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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > I don't see them going back to retroactively add legendary armors to old content again, that includes Fractals the old JPs and the old Adventures. **It should be part of content that is being developed!**

> Not really, for a legendary PvE set they can easily add a WvW style reward system based on event participation to PvE. This would pretty much cover the entirety of PvE. No need to exclude old content for a general PvE set.


Sorry, I should have worded that better. I agree that they could easily add a general legendary PvE set (only functionality like WvW and PvP) like that!


I doubt they will ever create a full legendary armor skin set again, since the first set was already longer in development than they probably intended and they had to add it retroactively to raids.


But the Thread-starter was talking about "Celestial Legendary armor", most likely referring to the Celestials and Weh no Su in Cantha and a completely new set, skins and all. I'd prefer that if Anet wanted to create a completely new armor set with Cantha in mind, they'd link it to the corresponding region / content.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> I do agree that PvE should get a legendary mode specific armor set (and backpack / trinket) in the same way as e.g. WvW has but it shouldn't be bound to a specific expansion but an overall participation reward for PvE in general.


> > @"Bridget Morrigan.1752" said:

> > I just want literally any legendary armor from any acquisition method that has skins I think actually look good. Choice, please.

> "skins I think actually look good" is highly subjective and would require them adding multiple sets of legendary gear for various sub content which I'm not opposed to.



That's the point, yep. Choice is good!


Speaking generally, I feel like they should design legendary armor with three sets of audience members in mind: one for the flashy set, one for the "I want my armor to be realistic and blend into the world I play in" set, and one for the "badass" set who want things to look sharp or strong or what have you so you can die just by looking at the armor. I think the existing raid armor sort of fell into the last set (at least as an attempt--you can be the judge on how successful they were with putting spikes on everything). I'm not sure how you'd design something realistic to be legendary, but y'all get the idea: at least attempting to target several different tastes rather than one-size-fits-all.


I'm kind of flashy and I'd like some glowy bits, myself, and not to look like a fatass. ~~I can do that in real life.~~

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TBH i do think open world should get a version of legendary armor, while yes it would require WVW and PVP like most of the weapons, it wouldnt require doing raids, which would actually make it obtainable for far more people.


But if they dont its not an issue either. stat swapping is cheap.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> legendary armor should always have been craftable same as weapons are. The only reason it isn't is because Anet needed something to bait people into doing raids.


You mean crafted through the mystic forge by playing open world meta event like the chack meta event ? It is the same process omg

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > @"Turamarth.3248" said:

> > > Raids and Fractals are not PVE to you?

> >

> > Raids to PvE is about as comparable as PvP to WvW. Not very.


> Except it is. PvE is Player versus Environment, i.e. content which doesn't involve fighting other players. So yes. Fractals and Raids are PvE, just as much as open world. Facts don't care whether you agree with them or not.


I'll accept that as long as it is also accepted that: since competitive game mode gets two ways to get Legendary Armor, PvE should get two ways as well.

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I dont agree that the raid collection needs to be redone, the openworld pve stuff is minor.


I do think that a legendary armor set should be added to at the very least T4 fractals with more progression available through doing CMs.


Im iffy about open world legendary armor but if as lengthy a process as WvW that would be fine.


The biggest issue with legendary armor is that its confined to such a small audience.I do raids and im fairly new but its so difficult to get into parties. Elitism is rampant, saying your new outside of a Raid academy party is a guaranteed kick. Not to mention ppl saying casual raid group then asking for 75 kps on joining said group.

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  • 2 months later...

I apologize in advance if someone already made post similar to this. I’m rarely on the forums. Also this is entirely my opinion.


I’m hoping that when we finally arrive to Cantha in our journey through this game that there would be a slower progression compared to the last two expansions. I really enjoyed the pace in the original Guild Wars that, while the gameplay here is much faster than the first, I miss being walled by story and having the time to quest and explore around an area until ready to move on to the next. Back then I mostly played alone in Guild Wars 1 so it would take me a couple weeks to complete a campaign and with the slower pace I feel I could appreciate the amount of different stories and detail that was put into each side quest and area. Even if I played with friends, the game will still feel like it had a nice and steady pace. Even today as I still go back to the original from time to time. You can go through each expansion extremely fast in this game though, especially if you have a player guiding and helping you through.


Here’s a list of what I would like/hope for:


- Slower progression. Areas locked behind new masteries is to be expected. Maybe lock out some areas until you reach a certain part of the story in your first playthrough. Only players that meet the requirements will be allowed ahead.

