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WvW was fun now its just nothing but getting ganked every day.


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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

> 1. Entered the map

> 2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

> 3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

> 4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

> One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

> 5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

> 6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

> 7. Exausted quit


> Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience


I started to play WvW to get GoB, had no idea what to do, played in off peak hours, never joined a zerg, in PVE gear and my experience was very similar to yours. But after GoB was done, I decided to get a warclaw, wasn't really that hard, because objectives like towers and keeps flipping a lot due low players population in early hours, like today we flipped t3 eb keep with 5-7 players against only one defender.


After that I left WvW, and came back about month ago, decided to give a go to support FB. My first experience in zerg was horrible, I was the only FB, who died more, than all others people in our group combined, because had no idea about right positioning and was first time i've played FB.

But luckily I joined discord on our server and the next day we had a FB training raid, where our commander explained us everything about skills, gear, when to use them and so on.


You're dying in zerg not because people snipe you, but because you're standing in bombs, too far away of tag and your support, not using dodges in the right situations. With the lance ability you're getting ganked with the warclaw too, and usually it's like 3-5 people, so you won't survive that often, unless you're playing mesmer or thief.


Join discord, chances that there are people who'll help you to understand calls in a chat and every other aspect of WvW, don't start with the berserker stats at the beginning, maybe use some sustain utility skills, like stunbreaks and cleanses, unless you're comfortable with your class.

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

> 1. Entered the map

> 2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

> 3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

> 4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

> One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

> 5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

> 6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

> 7. Exausted quit


> Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience


Your post is on mark and some of the points people made early on. Its ok to reward vets but not by punishing new people. Mounts need to be open in some way at the start so that people aren't left behind if they are late to the game. What's worse is the flank is already going to be targeted in any group and that's also where your newer players will be without a mount. They don't get as much time to learn what's what if they are always first jumped. As far as being targeted, I think you will find 10% will always target people of lower rank, 10% will always target people with higher rank and 80% will see red as dead and if its squishy it's even more of a target.

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

> 1. Entered the map

> 2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

> 3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

> 4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

> One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

> 5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

> 6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

> 7. Exausted quit


> Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience


Sorry you had such a bad experience in wvw, i think No.4 it depends on who you're up against. Most veteran players I know and play with leave solo especially solo low ranked players alone (unless they are annoying the crap out of us or are using something like dragon banner), not only because we know they are learning, probably have wrong gear and little idea of what's going on, but because we want to keep players in wvw, we want the noobs to keep playing, not get discouraged as soon as they get in wvw and to get good so they can give us good fights :) Sometimes commanders are too busy to answer whispers, or people just don't like to whisper people they don't know. You're better off asking in say chat or map chat, one of their members may see your comment and send a squad invite, or just right click join squad, you'll be able to join if it's open squad. Some squads want people in discord before they let you join. On Warclaw - it should never have been introduced to wvw.

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I've played wvw, except for breaks from game because of real life reasons, since 2013 for hours nearly every day. Ganking is the exact same as it has always been. Literally nothing has changed.


I will say though, because I moved from EU to NA, I've noticed zergs/blobs here are more likely to drop whatever they're doing to chase me down 10-15 v 1. But I don't care.


I lose 1v5 fairly often because enemies appear out of nowhere in the middle of a fight. But it's been that way since launch. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is even you're fighting at spawn camps cuz they can get back faster. Especially hard for me to survive the ganks since I have very very low mobility with my current build. But I don't care. I just let them kill me asap so I can respawn and fight another fight or try again. Running from 5 people if they have mes or thief or revenant is waste of time.


If I get bothered by repeated ganks, I send a discord message to guildies or in /g to ask for help so we can stomp them ez. Or if noone is online, I either keep trying or take their camps, towers etc. I'm smart about it, so usually I can get back at them in various ways.


If I can't win 1v5 repeated ganks, well at least I'm gonna grab towers and camps as a single person.

