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Blame the Thief


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If your team wins it's because of everyone else. If your team loses, blame the thief. When you feed a mid-node fight that you can't win then, definitely, get in chat and tell the Thief how it's their fault. Or better still, when you do lose to a Thief, get on here and tell the world how broken Thief is and how much it needs to be nerfed.


Is playing Thief the most thankless role in PvP? Are Thieves the ultimate Scapegoat? The easiest target? Is it Sindrener's fault for being the best PvP player in the Universe and setting the bar so high that unless you ARE Sindrener then you're a failure at being a Thief?


I think it's time for the people who melt in a dual or teamfight to get a new excuse because 'Blame the Thief' is looking pretty dry.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> That depends, is the thief spending the entire match team fighting while there are nodes waiting for a decap?


> If so, then yes the loss is on the thief


If a Thief plays badly, I agree. But even if a Thief plays well: "Should be capping nodes!", when helping swing the team fight. "Should be helping the team fight!", when capping and their team dies in the team fight. The Thief should ALWAYS be doing whatever it is they're not, because it's the universal scapegoat. Because Blame the Thief.


> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> Thief is definitely the reason for all my loses, and has never contributed to my wins. However, thieves are OP and need to be nerfed. It's not that they are strong per se, so much as this thread requires me to say this right here and now...


Classic. Thank you.


If you have a Thief in your team: when the team wins, it's never because of the Thief. When the teams loses, Blame the Thief.

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some ppl come up with crazy stuff in ranked and don’t realize a thief even with great mobility cannot be every where at once and maybe they were about to get a priority kill when some random dude told them they have to rotate out and get a decap, which maybe they would do right after they got that kill

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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> The guy raging at the thief is always in the downed / defeated state anyway, so their opinions don't really matter now do they...?


you would think that.


but there is always more than one turd on the team and they will join the downed guy in the heckling.

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Already by queuing as a thief, you have put your teams teamfight capability at 4v5.


Now, if you decide to teamfight - you'd be better off picking a teamfighter, meaning you are wasting everybody's time.


If you then proceed to not +1 or decap - your team might aswell have played with a bot instead of you. You are again wasting time.


If you think you should duel this person - look at the map. Is stalling this person a good play, or are you both simply wasting time on eachother contributing nothing to your teams? Then it's still a 3v4.


It all comes back to you, by choosing to play thief, make the game an effective 4v5 on nodes. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it just means you can't afford to waste time nearly as much as the others on your team, else you are a liability to your team.


Not like this matters much below plat 2 anyways, people just don't like to face mistakes they made themselves so they blame it on you since you didn't bring a duelist/teamfighter instead - but from my experience, 90% of the fights where everyone blames thief would be lost anyways.


Even if you have the worst thief possible, any 1 of the remaining 4 players have chances to pick up some slack and carry a little.

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Many people like to blame thief for losing a match when they should look at their own performance, so it can be an easy scapegoat.

The problem with a class like thief is that you cannot afford to waste time and you should be the playmaker in the team. Infact as soon as you pick thief your team is 4v5 in a teamfight, but you gain an enourmous advantage in decapping and +1 small duels. I guess my point is, if you pick thief you better be damn good at playmaking otherwise you just draw back the team.

In my experience I either see thieves carrying the match or holding back the team by doing misplays like teamfighting when they should cap and viceversa.

It's a complex role that require a high level of awerness of what's happening in the game, watch who just died, count who's on respawn timer and to be ready to escape if you are decapping far to avoid getting ganked, also know when to full cap to make enemy waste time recapping thoug grant you the advantage of +1 in team fight, know when to go in a teamfight and what target to pressure or burst down to get a kill. And if as theif you are de/capping all you can and trying to get those kills in teamfight, but your team just keeps losing each and every teamfight or 1v1, well sure you ain't the problem lol

Sindrener sets the bar really high for all the other thieves in game, there's no doubt about it, that doesn't mean you can't be an effective thief anyway, you just need to know your role really well and be the playmaker.

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Thieves have almost 100% damage immunity due to constant jumping in and out of stealth to heal etc.

Unless you can trap them which they have tons of counters to anyway theyr'e infuriating to fight.


Hardly the thieves fault if the team looses, if anything this class is the most broken in the whole game and has been for years.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> That depends, is the thief spending the entire match team fighting while there are nodes waiting for a decap?