- This might not sound so appealing but perhaps lock mounts until postgame. Mounts have made this game ridiculously fast and while yes it’s technically optional, Imo it wouldn’t make any sense to arrive in Cantha in their time of need to just hop on a raptor and run amok. Unless Canthans have and are riding around places like Kaineng on mounts, I kinda feel like they would have restrictions until you get some sort of license.

- Please give us the entirety of Cantha with maps that aren’t locked behind future living stories. Cantha as a full expac would be great. I also love how maps in PoF have a lot to offer with ruins, caves, etc., if you venture out of the linear story. That in Cantha would be awesome.

- I also wouldn’t like some of its beautiful places in Guild Wars 1 getting ruined like branded Vabbi and Istan (which is crammed with mobs everywhere and isn’t even fully explorable). Getting real bored of the dragon corruption and I will love a reimagined Cantha that would take me on nostalgia trips.

- Alliance battles. Alliance battles. Alliance battles. Did I mention alliance battles?

- Postgame content would be nice. Perhaps elite dungeons? Urgoz?

- Factions theme login because why not. ?


Again sorry if there’s already been many posts on Cantha. Just things I hope for. Anything you would like to be added or brought back in the 3rd expac/Cantha?

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> @"Phazon.3975" said:

> I apologize in advance if someone already made post similar to this. I’m rarely on the forums. Also this is entirely my opinion.

A simple use of the forums search feature would have found it for you: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102725/what-do-you-want-for-third-expansion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102725/what-do-you-want-for-third-expansion)


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A Engineer Elite Spec that allows us to Modify our Main hand weapons to have different weapon skills based on how the Main weapon is modified.


I will also like to see a new Awakened skin for Gen 1 Legendary weapons. Players won't need to gather huge amount of materials for it since they already have the Legendary weapon but they may have to do a small Story driven Quest that focus on the Lore for that Legendary weapon to "awaken" its new appearance. Of course players can change the skin back to its original look if they want as usual.


A lot of Cantha themed outfits, armor, and weapons because I always love Cantha themed gears back in GW1. They always had some kind of attraction for me.

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I'm in agreement with a lot of your suggestions, but my observations is that gating and slower progressions is very unpopular with a lot of players.


I would love a massive Cantha area for the expac at all, but I doubt they will do it. They have been doggedly intent on the Living World so expect them to hold a fair amount back.


After the let down of LS5 so far, I'm hoping and expecting nothing from the expac so I can only be surprised and not disappointed (well until I start getting hyped, because I never learn that lesson truly..)



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Considering there are no alliances left they all got goobled up into the empire.

I cant see them doing any alliance battles at all otherwise good post.



By 1127 AE, the people of Tyria were on their own. The new Canthan emperor, Usoku, finally unified his continent into the Empire of the Dragon. His armies conquered the vassal states of Kurzick and Luxon, making his power absolute. These efforts were supported by the Ministry of Purity

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Considering there are no alliances left they all got goobled up into the empire.

> I cant see them doing any alliance battles at all otherwise good post.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha#Recent_developments

> By 1127 AE, the people of Tyria were on their own. The new Canthan emperor, Usoku, finally unified his continent into the Empire of the Dragon. His armies conquered the vassal states of Kurzick and Luxon, making his power absolute. These efforts were supported by the Ministry of Purity


Oof. I completely forgot about that and the Ministry of Purity in Winds of Change. Well I hope there will still be some Kurzick and Luxon refugees/settlements after all this time. Seeing the gothic cathedrals and Luxon outposts gone will be sad.


But still hoping they include something similar to alliance battles for fans. A different type of pvp format that is like a quick WvWesque skirmish/activity for currency to spend on PvE rewards would be nice. This game needs better activities tbh. Or better rewards for them. I remember how activities like Sanctum Sprint were so active on release. I feel like competitive activities like alliance battles in GW1 where you can grind your heart out for worthwhile rewards are missing in this game. ?

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It's been 200 years. While Cantha become closed-off its frontiers and became isolationist with the rise of Usoku, that happened 200 years ago. That's a long period of time, more than people often think. Charlemagne's Empire was as far back to Joan of Arc as she is to today some 600 years give it or take. Neither culture, society, borders, or technology remained static. Paris went from a small city to a metropolis of a quarter of million people. Mail was replaced by plated armour, gunpowder was popularised, sugar was introduced to the European diet.