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

> 1. Entered the map

> 2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

> 3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

> 4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

> One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

> 5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

> 6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

> 7. Exausted quit


> Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience


Sorry to hear about your not-so-pleasant experience. I cant say that I dont attack low ranked players...however when I down them I leave them alone to res (I rarely finish them as I know they are probably learning... unless im outnumbered then I will finish ya for survival purposes). I also encourage my guild mates to do the same (not finish newer ranked players...although one has a thing about BM'ing soulbeasts). After the first 2ish encounters, I typically dont bother attacking unless I am attacked first, or if I am camping a camp (some nights there are a lot of fights at certain camps) I may not let you take it.


Some roamers also love to duel and have no issues sparring, teaching ya and giving you pointers.


If you are on NA, look me up as I love to spar and help people through WvW.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Came across this player's youtube channel where they were showcasing roaming on a f2p account meaning no mounts no elites, and not even most 4 stat specs. Wonder if I'm just making excuses for dying? (I already know most are since even with mounts they seem to still die nonstop)




Youtubers never die in their montage clips.

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> @"Malavian.4695" said:

> > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.


> I feel your pain brother. The looooonnnnggg time since the last link and it's grueling. The Commanders we're linked with just charge in like bulls with none of the tanky characters they would need for those tactics. They get slaughtered running into chokepoints then tell everyone to rally on their tag so they can do it again. A lot of long term players I'm used seeing 4000+ rank have been on less and less. Worse yet, we've been Red every single week against two top tier servers. It's like we're being invited to quit. Hasn't been this bad since Sorrow's Furnace was linked with Maguma for FAR to long.


We are fighting against DB/SF link and i really feel sorry for them.

And they had to endure an extra month.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Came across this player's youtube channel where they were showcasing roaming on a f2p account meaning no mounts no elites, and not even most 4 stat specs. Wonder if I'm just making excuses for dying? (I already know most are since even with mounts they seem to still die nonstop)

> >

> >


> Youtubers never die in their montage clips.


lol no doubt. But conversely, it should also mean one should find success if they bang their head enough against it.

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For the beginning you should maybe try taking defensive gear and a class which is not that hard to master .. glassy staff ele for example is not the best to start with .. ask for help or advice in chat or voice thing find a class which lets u stand a little longer and start with learning how to move... the higher dmg numbers comes later :)

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> I've played wvw, except for breaks from game because of real life reasons, since 2013 for hours nearly every day. Ganking is the exact same as it has always been. Literally nothing has changed.


> I will say though, because I moved from EU to NA, I've noticed zergs/blobs here are more likely to drop whatever they're doing to chase me down 10-15 v 1. But I don't care.


> I lose 1v5 fairly often because enemies appear out of nowhere in the middle of a fight. But it's been that way since launch. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is even you're fighting at spawn camps cuz they can get back faster. Especially hard for me to survive the ganks since I have very very low mobility with my current build. But I don't care. I just let them kill me asap so I can respawn and fight another fight or try again. Running from 5 people if they have mes or thief or revenant is waste of time.


> If I get bothered by repeated ganks, I send a discord message to guildies or in /g to ask for help so we can stomp them ez. Or if noone is online, I either keep trying or take their camps, towers etc. I'm smart about it, so usually I can get back at them in various ways.


> If I can't win 1v5 repeated ganks, well at least I'm gonna grab towers and camps as a single person.


No it wasn't warclaw brought all of that, it used to be more fair, the only chance you got to be ganked out of nowhere was when you were extremely unlucky or too close to enemies spawn in border maps and they could glide to you, otherwise random fights were fun, you could have a 1v1 and it wasn't because you were in a dueling spot, now with that stupid mount everyone can get any place too damn quick, anet didn't even think about how it would impact the game mode, maps are way to small, we told them, camps and structures have too much resistance and we told them, what did they do? sell stupid warclaw skins and release it in a ridiculous manner

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > I've played wvw, except for breaks from game because of real life reasons, since 2013 for hours nearly every day. Ganking is the exact same as it has always been. Literally nothing has changed.

> >

> > I will say though, because I moved from EU to NA, I've noticed zergs/blobs here are more likely to drop whatever they're doing to chase me down 10-15 v 1. But I don't care.

