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Why does thief now have perma dodge with perma cc

The Ace.9105

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > > The reason they have permanent dodge with cc is because they merged the condi clear trait with the heal which also allows you to take pulmonary impact as second tier. Tbh this is kind of busted in general and it’s not just pw, pretty much and daredevil build with acro seems busted rn.

> > > > > > > > > Example- I accidentally played my first placement as acro, bound Valkyrie s/d because the season came out of nowhere and it seemed decent so I played all my placements with this troll build and somehow I placed 9-1 solo q when commonly going against legend players.

> > > > > > > > > My point being absolutely anything that takes advantage of acro and these new daredevil trait can be busted. It makes you potentially very tanking and if you take advantage in my case of damage modifiers u can still hit for 6k on larcenous or u can just spam cc for damage. It’s so incredibly ez with almost zero downside in specing for it

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Not on board with claiming Escapists Fortitude is busted when it removes one condition/pulses heal once per evade and classes exist that can load you with condis then stow and disable your trait, much less "every thief that runs acro can be busted".

> > > > > > > > Methinks that reeks of needless self-flagellation.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > With the type of sustain it gives with acro yeah it’s almost as tanky as actual duelist specs with absolutely zero trades off of still being a roamer/ burster. I would say that is getting 100% close to being op. You can disagree and claim I’m needlessly promoting myself while your posting about how u can hit these guys at the end of the animation, but the fact remain you can try and counter play it as u suggested but there’s still absolutely zero trade offs for taking something that can potentially make a Roamer and a burst class about as tanky as an actual duelist.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is absolute hyperbole. Go play thief with acro and ef and see how the sustain matches up to a tank spec, hint it wont come close. U guys talk about ef like it cleanses on dodge not evade and its heal is almost trivial compared to the dps being thrown around, any lower and might as well not be there. U disengage while having condis u still have to cleanse with either a utility if slotted or a trick skill if trick trait slotted,ef wont cleanse anything unless ur actively evading a actual attack. Thieves are doned all the time while engaging and using evades mid fight,I kill em all the time and yeah alot of times they disengage and come back later with CD-s which makes sense for that type of class but they definitely cant sit there and trade blows with my warrior by simply dodging around in melee range while were fighting like u guys make it seem like lol

> > > > > It’s not a hyperbole they are arguing about a version of the spec, which takes a tanker amulet to actually be as tanks as a side noder. The trait itself can be that good and that’s the point

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > And meaning what? So if a thief takes a tanky amulet instead of a more power damage based one it shouldn't be more tanky than had it taken the damage amulet, or that a mediocre cleanse and heal on most builds lands to a more tanker build when built for,this is literally something all classes can and do.

> > > Well yeah if 1 sustain trait out off the entire trait tree can make a burst spec, that can still hit 6k on larcenous strike, as tanky as specs trailed entirely as a duelist then yeah why not consider it a strong trait

> > >

> >

> > But it doesn't so. I've been playing warrior, rev a lot recently and have played far more thief than those two in the past but I can assure u both my warrior and rev feel far more tanky in a fight than thief has never no matter the build, only thing I miss is the disengage that shadow step and sw2 gave me if using sword that is.

> > Hell I get more sustain from forcefully great sword, mmr, frenzy and magebane than I do out of all thief's sustain traits if not out right avoiding damage as a thief that is.

> > The defense line sits on any thief's sustain lines lol.

> > Revs harold heal with staff blocks,heals and shires endurance gain on riposte with daggers alone keeps me in a fight longer than thief traits do and that's not incorporating sustain giving traits lol. My point is all classes can do this and I find it funny the class with least innate sustain gets the most flack for it even if its actually a lesser degree of sustain.


> I’d have to agree tbh but thief has way more dodges and can los much better via sword 2 and ports and it can also deny los better. This feels kind of good in 1v1s for me personally


Exactly and if u gave the warriors defense line to thief especially if it came with warriors base stats I'd be the first to say hold on what's going on here this line is far to tanky for a bursty evade spec like thief, hell even the mmr healing synergy warrior has going on would be to much with all of thief's evades etc but the healing traits in thief are rightfully a joke in comparison and the fact fe is 1 cleanse not 2 or 3 on successfully evading a attack and not on dodge makes it effective and useful but far from op. cleanse on dodge, now that would be OP.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > > The reason they have permanent dodge with cc is because they merged the condi clear trait with the heal which also allows you to take pulmonary impact as second tier. Tbh this is kind of busted in general and it’s not just pw, pretty much and daredevil build with acro seems busted rn.

