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Please do not give Braham the "I WIN" button!


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" Jhavi hasn't even done anything yet, how do you come to that conclusion? Or is she perfect, because she doesn't do anything important and has not had much to say yet?


> She's a necromancer, she's a raven adept, she's spiritualized(_check Vigil Keep dialogue_), shes one of a Vigil high command, well shes like a dream come true. I wish a Norm commander had a option to marry her.

Aww~ I agree she has a great setup, but I am waiting to see her in action before I form an opinion. :) Before I will want to keep her in the team, I will have to see how she behaves with the rest of them. A great CV is nice, but it's not everything.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > You don't seem to understand the character very well, or the effects on someone who has lost their biological parents (especially with a complex family history). And generalizing how Norn are supposed to be and react is another problem you have. Do you also generalize about X race or culture in RL? Do you not see people as individuals, or do you assume that every member of X race or culture is supposed to be and think the exact same?


> Actually, i have lost alot of loved ones, so im very familiar with the concept of death and everyone acting differently, im glad you can generalize to, it shows that you arent perfect and neither am i. Do i generalize IRL? yes, i do. Stereotypes exist for a reason and in my travels around the world as part of my job i have found quiet a few of those to be true. Some arent, its not a bad thing, it simply is. Are people still individuals? Sure but some things dont really change.


> Heres the thing though: Through all of HOT he didnt act at all like he did in LS3 or after, and thats the problem. Had he acted that way in HOT(or even in LS1) it would have made sense, that would have been his character, but it wasnt. He was -angry- in HOT, it was awesome. . Every. Single. Time. After that, every time something bad happened he would whine about it.


> Hes a video game character, hes supposed to be able to be identifiable with, you know what hes not? Identifiable with. for me at least due the poor writing he was given post HOT. I -hate- Caithe too but i can identify with her, i hate Tammi but i can identify with her. I cant do that with Braham, the constant character(being a norn, to being a whinny human teenager) alone make it hard.


> His character hasnt developed, its regressed and that makes me sad, Him and Rox started out as my favorite characters. Rox went on to stay that way despite her lack of involvement(maybe thats why, she wasnt given enough writing or development to be ruined). Braham due to the writing he was given did the exact opposite, alot of bad writing decisions changed my mind on him.


> Ive said my piece on the matter, theres not really any reason to argue further either, my mind isnt going to be changed, and yours isnt either.

> Good luck~


Unfortunately you don’t look beneath the surface for this character, you’re just reacting to the moment to moment writing. I’m sure you hated Thor in Avengers Endgame too, and don’t really understand why the character was written to display a range of emotions and behaviors other than the brave and fearless god of thunder.

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There are quite a few people who are hoping that all the "prophecy" talk from Wolf is actually the source of the whispers trying to use him for something by appealing to him.


But since Wolf is telling him to kill Drakkar, the only way that plot twist could happen is if the source is actually not Jormag, but someone else pretending to be it. And I don't expect them to have written it that way.


In reality, he's almost definitely going to be made out as a hero and a chosen one, which to me is absolutely baffling.

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The main problem people have with Braham is that -he- got to vent on -us-, -we- didn't get to vent on -him- back. As long as that's the case, a lot of people will feel like they've been cheated out of being able to defend themselves, and set the record straight.


Our main character did -not- do anything wrong to Braham, but they never say so. Braham instead has an epiphany. That does not resolve built up tension.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> The main problem people have with Braham is that -he- got to vent on -us-, -we- didn't get to vent on -him- back. As long as that's the case, a lot of people will feel like they've been cheated out of being able to defend themselves, and set the record straight.


> Our main character did -not- do anything wrong to Braham, but they never say so. Braham instead has an epiphany. That does not resolve built up tension.


Should we be negative to a friend who is going through tough times and changes, who also has a lot of unresolved issues? Or are we the emotionally stronger friend and leader who remains a positive force with someone obviously experiencing emotional turmoil?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > The main problem people have with Braham is that -he- got to vent on -us-, -we- didn't get to vent on -him- back. As long as that's the case, a lot of people will feel like they've been cheated out of being able to defend themselves, and set the record straight.

