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Make the racial skills for everyone!


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I'm bringing up the topic yet again!

We had the idea enstablished in Gw1 that even though you are not a norn you could use the effects of the animal forms of the norns in Eye of the North, so why shouldn't we have that in Gw2?

The pros of this would be many! The racial skills would be open to everybody and that would mean that they could receive a boost to make them more valuable.

Also if you attach a mastery for each race racial skills you could have content that pushes people to re explore the older maps.

What I mean by that is that if each mastery for the racial skills is active only in the starting zones of each race and getting xp in those areas progresses the mastery we could have a lot of push to unlock new stuff in an easy way.

No missions are needed, just a mail from an expert saying that now we could explore other races skills to be closer to each other or corny stuff like that and mastery traks that activate during the time you are in the starting zones.

Everybody gets new skills, we get new content, we get an excuse to explore for a second time the old maps, it's easier than adding totally new content , everybody is happy!

Oh and those racial skills if boosted could change the meta builds, so that also is good for build crafting.

Come on Anet pleaaaase???


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The whole point of a racial skill is that it is for a particular RACE. They already nerfed the skills to complete uselessness because they were afraid people would complain that one races skill is stronger than another...now you want to make the race choice even more meaningless?


I'm all for racial skills...but I'd want them buffed so that it actually matters what you pick.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> The whole point of a racial skill is that it is for a particular RACE. They already nerfed the skills to complete uselessness because they were afraid people would complain that one races skill is stronger than another...now you want to make the race choice even more meaningless?


> I'm all for racial skills...but I'd want them buffed so that it actually matters what you pick.


I'm pretty sure it's working as intended then, because Anet doesn't want meta races. But it does beg the question - why do racial skills exist, if they're among the skills so weak you couldn't even theorycraft a roleplay build around them.

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Some racial skills are strong in certain circumstances, like the sylvari root, asura golem (nevermind some of the charr ones being quite fun on an ele :p). I don't think racial skills should be useable outside their intended race; they are more for flavour than utility usually. Also, revenants can't use any racial skills- it would be nice if they could, but i don't think their coding would allow it (as you can't choose heal, utility, or elite skills).

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:


> I'm pretty sure it's working as intended then, because Anet doesn't want meta races. But it does beg the question - why do racial skills exist, if they're among the skills so weak you couldn't even theorycraft a roleplay build around them.


I say it's the result of the devs trying to have their cake and eat it too. Racial skills seem meant to offer a way to play each race differently in combat, but not _that_ differently to actually matter. So the result is a bunch of useless abilities. Allowing all races to access them would strip them of their one reason to exist (differentiate the races), but eh.


I'm not saying that they couldn't be revamped or reworked to be relevant. However, reworking things is not what ANet does. The studio seems to have an allergy when it comes to iteration, or at least revisiting currently bad systems that nonetheless have potential. They'd much rather just let it rot in a corner and give us the next shiny new thing. While I'd personally prefer it if they stopped doing this and reworked some older stuff, I can't say that their choice is the wrong one - I'm still here, as are many others.

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I don't see why they can't monetize this idea for those who really want it.


As an example, the following could be in the Gem Store, under Upgrades.


**Way of the Norn** - 1000 Gems

"All characters on your account have spent time learning the ways of the Norn and have gained access to all Norn racial skills."


It'd be a fun purchase for those of us with the means to support the game and gives ArenaNet some business justification to do it.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > The whole point of a racial skill is that it is for a particular RACE. They already nerfed the skills to complete uselessness because they were afraid people would complain that one races skill is stronger than another...now you want to make the race choice even more meaningless?

> >

> > I'm all for racial skills...but I'd want them buffed so that it actually matters what you pick.


> I'm pretty sure it's working as intended then, because Anet doesn't want meta races. But it does beg the question - why do racial skills exist, if they're among the skills so weak you couldn't even theorycraft a roleplay build around them.


I use the racial skills when doing solo PVE. then I can do my role play without dragging down a group. For example my Norn necro uses Nevermore staff, superior runes of mad king and the transform into Raven elite skill. The runes give a Raven theme boost to the elite. It is fun, thematic and nice for solo.


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> @"Dantert.1803" said:

> I'm bringing up the topic yet again!

> We had the idea enstablished in Gw1 that even though you are not a norn you could use the effects of the animal forms of the norns in Eye of the North, so why shouldn't we have that in Gw2?

> The pros of this would be many! The racial skills would be open to everybody and that would mean that they could receive a boost to make them more valuable.

