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What is your absolute favourite thing in GW2?

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Hard to point out one thing so I make a top three, that should be easier....


- LS1 Lion's Arch events were great and the game felt really alive back then

- Getting my first Raid kills felt great

- Getting the 30k AP chest as it was a goal I was working/playing towards to for 5 years

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Exploration. I know that's vague but that is what I enjoy most about this game. I like exploring in any game (I used to make sure I didn't leave a level in Doom until I was sure I'd found everything, to the point where I forgot some of the secrets weren't part of a normal play-through for most people) and especially in RPGs but I really like it in GW2 because of how the world is designed. There's a lot of freedom in how you progress through a map rather than being sent from one quest hub to the next and there's always stuff in between, it's rare to find places that are genuinely just empty scenery filling a gap between hubs (unlike some games where you can tell at a glance there's nothing to see here and carry on to the next location). Whether that's crafting materials to collect, vistas, events NPCs to listen or talk to, or (most interesting to me) hidden things to find like chests or items (like the hidden coins in some maps) in out of the way spots and bigger things like mini dungeons and jumping puzzles.


I love that so often in this game I've thought I'm getting into somewhere the developers would never expect a player to go and then I find something hidden there for us to find. It is a bit of a let down to realise I wasn't being as clever as I thought and hadn't actually broken out of the intended area (although I have sometimes done that too) but it's also really nice to realise they knew someone like me would come poking around here and left something for me to find. Or I talk to a random NPC who turns out to be an Order of Whispers member with bonus dialogue, or they point me to an event, or just have some amusing dialogue. I feel like there's always something to find and do wherever I am and it makes the world feel much more exciting to explore.


If you want something more specific I'd say the Desert Highlands map because it's a great example of that. It makes great use of verticality without being too hard to navigate (once you've got the springer), has a massive variety of terrain from the brand and the arid desert areas to the highlands and mountains and the oasis in the south west. There's also a lot to explore and find, and again the verticality comes into play with often two different levels or routes and different things to find in each. Then there's the dwarven ruins where you can climb all the way up to the top and find a griffon race or all the way down and find a massive 'mini' dungeon which took me about 4 evenings to explore.

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The vibrant PvE environment, with its constant DE's popping up. I still run into dialogue and small events I have never heard or seen before and some of it is funny, sad or rings true in some other way. It is the reason I started playing MMO's in the first place. Everquest had a lot of interesting PvE stuff going on, GW2 managed to make the world even more alive and vibrant; though less dangerous since players do not like corpse runs anymore. :) That took a little bit away from the hardcore immersion, though I would not want to go back to that myself!

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Absolute favourite thing? Tarir. Everything about it. Meta, lore, map, all of it.


Singular, superlative thing? Happiness. I'm eternally grateful to the two persons who got me into this game. I have a myriad of issues and the involvement the game has facilitated may not have been the best thing for them, and I'm genuinely sorry for that, but they and the game have helped me immeasurably.


On a slightly lighter note, I want to give a shout-out to the NA servers. I'm European but I multi-box a lot. Their culture of friendliness is unrivalled. We Europeans aren't exactly hostile of course, but I feel that we're definitely far more reserved.

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It's hard to say, but I'm leaning towards the HoT maps. I know they didn't go over well with everyone, but those maps are just insanely creative designs and I very much enjoy the events, too!


Then again, I love this game's combat system and some of the class designs are pretty wild, too. And SAB. That is pretty unique. How do you choose?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> It's hard to say, but I'm leaning towards the HoT maps. I know they didn't go over well with everyone, but those maps are just insanely creative designs and I very much enjoy the events, too!

I don't enjoy playing in those zones, but I do agree that they were very well designed! Not my favorite, but I can certainly appreciate them.


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Impossible for me to pick one thing, but I’ll say that a main point that has kept me invested for almost 5 years now is new maps. Exploring the world, I just want more and more of it, much as possible! I often stare at the map and imagine going to places we can’t yet, sometimes I even use the drawing tool in game go make squares and shapes for new maps.


More recently, the skyscale, which is easily my favorite mount (more skins for it anet!). I’ve also enjoyed the festivals a lot this year. Sometimes in real life Im really feeling the holidays and get excited, and sometimes I don’t. This year I was all ready for Halloween and Christmas, so I played the festivals here a lot too, and loved it. Of course dragon bash was new and four winds is my favorite, so the last 4 have been awesome! Can’t wait to log in today and play lunar new year

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**The animations.**


Because its the one thing that keeps me grounded in the game. Like literally, the animations are such a work of art and match the enviroment so well. Many games have you... *floating*... when doing something as simple as running and creates a massive disconnect between the world itself and the player character. The closer you look, the more fine detail you'll notice - in particular for Asura, the way each animation is made to compensate for their short size with energetic movement and even the relative weight of their "large" heads as they move side to side.

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For as much as I criticize GW2's *encounters*, I have to say I like the combat as a whole. It's active and fluid without needing to murder my mouse with irritating combos (that DC heroes MMO was the *worst*). It still needs a few adjustments (coughStabilitycough), and enemies need to read better (more channels of conveyance please!), but it just feels good overall.


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Building on what I said earlier I love the level of detail in this game. For example, this is one of my favourite screenshots I've taken in GW2:

![](https://i.imgur.com/KgEJ4z9h.jpg "")


It's a childs toy boat on the lake by the dam in Queensdale. It doesn't do anything, it's not involved in any events or collections or achievements, from a gameplay perspective it's got absolutely no reason to exist and I doubt anyone (myself included) would have missed it if it wasn't there. But because there's children playing nearby someone at Anet took the time to design, build and impliment a toy for them to play with, to complete the scene.


I love that they take the time to do things like that, and I enjoy finding it when they do, whether it's part of a collection or whatever, or just a nice bit of atmosphere to make the world feel more lived in.

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It's really difficult to single out one particular aspect of this game I enjoy but it has to be Caledon Forest and the Grove for me. The Sylvari were what got me into this game in the first place (thank god Google images brought up images of sylvari for "plant fairy") but Caledon Forest has me in love. Granted, I love many of the maps but the sylvari have a special place in my heart in the year I've been here and whenever I need to relax or just wander around for fun, I know that Caledon's music, scenery, environment, and dialogue will be there for me. And going off of favorite things, the ambient dialogue is amazing. There's so much dialogue in this game that you can come across that are often comedic or random but oftentimes there's a lot of dialogue that reflects the NPC's own issues within their life and world. It makes the game so much more real, an actual world. It serves as a reminder that yes, these dialogues are repeated every 15 minutes or so but it adds a realness to the world of Tyria. It's a game, yes, but if you immerse yourself into the land of Tyria, it is its own world that has wars and troubles just as our own real world does and I love that.

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My main thing is that the game even though the game engine is kinda old the designers have made a pretty good job. the game is beautiful everywhere you stand and look its like a painting there is no need to name places everyone knows what i am talking about. Also game respects your time there is no need to burn yourself to stay relevant in the game even though you dont play 12 hours per day and i know that some will scream FILTHY CASUAL, but i am not 20 anymore, i have a family and work to do but i like games, GW2 even though many give it a negative critic because is not Hardcore enough even though many of its content is harder from many mmos outhere is a very cool game to play and easy on the eye.


The ones that scream CASUALS now are the casuals of the future they simple dont get it at the moment



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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> All throughout the years, and all the time you played the game...

> What is that one thing in GW2 that was really breathtaking for you?


The LS1 arc around the destruction of Lions Arch and especially the atmosphere in the episode "Escape from Lion's Arch"

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