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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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While I agree it would be nice to have a toggle, I would hardly say that no one wants it. I personally know quite a few people who have been playing the game for a long time and didn't even know those options were a thing so the new visibility helps a lot. Plus, it is now a lot faster for me to quickly clear a lot of inventory space while in the heat of battle if I notice my inventory is full.


Just because some people don't like a change doesn't mean everyone hates it. I, for one, am happy about it.

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I can't find any options to change this back to the old way but I am so accustomed to how it used to work that this change is messing with me.


Basically now when I want to deposit or compact my inventory.. I keep turning my item rarity and highlights off instead >.<


I know this was done for convenience but i've played this game for a very long time and if anything it's quite the opposite of convenient for me.

If others are having the same habitual issue as me do feel free to leave a comment below so I can not feel so dumb because I keep doing this XD


So can we at least have an option or something so we can choose to use the buttons or the old drop down menu?

Or if there is one can someone let me know where because I can't find it >.<

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> This is a welcome addition, but I'm certainly not opposed to making it an option.

If the settings button and or more separation were between the compact and deposit, sure.

The MAIN point was that it was already an option.


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> You guys don't use invisible bags for the stuff you want to manage? Why?

Because not all managed things are stacked horizontally, sometimes vertical is VERY useful.


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> [edit] And shouldn't you then use invisible bags for everything?

Because you CAN'T sell from invisible bag



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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:


> i read here from several people that they use the compact button a lot but they never said for what purpose, can someone explain? i have no idea what positive effect is done by clicking "compact" in the inventory - neither vendors nor the trading post care about empty space between items.


Will happily exchange views, since I am also not understanding how people don't use it. So typical session in WvW, fight collect loot, fight, collect loot. Than either hit a quiet point and have to expand all the bags and internal bags till left with full bags. Sell yellows unidentified, decide on green and then break everything down depending on space. Deposit all and then that leaves a lot of stuff staggered everywhere with a ton of holes between where the deposited items vanished. Do a compact to line everything back up and either address the remain or go back. Anything at the bottom will be the new items to have to review for action status (use/sell/break/store). Scenario 2, in the middle of a fight and get the bags full message, do a quick pop up inventory hit deposit all and compact to see how much space there is an if that loot needs to be lost or what not depending how the fight is going. Sometimes when the otherside drops you it's a good time to quickly deal with bag space while you are dead.


So do you just let new loot get mixed into the items you already addressed or are you manually moving items around in inventory as holes are opened up? For reference I use shared inventory for all the items I want in fixed positions and after that its a mixed bags per toon. Run with maxed bags on most toons with some outliers. I also run into capped storage at times and that means I might have toons sitting on items until I can clear storage so toons will develop sudden holes when next trying to mass deposit.


I can understand the options toggles and think it would work out for people, but, I can't see how people aren't using compact in some form.


So what do you do when not using compact?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Does anyone actually use the 'compact' feature so often that they want quick access to it? Maybe that could go back in the pulldown menu. (But not at the top, please, I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit because I'm used to it being there.)


> It's good that the Deposit button is more visible so that newbies don't need to be told about the 'secret feature' as much, but that compact button is a mess waiting to happen.


I use compact immediately every single time after I hit deposit, this change is a god send

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > Here's another suggestion: If they leave the compact button where it is, let it open a dialog box with options: compact to bottom, compact to top, or Cancel. An annoyance if you hit it by mistake but not a disaster.


> I am usually hitting this option while already in the middle of a WvW fight. More dialog boxes are not a good thing that impact game play. I don't understand how compact is impacting people but can accept it is. Not sure how people were dealing with a bunch of random holes in their inventory and not knowing where new stuff landed, but everyone is different. Players should have options so it doesn't impact their play, but don't impact others in the same fashion. So options to move are good, options to toggle settings are good, removing or forcing hide are impacting others. This change did speed up gameplay, even if not requested, or not that I saw on forums.


I agree that extra boxes in your way would be bad, so the solution should be an option to disable Compact for those who never want to use it.


As to how I do it, I don't have random holes. I have permanently kept items in bags at the bottom, arranged in a layout that makes intuitive sense to me though it might look like a garbled mess to others. I manually sift things down to fill in holes if I need to, but I also keep as much clear space in the top bags as I can so new items are always visible without any scrolling. As long as I periodically take a few seconds to process new items via salvage/deposit/move to the bag area where I know to look for things I want to put in the bank, I almost never have something new get lost until I happen to notice it some time later, and that's usually a random yellow or orange item that wasn't time sensitive to deal with. I might have a number of empty spaces down a few bags, but since I know "this bag holds consumables" if I see something that doesn't match, I can quickly check if it needs processing or moving.


A guild mate had this to say in Discord after accidentally hitting Compact: "I have dozens of bags with a very specific organization. anet did the equivalent of tossing everything in one bag, shaking it, then throwing it all back at me like 'here you go! much better now :)'" This is very much how it feels to me when my neatly organized things, each on their own dedicated shelf, get jumbled up in one big bin.

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> @"aswedEMD.3597" said:

> While I agree it would be nice to have a toggle, I would hardly say that no one wants it. I personally know quite a few people who have been playing the game for a long time and didn't even know those options were a thing so the new visibility helps a lot. Plus, it is now a lot faster for me to quickly clear a lot of inventory space while in the heat of battle if I notice my inventory is full.


> Just because some people don't like a change doesn't mean everyone hates it. I, for one, am happy about it.


Your rhetoric is putting a lot of words in my mouth that I never said like "No one", "Everyone" and "Hate". I simply stated that they messed with an already good thing for no logical reason and that I personally am against this change because it undoes the option to move the compact button away from the deposit button. Additionally, the argument that a button that is right next to the button that has been there for years somehow adds transparency to the button's existence makes no sense to me either. If people aren't going to click on the cog wheel button, they aren't going to click on the other two buttons either unless they are specifically told about it by someone.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think it's nice to have the 'Deposit All Materials' button outside the drop-down menu.

> Perhaps, moving the 'Compact' button to the other side of the 'cog' would suffice?


Yes but ideal for me would be able to remove it back to bottom of cog again.

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