> > > > > > > > > Example- I accidentally played my first placement as acro, bound Valkyrie s/d because the season came out of nowhere and it seemed decent so I played all my placements with this troll build and somehow I placed 9-1 solo q when commonly going against legend players.

> > > > > > > > > My point being absolutely anything that takes advantage of acro and these new daredevil trait can be busted. It makes you potentially very tanking and if you take advantage in my case of damage modifiers u can still hit for 6k on larcenous or u can just spam cc for damage. It’s so incredibly ez with almost zero downside in specing for it

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Not on board with claiming Escapists Fortitude is busted when it removes one condition/pulses heal once per evade and classes exist that can load you with condis then stow and disable your trait, much less "every thief that runs acro can be busted".

> > > > > > > > Methinks that reeks of needless self-flagellation.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > With the type of sustain it gives with acro yeah it’s almost as tanky as actual duelist specs with absolutely zero trades off of still being a roamer/ burster. I would say that is getting 100% close to being op. You can disagree and claim I’m needlessly promoting myself while your posting about how u can hit these guys at the end of the animation, but the fact remain you can try and counter play it as u suggested but there’s still absolutely zero trade offs for taking something that can potentially make a Roamer and a burst class about as tanky as an actual duelist.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is absolute hyperbole. Go play thief with acro and ef and see how the sustain matches up to a tank spec, hint it wont come close. U guys talk about ef like it cleanses on dodge not evade and its heal is almost trivial compared to the dps being thrown around, any lower and might as well not be there. U disengage while having condis u still have to cleanse with either a utility if slotted or a trick skill if trick trait slotted,ef wont cleanse anything unless ur actively evading a actual attack. Thieves are doned all the time while engaging and using evades mid fight,I kill em all the time and yeah alot of times they disengage and come back later with CD-s which makes sense for that type of class but they definitely cant sit there and trade blows with my warrior by simply dodging around in melee range while were fighting like u guys make it seem like lol

> > > > > It’s not a hyperbole they are arguing about a version of the spec, which takes a tanker amulet to actually be as tanks as a side noder. The trait itself can be that good and that’s the point

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > And meaning what? So if a thief takes a tanky amulet instead of a more power damage based one it shouldn't be more tanky than had it taken the damage amulet, or that a mediocre cleanse and heal on most builds lands to a more tanker build when built for,this is literally something all classes can and do.

> > > Well yeah if 1 sustain trait out off the entire trait tree can make a burst spec, that can still hit 6k on larcenous strike, as tanky as specs trailed entirely as a duelist then yeah why not consider it a strong trait

> > >

> >

> > But it doesn't so. I've been playing warrior, rev a lot recently and have played far more thief than those two in the past but I can assure u both my warrior and rev feel far more tanky in a fight than thief has never no matter the build, only thing I miss is the disengage that shadow step and sw2 gave me if using sword that is.

> > Hell I get more sustain from forcefully great sword, mmr, frenzy and magebane than I do out of all thief's sustain traits if not out right avoiding damage as a thief that is.

> > The defense line sits on any thief's sustain lines lol.

> > Revs harold heal with staff blocks,heals and shires endurance gain on riposte with daggers alone keeps me in a fight longer than thief traits do and that's not incorporating sustain giving traits lol. My point is all classes can do this and I find it funny the class with least innate sustain gets the most flack for it even if its actually a lesser degree of sustain.


> I’d have to agree tbh but thief has way more dodges and can los much better via sword 2 and ports and it can also deny los better. This feels kind of good in 1v1s for me personally


Well yes the thief has more dodges and can break LOS better or use ports to survive yet that is the very thing people here are complaining about. That is how the thief survives. It stealths to break LOS it dodges it ports. It can not stick in a fight like other classes can or it dies.

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First its thief hits to hard, than thief players saying hey hey we can't stay in a fight long enough to down anyone now so the devs help them by buff DD ability to hang around a bit and now it's the staying ability is to much lol honestly unless thief combines a tank build like damage/bursts with the sustain of paper there will always be these complaints due to the playstyle of a typical rogue class, this is seen in the forums of all mmos. Archeage its shadowblafe, eso its nightblade, bdo ninja etc etc.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> That a person may not like playing against a certain build is not germane to the discussion when trying to suggest it OP.


