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GG hotfix team


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I think when the community asked for nerfs to make sure scourge wouldn't push out every other melee class, they didn't mean 'remove scourge from wvw entirely'?


3 target shades makes sense, that's 12 possible targets with 3 perfectly placed shades and you in melee range, a very unlikely bomb to land. 6 targets with sand savant isn't awful either.


but... 2 targets? a perfectly placed three shade bomb hits 8 people, realistic play is 2-4 targets. What would even be the point?


edit for clarity/TLDR:

Scourge definitely needed nerfs, these nerfs are so heavy they're not worth using at all


edit #2:

Scourge nerfs seem good, they're still viable but other classes are competitive again. Good job, i'm a kitten quaggan

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > Well, at least this was within a timeframe to be called a hotfix.

> > Credit where credit is due, #CMCfreed


> I.... grudgingly have to admit that is correct.


> :hatsoff: emoji.




You said it. I expected this to go on for months, honestly surprised to see the quick fix. And, it is appreciated.

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Risen out here stirring the pot. I feel the struggle for balance, the previous changes were way too strong, so now they have reverted and added nerfs ontop of the reverts. On the bright side, back to rev now. On the sad side, I won't get to do my scourge meme raid and scourges have been severely wounded. 2 targets is a yikes from me.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> I'm all for scourge not being so strong it's the only class worth bringing lol


> 2 targets puts it in the tier of 'why on earth would you bring that at all' though

I agree with this. Just played the "new" power scourge with small shades (the big one seems to be useless now). I rarely tagged enemy players. XD

Had more success with condi - torment/fear scourge tbh.


anet y do u do dis?

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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> We all should have guessed the God-Tier damage class in wvw would complain at the sight of the tiniest nerf.


> Give them time to adjust to the "balanced" realm of wvw, its a new place for them.


again, scourge needed nerfs. they didn't need 60% nerfs for damage and support across the board lol

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The funny thing about this "hotfix" situation is that the scourge is officially the first class in gw2 which has a grandmaster trait called sand savant which nerf basic SHADES mechanics - it's like iq test to use it or no :) GJ Anet and your great "hotfixes" :)

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Yeah, class seems completely dead now. Talk about over-doing it. I guess that's what happens when you listen to people who complain about scourge being "top DPS" when it wasn't. Shade has been pretty weak since Feb. Bringing back the old 10 target big shades was a bad idea, but this is too far of a swing in the opposite direction. It's almost like they don't even know what to do, have no actual vision for the class, and just listen to everyone's hot takes on the issue. Kind of sad really. With that said, Scourge has been one of the most oppressive classes since PoF so I'm not exactly lamenting the end of the scourge meta. Just wish it could have happened in a way that still made the class decent to play, but not necessary to have so many of.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"aaron.7850" said:

> > We all should have guessed the God-Tier damage class in wvw would complain at the sight of the tiniest nerf.

> >

> > Give them time to adjust to the "balanced" realm of wvw, its a new place for them.


> again, scourge needed nerfs. they didn't need 60% nerfs for damage and support across the board lol


60% damage nerf and yet they will still do more damage than mesmers, thieves, rangers... etc.

This is balancing, learn to live with it.



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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"aaron.7850" said:

> > > We all should have guessed the God-Tier damage class in wvw would complain at the sight of the tiniest nerf.

> > >

> > > Give them time to adjust to the "balanced" realm of wvw, its a new place for them.

> >

> > again, scourge needed nerfs. they didn't need 60% nerfs for damage and support across the board lol


> 60% damage nerf and yet they will still do more damage than mesmers, thieves, rangers... etc.

> This is balancing, learn to live with it.




Roamers =/= zerg specs


also at this point the zerg immob soulbeast build will probably out damage scourge now fairly easily as it was pretty close before hand. Rev and Ele were above scourge to begin with.

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Excellent changes. Exactly what was needed to bring Scourge back in line. You'll obviously run small shades which is more fun and more healthy for the game mode overall.


For everyone complaining, consider this: With the very low cooldown on Manifest Sand Shade you can **always** put 3 shades out for your bombs. That puts it at 6 targets (8 if in melee). It's the first time the number of targets on shade actually feels fair.


Thank you. This was a proper hotfix, good job.

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