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WE absolutely NEED a suggestions sub-forum to save the game from its impending DOOM!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi, title says it all...


But how will a suggestion sub-forum save the far....eh the game you say? It's easy. A suggestion sub-forum will gather all the suggestions in a sepparate sub-forum which will leave all the other information more accesable for newer players that want to inform themselves about the things that are already in the game. Those new players will be well informed and thus more willing to try out the game. They will try it out, buy the expansions and loads of gems. They will tell their friends about the game, who will then again buy all expansions and loads of gems. And so we will save the game from its impeding doom.


But wait, there's more. A suggestion sub-forum will gather all the people interested in endless discussions about playable Tengu, fishing as a most necessary feature, player housing, more anime stuff and so on in one place. There the bestest suggestions can be found that will make everybody happy. ANet will know how to implement new kawaii tengu fishing rod into the game and that it will sell for a bazillion gems thus generating revenue and again saving the game.


That's far from the end. Having a suggestions sub-forum will make it so, that all negative people. People who don't want to save the game by awesome suggestioning because they are evil, can ignore the suggestions sub-forum which will make the discussions in the suggestions sub-forum have more quality to have more quality suggestions. More quality suggestions will make it so that ANet will have more better ideas from players that will make more money if the ideas get put on the gemstore.


You see, suggestions sub-forum is the tripple whammy and at this point maybe the only way to save the game.

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lol - we all saw what you did there. Now enjoy the same fate as less ironically based suggestions.

No worries. In the future this game will only have a cult following of 10-20 diehard phorum negaholics. Chances are that most of the provoking phorum suggestions will die out years before that.

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But isn't that most of what is posted here? Sure I see posts asking questions, and others sharing stories about things that have happened, but the vast majority of threads I've seen are people talking about what they want to see added to the game, removed from the game, or altered in the game, followed by the usual bevy of people agreeing with them, disagreeing with them, offering alternatives, or telling them to Git Gud, Dodge, or Adapt

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > It would be great for cleaning up a lot of the trash from general discussions.

> Except that people already post in General things that should be posted elsewhere. /smh


but this would give our wonderful mods a better place to move them ;)

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Hi, title says it all...


> But how will a suggestion sub-forum save the far....eh the game you say? It's easy. A suggestion sub-forum will gather all the suggestions in a sepparate sub-forum which will leave all the other information more accesable for newer players that want to inform themselves about the things that are already in the game. Those new players will be well informed and thus more willing to try out the game. They will try it out, buy the expansions and loads of gems. They will tell their friends about the game, who will then again buy all expansions and loads of gems. And so we will save the game from its impeding doom.


> But wait, there's more. A suggestion sub-forum will gather all the people interested in endless discussions about playable Tengu, fishing as a most necessary feature, player housing, more anime stuff and so on in one place. There the bestest suggestions can be found that will make everybody happy. ANet will know how to implement new kawaii tengu fishing rod into the game and that it will sell for a bazillion gems thus generating revenue and again saving the game.


> That's far from the end. Having a suggestions sub-forum will make it so, that all negative people. People who don't want to save the game by awesome suggestioning because they are evil, can ignore the suggestions sub-forum which will make the discussions in the suggestions sub-forum have more quality to have more quality suggestions. More quality suggestions will make it so that ANet will have more better ideas from players that will make more money if the ideas get put on the gemstore.


> You see, suggestions sub-forum is the tripple whammy and at this point maybe the only way to save the game.


The forums are already organized in such a way that the team and mods can easily read and collect info for specific areas of the game. The current setup is logical.


What you are asking for will be a free-for-all info mess.

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*Opossum noises*


Best leave the general discussion trash heap alone. When mods see a more specific home for a thread, it gets moved. If it's a more general topic then, well, seems like we're in the right place. This is the catch-all bin, this is the clearance section; you shouldn't expect it to be tidy.


People complain about duplicate threads and necromancy threads and suggestions from 84 years ago that a new player thinks are fresh, but that's the nature of general forums no matter where you are. It doesn't matter if a thread is a suggestion or just an observation, it will become a discussion and therefore this is exactly where it deserves to be. Stirring the toilet around doesn't actually achieve anything - Ya gotta flush.


This is also probably a good time to mention that clickbait titles about WE when expressing a _personal opinion_ and NEED when expressing a _want_ regarding DOOM as it pertains to forum maintenance _outside of the game_ are not super convincing ways to get people to take you seriously.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> I read somewhere something to the effect that the devs don't look at suggestions because then its not their idea and it can cause some sort of copyright issue. I might be remembering incorrectly but something in the ball park of that.


You are remembering it incorrectly. The quote you are thinking of came from Gaile Gray many years ago and basically said if it isn't suggested through official forums or equivalent then they couldn't freely use it. For example, a suggestion mailed to them would not be used, but a forum suggestion was free usage for them


The game is replete with forum suggestions used in game ranging from big things like the mastery system to minor things like the calling mobs who were between vet and champ difficulty "elites". There is even an elite spec suggested on the forums which made it into the game (think it was the Weaver)

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> I get what you're saying, maybe name it the Terrific Researching And Substantiating (Heuristically) Best Idea Nominator sub forum.


I'm pretty sure that name is already used by the Devs to reference the Forums as a whole.

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