Tyria hasn't remained unchanged either. Tyria losts its capital Lion's Arch to the sea and founded Divinity's Reach. The Asura established themselves and expanded Rata Sum. And, while I find it unrealistic, the Charr went from nomadic barbarians to a steampunk society in 200 years (my pet theory is that they learned from the Dredge and scavenged stuff from Ascalon). I'd like to see Cantha receive the same treatment. While we have known almost nothing from Cantha in at least 100 years with the rise of Zaithan, it is arguably Tyria the continent that has been completely isolated from the rest of the world, not Cantha. Personally, I'd favor a Cantha that has been actively fighting the Deep Sea Dragon and searching for new lands and people seeking tribute and resources to exploit and feed Kaineng's massive population, armies and industry rather than a complete isotionalist one. Maybe you could mix Japanese or Chinese styles with European ones from the colonialist period. Have Luxon Conquistadors, Kurzick Landsknechts, and Imperial Line Infantry like the one used during the Napoleonic Wars or, more modern, the Meji Restoration in Japan.

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I don't know if it is highly impossible, but I'd like something new to the combat system... I was thinking a hybrid system where you can mix your profession (class) with another one and gain many abilities and features from that. I'm talking about something similar to Ashes of Creation or the system GW1 had from what i've read. The result from this mixture could be a new "special" profession that has as requirement that you have two characters lvl 80 of the two professions you want to fuse. An example of this can be the fusion of negromancer and warrior gaining many of the thematic skills of negromancer, the versatility and the heavy armor from warrior and some new spells that you should train by Hero Points too.


another example of what could be this "fusion" system:



From the rest: i'd like a resurgence of the PvP and WvW scene, GvG, more mechanics that give the game diversity and more stories that doesn't necessarily must to be covered by the main one.

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Personally, I don’t think a new race will bring much value to the game and it also sounds like a real headache for the devs to implement in the game.


The strongest suit of the game is cosmetics and there is two big cosmetic option that hasn’t been implemented so far: weapon and legendary items dyeing and housing. To get the recipe in order to dye the different items, I wish new guild missions and new guild content in general would be developed like introducing a housing system (thematically tuned to be either luxon/kurzick or both) and its obvious (necessary evil) gemstore related items.

I wish you could dye your legendary items whether it be weapons or trinkets by playing a combination of strikes, raids and fractals (with the mystic forge) so that you could apply any color that you have unlocked for your account. As for regular weapons (exotic/ascended), I wish you could get it through the mystic forge as well by playing a combination of open world content (through guild content) and fractals.


Other than that, hoping for the alliance system to finally be released within the expansion so that the different factions would replace green/blue/red. I mean, green/blue/red have its importance to determine the rank you are in but it would be a bit more exciting to say “my guild is blue and we are fighting as kurzick/luxon/whatever other important faction”.

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* Removal of artificial limitation on light / medium / heavy gear for classes.

Tie the armor value you get from armor (wrt. rarity) to your profession and let an engineer wear metal if they wish, or a warrior wear cloth or a necro wear a trenchcoat ;)


* Greatly increased build diversity by means of letting all professions use all weapons... means great number of new weapon skills to be added, but hey, it's an expansion, right?

(Or if I can't have that, please please let my guardian get a gun (pistol or rifle)! :D)


* Cantha (but we know that's already coming, but I can't wait to see Jade Sea, Kaineng, Shing Jea again! Kurzicks and their damn Echovald Forest can suck it :P)


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I recommend six big changes to class customization & pvp:


1) Ability for PCs to change their class. Replaying story missions that reference your class background will give a new generic response to those who switched classes.


2). Ability for Players to Multiclass. You are stuck to one traitline from your main class and can pick 2 core ones fro your secondary. This will be mutually exclusive to prestige classes., you can do one or the other not both. You can use the weapons of the second class or your primary, and designate such if the classes share a weapon.


3). 5 options per trait tier. This will allow for far more versatility, a less easily solved meta and get back to what gw franchise is known for - build experimentation.


4) No duoqueue in pvp any longer. Only Randomly chosen players. Also no class switching before match begins.


5). New pvp modes - Heroes Ascent - where teams of 8 players compete against other teams of 3 or 4 on different larger maps. No resurrection is possible in this mode.


6). Physical bodies on screen are represented in game, players are no longer able to stack inside eachother, but instead push eachother when they try to get close. This change occurs

in all game modes, similar to fractal instability.

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