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Stealth op


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Here's some ways to remove stealth.

You can bring someone to a sentinel or a tower and they'll get marked.

You could also use the 2 traps that reveal.

Some classes have a form of Reveal to take someone out of stealth.

Full Mastery Arrow carts apply reveal when hitting.




If you're still having issues with stealth best to just ignore thiefs.

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1) there's reveal for larger scale ... roamer stealth is indeed broken.

+ the lag of stealthing+following engage can be a factor as well that makes it feel strong


2) but no, group stealth isn't that much op, since u need a mesmer on voice plus a squad that has enough scrappers + people that know how to blast the stealth up on command + no pugs the mess it up and tell opponents where u are


so this heavy setup for casuals makes it pretty much not OP.

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> @"Sonork.2916" said:

> I have to use the action cam due to wrist issues, try fighting someone 1v1 spamming stealth and teleporting around using the action cam, it pretty much makes you want to kill yourself. GW2 has the worst implementation of stealth in any MMO I've ever played.


What part is hardest to keep up with, mostly targeting or landing something on the target?

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> @"wevh.2903" said:

> I cant see my oponent




Guild Wars 2 8 Years Of Bad Design Broken Stealth Mechanic, 'Lessons from history do not exist'



'Gw2 WvW How to perma stealth ? in all Thief specializations'

-**Aug 12, 2020-**




'Guild Wars 2 - Dieb - How to "Perma-Stealth"'

-'Jul 15, 2020'-



'Guild Wars 2 Perma Stealth'

-'**8 years ago**'-


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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Sonork.2916" said:

> > I have to use the action cam due to wrist issues, try fighting someone 1v1 spamming stealth and teleporting around using the action cam, it pretty much makes you want to kill yourself. GW2 has the worst implementation of stealth in any MMO I've ever played.


> What part is hardest to keep up with, mostly targeting or landing something on the target?


Both, and with the action cam you have to aim a reticle at their character to hit them with abilities, as well as targeting them normally. If you do one but not the other you just miss or your skill doesn't work.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> If you're still having issues with stealth best to just ignore thiefs.

The fastest, invisible class?


I'm not sure what server you play on, but the roaming climate is pretty toxic in many places and there's almost always some Thieves somewhere looking to +1, gank or are just overrepresented in general even if you may not always see them running around or hanging around objectives. It's not like they will ignore and avoid you if you decide to ignore or avoid them. You just have to hope that they are feeling graceful enough to let you do whatever you're up to at any given time - and that's not a good basis for game balance or discussions about it.


At the end of the day, stuff that has been brought up countless times by now should simply not exist even on the most bare bones theoretical 1+1 plane. We can discuss things like 100% or 99% stealth but the reality is that even a 50% uptime is overblown.



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> @"Sonork.2916" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Sonork.2916" said:

> > > I have to use the action cam due to wrist issues, try fighting someone 1v1 spamming stealth and teleporting around using the action cam, it pretty much makes you want to kill yourself. GW2 has the worst implementation of stealth in any MMO I've ever played.

> >

> > What part is hardest to keep up with, mostly targeting or landing something on the target?


> Both, and with the action cam you have to aim a reticle at their character to hit them with abilities, as well as targeting them normally. If you do one but not the other you just miss or your skill doesn't work.


I have an old injury on my left upper side that makes some things in game difficult. I had tried action cam for awhile and even set up a Steam controller which worked alright with the gyro feature but I keep going back to default. I keep my camera pan speed fast in settings and mostly use Left mouse targeting unless I'm using Right mouse to look around while I'm running. If you've played a stealth build you can kind of feel someone else's stealth and that gets easier to grab and fight everyone like they have a breakbar if you're having trouble matching other players experience but also to dismantle with frequent control skills and utilities. I don't know what your build has but I take Basilik Venom instead of Shadow Meld on my DE so my Stolen Skill from Mark can ping or trip up someone in stealth. I can't match the natural skill of a lot of players so I try to pack stuff to mess with their build until I can bounce or they die. I know it's not a lot of help but it's fun figuring it out.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > If you're still having issues with stealth best to just ignore thiefs.

> The fastest, invisible class?


