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What about a story and easy mode for the Raids?


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Moving the perceived goal post would do allot, i think they tried doing that with adding repeatable rewards to Raid CMs, but people are way too stuck on the default to care and getting a group and then even starting a boss takes so much time which is really annoying. The barrier to entry is way to big and it is all made by the people and we are at the point where arenanet should interfere. If we move the goal post a little like fractals do it, so everyone can go and experience the content there would be way more people raiding, Also in game dps meter would help even if it is just personal, seeing that you are not performing well by yourself is way better then getting told you suck.

If i were in anets place i would probably get the strike bosses. add some mechanics to them and bump up some of the current ones and slap them into a raid, there would be some epic long story chain in the next living world map, for the end so they could even use this as environment.

And with visions of the past they can make some old bosses Raid bosses, you can't tell me that the Balthazar and Kralkatorik fights don't look like a raid encounters at least visually.

Arenanet is being really wasteful with allot of their content.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Moving the perceived goal post would do allot, i think they tried doing that with adding repeatable rewards to Raid CMs, but people are way too stuck on the default to care and getting a group and then even starting a boss takes so much time which is really annoying. The barrier to entry is way to big and it is all made by the people and we are at the point where arenanet should interfere. If we move the goal post a little like fractals do it, so everyone can go and experience the content there would be way more people raiding, Also in game dps meter would help even if it is just personal, seeing that you are not performing well by yourself is way better then getting told you suck.

> If i were in anets place i would probably get the strike bosses. add some mechanics to them and bump up some of the current ones and slap them into a raid, there would be some epic long story chain in the next living world map, for the end so they could even use this as environment.

> And with visions of the past they can make some old bosses Raid bosses, you can't tell me that the Balthazar and Kralkatorik fights don't look like a raid encounters at least visually.

> Arenanet is being really wasteful with allot of their content.


Raids isnt really something majority cares about mainly for this is a game wich wasnt made for difficult content or end game

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> An easy mode should require 10 people and give no LI or any of the existing achievements. And that's where problems start. You can't give any of the existing raid rewards without devaluing them. Magnetite Shards / Gaeting Crystals would be ok as a reward since they allow raid beginners to buy ascended stuff from the vendor, but don't unlock any skins or equipment that are currently achievement locked. Since they are already awarded for unsuccessful attempts you can argue that they also should be awarded in easy mode.


I disagree with the 10 people part. Personally, I think that the 10 people is the biggest hurdle for most people. Most guilds that are active or group of friends can make a 3-5 party of core player, making it easy to recruit 1 or 2 people from their guild or a LFG to complete the raid. But a group of friend of 10 people that will play the same night is rather rare and trying to manage to get 10 people from a guild that isn't dedicated to raid is also pretty hard. Unless you have a huge pool of people. Personally, that's what made me quit raiding. I was tired of managing the people, nobody have the same schedule, someone don't show up, need to train new people, it's exhausting. If we could do the raid with 5 people, my group of friend and me would be all over the raids and bring more people from my guild. It's easy to bring 1 new guys when you have a core or 3-4 people who know what to do. Blast me in the face with all the challenge you can bring I'll love it. Have me to manage a group of 15-20 people and jungle the disponibility of everybody to make a group of 10 and I'm out.


I wouldn't even mind if doing the raid with 5 people would give me very little reward. It would be a good way to train new people toward the full raid.

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the thread title and first post don't line up. OP, please edit one of them. in the title an easy mode is requested, in the first post it isn't. then the poll itself mentiones an easy mode again, whatever it is.

as titles tend to go clickbait i'll ignore that one and treat this thread solely as a suggestion of a story mode which i would certainly like, hence my vote.


in that case all the people crying about their rewards taken away are clearly misinformed. this game does have story modes in two modes already: there is the icebrood saga that offers story instances in strikes and the much much older story paths in dungeons. what do both have in common? they give you nothing from that mode. while story paths do count for the dungeon achievement, doing 8 of those for laughable 5 gold is not a good deal. they also count for dailies and they're marked as the entry level, needing less people and skill to complete.

