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When a game enters STEAM after a few years...

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...


> Thanks and best regards.


Its the F2P version going up on Steam, though.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...

> >

> > Thanks and best regards.


> Its the F2P version going up on Steam.


STEAM will always charge for their service...

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > > ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...

> > >

> > > Thanks and best regards.

> >

> > Its the F2P version going up on Steam.


> STEAM will always charge for their service...


My point is, it'd only affect gemstore sales, if anything. And F2P players can't buy nearly as much as players with the expos.


Its a cut out of an already small portion of ArenaNet's revenue.

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Gw2 has had a steady decline in sales since 2015 with the exception of expansion releases, where revenue doubled that quarter. The q2 2020 revenue is equal to the Q1 and 2 for 2019 due to covid. GW2 is recieving alot of recognition because of new players trying the game and with the expansion announcement and it being added to steam, i expect it to go even higher in q3. I think the game will be fine for the next 2 years at least

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> TIL FFXIV, ESO, GW2 and PSO2 are on Steam because they‘re unable to gain new players and are soon going to die.

> Technically speaking the start of development of a game is the beginning of the end ;)


> Thanks and best regards.


HEY! you forgot Eve Online, BDO (despite being p2w), Albion Online, SWTOR, New World (lol at this but it's not even released yet so Dead on Arrival?)... and the not-so-mmorpgs: Destiny 2, Path of Exile and Warframe, etc. etc. etc.


yep, all dying and ghost towns

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > TIL FFXIV, ESO, GW2 and PSO2 are on Steam because they‘re unable to gain new players and are soon going to die.

> > Technically speaking the start of development of a game is the beginning of the end ;)

> >

> > Thanks and best regards.


> HEY! you forgot Eve Online, BDO (despite being p2w), Albion Online, SWTOR, New World (lol at this but it's not even released yet so Dead on Arrival?)... and the not-so-mmorpgs: Destiny 2, Path of Exile and Warframe, etc. etc. etc.


> yep, all dying and ghost towns


Sorry for that. I didn‘t want to clutter my comment with all those „dying“ games, just a select few.

There are way too many to mention, we’d better build a graveyard ;)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Do people sit around their house thinking up new ways to put down the game and claim it is dying?


> I mean even if the thread was correct (and we know it isn’t), so what? What does anyone gain by making such a statement?


I suspect it's kind of a defence mechanism. At some point GW2 _is_ going to be unplayable, even if that's because it goes on so long that technology moves ahead too much and it's impossible to keep the game compatible. (For an extreme example there's only one computer in the world still able to play the original version of Spacewar!, one of the earliest computer game, and that's in a museum.) For most MMOs it's a lot sooner and less extreme than that - they reach a point where it's no longer profitable or something causes the company to shut down and so the game is taken offline. We don't know when or why that will happen and I can imagine that uncertainty is a problem for some people, so in a way always expecting the worst - seeing every piece of news as proof that the game is about to be shut down - means they can never be shocked or disappointed when it does happen, because it's what they expected and if it doesn't happen they can be pleasantly surprised.


Personally I could see this game being a bit like Ultima Online, which is 23 years old and still going, I think helped by the fact that they never expected it to be a huge money maker (when it was being developed MMOs didn't exist, and were expected to be something of a novelty product). At it's absolute peak it had about 250,000 subscribers and since WoW and other 'modern' MMOs came along it's been something of a footnote to the genre, but (from an outside perspective anyway) they seem ok with that. They've never tried to re-work the game to emulate more successful MMOs and seem happy with just getting enough players to keep going. GW2 is kind of similar in that it's always been a bit different to the most well known MMOs, which I think is why a lot of us like it. As long as they get enough money to keep the game online it could just keep going.

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A partnership with steam is nessecerily not a bad deal, nor any indication of a game dying. All it will do is reach out to many more people since alot of people use steam and newer players joining the game is never anything bad. now i havent played for years like some have but from what ive understood this game is just getting bigger and bigger for each year so i believe the OP is making a hen out of a feather.

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Can only speak for myself, but what with a total drought of good MMOs on the market, me and my friends have found (or re-discovered) GW2 and so far I am having a great time. The game seems healthy in terms of player numbers and much improved from when I tried it at launch. With the new expansion just being announced I can see it drawing in a lot of new or returning players, if only through a lack of any solid competition. I certainly can see myself continuing to play for many weeks and months to come.

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I had a dream in which GW2 died, and so that means Anet should put the game on GOG because in my dream, GOG was a cleric that could case Raise Dead, except it was Raise Dead Game, and GOG had this weird hat that gave it a +4 to saving throws against poison, which doesn't seem relevant but was super important in my dream.



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I find it funny.

Just because you rope a bunch of players into your game doesn't mean you will retain many of them: an example you thought they'd learn from PvP.


Now I don't begrudge PvE at all and maybe it can rope in casual players to buy some gems and push past that story paywall, but when 2/3rds of your game are doing poorly because of the core design, and the balance dev is complacent with bad design being like "oops, we'll make good changes next time; maybe.... half a year later", Anyone coming from steam is going to quickly run into the same issues that we've had since release.


GW2 needs holistic cures not bandaid fixes.

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...


> Thanks and best regards.


they have shared with marketing for years now, with little effect. time to try something new. they still need to streamline the game, or its

a wasted effort anyway.

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...


> Thanks and best regards.


You are right about the first part, going on Steam means an acceptance that the game's marketing has done all it could on its own and it's time to expand to different audiences. As for this meaning the beginning of the end, there are plenty of examples of games that went on Steam and are still alive and kicking, or even doing much better than they did before they launched on Steam. So it will all depend on how the launch on Steam goes

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Its ANet being scared of WoW, nothing more, nothing less


we got an expac announcement so people are somewhat hyped now. but the expac is a good year away from happening.

and up until last week people were pretty down on the saga thingy and the pace and depth of new content and playerbase numbers were hurting bad.


in a few months when the announcement is old news and the distraction is spent everyone will be back to complaining about "expac level features" and lack of content.

and by the end of october WoW will release a new expac and as its typical sweep a huge chunk of the casual playerbase that is here.


going to steam and ensuring a large flow of fresh blood with money might let them weather the bad times ahead until the expac hits.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> I find it funny.

> Just because you rope a bunch of players into your game doesn't mean you will retain many of them: an example you thought they'd learn from PvP.


> Now I don't begrudge PvE at all and maybe it can rope in casual players to buy some gems and push past that story paywall, but when 2/3rds of your game are doing poorly because of the core design, and the balance dev is complacent with bad design being like "oops, we'll make good changes next time; maybe.... half a year later", Anyone coming from steam is going to quickly run into the same issues that we've had since release.


> GW2 needs holistic cures not bandaid fixes.


Your 2/3 are based on game modes though, not on player activity. If we went by player activity, Spvp and WvW would not even make up 1/10th of what players engage with in this game.


As such, even "if" only some players get sucked into PvE, that would be a benefit to the game.


I do not disagree that Spvp and WvW (a bit less) are not in good spots, and I'd love to see some additional dev attention for the modes, but as far as the game overall is concerned, if the devs were to remove Spvp tomorrow, literally no one would care.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Players on the GW2 forums: "Put GW2 on Steam or the game will die!"

> Anet: -puts GW2 on steam-

> Players on the GW2 forums: "Putting the game on steam means the game is going to die!"


> I don't know anymore, man.


Wait, are you telling me we are not a collective hive mind here?

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