> Also if you attach a mastery for each race racial skills you could have content that pushes people to re explore the older maps.

> What I mean by that is that if each mastery for the racial skills is active only in the starting zones of each race and getting xp in those areas progresses the mastery we could have a lot of push to unlock new stuff in an easy way.

> No missions are needed, just a mail from an expert saying that now we could explore other races skills to be closer to each other or corny stuff like that and mastery traks that activate during the time you are in the starting zones.

> Everybody gets new skills, we get new content, we get an excuse to explore for a second time the old maps, it's easier than adding totally new content , everybody is happy!

> Oh and those racial skills if boosted could change the meta builds, so that also is good for build crafting.

> Come on Anet pleaaaase???



Aside from the reasons others have stated, few would make sense on another character. For example, Sylvari don't have a warband they can call for assistance


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> @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

> Aside from the reasons others have stated, few would make sense on another character. For example, Sylvari don't have a warband they can call for assistance



False. We've already learned after the tragedy in Lion's Arch that an asura adopted a norn and a charr cub - it makes sense that a charr could adopt orphans and raise them in fahrar's too. We've learned from Roxx that we can form warbands with those not of our own race. So I don't see any reason why a Sylvari couldn't join a War Band and call upon them for back up.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> I'm all for racial skills...but I'd want them buffed so that it actually matters what you pick.


I've made this argument many times but I really want them taken out of the build lineup of skills entirely so they no longer conflict with your class.


Best way I can think of doing that is by making them useful F6 though to F0 skills that appear above your utility skills or below your F1 though F5 skills.

And to balance them I think that they should have massive cooldown's so that you cannot abuse them to greatly buff your class abilities or general DPS etc.

A good few skills might need to be reworked and a few new ones added to make this work but I think it would also add a great deal more to your characters and make the choices in your character creation actually matter more.


For example

As a Norn you would only ever be able to transform into the Animal Form of the spirit you chose along side 4 lesser racial skills based off other spirits.

F6 Otter skill (New skill, preferably healing or support based)

F7 Minotaur Skill (New Skill, some kind of hard CC)

F8 Owl Skill

F9 Wurm skill

F0 Elite transformation skill based on your Spirit Choice, Transformation has a long duration period (several minutes) but while in this form you loose all access to class abilities and your equipment stats and armour value, each form would have it's own stats and abilities based on a certain role.


Bear = Slow and tanky with high health and defensive abilities.

Slight penalty to movement speed: -10/15%


Wolf = Average all rounder.

Slight increase to movement speed: +15%


Snow Leopard = Fast and powerful but very glassy.

Significant increase to movement speed: +30%


Raven = Quick but physically weak, relies more on multi hits and conditions.

Good increase to movement speed. +25%


As for other races:

Human's your racial elite skill would depend entirely on what God you choose.

Charr Elite's would be based on your Legion.

Asura Elite's based on your School.

Sylvari Elite's based on your Cycle.


Humans would get a larger selection of Elite skills due to their larger selection of creation choices while Charr and Asura get the least amount of options but I don't see this as an issue since you can only ever have access to 1 of them per character just like anyone else and these skills are far more about flavour not practical use in the game to base any kind of build around, So all racial skills would have reasonably longer cooldowns than class skills with Elite Racial skills requiring at least several minutes before they can be used again.


This is the best solution for racial skills that I can come up with, but i'm no optimist.. I highly doubt Anet will ever do anything like this lol

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They should delete all the skills since they are useless and switch them to PvE skills, every class has access to these skills, with the same use, but different animations according to the race.


Ex: Transformation as an elite skill, same skills 1-5 but different animations, Norn got bear transformation, human goes avatars, asura in da golem, charr got some kind of tank and no idea for Sylvari but we could easily imagine something.

Same goes for utility skills.


This would assure balance between races, keep differences in a fashion wars game and we could use these skills for once.

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I’d like them to be accessible account wide to all chars. They can make it a questline you do once for each race to unlock. As they are they aren’t used much. I don’t even remember the last time I used most of them, probably back at launch. By making them accessible to all chars they could be buffed so they are worth using and it would give all chars new skills. If need be they could be restricted to one set of racial skills per character at one time, not mix and match.

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turn racial skills into racial masteries.

that change the way your character interacts with certain skills


for instance.

Norn mastery. when your character has over 10 might they transform into their spirit form.

asura mastery... would allow for you to build your own golem.. when you recieve damage that lowers your health under 50 percent pilot your golem for the duration of the fight.


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