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Can't get into other MMOs after GW2

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away.


Grass greener and such stuff. I honestly wish a lot more players would give other MMORPGs a shot, even if only to appreciate what GW2 actually provides (and at what cost, near none that is if it's only about gameplay).


> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.


The lack of grind is a blessing and a curse.


Blessing because for many players who have family, time commitments, work, [insert any reasons to not binge play a game], etc. it is one of the only MMORPG options which allow these types of players to meaningfully interact with the game, outside of constantly chasing the carrot on a stick gear monster.


Curse because it forces a complete 180 from the conditioning most of us have received when it comes what we perceive as content. Once you strip other MMORPGs of their gear treadmill content, you realize how bare bones the content there actually is. Does that mean chasing gear is not fun? Absolutely not. It appeals to our very basic nature of gathering, building and improving and man is it great to have that missing piece to a build drop on the x-th dungeon run.

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Given how restricted I am on time these days - Guild Wars 2 is the perfect MMORPG for me, kinda. My playing hours seem to come down to a raid fullclear on mondays and occasional ventures into WvW to solo roam or to team up with old friends. There is a lot of stuff I still like about the game but it is also a game I have been playing for ages and with people I enjoy being around.

All of this makes it rather hard to get into new games by myself and kinda of impossible to move there with friends who might easily spend more than twice or thrice the amount of hours I am able to invest. Meaning they are going to be far ahead and I am not much for holding people back. Not to mention the fact that I have become rather picky with these kinda games after almost two decades of playing MMORPGs when you end up feeling like everything is just a rehash of something you have seen a million times already and that there is hardly ever anything "new".

So, I am in the same boat as the others here who said they might not play another MMORPG after Guild Wars 2 (or at least for a long while). There are a bunch of old RTS being brought lately and those are the games I might stick to if I ever decide to fully quit. While replaying old MMORPGs really isn't my thing various reasons. The content I usually enjoy doesn't allow me to pick it up and play after years, the people I knew are gone, things changed to the worse (even if only subjectively), etc.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> FFXIV would be my most likely candidate, but I doubt I'd ever play a sub game . . .


I left FFXIV a few years ago to come here. Tired of the same ol treadmill in mmos. Spend x amount of time upgrading gear every x number of months, in the same drab "boss on a platform" arena fights. I will say it has among the best storylines in an mmo, so I guess there's that.


Nope, I recently went back to EVE, my all time favorite mmo, where actions actually have consequences, whether it's losing your ship to some suicide ganker, or mining asteroids to build ships people lose, or just doing some station or region trading. Where your corporation (EVE's version of guilds) can actually take and own space......on the same server everyone else plays on (there's only 1). As far as mmos go it's the closest thing to a true sandbox you'll get.


Until the WvW changes announced 2 years ago happen I think I'll stick to only doing WvW on Friday resets........occasionally.

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I play other MMO's from time to time, usually in periods where I play one a lot while on a break from Gw2.


Gw2 always remains my main though for many reasons.

There are a number of features etc in other MMO's that keep me hooked on them.. in ESO for example I love the thievery mechanics that game has.

Being able to pickpocket people, steal from lockboxes, assassinate NPC's and just pillage everything from a shop or stand is such a fun thing to have in a MMO, both for me to do myself and also enjoy watching others attempting to do to.

Watching someone screw up a pickpocket only to get utterl mobbed by town guards is an hilarious thing to witness XD

I also love how you can become a Warewolf or Vampire in ESO too which are the only fantasy creatures next to Dragons that I am a major nerd for.


Other MMO's still fall short on what Gw2 offers though, be that the amount of free content added to Gw2, the great story and lore Guildwars as a franchise has or the ridiculously smooth gameplay and combat mechanics that Gw2 has that I would gladly claim no other MMO can come close to.

There are other good MMO's out there that offer many fun things that Gw2 doesn't have..