that translated to raids means that you have still 10 slots in a story mode but there is no need to fill them, 5 would be fine, maybe less. there are no raid-specific rewards and no mode-specific rewards either. story mode counts for achievements that don't rely on difficulty but on repetition (like the 8 dungeons achievement). completing a story mode for the first time will give a little insignificant amount of raid rewards as a bait. completing story mode the second time or further gives nothing (except said achiements) that is bound to raids. story mode introduces the raid without telling the entire story, like in dungeons, like in the icebrood story. it tells you why this map exists, why players are asked to go there, what happened that makes you kill stuff. it will not finish the story as the normal modes are for that. that said, you obviously can't fight the same bosses as in normal modes as they would be dead by the time of the normal mode story-wise. that only works on iberu and some other of joko's folk.


adding a real story mode like the dungeons is probably quite some work so i doubt it will happen. you'd have to invent new bosses that somehow always have been there, maybe exploit some lore holes, add new voices (which isn't possible rn as we know). basically making a prequel where there usually isn't a lot of space to squeeze it in.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> How is this poll not misleading or biased?


> You are not asking for less content, you are asking for "at all" content.


True. The way a lot of people on this forum make their polls just leaks with insecurities where they don't actually even want to hear someone's opinion or start a discussion but make the options read like:

a) You vote on what I want which means you're making the game better

b) You vote against my opinion and you take away the food from poor children's mouths. Shame on you.


> @"Dantert.1803" said:

> This also helps since for some people having a party of 10 is hard depending on timezone and time availability and those people could organize and clear the raid with smaller size parties at easy difficulty.


Then try playing on the server suitable to your timezone?


Also from what I've experienced, raids already play more-or-less like a story mode, except you're instanced with 9 other people. About the poll itself, adding "easy mode" isn't the equivalent of "adding more content" as well as leaving "current difficulty level" doesn't mean there is less content.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Easy mode raids don't give raid rewards I'll be ok.


Same, been my argument for years as well.

I don't care about the rewards, my main interest in raids is the story and lore.

Dungeons once suffered the same issue, Want to experience story.. well you can't because other players you need for the content want to "skip" everything.

Problem with raids is they are much harder to get into than Dungeons due to the higher requirements so if you've a habit of running multiple characters through the game and aim to add the dungeons and raid stories to each character at the appropriate time you're going to have a seriously tough time doing that.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> How is this poll not misleading or biased?


> You are not asking for less content, you are asking for "at all" content.


> Your first option would have had to be: I want **significantly more resources spent on raids**, which are currently discontinued, in order for easy and regular raids to be developed.


> The second option is hardly less content, it's more content than now, which is basically none. As such the option would have to read: I want the **bare minimum developer resources back again for developing this content**.


> You should have introduced an option 3: if no new raid content at all is introduced, which is where we are now, should easy mode raids be made for existing raids? Which again would require more developer attention to this mode than is currently allocated (that we know of).


> Why is this significant? For me personally my vote would depend strictly on if there is ever to be more raid content or not. In case this is a done deal and no more resources are devoted to raids, might as well ask for easy mode raids (which I still think make no sense, but this at least is resources spent on the mode). If there is to be raid content, I would not want the limited resources which were spent in the past to be split. Obviously the ideal scenario would be to have even more resources than in the past to have easy mode raids and regular raids developed (still doubt this makes sense, but more resources on content is always good for that content), but that is basically wishful thinking at this point.


I agree with most of your points, except the game not having any content. I might have misread if so I apologize. If your talking about strictly "raids" (I put raids is quotes because in all honestly the what GW2 calls raids are not "real raids" like the ones we are used to in other mmos) then yes, there is a very limited amount of content. I've played GW2 on and off from release and I have never run out of content. I still have professions that I have not even touched, I just started leveling a necro this week. The next one is more of a personal thing that I do, which i don't expect others to follow. After years of doing end game content in other titles, I decided not to look at guides, in gw2 specifically, I try not to use any map completion tool. I still use the wiki sometimes, but never to look up locations or what I need to do in order to get something. I feel that a lot of the "content" in GW2 is based off exploration, in that extent I play it more akin to a singleplayer rpg than an mmo. With all that being said I know that majority of players don't play the game as I do and become disappointed when they feel like they completed all "end game" content. The honest truth is that GW2 doesn't really have end game content like other mmo's. Back to the main topic of the post, I think that the OP was asking for a story mode version of raids as in a single player being able to complete it. Not an easy mode as in WoW LFR. So it would be more like a Personal Story mission, in which you can only complete it once per character just to get the story behind it. I also think the way he worded the poll is very one sided.