> >

> > Our main character did -not- do anything wrong to Braham, but they never say so. Braham instead has an epiphany. That does not resolve built up tension.


> Should we be negative to a friend who is going through tough times and changes, who also has a lot of unresolved issues? Or are we the emotionally stronger friend and leader who remains a positive force with someone obviously experiencing emotional turmoil?


We can be supportive, but point out said friend is being a shit and tell them to knock it off. The people I surround myself with appreciate that.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Yeah, it used to be Scarlet. And now, many fond memories. Funny how that happens.

None of the fond memories i had from LS1 were tied to Scarlet. If anything, i'd prefer not to remember her at all.


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> This is going to be yet another season of people not following the writing and understanding what is going on, assuming that it is another unearned series of events. I expect that sort of thing from GW players now.


> The thing about prophesy is that anyone could have been the chosen one making it right place at the right time scenario. With how active and involved the characters around us are in world changing events, being the only Norn around he was going to be the chosen one.


Unless, of course, your main happens to be a Norn. Then suddenly you have a problem.


...and even otherwise i'd still wish there _was_ a better Norn to fill that role. Because, like you said, Braham is the best option _only_ if he's the only option.

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I really dislike Braham.

I dislike his looks, his personality...quite literally everything about him.

I don't like teenagers in video games and films, they annoy the heck out of me.

Braham's development has been annoying in every sense and seeing that he'll be center of the story here annoys me too. I just hope it will make him a better character and not an even worse whiner.

Imo, it kills seriousness in story and takes 'space' to involve some more serious and deeper/meaningful characters. Braham and Taimi are the worst two characters in GW history.

...but that's just my opinion.

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Actually, Drooburt has the "I WIN" button. Problem is he hasn't collected enough junk to activate it yet. Which is the other part of the trick: Drooburt doesn't realize that he is actually in hell, and the "I WIN" button activated by collecting junk is his personal rock to push up the hill. No matter how much he collects, it will never be enough. Foooooo...

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"YtseJam.9784" said:

> > Braham sucks, he should have died years ago. I'm not looking forward for a Braham-centric story... SKIP!


> Might want to skip the entire Icebrood Saga then, he'll be central to the entire story.


Oh? You wrote the story then? Thanks for letting us know!



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Whatever his role, I hope he ends up like Trahearne. Sacrificial lamb. I will like him when that happens. The commander in gw2 lore is the greatest assistant out there, and it's no surprise to me that the commander takes the backseat again.


As a side note, more Rox please. Rox is perhaps the cuddliest charr out there, easy to market as a plush, and is voiced well.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"YtseJam.9784" said:

> > > Braham sucks, he should have died years ago. I'm not looking forward for a Braham-centric story... SKIP!

> >

> > Might want to skip the entire Icebrood Saga then, he'll be central to the entire story.


> Oh? You wrote the story then? Thanks for letting us know!


> /sarcasm


Perhaps my reply to the original comment was also sarcasm, which should have been easy to figure out just from the written word?

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> The main problem people have with Braham is that -he- got to vent on -us-, -we- didn't get to vent on -him- back. As long as that's the case, a lot of people will feel like they've been cheated out of being able to defend themselves, and set the record straight.


> Our main character did -not- do anything wrong to Braham, but they never say so. Braham instead has an epiphany. That does not resolve built up tension.


Thiiiis. The Commander is a doormat, so heroic, so gentle.

What was needed was some dynamic scene where Braham and Commander just knuckle at each other to get it out in the open, get the catharsis going, and take it from there.

Instead, Braham floats off in a huff, does his own "guild" thing, comes back, pouts, remains equally inept, and . . soft-apologizes and gets passive forgiveness. His anger, while justified, was misdirected and toothless.

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Braham had a lot of bad moments. But some of the moments were bad, because the PC's reactions to those moments were bad.


It got better.


I am cautiously optimistic that the trend continues


(also, I want the Unholy Trinity (Ryt, Canach, Kasmeer) back! The story steps in PoF involving these three had the most enjoyable dialogues).

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I personally don't enjoy storyline where I'm the super champion of everything and I have killed alone all the big baddies of legends. I prefer if once in a while someone else does something. But each time that happens in gw2 people ten dot hate that character later on.