But Guildwars will always be my main MMO and I'll always keep coming back to it because I love this franchise.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I also love how you can become a Warewolf

*You stumble around the marketplace at night, somewhat drunk from the latest tavern escapades. You see a shrouded figure sitting in a corner with large pointy ears and as you approach you hear a deep and low growl...*


*"Khajiit has wares."*


*As you squint towards him, you notice that while he clearly is Khajiit, he is massive and grey with a big grin... and lots of sharp teeth glistening in the dim light*


*"Come closer, Khajiit has wares..." he repeats as he licks his teeth*


I will assume that's what a Warewolf is.

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It was pretty easy for me. XIV respects my time a lot more.

Just last night, I was trying to work on achivements in Bjora, and 4 of the chests I need for a mastery point were locked behind a meta-event. ..that started after I went to bed. Having the entire game on clocks isn't healthy, and it makes doing content when I want to do it extremely difficult. Instead of waiting to have fun, I just log off and *do something fun* elsewhere.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> It was pretty easy for me. XIV respects my time a lot more.

> Just last night, I was trying to work on achivements in Bjora, and 4 of the chests I need for a mastery point were locked behind a meta-event. ..that started after I went to bed. Having the entire game on clocks isn't healthy, and it makes doing content when I want to do it extremely difficult. Instead of waiting to have fun, I just log off and *do something fun* elsewhere.


That meta starts every 2 hours tho if i recall right, so its not that bad.

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I'm in a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the combat and build freedom. The skin system is pretty nice too. Those are really all the keeps me on this game. If I find a game with comparable combat and build freedom I will drop GW2 in a heart beat. I hate how things are balanced and how content is released. The unfun "mechanics" they add, the low effort skins, the seemingly poor community interaction, and the list goes on. It's not that GW2 is the best MMO ever for me, just the best atm. I have my eye on a few up coming MMO's.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> I started to play Star Trek online after HoT :/ actually gw2 problema is what made me start trying another games.

> Since 2k’ish I’ve only played mainly gw1 and RO.

Star Trek Online is the closest another game has gotten to hook me like GW2, but ironically at least at that time years ago its PvE and PvP shared some issues with GW2 despite being so totally different. The power creep was just so weird. I mean sure you *could* go with classical phaser banks, but I was flying around a burst torpedoboat that pretty much burned down shields in one pass and followed up by a massive torpedo barrage to destroy anything. Maybe it has changed now I dont know.


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I want things to do in Gw2 and BDO gave me goals. All I read here is people liking the combat and that's it. I wanted things to do. Lifeskilling, grinding, trading, horse breeding, RP, PvP, socializing, fishing, traveling, everything and more.


Gw2 is such a downgrade rn and even though certainly is not the best and has horrid flaws of its own, you can't make me go back to dated models, dated graphics, and no sense of gear progression. Just yuck. I'm glad I'm out of my gw2 rut tbh, never been happier and haven't looked back.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> I want things to do in Gw2 and BDO gave me goals. All I read here is people liking the combat and that's it. I wanted things to do. Lifeskilling, grinding, trading, horse breeding, RP, PvP, socializing, fishing, traveling, everything and more.


> Gw2 is such a downgrade rn and even though certainly is not the best and has horrid flaws of its own, you can't make me go back to dated models, dated graphics, and no sense of gear progression. Just yuck. I'm glad I'm out of my gw2 rut tbh, never been happier and haven't looked back.


Isn't BDO all about the grind though? Also, the PvP seems super gear dependent to the point where a higher gear score can carry you

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > I started to play Star Trek online after HoT :/ actually gw2 problema is what made me start trying another games.

> > Since 2k’ish I’ve only played mainly gw1 and RO.

> Star Trek Online is the closest another game has gotten to hook me like GW2, but ironically at least at that time years ago its PvE and PvP shared some issues with GW2 despite being so totally different. The power creep was just so weird. I mean sure you *could* go with classical phaser banks, but I was flying around a burst torpedoboat that pretty much burned down shields in one pass and followed up by a massive torpedo barrage to destroy anything. Maybe it has changed now I dont know.