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> @"Arturius.2304" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > How is this poll not misleading or biased?

> >

> > You are not asking for less content, you are asking for "at all" content.

> >

> > Your first option would have had to be: I want **significantly more resources spent on raids**, which are currently discontinued, in order for easy and regular raids to be developed.

> >

> > The second option is hardly less content, it's more content than now, which is basically none. As such the option would have to read: I want the **bare minimum developer resources back again for developing this content**.

> >

> > You should have introduced an option 3: if no new raid content at all is introduced, which is where we are now, should easy mode raids be made for existing raids? Which again would require more developer attention to this mode than is currently allocated (that we know of).

> >

> > Why is this significant? For me personally my vote would depend strictly on if there is ever to be more raid content or not. In case this is a done deal and no more resources are devoted to raids, might as well ask for easy mode raids (which I still think make no sense, but this at least is resources spent on the mode). If there is to be raid content, I would not want the limited resources which were spent in the past to be split. Obviously the ideal scenario would be to have even more resources than in the past to have easy mode raids and regular raids developed (still doubt this makes sense, but more resources on content is always good for that content), but that is basically wishful thinking at this point.


> I agree with most of your points, except the game not having any content. I might have misread if so I apologize. If your talking about strictly "raids" (I put raids is quotes because in all honestly the what GW2 calls raids are not "real raids" like the ones we are used to in other mmos) then yes, there is a very limited amount of content. I've played GW2 on and off from release and I have never run out of content. I still have professions that I have not even touched, I just started leveling a necro this week. The next one is more of a personal thing that I do, which i don't expect others to follow. After years of doing end game content in other titles, I decided not to look at guides, in gw2 specifically, I try not to use any map completion tool. I still use the wiki sometimes, but never to look up locations or what I need to do in order to get something. I feel that a lot of the "content" in GW2 is based off exploration, in that extent I play it more akin to a singleplayer rpg than an mmo. With all that being said I know that majority of players don't play the game as I do and become disappointed when they feel like they completed all "end game" content. The honest truth is that GW2 doesn't really have end game content like other mmo's.


My comment about content was strictly relating to raids and current raid development, which is on ice as far as we as players know. I agree that the game overall has a lot of content. I could have worded that differently as to not make it misleading, but I did try to cover this in the context of my response.


> @"Arturius.2304" said:

> Back to the main topic of the post, I think that the OP was asking for a story mode version of raids as in a single player being able to complete it. Not an easy mode as in WoW LFR. So it would be more like a Personal Story mission, in which you can only complete it once per character just to get the story behind it. I also think the way he worded the poll is very one sided.


I fully agree with making a poll about this issue, I just disagreed with how this poll is worded, because it is not taking into account the current state of the game or resources spent on raid content.

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> @"Thaddeus.4891" said:

> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > An easy mode should require 10 people and give no LI or any of the existing achievements. And that's where problems start. You can't give any of the existing raid rewards without devaluing them. Magnetite Shards / Gaeting Crystals would be ok as a reward since they allow raid beginners to buy ascended stuff from the vendor, but don't unlock any skins or equipment that are currently achievement locked. Since they are already awarded for unsuccessful attempts you can argue that they also should be awarded in easy mode.