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As far as Braham's moments throughout the narrative go, my issues with his Season 3 actions were how they were a total 180 on his earlier behaviour if we look back.


We got this dialogue from Braham after defeating Mordremoth:


> **Braham:** Another victory! They're adding up. Jormag's next on the docket, right?

> **Player:** A little rest might be in order first, don't you think?

> **Braham:** Rest? I'm not resting until all the Elder Dragons are dead. Eir helped you kill Zhaitan. It's up to me to help you take down the rest. I see that now, and I'm ready.

> **Player:** Eir would be proud of you. But, we have to rest before charging back in.

> **Braham:** We have a good guild. There's nothing we can't do if we put our minds to it. I suppose we've earned a little break, but hopefully not too long.


This kind of brotherhood between the Commander and Braham, as well as Braham already coming to terms with Eir's death in HoT via avenging Mordremoth, showed that he was eager to fight Jormag but it wasn't as urgent an issue as Season 3 made it seem.


As "A Crack in the Ice" took place over a year after the events of Heart of Thorns, Braham somehow not only started mourning Eir when all that time had passed and became singularly focused on defeating Jormag. While he set up Eir's memorial, he failed to attend that important event, choosing rather to kick some Svanir and Icebrood butt in the north and research the existence of the jotun scroll. For norn the most important thing is to build their legend and be remembered in tales, and yet Braham chose to neglect honoring Eir's memory by giving her the farewell she deserved when all her other friends gathered to pay their respects.


Not only that, but Braham left Garm to wander the jungle all by himself for all that time (aka over a year), and it was only thanks to Rox that Garm returned home barely alive. Braham should've honored his mom's memory by saving her trusty companion, but instead his sudden anger towards Jormag clouded his feelings regarding Garm's well-being. He also acted rather disrespectfully towards Garm, ordering him around after parting ways with the Commander, and the poor confused Garm decided to follow him despite the fact that his only alpha had been Eir (maybe he figured that he needed to honor Eir's memory by making sure that Eir's cub would be safe from harm, but still...).


As if that wasn't enough, Braham's recklessness not only got Rox frozen with nearly fatal results in the ice cave, but he did not even bother apologizing to her afterwards. While that's already rather disrespectful towards her, what makes it worse is remembering how Rox failed her final test to join the Stone Warband (her life's goal) by choosing to tend to Braham's wounds (which Braham had brought upon himself when he tried to get to Scarlet himself) rather than finishing off Scarlet in Season 1. Rox's sacrifice was great when we consider how disrespected gladia are among the legions, and yet Rox was willing to accept that station in life rather than getting a membership in one of the most famous charr warbands ever just because her friendship with Braham was that great. And despite all that, Rox still accompanied Braham on his trek north like a true friend and even helped him investigate the Awakened attacks in Hoelbrak. I've been waiting for Braham's apology to Rox ever since; maybe it's happened off screen, but we've had no indication of such.


However, I can kind of understand Braham getting angry at the Commander for starting Dragon's Watch instead of continuing Destiny's Edge, as that could be seen as disrespecting the legacy of Eir who was the leader of the latter guild. It's strange to me that Rytlock suggested just starting a new guild rather than just repurposing Destiny's Edge with new members; it wouldn't be the first time guilds added to their roster in the history of Tyria, after all, so Rytlock is as much to blame for that decision as the Commander is, so I'm not blaming Braham for being baffled by that decision.


When considering all of the above, Braham's actions were somewhat strange as a whole. Even if he suddenly started grieving Eir after a year had passed (despite the ending of HoT hinting he had already gotten to terms with his mom's passing), the rest of his actions are baffling. Now that Episode 1 proved that his norn guild buddies were actually decent folks and not toxic friends until Jormag got to the male members, the only plausible explanation for Braham's 180 in personality and his disrespect towards Garm and Rox (and not even bothering to attend Eir's memorial) is if Jormag, Drakkar or w/e had already begun manipulating him during the year between HoT and S3. Perhaps Braham was already investigating the jotun scroll's whereabouts while coming across Icebrood, and Jormag learned about this and how dangerous it would be if another Asgeir wannabe came barging in with an enchanted weapon AND an army by his side, so the dragon began manipulating events to draw Braham to it ASAP so it could corrupt him and use his anger against him while also getting rid of the enchanted weapon. It would make sense, too, since Braham's attitude towards the Commander was already changing for the better by the time we saw him next in S4 when Jormag had already retreated into the ice and thus lessened its influence on the world for the time being.