Can’t queue to pvp on it due lack of players and build gear gap... it’s the gw2 and bdo problema in on game lol.... many broken science torp builds that clear maps in a few seconds, imagine a ele Nuke that wipes the EB map, there’s like a few players that know how to build arround that tho but overall pve player on pvp they just leave w/o saying a word.


Still atm it’s my main pve and grind game.


Gw2 is there just for the wvw.(anything else in gw2 is boring due how enforces gimmick ratther the gw1 type gameplay)



I have been wondering if return to gw1 even for pve...

I m8 install it today actually.

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I am not too familiar with this game anymore really. It seems like when i played this game last it was grindy as far as collecting materials and gaining currencies etc etc but i never minded because i had a good guild to play with and getting mats to complete a project was fun ( but grindy )

So when yall say this is not a grindy game, in what aspects do you mean? :D

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I don't have any interest in MMO's outside Guild Wars 2... well, except for WoW. I've heard WoW is grindy, but I also married a wealthy veteran WoW-Baron who showers my characters with legendaries, mounts, and so-on... so I don't encounter any grind in WoW personally haha.

The GW2 system is nice because I can devote a lot or just a little time to it and still have meaningful progression. I started GW2 in high school when I had all the time in the world, but going through college, getting a job, and starting a family have definitely cut down on game-time.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> Only other MMO I play is Lord of the Rings Online.

> Not the greatest MMO by all means, but being a huge fan of Middle Earth, there is no other game that does story adaptation better than LOTRO.


I use to love playing LOTRO. I honestly have no clue why I stopped playing.

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> @"t sakacs.7568" said:

> I am not too familiar with this game anymore really. It seems like when i played this game last it was grindy as far as collecting materials and gaining currencies etc etc but i never minded because i had a good guild to play with and getting mats to complete a project was fun ( but grindy )

> So when yall say this is not a grindy game, in what aspects do you mean? :D


In general in relation to getting characters content ready and being able to play this game without penalties versus veteran player who have been playing non-stop for 7 years. As well as being able to take breaks at ones own leisure without an ongoing gear treadmill in place. Also there are often multiple ways to acquire items, so players can pick and chose how to approach the gathering.


Much of the fancy stuff can get very grindy in GW2 too.

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No. I find it quite easy to get into other games. Right now im playing monster hunter world iceborne. Excellent action/mmoish hybrid. Capcom released a roadmap thats very satisfactory. In the spring i plan to jump to Phantasy Star Online as my next mmo. ill play gw2 after the season is over so i can binge play thru all the new "content." Thier hype machine is shit and the only reason to play is to see how the story will end.

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Hm.. GW2 did make it really difficult for me to get into FFXIV at first.

The difference in combat speed and mobility is just that huge, especially with how static and slow the combat is in the early levels of FFXIV.

It made me quit the first time I tried it before having a chance to really get into it.


..that was many years ago, in which I eventually tried again and played long enough to get hooked by its story. Combat got better and better the higher the level went, with each expansion adding something more to it. What I really like about it is that you can have all jobs / classes on the same character, and you're able to freely switch between them and keep an individual level for each class. On the other hand GW2 gets points for exploration of the world, just going around and doing events together with random other players. The open world feels more alive, and you do more stuff together with other players while out in the open in GW2 - on the other hand I think FFXIV has more interesting party and raid instances, also in much bigger quantity. Both have a very interesting story, in their own way - and in both games you can (as of yet, partially) replay them if you want, without needing to make a new character.


Personally I like both quite a lot, and while I'm not constantly active in both (only recently playing in GW2 again, and been months since I've last been in FFXIV), I do always enjoy when I end up getting back into it and exploring whatever new content the recent patches have brought.

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