> I disagree with the 10 people part. Personally, I think that the 10 people is the biggest hurdle for most people. Most guilds that are active or group of friends can make a 3-5 party of core player, making it easy to recruit 1 or 2 people from their guild or a LFG to complete the raid. But a group of friend of 10 people that will play the same night is rather rare and trying to manage to get 10 people from a guild that isn't dedicated to raid is also pretty hard. Unless you have a huge pool of people. Personally, that's what made me quit raiding. I was tired of managing the people, nobody have the same schedule, someone don't show up, need to train new people, it's exhausting. If we could do the raid with 5 people, my group of friend and me would be all over the raids and bring more people from my guild. It's easy to bring 1 new guys when you have a core or 3-4 people who know what to do. Blast me in the face with all the challenge you can bring I'll love it. Have me to manage a group of 15-20 people and jungle the disponibility of everybody to make a group of 10 and I'm out.


> I wouldn't even mind if doing the raid with 5 people would give me very little reward. It would be a good way to train new people toward the full raid.


I put the 10 people part there because some raid encounters have mechanics that are simply impossible with 5 people. Making easy mode playable with 5 people would mean significantly altering or outright removing these mechanics from the encounter. Since the easy mode is intended to be a training mode that prepares people for the normal mode, this won't do.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> I put the 10 people part there because some raid encounters have mechanics that are simply impossible with 5 people. Making easy mode playable with 5 people would mean significantly altering or outright removing these mechanics from the encounter. Since the easy mode is intended to be a training mode that prepares people for the normal mode, this won't do.


I stopped playing after by the end of the first complete raid and in there modifying the raid for 5 people don't need a lot of tweeks. Is there a specific raid later that does?


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Several. I mean, even at VG you'd need some adjustments to greens mechanic (i know, i know, noone does it, but still) and to split phase. Any later mechanics that requires you to split into even groups (like with initial Xera minigames phase, or with Largos Duo) would become problematic and probably need complete rework. Dhuum would at least need a reduction in the number of seals for last burn phase. And i really have no idea how Quadim could get reworked for 5 players, for example - there's quite a lot of mechanics to do simultaneously, and even if it's possible to "make do" with only 5 players, each doing one mechanic, it would make the whole fight way, way more difficult (because you'd have exactly zero safety margin for errors - as soon as someone would make even a small mistake, you'd wipe).

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I would like a ghost mode where you can follow a group through the raid but can't affect anything or interfere in any way. In contrast to a video of a raid you can move around to view things as you like. Or you could call it cameraman mode so you could capture things from the best vantage points and make a cool video. Consent of the party would be required of course.

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well, tbh, I do not care about raid rewards. I do care about stories and lore. And currently a lot of lore is locked up in raids. Even if you do them, how many people would accept for you to wander of to explore or hear the full dialogue?


So an 'exploration' mode would be nice. Where you can do and experience it all on your own. Would that gut mechanics? Make fights a lot easier? Yes. But those who do not want to do raids in their current form, won't get in no matter how ham fisted ANET tries to get people into it. And those who love raids are not annoyed by lore seekers and view conniseurs, if an exploration/story mode was added. I see only wins. The HC raiders get rid of annoying the lore people. And story/lore people do not have to put up with the annoying raiders. Everybody wins . Great.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"CashCow.9548" said:

> > I want raid rewards with out ever raiding.

> >

> > Please, Anet. I am so casual and not really interested in playing your game but pleaase give me the rewards anyways, I insist.


> Yes, imagine the horror if every player could go through something that was designed for solo and scaled for groups so everyone could participate in the content. I can imagine it now... Wait, i can't see any downside to this. Except then people couldn't boast about clearing the "difficult" thing, again.


Group content needs people to participate in an actual group. Opening some kind of "solo modes" for group content pretty much kills group content, because usually it will be easier and faster (and preeeeeetty sure that's what people vouching for it also want). This is an mmorpg, having some group content is usually desirable by default.

Here, "found" a downside for you.



If you want rewards for completing the content, then you need to learn and complete the content. If you don't want to complete the content -for literally any relevant or irrelevant reason you're capable of comming up with- then you'll get no rewards for that content. I don't see anything bad about that tbh.



> Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill. Let me guess: they stuff sells really well for a lot of gold?


I'll need you to explain how is this supposed to be some kind of great catch. Are you upset that people are able to learn/play through content and use (or sell) their drops as they see fit or what is this sentence about?