Yes, "Not fun" and "OP" are two different things. That distinction is important.

I'd like the game to not have certain playstyles, but not at the cost of the class they're attached to. In those situations sometimes you need to settle for counterplay. Especially if the class playing in a way that's "fun" for you either consists of them eventually losing the MU, doesn't exist in a way you can reasonably define (at which point it's just resentment without a purpose), or requires a significant degree more skill than is required of you on the class you play.


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Pistol Whip is quite easy to interrupt, especially on a class like Mesmer. Inexperienced pistol whippers won't know how to react to the disruption to their spam and are easy to blow up after the interrupt.


Of course it's annoying to come up against a build that can be so successful by simply using the same skill over and over again, but it's so simplistic that it's quite easy to predict and therefore counter.


I hope Anet allow the community time to adapt to the presence of this build rather than bulldozing it like many of the Mesmer builds that have come and very quickly vanished.

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As I've seen so far, the current pistol whip build being used just spams teleports and CC with almost no way to die unless you want to, just like some mirage builds. Hopefully it's being looked at since it's talentless and unfun to play against. Anyone defending it with excuses of being the only viable build should probably double check why that is, because that's the actual answer to this thread's title.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > I question if this community knows what permanent really means a lot of the time.


> if thief uses quickness and spams pistol whip you can't cast a single skill that's not instant or a stunbreak before you are dead. That's pretty much perma cc.


Except it's not. Go play pw against higher lvl players. You will just hit thin air then die. There is a cast time and an end time to pw. Good players will dodge your cast. Wait for ow animation, cc then kill you. The evade isn't perma or is the stun. L2p issue.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Lol, 1200 plus shortbow = 3600. Good to know.


> I learn so much about thief listening to people who don’t play thief.


While these numbers are bloated, Thieves indeed have way too many tools to just run away quickly if their assault didn't work and the opponent starts to react.

It's anti-pvp and needs to be overhauled.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > Lol, 1200 plus shortbow = 3600. Good to know.

> >

> > I learn so much about thief listening to people who don’t play thief.


> While these numbers are bloated, Thieves indeed have way too many tools to just run away quickly if their assault didn't work and the opponent starts to react.

> It's anti-pvp and needs to be overhauled.


How is it anti-PvP? If they have the cool downs to escape then them escaping is part of PvP. Thief lacks sustain. They have to engage and then disengage. Disengage is the substitute for their sustain.


There are only a few thief builds that don’t kite (evasion builds) and even those can be pressured and have to retreat or die.


Basically, you just said the entire thief profession should be overhauled/deleted from the game. The answer is no.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > Lol, 1200 plus shortbow = 3600. Good to know.

> > >

> > > I learn so much about thief listening to people who don’t play thief.

> >

> > While these numbers are bloated, Thieves indeed have way too many tools to just run away quickly if their assault didn't work and the opponent starts to react.

> > It's anti-pvp and needs to be overhauled.


> How is it anti-PvP? If they have the cool downs to escape then them escaping is part of PvP. Thief lacks sustain. They have to engage and then disengage. Disengage is the substitute for their sustain.


> There are only a few thief builds that don’t kite (evasion builds) and even those can be pressured and have to retreat or die.


> Basically, you just said the entire thief profession should be overhauled/deleted from the game. The answer is no.


Theives are either creeping up from stealth, treating the enemy like a target dummy and killing them without a chance to fight back, OR they run away when the opponent starts to fight back and their assault failed.

How is either option even remotely close to P**v**P? There isn't any **versus** in that.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > > Lol, 1200 plus shortbow = 3600. Good to know.

> > > >

> > > > I learn so much about thief listening to people who don’t play thief.

> > >

> > > While these numbers are bloated, Thieves indeed have way too many tools to just run away quickly if their assault didn't work and the opponent starts to react.

> > > It's anti-pvp and needs to be overhauled.

> >

> > How is it anti-PvP? If they have the cool downs to escape then them escaping is part of PvP. Thief lacks sustain. They have to engage and then disengage. Disengage is the substitute for their sustain.

> >

> > There are only a few thief builds that don’t kite (evasion builds) and even those can be pressured and have to retreat or die.

> >

> > Basically, you just said the entire thief profession should be overhauled/deleted from the game. The answer is no.