With all that said, I think it's nice that Braham gets a bit of a center stage. After all, he found the means to damage the tooth, so he has fulfilled the conditions of the prophecy (at least the parts we know so far). He's far from useless, and anyone who has played previous content, especially Season 1, can attest that he may be flawed but is also an exceptionally skilled guardian who has saved us many times. The Commander has already fulfilled several prophecies (e.g. the ones regarding Lazarus and Kralkatorrik, and even more if we count the sylvari Commander's Wyld Hunts against Zhaitan and Mordremoth) and defeated several villains by now, so it's only fair that more of the Commander's allies have a chance to shine; the Commander doesn't need to be the only hero as the world is big enough for many people's heroic feats.


As for the "I Win" button, keep in mind that we already know that there have been at least two jotun scrolls as in Season 3 Braham mentioned that the scroll we found in the ice cave was similar to the one Asgeir had used (and how that scroll incinerated once it had enchanted the bow so these can only be used once per weapon it seems). It wouldn't surprise me if more such jotun scrolls exist out there in secluded locations guarded by terrifying monsters and that the Commander or whoever else in the allied forces can enchant their weapons with them; alternatively we could find ancient jotun stelae which might reveal how to replicate the rituals that created such enchanted scrolls to begin with.


As if that isn't enough, we also know that the Priory currently holds the Sanguinary Blade, forged from Jormag's frozen blood, after it was delivered there by Magister Sieran and the Commander. Given how both Mordremoth and Kralkatorrik were weak to weapons linked to them (Caladbolg and Dragonsblood Spears, respectively), it's not out of the question to think that the Sanguinary Blade can be one of Jormag's weaknesses too in case we fail to find more jotun scrolls to enchant weapons with. If we end up using the blade, we just need to figure out how to wield it unsheathed because its power corrupts its wielder over time, but we could feasibly learn such information from the ruins of the dwarves who forged them, whether that info comes from Darkrime Delves, Sepulchre of Dragrimmar etc. We've already seen a Jormag-influenced Suspicious Traveler near the asura gate at the Priory, so it wouldn't surprise me if Jormag's minions (or Bangar's charr sleeper agents in the Priory) have already set their eyes on the Sanguinary Blade and desire it for their own purposes.


As for what Wolf means by Braham becoming a true norn, I take it to simply mean that Braham hasn't yet mastered the ability to Become the Wolf. Devs mentioned how the saga would explore the norn's cultural heritage and their totem transformation ability, so it makes sense that Wolf would teach Braham important lessons of penance and brotherhood before granting him the power to transform. I look forward to finding out where Wolf and Braham's journey takes them and if Garm gets involved too (the trailer already showed a wolf approaching the shrine with Braham in the trailer, so I hope that's Garm, or that we'll at least meet Garm in a later episode once we learn Wolf's masteries). :)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Yeah, it used to be Scarlet. And now, many fond memories. Funny how that happens.

> None of the fond memories i had from LS1 were tied to Scarlet. If anything, i'd prefer not to remember her at all.


> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > This is going to be yet another season of people not following the writing and understanding what is going on, assuming that it is another unearned series of events. I expect that sort of thing from GW players now.

> >

> > The thing about prophesy is that anyone could have been the chosen one making it right place at the right time scenario. With how active and involved the characters around us are in world changing events, being the only Norn around he was going to be the chosen one.


> Unless, of course, your main happens to be a Norn. Then suddenly you have a problem.


> ...and even otherwise i'd still wish there _was_ a better Norn to fill that role. Because, like you said, Braham is the best option _only_ if he's the only option.


All that time away from the Shiverpeaks while Braham was doing stuff there pretty much excludes you. Unless players want to be compared to Braham and admit he is surpassing them.

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