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What do you buy from the gem store?

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My purchases since April 2020, according to the gem store history:

* Character Slot

* Elonian Ele Outfit

* Armistice Bastion Pass

* White Wings

* Storm Gloves

* Bank Tab

* 8th Anniversary Supply Drop

* Warclaw Mount Pack

* Cat Ear Hood

* 3x Harvesting Flutes


In recent years I think my main thing has been mount skins. I've got the Branded and Shiverpeaks packs, plus the Warclaw and Skyscale packs, the full Istani Isles set and 10 skins from other packs. Although I only buy the select licences when they're on sale because I set myself an arbitrary limit of 800 gems maximum per skin. (Then made a one-off exception for the Armadillo beetle, because it's actually a pangolin and they're one of my favourite animals.)


My main expense used to be mini pets, because I collect them, but thankfully they've shifted away from putting them in the gem store and started using most of them as in-game rewards instead. I do still get new gem store ones when they come up, but it's a lot rarer than when we got a few stand-alones or a 3-pack with each release, and then you had to buy them twice so one set could go in the Mystic Forge to unlock a 4th one.

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Permanent items such as skins and outfits I like and account-wide upgrades. Utility such as bank and shared slots (though I'm maxed, so only when they increase the max). The only consumables I buy are bl keys, and I generally limit those to 25 bought in a new bl contents set, if I get the cool rng items good, if I don't, oh well, I got some other fun things. If the new bl contents just don't have any rng things I'm interested in, I pass for that bl chest "arc." Very rarely (I think twice in eight years) a name change contract if I'm reworking a character for rp reasons.


I might buy more vip passes if they could be combined to take just one shared slot. As it is DR and Crystal Oasis passes are all I'm using and I see no reason to buy more passes. I suppose if ANet made it possible to convert unlocked bound skins to transmute charges rather than having to hold onto them for the one free use I'd open up enough bank space to be willing to buy more passes.

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Mount skins are my #1 purchase.

I occasionally get character slots or other utility/upgrade items.

Now and then a new and cool item that pops up, like a chair or glider or outfit I really like.


I used to buy keys, but don't any more. I would rather farm them, because when I only get common drops from the chest, I don't have to scold myself about wasting real money and having nothing to show for it.

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Character slots when they're on sale. The occasional mount skin (I swear I *will* get the Highlands Harrier griffon skin *one of these days*... [sigh] Yeah right), the rare outfit/glider, or other cosmetic item. And a few years ago I got LWS3 when it was on sale.


So...yeah, not much, really.

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Cosmetics mostly, usually outfits and a few gliders and back items. I've also picked up one or two mount skins, and in the past a couple of weapon skins. One in a blue moon I'll go on a very short key buying spree if there's something I really want from the chests, which isn't often. As for non- cosmetics, not much comes to mind. I've never had to buy a LS episode as I've never missed the free period for any of them, its been a very long time since I've purposely bought a makeover kit (I keep getting them though other means unintentionally, usually from black lion chests). Oh, I do get expansion slots for bags and the bank now and then, depending on if there is a sale.

That's mostly it, I just don't have the money or the interest to do much more than that.

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Character slots, mostly

Occasionally glider or backpack

Rarely outfits


I used to buy BL keys. Not anymore. They removed the good common rewards. Before, you used to always get something of value. Now, if you did not get something rare, all you get is garbage.


Used to buy armors, but I bought all the ones worth it. I would probably buy more armor if they make good ones and put them on the market.


Honestly, I find the market in GW2 lacking. I could spend money, but there is very few stuff worth buying. And I already have most of these. Considering this is the game main money maker, it is seriously under developed.

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I buy about 2/3 of my gems with cash and 1/3 with gold. Things I spend gems on are:



- Infinite gathering tools

- Salvaging tools

- Bank space

- Material storage

- etc



- Gliders

- Mount skins (I usually buy the skin directly and don't bother gambling. Since gambling licenses are 1/3 the price of a regular license I only use them if I actively want more than 1/3 of the skins in a given package)

- Armor skins (At least I used to, I already have all skins I'm interested in)

- Outfits (These are a hard sell for me because there's always a detail about them that I don't like, so I only have 2 or 3 gemstore outfits)


I will never NEVER spend gems on Black Lion Keys.


I recently made a character that's supposed to be a Largos. Now I'm waiting for the Largos Wings to return to the gemstore.

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> @"dtox.8397" said:

> You guy buy these stuff with real money or Gold?


For me it's a bit of both, depending on how much I like whatever I'm buying and what's most convinient at the time. I try to convert gold when I have some spare and the exchange rate is good, and then save it for things I want, but if there's something I think is worth the real money price I'll buy gems that way to get it. A lot of things probably end up being a mix of both because if I have gems left over after a purchase I'll hold onto them until there's something else I want rather than looking for a way to use them up right now.

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They have very little that I am interested in. I bought shared inventory slots, the last 2 anniversaries. I bought a PoF prep kit (or some such thing) a year or 2 ago - it had a character slot, level 80 boost, unbreakable harvest gear, and some unneeded backpack slot increase. I did finally buy a permanent salvage kit, during the last anniversary sale.


I have no interest in black lion keys, because of all the chests I have opened, there is never anything worth having. So no actual money will be spent on them. Also I have no interest in skins of any kind.

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I'm a functional guy so mainly prioritze the functional / QoL stuff >>>


1) Shared Inventory Slots

2) Volatile Magic Permanent Tools ( An absolute must in the tools department ! )

3) Copper-fed, silver-fed, rune-crafter salvage o'matics

4) Character slot

5) Storage Expander (one of best things I ever did was max out my Storage deposit to 2K, such good QoL without having to constantly login/logout alt. characters as storage mules.

6) Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

7) Armistice Bastion Pass

8) Candy Corn Gobbler ( such a brilliant thing just for 300 Gems ): Never ever buy the Experience booster, Item booster, Heroic Boosters: Just buy the Gobbler, stack up on Candy Corn, while eating your dinner or doing something else, spam the gobbler for 5-10 mins, you'll have several hours of Bonuses: XP, MF, Karma/Def boosts etc. Note: If you have Snowflake Gobbler, no need to buy Candy Corn one as they do not stack, its either one or the other.

9) Zhaitaffy Gobbler Pack ( just for the extra 25% reward track in WvW, PvP is a nice boost)

10) Bank Tab slots (pure lazy QoL feature: Ofc more cost effective to buy character slot storage mules, but not as readily accessible as ease of bank tabs)

11) Warclaw mount skins *Luxury item for me* as I really hate the base Warclaw skin


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Sometimes a Mount skin, and the other day I bought Magnus' Eye patch skin which is very unlike me to pay dollars for a fashion skin. But I changed my Main from Ranger to Scourge and while my Ranger would sport a "patch" type headarmor (Noble mask), I could not find a similar Light armor option. So I waited until the Eye patch hit the store and bought it.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> I just spent $35 on black lion chest keys, not because I’m some benevolent being who wants to support the game, but because I like what the game offers me. I also occasionally buy outfits and total makeover kits. Mount skins are next on my list.


> What do you buy from the gem store?


You know, i checked your thread history and you have many threads like this in there. A thread with a question. It got me curious, so i ask you: why?


Also, nobody is a benevolent being who buys thing just to support a product. I mean, come on...

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