> Theives are either creeping up from stealth, treating the enemy like a target dummy and killing them without a chance to fight back, OR they run away when the opponent starts to fight back and their assault failed.

> How is either option even remotely close to P**v**P? There isn't any **versus** in that.


If a thief can kill you like a target dummy you aren’t playing that well. If a thief can run away you still have effectively won the fight from a SPVP perspective.


This just boiled down to 1) complaints about stealth and 2) complaints about thief mobility when 1) stealth is baked into thief design and a big part of its sustain and 2) many professions can match thief mobility sufficiently to prevent a thief from easily running away during a fight.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > I question if this community knows what permanent really means a lot of the time.

> >

> > if thief uses quickness and spams pistol whip you can't cast a single skill that's not instant or a stunbreak before you are dead. That's pretty much perma cc.


> Except it's not. Go play pw against higher lvl players. You will just hit thin air then die. There is a cast time and an end time to pw. Good players will dodge your cast. Wait for ow animation, cc then kill you. The evade isn't perma or is the stun. L2p issue.


You do not even have to play against high tier players to test this. Go into WvW with a PW thief and do this for a few weeks. You will come across different players of the same class that will avoid those Pistol whips while others eat the whole thing. This shows it a L2p issue.


If it was as OP as suggested every warrior, every mesmer, every Ranger and so on, no matter the build would be just as susceptible to that PW as the next. This not the case.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Except it's not. Go play pw against higher lvl players. You will just hit thin air then die. There is a cast time and an end time to pw. Good players will dodge your cast. Wait for ow animation, cc then kill you. The evade isn't perma or is the stun. L2p issue.


Except it's played in every tier

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > I question if this community knows what permanent really means a lot of the time.


> if thief uses quickness and spams pistol whip you can't cast a single skill that's not instant or a stunbreak before you are dead. That's pretty much perma cc.


this is incorrect. even with both quickness and the stun duration sigil, pistol whip takes longer than the stun lasts

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > I question if this community knows what permanent really means a lot of the time.

> >

> > if thief uses quickness and spams pistol whip you can't cast a single skill that's not instant or a stunbreak before you are dead. That's pretty much perma cc.


> this is incorrect. even with both quickness and the stun duration sigil, pistol whip takes longer than the stun lasts


Yes but skills have cast time you know?

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > I question if this community knows what permanent really means a lot of the time.

> > >

> > > if thief uses quickness and spams pistol whip you can't cast a single skill that's not instant or a stunbreak before you are dead. That's pretty much perma cc.

> >

> > Except it's not. Go play pw against higher lvl players. You will just hit thin air then die. There is a cast time and an end time to pw. Good players will dodge your cast. Wait for ow animation, cc then kill you. The evade isn't perma or is the stun. L2p issue.


> You do not even have to play against high tier players to test this. Go into WvW with a PW thief and do this for a few weeks. You will come across different players of the same class that will avoid those Pistol whips while others eat the whole thing. This shows it a L2p issue.


> If it was as OP as suggested every warrior, every mesmer, every Ranger and so on, no matter the build would be just as susceptible to that PW as the next. This not the case.


I’ve actual found a simple way to beat pw thief’s 1v1 on w.e thief build u want. Just dodge the pw as u cannot so much about it just aim for cluster bomb around the start or end of animation, in the case of condi thief cluster bomb is a little weaker but same idea, basically just aoe on them when dodge animation isn’t active. It actually has very little counter play tbh because even if they stow it’ll hit them. If you do this and don’t get to many pulm stacks the 1v1 is about 90% in your favor on any thief build, and don’t tell me thus is only true if they are bad because this honestly works in top tier as I’ve seen.

I’ll give pw credit though that if you don’t try to counter it, it seems unstoppable rn

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> @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> Thief is clearly working as intended, not sure what all the complaints are about. Anet designed this class to broken and it is broken on several levels, until we get the balance patch we just have to live with it. Assuming the nerfs are to all classes of course.


yet the Truth is, the community just want Anet to be transparent to them, to say that they Intentionally designed Thief Profession to be Toxic and to finally put an end of countless years of falsely giving them hope that they are in their best interest.


![](https://i.imgur.com/S5bXVqu.jpg "")


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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> If you die on thief with the mobility it has you really have to mess up and badly.


