile launch and be F2P with a light but controversial shop (ie, selling heroes).

That is the only way i think it is going to work out as remaster, it worked for baldur's gate 1 2. I wonder why more PC games are not ported to mobile, the market is kinda trash and ye olde good games ported to it might make it more bearable. Spend some days in the hospital and played Bard's tale might not have been the best pc game but it was 10/10 for mobile. Did you people know that Titan quest can be played on mobile, imagine blizzard released remaster of Diablo 2 for mobile instead of the Chinese garbage "Do you guys not have phones?" would have had totally different meaning right now.

If Anet tries hard and put guild wars on mobile(i don't think they can cause the engine is not designed for it at all), the announcement starts terrible like the blizzard one "We know that people like mobile games", the oh no no no starts, they let the unrest grow by talking how mobile market is so great and then they go for the kill, they roll Guild wars 1 ramaster trailer + new expansion now on pc and mobile. Mic drop, pay me.


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Jumping in GW1, imo would be unecessary. There is nothing there that you could possibly use jumping for.

Dodging however... is always useful.

Especially when you get stuck behing the djinn when you touch the 'Don't touch' warning treasure in Vabbi.


I'd like to see mounts in GW1 though.

Just think how cool it would be, you and your entire hero party having mounts.

The only time you "mount" something, is in the Desolation.

You have to navigate the Sulfur flats with the Junundu wurms.

Quite boring to be honest, imo.


I would definitely like to see new content for GW1.

I don't think the graphics need touching much.

I think they're fine as they are.

Dalada uplands is beautiful. Just to give an example. The asura areas are also pretty neat.

I would just add some stuff from GW2, like the extra classes.


Perhaps do HoM both ways?

For instance, your GW2 achievements and mastery points unlocks goodies to use in GW1?

Just a thought.

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