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I would support the idea of a Story mode (with the difficulty being similar to personal story bosses), just because sometimes you just want to chill and enjoy the story, but of course, raids rewards should be completely left out in this mode else it would be pointless to play raids in their original difficulty.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"CashCow.9548" said:

> > > I want raid rewards with out ever raiding.

> > >

> > > Please, Anet. I am so casual and not really interested in playing your game but pleaase give me the rewards anyways, I insist.

> >

> > Yes, imagine the horror if every player could go through something that was designed for solo and scaled for groups so everyone could participate in the content. I can imagine it now... Wait, i can't see any downside to this. Except then people couldn't boast about clearing the "difficult" thing, again.


> Group content needs people to participate in an actual group. Opening some kind of "solo modes" for group content pretty much kills group content, because usually it will be easier and faster (and preeeeeetty sure that's what people vouching for it also want). This is an mmorpg, having some group content is usually desirable by default.

> Here, "found" a downside for you.



> If you want rewards for completing the content, then you need to learn and complete the content. If you don't want to complete the content -for literally any relevant or irrelevant reason you're capable of comming up with- then you'll get no rewards for that content. I don't see anything bad about that tbh.



> > Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill. Let me guess: they stuff sells really well for a lot of gold?


> I'll need you to explain how is this supposed to be some kind of great catch. Are you upset that people are able to learn/play through content and use (or sell) their drops as they see fit or what is this sentence about?


You know, i know it's true and i will have to say this: If people play group content only because it's enforced, that just proves that nobody actually WANTS to group up with random mooks, which is obvious. If they could without any extra benefit, then people could play with their friends and/or solo when they feel like it, because there is no requirement for it. If they want to suffer through other people and their requirements and all that rot, then that is also their own choice and they can live with the consequences. Only downside is game developers obsessions and lack of thinking outside the hunderd times recycled old box.


Since when is it a good idea to force the developers preferred playstyle down the players throat? Because the other games did it first? Yeah, great reasoning that.

If there wasn't any story in the raids then i couldn't care less, but since there is, why is it shoved into that steaming pile of garbage? Because someone else did it, and that means anet and the rest just recycled the same old crap, as per the usual. The same old, same old...


Your question seems pointless, as the answer is pretty self-explanatory. You don't want the stuff to be widely available, because that would cut into your profit and/or you flaunting it around would ring rather hollow as it's more widely available. Really, i don't care about your precious stuff, you can keep it all. Can't speak for others though.

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> @"blp.3489" said:

> I've never done raids but I think if there were an easy/tutorial/rehearsal mode that allowed you to learn the mechanics before trying to do the normal mode that would make it easier for people to start doing raids and therefore perhaps increase the number of people doing raids, making everyone happier. This easy mode doesn't necessarily need to have significant loot if its just a way to ease people into doing raids. If it is meant to be an alternative to normal difficulty raids it gets more complicated.


Many guilds including mine does raid trainings which will fill the that you are asking.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > > @"CashCow.9548" said:

> > > > I want raid rewards with out ever raiding.

> > > >

> > > > Please, Anet. I am so casual and not really interested in playing your game but pleaase give me the rewards anyways, I insist.

> > >

> > > Yes, imagine the horror if every player could go through something that was designed for solo and scaled for groups so everyone could participate in the content. I can imagine it now... Wait, i can't see any downside to this. Except then people couldn't boast about clearing the "difficult" thing, again.

> >

> > Group content needs people to participate in an actual group. Opening some kind of "solo modes" for group content pretty much kills group content, because usually it will be easier and faster (and preeeeeetty sure that's what people vouching for it also want). This is an mmorpg, having some group content is usually desirable by default.

> > Here, "found" a downside for you.

> >

> >

> > If you want rewards for completing the content, then you need to learn and complete the content. If you don't want to complete the content -for literally any relevant or irrelevant reason you're capable of comming up with- then you'll get no rewards for that content. I don't see anything bad about that tbh.

> >

> >

> > > Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill. Let me guess: they stuff sells really well for a lot of gold?