#Ways to die as a Thief with full mobility:


1. Get chased down by an enemy Thief

2. Get chased down by an enemy Revenant

3. Get chased down and/or Stealth burst by enemy Mesmer

4. Get within 1,500 range of an enemy Ranger

5. Get within 1,200-1,500 range of an enemy Dragonhunter or Rifle Warrior

6. Run into random location where enemy Dragonhunter set all of its traps

7. Forget that mobility does not equal lethality or durability, and actually engage in combat in a PvP game focused on controlling small zones through combat that includes attacks that can stun you in place and others that are so powerful, they can kill you in two hits

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > If you die on thief with the mobility it has you really have to mess up and badly.


> #Ways to die as a Thief with full mobility:


> 1. Get chased down by an enemy Thief

> 2. Get chased down by an enemy Revenant

> 3. Get chased down and/or Stealth burst by enemy Mesmer

> 4. Get within 1,500 range of an enemy Ranger

> 5. Get within 1,200-1,500 range of an enemy Dragonhunter or Rifle Warrior

> 6. Run into random location where enemy Dragonhunter set all of its traps

> 7. Forget that mobility does not equal lethality or durability, and actually engage in combat in a PvP game focused on controlling small zones through combat that includes attacks that can stun you in place and others that are so powerful, they can kill you in two hits


8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

11. Get "Out of Range" while perfectly within range.

12. Get Shadowstep to randomly misfire on your first button press so it actually ports you with a split sec delay and then ports you back to starting location cuz you had to press it again.

13. Use Infiltrators Arrow and get ported **BACKWARDS** cuz you stood/ran near a heightened object/prop and the projectile just assumed it's in its way...


To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> 8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

> 9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

> 10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

> To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.


Oh yes...


8. It's because there's a small pebble exactly where you tried to port to

9. It's because you remembered to aim past the pebble when you shot your Infiltrator's Arrow, but by the time it landed, you were standing on the pebble

10. I haven't figured out exactly why this happens, but I'm sure it has something to do with the pebble even though it's invisible and intangible


Those are especially fun when the skill actually activates, but fails... costing the full 6 initiative, and getting absolutely nothing for it.


Also fun are the times when trying to Shadowstep just over a small little rise in the terrain, but getting denied because there's no line of sight. Umm, yes there is... you could even see it in first-person. But I guess the Thief's eyes are in its toes? Alas, if only such things were consistent... and a Ranger wasn't able to murder me with Rapid Fire while I'm standing BEHIND a fence or hill where only my head is visible.

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > 8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

> > 9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

> > 10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

> > To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.


> Oh yes...


> 8. It's because there's a small pebble exactly where you tried to port to

> 9. It's because you remembered to aim past the pebble when you shot your Infiltrator's Arrow, but by the time it landed, you were standing on the pebble

> 10. I haven't figured out exactly why this happens, but I'm sure it has something to do with the pebble even though it's invisible and intangible


> Those are especially fun when the skill actually activates, but fails... costing the full 6 initiative, and getting absolutely nothing for it.


> Also fun are the times when trying to Shadowstep just over a small little rise in the terrain, but getting denied because there's no line of sight. Umm, yes there is... you could even see it in first-person. But I guess the Thief's eyes are in its toes? Alas, if only such things were consistent... and a Ranger wasn't able to murder me with Rapid Fire while I'm standing BEHIND a fence or hill where only my head is visible.


Dun forget number 13.


![](https://i.imgur.com/onNN5Gu.gif "")




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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > 8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

> > > 9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

> > > 10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

> > > To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.

> >

> > Oh yes...

> >

> > 8. It's because there's a small pebble exactly where you tried to port to

> > 9. It's because you remembered to aim past the pebble when you shot your Infiltrator's Arrow, but by the time it landed, you were standing on the pebble

> > 10. I haven't figured out exactly why this happens, but I'm sure it has something to do with the pebble even though it's invisible and intangible

> >

> > Those are especially fun when the skill actually activates, but fails... costing the full 6 initiative, and getting absolutely nothing for it.

> >

> > Also fun are the times when trying to Shadowstep just over a small little rise in the terrain, but getting denied because there's no line of sight. Umm, yes there is... you could even see it in first-person. But I guess the Thief's eyes are in its toes? Alas, if only such things were consistent... and a Ranger wasn't able to murder me with Rapid Fire while I'm standing BEHIND a fence or hill where only my head is visible.


> Dun forget number 13.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/onNN5Gu.gif "")





wow, thats pure hax!

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