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Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

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Another expansion in development means the exit ramp for this game will be passed as long as new elite specs are coming. New ways to play classes is as important as new content itself.


A legendary amulet, being something important for all game modes except PvP, released as an exclusive reward to PvP brings me great dread.

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Cantha...how boring...just want I wanted to see, a Jade Sea no longer turned to Jade and the Echovald Forest looking like a real forest and not the petrified landscape it was...there's so many other places we could go both West of the current Maguuma Jungle and East of the Blood Legion Homelands, places we know nothing about or what inhabits them, but I guess a lot of people will be happy now. Also not saying I won't play it, just not that excited for it.

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Genuinely hyped to see what they have in store for this next expansion, I need to know how Cantha has changed since the Elder Dragon rising and the closing of their borders in terms of architecture and general landscape and whether certain factions still exist outside of the Luxon and Kurzick (Jade Brotherhood and the Am Fah gangs).


Also, I can't help but feel like there's gonna be another Glint scenario if we're talking about Elder Dragon relations to other dragons. Feels like Kunaavang might be a spawn of good ol' Steve/Selbbub like Glint was to Kralk and that might be another way to get an Elder Dragon replaced, but speculating here at best.

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Please bring the tengu out with this....

And please dont give the norn the shaft in the saga, Im kind of afraid this is the only chance they have to really get a good story. Its a shame im sure that we won't get any norn themed E-specs with the saga and all the cool stuff will be held off till the expansion. But thats the nature of the beast and im glad an expansion is in the works, return to your dark story-telling roots with all the beautiful areas and mythology. This is a welcomed return~

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > With all the bad news that's been happening lately in other parts of my life I'm hyped to see an Expansion. But as always I'm going to air on the side of Cautiously optimistic.

> >

> > Here are my Hopes:

> > * New Elite specializations

> > * New Weapon types

> > * New Core skills

> > * New Profession Ritualist

> > * Massive Landmass surpassing the original Factions campaign.

> > * New Races, Largos and Tengu

> > * New Dungeons

> > * New Raids

> > * More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

> > * Lots of new weapon's and armor skins

> > * Elite specialization questing. (side story where you need to earn your right to advance the spec)

> > * Quality story

> >

> > Here's what I expect:

> > * New Elite Specializations

> > * Moderately sized Landmass

> > * New Raids

> > * New Fractals

> > * More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

> > * Moderate amount of new weapon and armor skins.

> > * New mount

> > * New masteries

> > * Extra Character slot for premium buyers

> > * New Load screen

> > * Quality story

> >

> >

> > Now I honestly don't have high expectations for this expansion. I hate to be a Debby downer on it. I suspect it'll be a solid expansion. I don't expect it to be as engaging as HoT was for its open world but I do expect it to be better for open world than PoF. I also suspect the story will be top notch. I honestly can't see the story quality going down at all The new elite specs will be a lot of fun for sure. I suspect a few things to show up. Like the Assassin but probably not ritualist. How the ritualist will show up, I suspect it'll be a type of NPC and not playable. The divide in the player base is a bit too strong for it to be given to either Revenant or Necromancer, too much controversy, best to be avoided. I still look forward to the expansion for sure. it'll be fun. I don't expect it to blow me out of the water.

> >

> > Now my main hope is that this has been in development for a while now. And we're seeing this closer to completion as opposed to announcing it like they did with HoT.


> I still think it makes more sense to split the thematics of the Ritualist into new elite specs.

> Summoning ghosts dips heavily into necromancer thematics. Holding the ashes of long gone heroes is a mechanic that fits Revenants **way** too well, since they already canalise the ghosts of dead heroes in their base mechanic.


> But yes, alot of this stuff would be awesome.

> My personal biggest hope is that we will get an elite spec for engineer that focuses on chemicals. We already have the steampunk mechanical espec with Scrapper and the cyberpunk hologram espec with Holosmith. Getting something that focuses on biopunk alchemy usage would be great.