> If so, then yes the loss is on the thief


Thief 1v3 far for a minute, allies 4v2 home, enemy has the mid node. Blame the thief, obviously. It's become synonymous to finding a scapegoat for one's own crappy rotations/mechanics.

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> @"pawn.7046" said:

> If your team wins it's because of everyone else. If your team loses, blame the thief. When you feed a mid-node fight that you can't win then, definitely, get in chat and tell the Thief how it's their fault. Or better still, when you do lose to a Thief, get on here and tell the world how broken Thief is and how much it needs to be nerfed.


> Is playing Thief the most thankless role in PvP? Are Thieves the ultimate Scapegoat? The easiest target? Is it Sindrener's fault for being the best PvP player in the Universe and setting the bar so high that unless you ARE Sindrener then you're a failure at being a Thief?


> I think it's time for the people who melt in a dual or teamfight to get a new excuse because 'Blame the Thief' is looking pretty dry.


im sorry that running like an monkey between 2 points all game long without doing anything else is no longer considered pulling your weight :/

In general 2 classes that show the worst players is thief and necros by far.

Thiefs 1 run between the nodes and do nothing else, or do their job properly untill something goes wrong and then rage focus X person while stopping providing any value.

You gotta find balance between being in combat with your enemies and decap/+1.

Thiefs existance alone means that nobody can leave far unatended, its better to have 4,5 v 4 then itit is to 4v4


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Thief is a Schrodinger's class. It is both OP and useless to people who don't know what's in the box.


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Just do your hit and run stuff and watch your team die in the 4v5, while you recover for 10s at 1500 range from that one hit that diminished your hp by 50%.




If you're in a position to watch a 4v5 in conquest and you're not on home or mid decapping while you do that:


1.) Your team is bad and you're gonna lose

2.) You're bad and you're gonna lose


Thief played right will never be in the situation you described specifically because of the reason you described.

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I literally had games where I carried and still got "omg this thief" after a loss, so you know.... Just smile, take criticism when it's constructed and correct and move on. You're not here to get a medal from your team-mates at the end, you are here to win and get better.

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> @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> I literally had games where I carried and still got "omg this thief" after a loss, so you know.... Just smile, take criticism when it's constructed and correct and move on. You're not here to get a medal from your team-mates at the end, you are here to win and get better.

That's not thief exclusive. There are players that blame everything they don't understand. Someone who does not understand basic 3cap strategies will always blame the thief. I got flamed for sucking at the game on necro after matches I hardcarried with mid savings, creature stealings at 475 vs. 490 score and far decaps. We won each of these games. That happens.


Karma when these guys are in the opposing team the next game and you can farm them over and over again until they ragequit.

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> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> Thief is definitely the reason for all my loses, and has never contributed to my wins. However, thieves are OP and need to be nerfed. It's not that they are strong per se, so much as this thread requires me to say this right here and now...


Thieves are OP, thieves are op, thieves are... op...

I really read that? OMG! omegalol

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I love when ur decapping and only one full capping all game and when ur capping farbsay the msg u that ur not decapping close even tho u just did but other team just got there and at end of match u end up getting top kills and offense still but aperantly ur not doin anything 9r when someone gets mad u didnt jump in their 1v3 as a thief lmao and call u useless for not fighting the outnumbered with them

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> > I literally had games where I carried and still got "omg this thief" after a loss, so you know.... Just smile, take criticism when it's constructed and correct and move on. You're not here to get a medal from your team-mates at the end, you are here to win and get better.

> That's not thief exclusive. There are players that blame everything they don't understand. Someone who does not understand basic 3cap strategies will always blame the thief. I got flamed for sucking at the game on necro after matches I hardcarried with mid savings, creature stealings at 475 vs. 490 score and far decaps. We won each of these games. That happens.


> Karma when these guys are in the opposing team the next game and you can farm them over and over again until they ragequit.

From most of my games the large majority the one bitching and moaning in chat is usually a thief (the others are the FOTM and of course the magic thief mesmer).

I think it is a weird psychological thing related to the type of person that would pick a thief. Having the ability to not die and reset when they chose over time screws with their head, the ability to perceive their situation is kinda clouded in ego.

I recommend thief mains to play the other classes and builds (especially something like Reaper which is the total opposite of thief), maybe they will get some timing for how long classes hold out in 1v1 and 1v2 when to help when to go somewhere else.


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