> >

> > I'll need you to explain how is this supposed to be some kind of great catch. Are you upset that people are able to learn/play through content and use (or sell) their drops as they see fit or what is this sentence about?


> You know, i know it's true and i will have to say this: If people play group content only because it's enforced, that just proves that nobody actually WANTS to group up with random mooks, which is obvious. If they could without any extra benefit, then people could play with their friends and/or solo when they feel like it, because there is no requirement for it. If they want to suffer through other people and their requirements and all that rot, then that is also their own choice and they can live with the consequences. Only downside is game developers obsessions and lack of thinking outside the hunderd times recycled old box.


> Since when is it a good idea to force the developers preferred playstyle down the players throat? Because the other games did it first? Yeah, great reasoning that.

> If there wasn't any story in the raids then i couldn't care less, but since there is, why is it shoved into that steaming pile of garbage? Because someone else did it, and that means anet and the rest just recycled the same old kitten, as per the usual. The same old, same old...


> Your question seems pointless, as the answer is pretty self-explanatory. You don't want the stuff to be widely available, because that would cut into your profit and/or you flaunting it around would ring rather hollow as it's more widely available. Really, i don't care about your precious stuff, you can keep it all. Can't speak for others though.


Yea, except that just the gamestyle you prefer, a lot of people do raids because it's hard and engaging in a group content. It's not the raider fault if other people don't want to do "hard" group content together and so have less supply, raids profits is already a joke anyway, you will get way more gold in openworld so your argument is already felling.


If people love raids, it's because it's engaging, you can't be brainless except if you really know the fight by hearth and have a perfect team, which is rarely the case, even in roster or raid guild.


Raider don't play the raid in group because it's forced, it's because it's in group and is not braindead that they play the thing.

And why a gamemode can't have something to him like lore or story to it just because you don't like it, it's pure entitilement, i don't play wvw or spvp, but i will not care if they get exclusive rewards, it's not like i can't go play them to get them, i could get to it and get it. Plus side note, most of lore behind raids are not even related to the main plot but more gw1 or backstory.


Openworld players have like +30 legendary gear they can get, but god, when they can't get one armor and one ring it's heresy. Even if it's usless for casual player to switch stats opposed to wvw/HL content where it's usful to switch stats often.


Sure a story mode will be nice, but like everyone said it here, there should be no raid reward in it, maybe some skins unique to it. But it's a story mode anyway, it's should only be here for the story or to train.

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Id like an easy/aftermath mode so that everyone can see the neat stuff and story thats buried in there.


Doesnt even need to be easy mode, just offer everyone access to the cleared wing as if a player opened it for you. Maybe throw in memory points with flashback videos to the bosses. Due to training raids i kinda recently was able to see some stuff in the bastion for example and it boggles the mind that prolly 90% of the playerbase never will see any of that. And yes of course no equal rewards, that would be silly.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > > @"CashCow.9548" said:

> > > > I want raid rewards with out ever raiding.

> > > >

> > > > Please, Anet. I am so casual and not really interested in playing your game but pleaase give me the rewards anyways, I insist.

> > >

> > > Yes, imagine the horror if every player could go through something that was designed for solo and scaled for groups so everyone could participate in the content. I can imagine it now... Wait, i can't see any downside to this. Except then people couldn't boast about clearing the "difficult" thing, again.

> >

> > Group content needs people to participate in an actual group. Opening some kind of "solo modes" for group content pretty much kills group content, because usually it will be easier and faster (and preeeeeetty sure that's what people vouching for it also want). This is an mmorpg, having some group content is usually desirable by default.

> > Here, "found" a downside for you.

> >

> >

> > If you want rewards for completing the content, then you need to learn and complete the content. If you don't want to complete the content -for literally any relevant or irrelevant reason you're capable of comming up with- then you'll get no rewards for that content. I don't see anything bad about that tbh.

> >

> >

> > > Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill. Let me guess: they stuff sells really well for a lot of gold?

> >

> > I'll need you to explain how is this supposed to be some kind of great catch. Are you upset that people are able to learn/play through content and use (or sell) their drops as they see fit or what is this sentence about?


