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Please make story epipsodes longer!

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We've been complaining about this for a long time already!

We're okay with not every episode having a new map, like you told us, we understand and that's okay, but what's not okay is that each new story episode can be played in less than an hour. it's way too short. each new episode should take at least 2-3 hours by doing story only! and then much longer when doing random map events and achievements (that is well done for now)

there's barely anything happening at any episode at all, many of us like to play a storyline, and this has been asked countless times, so please in the future start making each story episode way longer! :)

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> We've been complaining about this for a long time already!

> We're okay with not every episode having a new map, like you told us, we understand and that's okay, but what's not okay is that each new story episode can be played in less than an hour. it's way too short. each new episode should take at least 2-3 hours by doing story only! and then much longer when doing random map events and achievements (that is well done for now)

> there's barely anything happening at any episode at all, many of us like to play a storyline, and this has been asked countless times, so please in the future start making each story episode way longer! :)

This has been asked countless times? Really? Where?


For me, the length is about right. I don't have a lot of time (2-3 hours!) that I can commit to these. Work, family and other obligations limit the blocks of time that I have to play. If they were made longer, then I would miss out on them because I wouldn't be able to play them.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > We've been complaining about this for a long time already!

> > We're okay with not every episode having a new map, like you told us, we understand and that's okay, but what's not okay is that each new story episode can be played in less than an hour. it's way too short. each new episode should take at least 2-3 hours by doing story only! and then much longer when doing random map events and achievements (that is well done for now)

> > there's barely anything happening at any episode at all, many of us like to play a storyline, and this has been asked countless times, so please in the future start making each story episode way longer! :)

> This has been asked countless times? Really? Where?


> For me, the length is about right. I don't have a lot of time (2-3 hours!) that I can commit to these. Work, family and other obligations limit the blocks of time that I have to play. If they were made longer, then I would miss out on them because I wouldn't be able to play them.


it's been said a LOT on comments on every new episode that's been released in a long time. you realy haven't noticed it?

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This season has been poor in length. Playing both parts of Bjora though seems a great length. Of course a problem with length is that they might put dumb things in it that is just busy work, like the progress bar in Grothmar and Lake Doric. When we're already going to spend a lot of time in those maps anyways.


The problem is budget when it comes to voicing and engaging story content. If you put a lot in the story, you sacrifice the lifespan of content in the maps themselves.

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I think the problem is lack of padding. Back in Personal Story and LS2, you had lots of padding, and I don't mean filler-there's a difference. But starting with Heart of Thorns story and onward, it feels like everything is increasingly rushed.


I know this is partly because they moved alot of it to open-world, but it also feels like they just don't want to get creative with the instances anymore. Earlier in the game they made alot of use out of a minimal amount of scenery, and now it seems like they make minimal use out of a lot of scenery. Imagine all the places we could've explored in Drizzlewood Coast in story, content that was already made and polished.


Ever since this method of telling the overarching story almost exclusively in open-world events (most evident in Verdant Brink and later maps), I feel like instances have become less and less developed as a result.


***Spoilers for LS5.3: No Quarter***

I realise the original idea came from Orr, Dry Top, Silverwastes, but in those cases it was not a replacement. In fact I would say that out of all the maps added so far, Drizzlewood Coast is the worst offender for trying to pack the most of the story content in the open-world and keep instances to a minimum. This makes certain events, such as the defeat of Steel Warband, come as a "surprise" rather than progression, if you haven't played the overmap enough to understand what's going on before entering the story instances.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> For me, the length is about right. I don't have a lot of time (2-3 hours!) that I can commit to these. Work, family and other obligations limit the blocks of time that I have to play. If they were made longer, then I would miss out on them because I wouldn't be able to play them.


I'd rather they make the actual story instances longer and remove the requirement to finish a set amount of events to progress the story. That way the overall time to finish an episode will stay roughly the same, but you will be doing more story content and less filler content. That way both sides will be satisfied no?



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~ Commander is directed to Black Citidel/EotN via mail.

~ Commander is introduced to the chapter in a neat little intro.

~ Commander completes map events to progress story.

~ Commander is invited to talk with the local good guys.

~ Commander does tasks for local good guys.

~ Commander is directed to an instance that intensifies the maps conflict.

~ Commander mulls over the maps conflict with other characters at home base.

~ Commander is eventually directed to the final instance, where they slay a boss.

~ Cliffhanger



... Any of this sound familiar, poobah?

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Yep been a point raised a lot since LS3 at least. LS4 started off strongly with chunky story episodes, but it all dropped away in favour of rushed writing to get to the next thing.


I thought the prologue was perfect, but what they delivered with Bjora for me remains so bad that it killed the season in its tracks. Episode one was barely an hour long in story terms.


The other issue is that although I want proper length episodes, if it isn’t going to be quality storytelling, then it’ll be horrible to get through esp in alts.


I don’t think it’ll ever change though. Anet have never really grasped what they want to do with the LS format and it has - for me - largely been a mess

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> but what they delivered with Bjora for me remains so bad that it killed the season in its tracks. Episode one was barely an hour long in story terms.

Could this have been to satisfy the complaints that it takes too long to get to the new map when a new episode releases? I've seen threads here where players have asked to be able to skip the story and get right to the map. Perhaps this was a compromise of sorts?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > but what they delivered with Bjora for me remains so bad that it killed the season in its tracks. Episode one was barely an hour long in story terms.