I mean, thematically it could sorta work. Mechanically it wouldn't at all. Urns are more akin to a shroud or a engineer kit than a legendary stance. Revenant is honestly more a hybrid of Assassin, monk and Dervish from GW1. You have some healing and upkeep skills like the monk since upkeep was a very monk thing which Assassin did as well. The powerful movement and chaining abilities like the assassin and stances are like a natural evolution of the god avatars from the Dervish. Not to mention both Dwarf and demon stance are very reminiscent of the flash enchantments of the Dervish. I'd love anet to lean more in this design. So my personal hope is a ronin type Rev with greatsword would be dope as kittens!


As for necromancer. I'm not sure what I'd want. I'd love the shaman/ritualist spec but at the same time I really really miss minion master. And I just really want Ritualist as it's own profession with it's own elite specs.

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> Pandaria ^^


> now can we please be in more than 5 guilds?


> more mailbox space, character slots and bank tabs?


> honestly there's so many quality of life improvements that should be in the game


Being a free to play game, they will probably monetize the mailbox space. But they can give us a additional slots for the ones that buy the expansion.

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This feels like it goes against all of the previous philosophies about communication and I think it's just what the game needed.


I know some people will be upset hearing about an expansion being developed and even a teaser as to what it's involving given that people like to remain surprised, but I think it will be an extremely pleasant surprise to the vast majority that felt the game was being abandoned.


There's no word on how long until the expansion or details, but the fact that it's in development and is being acknowledged is a pleasant surprise. Assuming it is Cantha, I'm definitely excited to hear more and see the maps revisited with the new engine. Also excited for the music!


I've been mostly doom and gloom for the past few months, but it's great to hear this news and get this continued transparency and communication.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> This feels like it goes against all of the previous philosophies about communication and I think it's just what the game needed.


> I know some people will be upset hearing about an expansion being developed and even a teaser as to what it's involving given that people like to remain surprised, but I think it will be an extremely pleasant surprise to the vast majority that felt the game was being abandoned.


> There's no word on how long until the expansion or details, but the fact that it's in development and is being acknowledged is a pleasant surprise. Assuming it is Cantha, I'm definitely excited to hear more and see the maps revisited with the new engine. Also excited for the music!


> I've been mostly doom and gloom for the past few months, but it's great to hear this news and get this continued transparency and communication.


It's been doom and gloom for about a year. The news of an expansion doesn't stop that as we have so little information. But it helps.


I personally am still fatigued with the game and this hasn't reignited my vigor as the gameplay for my two main classes were not really shaken up with the last balance patch. Which I thought engineer might have been but I was wrong. They didn't really change. Its still the same line. And necromancer is the same in PvE since I don't like or play PvP it's not different for me.


I actually have a lot of things I could be working on but no real motivation to do it. Not depressed just having more fun with other games like Grim Dawn, Shantae, FF14, Bloodstained, and I have games I'm looking forward too like Phantasy Star Online 2.


Arena net is going to need to really work hard to capture me in that lull time between now and the expansion and it needs to be a powerful release to keep me interested.


Somethings that would help us some major build shakeups for PvE and not just PvP. A viable and fun to use Turret build for engineer, a revamp of minions to be more fun to engage with and use, stuff like that. Something I can grab and actually use effectively and enjoy greatly.


If I had 5 great open world builds on my necromancer that also translate to raids, dungeons and/or fractals and about the same for Engineer my fatigue with the game would go away fairly quickly. But I have two each. And any deviation from those two builds is a noticeable decline in quality.

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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> kitten yes... and those trees look a lot more like cherry than "deciduous"... also, that could be the top of a waterfall instead of a shallow river... clearly ANet wouldn't mess with a Cantha concept to mislead everyone later with it not being Cantha.


Just have to say...cherry blossom trees (ornamental cherry trees) _are_ deciduous.

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