> >

> > I lose 1v5 fairly often because enemies appear out of nowhere in the middle of a fight. But it's been that way since launch. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is even you're fighting at spawn camps cuz they can get back faster. Especially hard for me to survive the ganks since I have very very low mobility with my current build. But I don't care. I just let them kill me asap so I can respawn and fight another fight or try again. Running from 5 people if they have mes or thief or revenant is waste of time.

> >

> > If I get bothered by repeated ganks, I send a discord message to guildies or in /g to ask for help so we can stomp them ez. Or if noone is online, I either keep trying or take their camps, towers etc. I'm smart about it, so usually I can get back at them in various ways.

> >

> > If I can't win 1v5 repeated ganks, well at least I'm gonna grab towers and camps as a single person.


> No it wasn't warclaw brought all of that, it used to be more fair, the only chance you got to be ganked out of nowhere was when you were extremely unlucky or too close to enemies spawn in border maps and they could glide to you, otherwise random fights were fun, you could have a 1v1 and it wasn't because you were in a dueling spot, now with that stupid mount everyone can get any place too kitten quick, anet didn't even think about how it would impact the game mode, maps are way to small, we told them, camps and structures have too much resistance and we told them, what did they do? sell stupid warclaw skins and release it in a ridiculous manner


I'm not buying that argument. Warclaw has only affected fights at spawn camps. Everything else is the same. People scouting from towers coming out to help their allies doing a 1v1, 1v2, 2v3 etc. Has always been a thing.

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You don't need the warclaw it helps only in travel fast to get to back into the fight it would have been better if there was a mobile spawn point than a warclaw. In other Battle Ground other that EB you need a faster way to move so the warclaw makes some sense there. I really like the way the game "Hell let lose" early access game on steam does PvP, as far how you take over points and such.

P.S. Just a note some spot on the map can be used as a loop hole as a deadeye I have been right next to a mob firing a way and not hit them due mess up map levels I.E. the was a little bump that blocked all my shots. One is in pang on EB map.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> It does seem like a rougher environment nowadays, but I think that's normal for a 7+ year old multiplayer game. Hopefully the Q1 balance update will shake things up enough to give newer players a fighting chance.


It was always like this but since 2014 started to get worse.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > It does seem like a rougher environment nowadays, but I think that's normal for a 7+ year old multiplayer game. Hopefully the Q1 balance update will shake things up enough to give newer players a fighting chance.


> It was always like this but since 2014 started to get worse.

And here I thought it was rough when we where trying to fight Red Guard with zero organization, no commanders and no meta builds.


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not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'


She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.


What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,


Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,


Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now


I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'


> She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.


> What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,


> Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,


> Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now


> I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual


> **GoodBye**


Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.



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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> >

> > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> >

> > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> >

> > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> >

> > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> >

> > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> >

> > **GoodBye**


> Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.




last response, https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/riot-one-year-later-my-reflections

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> > >

> > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> > >

> > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> > >

> > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> > >

> > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> > >

> > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> > >

> > > **GoodBye**

> >

> > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.

> >

> >


> last response, https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/riot-one-year-later-my-reflections


You really think I'm gonna read that entire novel ?

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> >

> > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> >

> > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> >

> > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> >

> > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> >

> > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> >

> > **GoodBye**


> Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.


Honestly if they just changed malicious backstab to do something else (like, anything other than a straight damage increase like it is now), the class would be fine. There's a number of roaming specs that can hard counter the usual DE builds, the funny thing about DE is that it actually has a lot more build diversity than most people think. So while a bunker boonbeast would hard counter a one shot DE, it would struggle vs a boonrip focussed DE. If anything, build templates have exacerbated the problem. That said, there's very little that DE (thief in general really) can do in WvW, roaming is its job and it's good at it.


I'm more worried about the thief portal if I'm honest. The functionality is fun but it promotes the sort of play that just gets up everybody's nose, and frankly it was kinda unnecessary.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general.


Condi mirage says hi.

Sustain holo and warrior say hi.