> I'm not sure what server you play on, but the roaming climate is pretty toxic in many places and there's almost always some Thieves somewhere looking to +1, gank or are just overrepresented in general even if you may not always see them running around or hanging around objectives. It's not like they will ignore and avoid you if you decide to ignore or avoid them. You just have to hope that they are feeling graceful enough to let you do whatever you're up to at any given time - and that's not a good basis for game balance or discussions about it.


> At the end of the day, stuff that has been brought up countless times by now should simply not exist even on the most bare bones theoretical 1+1 plane. We can discuss things like 100% or 99% stealth but the reality is that even a 50% uptime is overblown.




Sorry I should have clarified, avoid where possible.

I completely agree that stealth needs a rework, I just don't see them doing it sadly.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> I cannot think of another MMO that allows a player to attack and vanish a few seconds later. The GW2 stealth mechanics are the dumbest of any MMO I have ever played. I am a fan of ambush play but ambush, ambush, ambush is absurd.


If you give me a super hard hitting ability that required more setup to ambush I'd be fine with that, it's mostly fair as it is but if You need it sure, but not something that will be laughed off unless you build full glass and not something easily dodged. I'll also need a few more ports or blinks and non stealth Backstab, Death's Judgment, etc. I'd prefer our Stealth Attack window be shortened which would close even in a long duration stealth stack.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> I cannot think of another MMO that allows a player to attack and vanish a few seconds later. The GW2 stealth mechanics are the dumbest of any MMO I have ever played. I am a fan of ambush play but ambush, ambush, ambush is absurd.


Stealth is balanced for conquest. And for an actual PvP setting with PvP stats/traits/damage modifiers.

WvW is 200v200 in a game that was balanced around 5v5. With PvE stats and consumbles just to make everything worse. No wonder it's broken, literally everything is broken in WvW since its release. If you want better balance, play ranked PvP.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > I cannot think of another MMO that allows a player to attack and vanish a few seconds later.


> I was told by a friend about 2 years ago (so this may be old and changed, correct me if im wrong) that the rogue in WoW could.


Rogue in WoW has perma stealth. He can go stealth every 3 or 4 seconds while out of combat with simply pressing/clicking on a Stealth button. He can also vanish from combat every 2 mins or every 1.5 mins, depends of spec/build. So, as a Rogue and Druid (especially Feral druid) in WoW you can just walk around stealthed until cancelled or until you enter a combat.

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Things which should remove stealth.

*taking damage while stealthed. Doesn't apply to fall damage unless you are already in combat.

*getting snared or hard cc'd w/o stab.

*being in combat with a sentry applies revealed for 4s every 3s and marks your location on the enemy map.

*getting too close to a tower a watchtower upgrade, pulse revealed and a red circle beneath you

*RBL only: taking earth shrines permanently reveals all enemies in your territory if you have all 3 shrines.

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> @"diomache.9246" said:

> Or until you get hit and even a DoT removes your stealth or a Demon Hunter, Hunter or anyone else with Stealth Detection sees you while stealthed.

> And yes, this is way more balanced than GW2 ever was or will be.


> @"diomache.9246" said:

> Or until you get hit and even a DoT removes your stealth or a Demon Hunter, Hunter or anyone else with Stealth Detection sees you while stealthed.

> And yes, this is way more balanced than GW2 ever was or will be.


On the other hand you don't have cleaves or aoe spam in wow. Your channeled or charged abilities lso don't hit or follow people in stealth.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"archmagus.7249" said:

> > Things which should remove stealth.

> > *taking damage while stealthed. Doesn't apply to fall damage unless you are already in combat.


> Would Stealth Attack still be open to use for the full duration even after detection?



No. Once you have lost stealth, you will lose stealth attack.

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> @"archmagus.7249" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

> > > Things which should remove stealth.

> > > *taking damage while stealthed. Doesn't apply to fall damage unless you are already in combat.

> >

> > Would Stealth Attack still be open to use for the full duration even after detection?

> >


> No. Once you have lost stealth, you will lose stealth attack.


You want to shut down a major part of an entire class, not just a build or two, with no thought of what kind of build everyone would end up with to avoid any kind of damage. That's brilliant.

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