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Stop asking me to go Mid!

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I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

I'll be gone in 120 wins.


If you ask me to go mid, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to kite.

I know how to handle myself 1 on 1 so I always go far and camp there.

And I win far 90% of the time.


I can contribute more when I'm far.

If you insist that I go mid, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > Just say "far" or "home" in /team chat at start. trust me


> Can there only be one player that goes far at the start of the game?

> I ran far with another player and he said he was going to Alt F4 if I didn't go to mid.


Most people who camp far entire game are try hard who get mad if you ever ruin their dueling experience

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> @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > Just say "far" or "home" in /team chat at start. trust me

> >

> > Can there only be one player that goes far at the start of the game?

> > I ran far with another player and he said he was going to Alt F4 if I didn't go to mid.


> Most people who camp far entire game are try hard who get mad if you ever ruin their dueling experience


Yeah noob! ;)

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

> I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

> I'll be gone in 120 wins.


> If you ask me to go mid, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to kite.

> I know how to handle myself 1 on 1 so I always go far and camp there.

> And I win far 90% of the time.


> I can contribute more when I'm far.

> If you insist that I go mid, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

> So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

> I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


> Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.


I thought this was a poem.

An ironic one.

Then I reread it.



All is vain.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Kondor.2904" said:

> > You win 1v1 90% of the time while not knowing how to kite. Wait, that's illegal >_<


> I spam all my necro wells on the node + the elite corruption skill thing and win 90% of the time.

> Not many classes can stand in the node with all my wells pulsing.


Good....so your opponents also don't know how to kite.

All is good after all.

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I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

I'll be gone in 120 wins.


If you ask me to go anywhere, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to fight.

I know how to survive just to afk at the spawn point.

And I stay alive 90% of the time.


I can contribute more when I'm idle at spawn.

If you insist that I go out, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Better learn to PvP then. Why should others have to suffer because you refuse 2. 120 wins is gonna be a long road like that


I'm just saying given my current lack of kiting skills, I can contribute more by going far.

I have a win-rate of 60% going far.

If I go mid and start learning, maybe I will cause more players to lose their games :'(


![](https://imgur.com/s1Wz6Rc.jpg "")

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"HardRider.2980" said:

> > Better learn to PvP then. Why should others have to suffer because you refuse 2. 120 wins is gonna be a long road like that


> I'm just saying given my current lack of kiting skills, I can contribute more by going far.

> I have a win-rate of 60% going far.

> If I go mid and start learning, maybe I will cause more players to lose their games :'(


The concern is while you may have a 60% win rate going far, your teammates were at a higher lose rate at mid 3v4 their opponents.


Given the slowburn, low mobility nature of a necro offensive. Chances are your opponent will have sufficient time circling back home after annihilating your team at mid, before you even capture the point.

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> @"Chase.8415" said:

> What a troll. Anyone in plat knows what they're doing. If you seriously didn't know how to PvP or kite, you would be like silver or bronze.


> Don't flatter yourself, K.


I know how to 1 vs 1.

And I play during off-hours when the competition is weaker.

I tried NA prime hours and got totally bamboozled.

Everyone is god mode during prime time.

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I get you are a pve player... but if u are just going to get 120 wins by making 4 other people suffer in ur team... thats really unfair.

Go play unranked a little and learn pvp and kiting.

Then go do pvp. You will be more efficient in team. You will reach 120 wins faster.

Remember that pvp is not ONLY dueling and killing other players. It is map control. And necros place and role in this map control is being in mid. For it tankiness and wells and AoE dmg wells make it perfect for this role while other more mobile classes can go... far.

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> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> @"EremiteAngel.9765" You lost 1v1 to a player I 1v2ed 2 minutes after you died. You were a bunker Necro, against a MIRAGE. I was a berserker Ele :) Don't go far :)


> Let me know if you need the VOD when you start to lie and deny it :)


Oh I won't deny anything.

I am a bad player and its normal that you saw me losing.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Chase.8415" said:

> > What a troll. Anyone in plat knows what they're doing. If you seriously didn't know how to PvP or kite, you would be like silver or bronze.

> >

> > Don't flatter yourself, K.


> I know how to 1 vs 1.

> And I play during off-hours when the competition is weaker.

> I tried NA prime hours and got totally bamboozled.

> Everyone is god mode during prime time.


In case you are wondering when are the off-hours, I usually play 3am - 7am NA time.

Most players there I queue against are no where near the skill levels of those that I would have faced during NA prime hours.

That's how I scrap out low plat level.