Boonbeast says hi.

Regen tempest says hi.


Why do people keep singling out thief specs like they're the only thing in the game that need to be looked at?


~ Kovu

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> > >

> > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> > >

> > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> > >

> > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> > >

> > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> > >

> > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> > >

> > > **GoodBye**

> >

> > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.

> >

> Honestly if they just changed malicious backstab to do something else (like, anything other than a straight damage increase like it is now), the class would be fine. There's a number of roaming specs that can hard counter the usual DE builds, the funny thing about DE is that it actually has a lot more build diversity than most people think. So while a bunker boonbeast would hard counter a one shot DE, it would struggle vs a boonrip focussed DE. If anything, build templates have exacerbated the problem. That said, there's very little that DE (thief in general really) can do in WvW, roaming is its job and it's good at it.


> I'm more worried about the thief portal if I'm honest. The functionality is fun but it promotes the sort of play that just gets up everybody's nose, and frankly it was kinda unnecessary.


If backstab didn't do a big chunk as it does now especially in the state the game is in right now it would literally be one of the weakest and useless builds in the game.

Now if ur talking specifically malicious BS on a DE build than maybe DE shouldn't be able to ramp the BS damage up so high but as far as core or DD dp builds good luck poking the enemie to death. These days with the powercreep the rest of the dp builds dont do enough damage without the big back stab deeps, ud be downed or have had to leave the fight long before ud down most classes without the big backstab slap lol. As it is the build not only relies on the big back stab damage but also the assassins signet.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> > > >

> > > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> > > >

> > > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> > > >

> > > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> > > >

> > > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> > > >

> > > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> > > >

> > > > **GoodBye**

> > >

> > > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.

> > >

> > Honestly if they just changed malicious backstab to do something else (like, anything other than a straight damage increase like it is now), the class would be fine. There's a number of roaming specs that can hard counter the usual DE builds, the funny thing about DE is that it actually has a lot more build diversity than most people think. So while a bunker boonbeast would hard counter a one shot DE, it would struggle vs a boonrip focussed DE. If anything, build templates have exacerbated the problem. That said, there's very little that DE (thief in general really) can do in WvW, roaming is its job and it's good at it.

> >

> > I'm more worried about the thief portal if I'm honest. The functionality is fun but it promotes the sort of play that just gets up everybody's nose, and frankly it was kinda unnecessary.


> If backstab didn't do a big chunk as it does now especially in the state the games in right now it would literally be one of the weakest and useless builds in the game.


I don't know, I don't bother trying to land it these days what with mounts and the sea of AoE's floating about so it's a bit of an afterthought to me already. I'm also specifically talking about malicious backstab since we're discussing DE, not regular backstab, just to be clear.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

> > > > >

> > > > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

> > > > >

> > > > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

> > > > >

> > > > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

> > > > >

> > > > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

> > > > >

> > > > > **GoodBye**

> > > >

> > > > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.

> > > >

> > > Honestly if they just changed malicious backstab to do something else (like, anything other than a straight damage increase like it is now), the class would be fine. There's a number of roaming specs that can hard counter the usual DE builds, the funny thing about DE is that it actually has a lot more build diversity than most people think. So while a bunker boonbeast would hard counter a one shot DE, it would struggle vs a boonrip focussed DE. If anything, build templates have exacerbated the problem. That said, there's very little that DE (thief in general really) can do in WvW, roaming is its job and it's good at it.

> > >

> > > I'm more worried about the thief portal if I'm honest. The functionality is fun but it promotes the sort of play that just gets up everybody's nose, and frankly it was kinda unnecessary.

> >

> > If backstab didn't do a big chunk as it does now especially in the state the games in right now it would literally be one of the weakest and useless builds in the game.


> I don't know, I don't bother trying to land it these days what with mounts and the sea of AoE's floating about so it's a bit of an afterthought to me already. I'm also specifically talking about malicious backstab since we're discussing DE, not regular backstab, just to be clear.


Oh in that case my apologies good sir.

I havent played DE much so I'll leave the discussion to u guys lol

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