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Do you have any work on guilds? I think it would be better, I can not find players for the guild, 5 separate guilde to enter a very ridiculous in my opinion, the name of the game and nothing useful section, why people do not have to choose only a guild. guild can bring legendary armor, requirements can be high level guild.and a lot more than guild commendations, i think i'll have to leave the game at the end of this year, it's been seven years, i'm getting old now [42], you don't change the display name anyway. The guild wars I have seen as my family of 2 are no longer getting boring. I really love you guys. but please remove the nonsense of entering the five guilds

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How is this a bug? You might've posted this in the wrong section.


...and I'm not sure what exactly you're complaining about. You know you don't have to join five guilds, right? You can have just the one. Or just two, or three, or four - or none. The "Guild Wars" in the title of this game refers to a event that happened in lore that was over before even the story of the *first* game started.

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Some things are abandoned by anet. But a lot of things that players cry about are abandoned by them. We have all the materials to make guild missions and other things fun, we have nice rewards while we can have fun and talk.


A lot of content is there, players just need to take better advantage of it. Crying less and start playing and enjoying more. People focus more on gold farm than in actually enjoying a multiplayer game with other players. Always in same maps, doing the same things all over again. Yes anet needs to improve a lot of things, but what is stopping you to enjoy cool maps and diferent events? Just tag up and start gathering people in diferent places. Break the routine.


Yes, they should launch GvG mode. But thats not the reason for guilds being dead. People prefer to farm all day all the same meta events boring themselves just to make gold, instead of enjoying the game with people and doing funnier but less profitable things. Its like real world when we have a place to do a party, is up to the people that are there to make the party funny.


Gw2 players are each day more self centered. Thinking about their personal profit and farm, and not with the sense of community, fun and pleasure that used to rule guild wars and make it different. Start blaming ourselves, because Yes anet can do better, but we also can and should do a lot better for this game.

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Yet yesterday there was two ~10 man guilds + 20ish pugs running around in a semi-organized zerg and when fighting them, we had to engage whatever guild was detached from the main group first or they where too many of us. And that's just a couple of hours of WvW, on a single map. Often there are 15-25 man guilds running around. Every day for 7 years. Across 9 matchups and 51 servers with hundreds upon hundreds of guilds.


But there have never been nor will ever be guild wars in guild wars according to forum consensus.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> I really wish they'd give more guild missions and stuff.


> 5 guilds is definitely not enough, though to be fair I would just make meme guild names.



Im in five 4 guilds ATM, the fifth i leave open. 1 is a family guild, 1 is for RP, 1 is for Open world events and bosses, and the other is for raids, i had a WVW guild but they transferred servers.


Also, "Guild Wars" has nothing to do with guilds, i highly suggest OP reads the link i have in my signature on why guild wars is called guild wars.

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Even if I don't think that the OP used the right approach to tackle this issue.

Sorry dude, but you sound like a nagging baby...

However, I must agree with their point.

Very, very strong point in fact.

Since Guild Wars is... well, GW; as the name implies, the main focus of the game should be... as it says on the tin exactly, Guild Wars.


The main focus should be promoting Guilds, in order to get people to play currently non existing modes, such as Guild Vs Guild.


Not in a manner that you'd be forced to do it, mind.

But incentivated to do so.

WvW, and PvP could also have GvG modes too.


Jade Quary was so popularly busy back in the day of GW1.

Why have they decided not to integrate arenas as such, I don't know.


But perhaps, that's the key factor that's been missing from GW2 all along.



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The guild wars where an historic fictional event in tyria before the time of GW1. This is what gave the name to the franchise.


Guilds are not abbanded, but when developing the developer needs to make decisions what to give attention and when.

Although it is ok to criticize these decisions I would recommend to avoid any entitlement.

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the franchise is NOT named after the "guild wars" which take place in the story.

ORIGINALLY there was not even a story. the concept was combat, a pvp game. that shit came first. thats what all the alpha and beta tester tested back then before anything storywise happend.


the story in gw1 came very late into the game and was meant to be a way to explore your own character, basically what gw2 does with the story from 1-80.

even devs confirmed this back then in the days of guild wars. you can find here and there a alpha testa from the original game which will tell you the same shit.

the name guild wars came originally from its pvp and nothing you will say or what is in the story will change that.

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> @"skarpak.8594" said:

> the franchise is NOT named after the "guild wars" which take place in the story.

> ORIGINALLY there was not even a story. the concept was combat, a pvp game. that kitten came first. thats what all the alpha and beta tester tested back then before anything storywise happend.


> the story in gw1 came very late into the game and was meant to be a way to explore your own character, basically what gw2 does with the story from 1-80.

> even devs confirmed this back then in the days of guild wars. you can find here and there a alpha testa from the original game which will tell you the same kitten.