> Could this have been to satisfy the complaints that it takes too long to get to the new map when a new episode releases? I've seen threads here where players have asked to be able to skip the story and get right to the map. Perhaps this was a compromise of sorts?


Doubtful, after you complete the very first instance (taking a few minutes) then you're already on the map. The length of the remainder of the episode's story doesn't affect that.


Anyway, if that _was_ the goal then all they would have to do to is have an NPC with the option to transport you to the new map without going through the story instance or have it so that the story begins _after_ you travel to the map. So, for example you get a call to go to the Black Citadel, talk to the chopper pilot, they bring you to the new map then right next to where you spawn in the new map you can start the new story.


But yeah, I agree with the OP, the story sections are far too short and as a result it feels too rushed.

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No thanks. Story instances are some of the most boring stuff in this game. Story content apparently needs to be mind numbingly easy, lest we get people complaining (See eater of souls for example). Much seems to be simply repurposed stuff from hearts ( eg stealth and guard detection). And then the “achievements” ...zzzz

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I like the story instances the way they are, since I do story on multiple characters. I prefer smaller play times. Plenty of people play this game tons of hours a week, and plenty play this game only a couple of hours a week. You have to make story for all of them. I don't think longer stories are significantly better.


Also I feel like half the story isn't even in instances, or just what you get in the book...the real story is in the zones and that exploration and experience is ALL part of the story.

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Oh no, please don't!


Episode length and difficulty in Icebrood Saga is perfectly fine.


From LW2 to LW4 it was way too long. I dreaded everytime I had to enter a story instance, since I knew I'd get cheated. It would go on and on endlessly, I'd have to kill dozens or even hundreds of mobs (who don't drop anything at all) in sometimes frustrating fights and as a reward in the end I'd get ... pretty much nothing (with very few exceptions). I'd rather have a root canal treatment with my dentist than playing any of those again with an alt.


In the Core game it was also OK - quick and easy, as it should be.


Mind you, this is from someone who loves single player games. Also, I never really had any trouble to complete a story episode, it was just tedious.

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> @"Croc.1978" said:

> Oh no, please don't!


> Episode length and difficulty in Icebrood Saga is perfectly fine.


> From LW2 to LW4 it was way too long. I dreaded everytime I had to enter a story instance, since I knew I'd get cheated. It would go on and on endlessly, I'd have to kill dozens or even hundreds of mobs (who don't drop anything at all) in sometimes frustrating fights and as a reward in the end I'd get ... pretty much nothing (with very few exceptions). I'd rather have a root canal treatment with my dentist than playing any of those again with an alt.


> In the Core game it was also OK - quick and easy, as it should be.


> Mind you, this is from someone who loves single player games. Also, I never really had any trouble to complete a story episode, it was just tedious.


Lenght sure they are ok, but difficulty really?

Its like level 50-70 core story atm abit higher would be nice.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:


> I thought the prologue was perfect, but what they delivered with Bjora for me remains so bad that it killed the season in its tracks. Episode one was barely an hour long in story terms.


> The other issue is that although I want proper length episodes, if it isn’t going to be quality storytelling, then it’ll be horrible to get through esp in alts.


> I don’t think it’ll ever change though. Anet have never really grasped what they want to do with the LS format and it has - for me - largely been a mess


Yeah, the Icebrood Saga started out fine but the Bjora Marches story was poor. I thought the story in Drizzlewood Coast wasn't too bad. I would also prefer quality in the story over quantity anytime.


> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > We've been complaining about this for a long time already!

> Can you please exclude me from your "We"? Cause I have not been complaining. The story length is perfect for me.


> Thanks




Same. What's more important than the story length for me though is the story quality. I'm not going to bother finishing a story if it's absolutely terrible just for the sake of seeing the ending.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Lenght sure they are ok, but difficulty really?

> Its like level 50-70 core story atm abit higher would be nice.


Yes, it's like Core story and this is good enough for me. Playing Core story instances with my alts doesn't bother me, I often do that.


I wouldn't mind though if they increased the difficulty in the open world parts of the story, as long as it's still soloable. Open world is fun - there are other people around, you can gather resources, the mobs drop loot and you get proper rewards for the events you do. It's where this game really shines.


But please please do not make the dreaded instances more difficult.



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Yeah, the episodes lately are horrible. Nothing at all is happening and contend is simulated by filling a bar of fetching stuff before the story continues.

And then there is the mandatory sitting on a table listening to people talking about war plans.

So 2 minutes of actual playing in a 45min episode. This really got old fast

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Option 1) PLEASE DON'T MAKE THEM LONGER!!! More immersive stories in open world would be better. But i just want to get through the story quick and into the new map, not a long tedious grind. please :) (and add FFWD buttons so we can skip past the talking and get on with the combat!) heh

Option 2) You could make stories a bit more immersive but DON'T TIE IT TO GETTING INTO THE NEW MAP! Make it separate! Have a couple of "open world" collections err npcs you have to chat with before you jump into new map.

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> I agree that unlocking new maps should not be tied into new stories. People enjoy different things, so the two should be kept apart to let everyone do what they like.


Possibly this is why core worked so well. Lots of maps telling a wider story alongside a localised one and yet not tied to the main story.


I think this in part ties to some of my fundamental issues with the inferior LS way of doing things - every episode feels detached from the rest of the game and the World. As each self contained map, completely unconnected (physically) from the rest of the map is released, the less of a “Living World” it becomes.


Compare this to GW1 and GW2 expansions where the World built in itself and expanded organically after the starter area. This Living World seems to be anything but “living”

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