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Best is to go where needed. (Sometimes it is mid.) In most cases for me it happened that going far with more than 1 person is a bad idea. Either you cap and defend their node and they rush your 2+ people with 1 guy while your team is outnumbered elsewhere. Or (even worse) you try with 2+ people to kill 1 bunker guy and they keep the node capped.


Far is good to cap when empty - then immediately leaving it to go elsehwere (if the team needs help) or if you can solo defend it for some time ... stay there if everything else looks okay. Close should always be capped (since you can get there fast) unless the enemy gets a hard to kill bunker guy there and you waste time killing it with 2+ people. Defending at close with 2+ people for a short time is okay though. (Or using 2+ to kill a bunker quickly ... if you manage to kill him quickly ... if you notice it takefs ages and the enemy caps other points at the map go elsewhere.)


Mid is the main action. As long as it can stay contested eveything is okay if you gain points by outsmarting them with the outer nodes. (+ Some maps have nice side mechanics.)


A lot of people don't read the situatoin though. I love (sarcasm) when in Temple everyone goes down trying to kill 1 enemy that contests the bottom buff at 8:30 while own team gets outnumbered with the enemy capping all nodes and stillness. :D (Weighs much more than the few seconds of time we can get the 3 nodes without stillness when they cap them back fast while our team needs to move back to the action from near bottom buff (tranquility).


Other guys in this case here could just make sure that no one else runs to far with you. Trying to make the best out of this situatoin. (I mean ideally you'd just farm points in 1 vs. 1 or stall them when 2 try to kill you and you can distract them a bit.)




Tbh: When I did my 10 placement matches (I am very low tier because I'm bad at fighting but I know about strategy) I noticed a much lower "match quality" in ranked than in unranked back then when 2 vs. 2. was ranked. Weird isn't it? All the death matches guys not caring about strategy are back in ranked cause no other 2 vs. 2. death match option available. I'm capping the empty close node - no enemy incoming. Yeah of course then someone runs to help me. Yeah fun. Do it! Increases the chances on top stats for offense. ...

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

> I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

> I'll be gone in 120 wins.


> If you ask me to go anywhere, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to fight.

> I know how to survive just to afk at the spawn point.

> And I stay alive 90% of the time.


> I can contribute more when I'm idle at spawn.

> If you insist that I go out, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

> So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

> I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


> Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.



that was rude

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

> I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

> I'll be gone in 120 wins.


> If you ask me to go mid, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to kite.

> I know how to handle myself 1 on 1 so I always go far and camp there.

> And I win far 90% of the time.


> I can contribute more when I'm far.

> If you insist that I go mid, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

> So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

> I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


> Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.


Say home and camp that. One going home and one going far just leaves ur team in a 3v4 mid in my experience more times than not and if the far fight goes south the opposite team now has two full caps

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" I'm a PvE noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

I'm only there for the Legendary Armor.

I'll be gone in 300 raids.


If you ask me to follow the strat, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to dodge.

I know how to handle myself on fractales so I should be able to raid.

And I succes fractales 90% of the time.


I can contribute more when I'm not with the group.

If you insist that I follow orders, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

So stop calling me a low KP ape!

I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


Be kinder to all new players trying to get the legendary armor."


I don't want to be mean here, I've nothing against people going far, but what I hate the most is people going far **WITHOUT TELLING THE TEAM BEFORE**. Because my behaviour won't be the same in mid when I 4v4 than when I 3v4.

You're lucky that you can play ranked pvp play with no prerequisite, whereas me, as a big PvP player, still need 69420 KP to be allowed to be invited in a raid.



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> @"Woltarion.6829" said:


> " I'm a PvE noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

> I'm only there for the Legendary Armor.

> I'll be gone in 300 raids.


> If you ask me to follow the strat, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to dodge.

> I know how to handle myself on fractales so I should be able to raid.

> And I succes fractales 90% of the time.


> I can contribute more when I'm not with the group.

> If you insist that I follow orders, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

> So stop calling me a low KP ape!

> I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


> Be kinder to all new players trying to get the legendary armor."


> I don't want to be mean here, I've nothing against people going far, but what I hate the most is people going far **WITHOUT TELLING THE TEAM BEFORE**. Because my behaviour won't be the same in mid when I 4v4 than when I 3v4.

> You're lucky that you can play ranked pvp play with no prerequisite, whereas me, as a big PvP player, still need 69420 KP to be allowed to be invited in a raid.




Just look at the map to see if it's a 3v4 or 4v4 (+a 4v4 is less likely then a 3v3, at least in high level PvP)

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