> the name guild wars came originally from its pvp and nothing you will say or what is in the story will change that.


Those same beta testers you mentioned cried out for a story to be added, and so ANET added the story that got implemented including the name sake for the game the in game "Guild Wars" for which the game series is now named after. You dont -have- to like it, nobody is asking you to either, but things change(for the better). When i first got GW i sure as hell didnt get if for the PVP, i could have and still do care less for the pvp side of the game.


The story and the lore is far more important, in game events of which the developers have also stated to be the reason for the games name mean alot more than players saying "BUT BACK IN ALPHA/BETA". You mean back when the game didnt know what it fully was yet? Okay.

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it doesn't matter what you like more. it doesn't matter if those testers wanted a pve mode in or not.


fact is: gw1 got fully developed as a pvp game and tested as a pvp game under the name guild wars until much later in development it got a story and a pve modus (in gw1 i was also someone who did only pve, just saying, but i still do not deny this fact) and therefore the name "guild wars" did not come from the lore, but from its pvp mode.


or to say it with the words of anet devs confirmed by quite a few people from back then: the game got named guild wars after its pvp mode where groups of players called guilds could fight eachother.


...if anything else, google artifact title.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:


> Why wasn't that sort of system implemented in GW?



Goes against the play how you want mentality, and im thankful its -not- that way. I really do wish i could play through the story as an independent person not attached to any of the orders, but thats just not how the game was written. The Orders Of Tyria are set up to be little more than an intro to the pact storyline. While all three are separate entities with their own mission, they cant do much on their own for the good of Tyria, and they arent really guilds. OOW is the Secret Service, Priory is the CIA, and the VIgil is the FBI, they all disagree with each other but they all work together for protection of the USA.


Also, the individual guilds in GW2 at least from what ive seen arent even a thing, outside of player ones? Like i think theres one right now(Dragons Watch), The rest are either so unimportant they arent named, or they -ARE- the player made guilds.


Fable is also a bad choice, as theres only -one- choice presented to the player when it comes to joining a "guild" you either join the fable guild or you dont play the game, WoW did a better version if i remember with their Alliance and Horde split did they not? I still dont think that would work in GW2 though.



> @"skarpak.8594" said:

> it doesn't matter what you like more. it doesn't matter if those testers wanted a pve mode in or not.


> fact is: gw1 got fully developed as a pvp game and tested as a pvp game under the name guild wars until much later in development it got a story and a pve modus (in gw1 i was also someone who did only pve, just saying, but i still do not deny this fact) and therefore the name "guild wars" did not come from the lore, but from its pvp mode.


> or to say it with the words of anet devs confirmed by quite a few people from back then: the game got named guild wars after its pvp mode where groups of players called guilds could fight eachother.


> ...if anything else, google artifact title.


Same goes to you; it doesnt matter you like, or what it was in Beta. The actuality of the game that got published to the world is that the games title comes from the events of the First Guild Wars, not a game that was never ever seen by the vast majority of people who ever played the GW franchise.


Im not denying that it got developed as a PVP only game, im fully aware of that, BUT, the -fact- is it got changed to be a heavily PVE orientated game when the Beta testers pointed out their PVP wasnt going to be enough to hold peoples interest. When that happened and the changes where made to include a very well written backstory for everything, including the "Guild Wars" portion of the title, the origin of the games namesake changed. It was no longer a game about PVP Guilds fighting each other, did it support that concept? Yes, yes it did, but it moved away from that as the -singular reason- the game had "Guild Wars" in its title.


I googled artifact title, and Guild Wars:Prophecies(the game title that made its way to the world market) makes more sense with the lore than without it.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> The guild wars where an historic fictional event in tyria before the time of GW1. This is what gave the name to the franchise.


> Guilds are not abbanded, but when developing the developer needs to make decisions what to give attention and when.

> Although it is ok to criticize these decisions I would recommend to avoid any entitlement.



Guilds are more than abandoned...

Just because there’s a useless GH and 0 things labeled as guild content.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what I mean is,becomes a guild and the human exposes his or her existence for the guild,pvp guild, wvw guild, pve guild these are empty things i think,

how they brought some innovations to the wvw side,

the same can be for the guild,

and I don't understand how people change guild according to the game mode they play, no extra earnings anyway,Why can I register for five guilds I still haven't got the answer,There is a guild, there is a guild hall, there are guild quests but no playing,

Don't you think it's weird?

The guild side was trash, dungeons became trash isn't it disrespectful to people who made this aspect of the game at the time.

a fabulous map and a not so much free space but can't rate,if we want at least a little start, it should be just a guild, then people spend more time with each other and share more.

wvw another guild, pve another guild, pvp another guild i personally don't find it ethical,

players must be able to choose a guild and fight and upgrade for that guild with honor and experience

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