> You know, i know it's true and i will have to say this: If people play group content only because it's enforced, that just proves that nobody actually WANTS to group up with random mooks, which is obvious.

>If they could without any extra benefit, then people could play with their friends and/or solo when they feel like it, because there is no requirement for it. If they want to suffer through other people and their requirements and all that rot, then that is also their own choice and they can live with the consequences.


It's not "enforced", it's about getting same loot with less effort without relying on looking for a group. This is a group content, making it EASIER and SOLOABLE will ALWAYS make people to do it solo. Not because "they need to be forced to do group content", but STRICTLY because of the time and effort differences. Is there anything about this statement that you think is incorrect? (that is an actual question, I'm also fully open for you to show me what I say is somehow wrong even if at this moment I'm convinced I'm correct)

Make this content soloable AND WITHOUT ANY REWARDS and lets see if people will play it more than 1-2 times for the story before completely abandoning it.


>Only downside is game developers obsessions and lack of thinking outside the hunderd times recycled old box.


Seeing how this is GW2, I'd argue you've picked a wrong argument "against" the game. There's plenty of mechanics/gameplay/design decisions the devs made that clearly went against "your regular old mmorpg" when it was released. I'm not sure that's even remotely debatable.


> Since when is it a good idea to force the developers preferred playstyle down the players throat? Because the other games did it first? Yeah, great reasoning that.


Since the devs made the games they want, so... Since always? Honestly. Since always.

As the counterpoint -since when the game can't contain anything another game already had? Since when does it make the devs copycats? Are we really complaining about GW2 out of ALL MMORPGs to lack originality? I can't really agree.


> If there wasn't any story in the raids then i couldn't care less, but since there is, why is it shoved into that steaming pile of garbage? Because someone else did it, and that means anet and the rest just recycled the same old kitten, as per the usual. The same old, same old...


You don't need to play raids if you don't enjoy it, there's plenty of things to do other than that. **But you want the rewards right?** Then how could you write in your previous post "**Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill.**"? For me it basically boils down to "how could people do content for drops?! Also make the content easier so I can get the drops" -what am I missing here?


> Your question seems pointless, as the answer is pretty self-explanatory. You don't want the stuff to be widely available, because that would cut into your profit and/or you flaunting it around would ring rather hollow as it's more widely available. Really, i don't care about your precious stuff, you can keep it all. Can't speak for others though.


The question wasn't pointless, because it was aimed at what I wrote above ("why do people want drops, but make the content easier so i can get drops without learning anything").

But hey, if you want it just for story and not the rewards then watch it on youtube, the story there isn't exactly so reach and overally impactful, I'm not sure what you're expecting here. You fooled me a bit in your previous post because if you don't care about the drops, then why use the availability as an argument at all?


(also it is wildely available, the content isn't exactly hard for the most part after the raids are "already solved" by other players, do some research before and join some training groups. If you're scared of the content, it's not exactly the dev's fault imo)

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > I've never done raids but I think if there were an easy/tutorial/rehearsal mode that allowed you to learn the mechanics before trying to do the normal mode that would make it easier for people to start doing raids and therefore perhaps increase the number of people doing raids, making everyone happier. This easy mode doesn't necessarily need to have significant loot if its just a way to ease people into doing raids. If it is meant to be an alternative to normal difficulty raids it gets more complicated.


> Many guilds including mine does raid trainings which will fill the that you are asking.


See... There was the time that I've thought just like you: that people complaining about "hard content" just can't "solve it" and need help. But there were already threads **even about (pof) story bosses** where multiple people linked videos with a few different tactics and easly defeating the boss on undergeared characters (because some people complained they need to farm top/optimal gear for that), but most of the answers boiled down to "**I don't want you to help me, I want it to be easier**".

And -I think- this is the main problem here: they don't want to be better, they don't want to learn the game. They want the game to play itself and give them rewards. That's just insane to me.


Obviously, it doesn't mean everyone is like this and plenty of players probably just need some help getting into the content, but judging by absolute lack of answers or even "thumb ups" I assume this thread doesn't exactly consist of those people.

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