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Scourge/Minion Mancer Bots


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I'll keep this very quick and to the point.


I've noticed quite a lot of scourge and some minion mancer bots in RATED pvp (I'm currently Gold 1). So much so that I had a game where enemy team said their scourge was a bot and then my team noticed that our scourge was also a bot. I've also had the pleasure to be in a game with 2 scourge bots on my team. That's not the craziest part, the crazy part is that sometimes, they are generally good and win fights.


Either something needs to be done to stop the scourge from being manipulated by bots so easily or the bot problem, itself, needs to be dealt with. However, this isn't to say that ONLY necros are bots, but it is what I am generally finding when I notice a bot on my team or if a teammate says someone is a bot (it generally ends up being the necro).



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You know sometime peoples claim that the otherside is a bot while it isn't. Some players are not willing to be bothered by the toxicity of the sPvP chat and simply disable the chat.


Anyway, there is not much ANet can do, today you see scourges as bot, a while back it was mesmers, and some time later it might be another profession. Playing each and every profession isn't especially difficult, so, for someone that know what he does, it's probably not very difficult to program effective bots that take advantage of this point.


The only possible way to thin out bots from sPvP is to remove the ability to make gold out of sPvP (And that would probably be the last nail on the coffin of this game mode).

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> You know sometime peoples claim that the otherside is a bot while it isn't. Some players are not willing to be bothered by the toxicity of the sPvP chat and simply disable the chat.


> Anyway, there is not much ANet can do, today you see scourges as bot, a while back it was mesmers, and some time later it might be another profession. Playing each and every profession isn't especially difficult, so, for someone that know what he does, it's probably not very difficult to program effective bots that take advantage of this point.


> The only possible way to thin out bots from sPvP is to remove the ability to make gold out of sPvP (And that would probably be the last nail on the coffin of this game mode).


I figured as much. but these are some pretty obvious signs of a bot

1. (not always true) Player does not move at spawn, before the match begins.

2. Player refuses to speak (also not always the case of a bot)

3. If you see two players stacked on top of each other, while running, and following the same pathing, most likely both bots. (Yes 2 bots on the same team has happened multiple times)

4. Player is making tiny blinks while running (definitely a bot)

5. Player takes the same pathing for the duration of the match. (eg. player only runs to mid no matter what).


Overall, I try to look for 2-3 of these signs before claiming someone is a bot, unless I noticed number 4, then its an instant report for me.


As for removing the ability to make gold while playing PvP. What's the point of playing PvP then? Just for fun wont cut it. There needs to be a reward.

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> @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> As for removing the ability to make gold while playing PvP. What's the point of playing PvP then? Just for fun wont cut it. There needs to be a reward.


Thats' why I say that it would be the last nail in the sPvP coffin. If you want gold out of sPvP you have to live with the things (bots) or players that are here for this gold. The fact that you can make gold out of sPvP is why you have bots there, before ANet introduced the reward tracks in sPvP you seldom heard of bots in the gamemode.

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You have to be extremely bad at the game to lose to a minion master.


Classic low skill floor + low skill ceiling build. Picked by bad players to defeat other bad players. Welcome to silver division!


Super easy to exploit its weaknesses (crappy AI, no stun breaks, no mobility ... to name a few).


Can be beaten by a one-handed monkey.

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Tbh this is just something you should get used to in gw2. Many ppl even at the silver level skill wise can ezily get to plat on something as ez as MM scourge and ppl will think they are bots because they actually get in high rated games as a low skill player- the result they lose those games and all backwash into G3ish rating, hence if your gold rated every match has like 2 necros on each side. Once you get into higher rating the necros become alittle less common, but you’ll still see some

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> @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> Overall, I try to look for 2-3 of these signs before claiming someone is a bot, unless I noticed number 4, then its an instant report for me.


The easiest way to be sure is to add them as a friend, then check their League history. If they have two thousand games in a single season, it's very clear it's not an actual person there.



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whether they are bots or not is irrelevant, its very silly that a build based around NPCs doing everything for you is in pvp.

isn't that why turrets got nerfed within a year of release and haven't been back?

i aso seem to remember ranger pets getting nerfed whenever they were performing decent.

Anet should make up their minds, either make ALL npc builds viable, or make MM just as bad as the rest!

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the fact that bots can be so effective with many builds in the game is also evidence of how poor skill design is.


Think about it for a minute. Skills should have costs and synergies so that when one interacts with another there is a benefit to using both skills, and a determinant to using skills without considering the cost of using them alone, or without thought.


GW2 has neither of those things. They just have...skills that do ABC and D unconditionally. A cooldown is NOT a true cost...bots show you exactly why that is.

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> @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> I'll keep this very quick and to the point.


> I've noticed quite a lot of scourge and some minion mancer bots in RATED pvp (I'm currently Gold 1). So much so that I had a game where enemy team said their scourge was a bot and then my team noticed that our scourge was also a bot. I've also had the pleasure to be in a game with 2 scourge bots on my team. That's not the craziest part, the crazy part is that sometimes, they are generally good and win fights.


> Either something needs to be done to stop the scourge from being manipulated by bots so easily or the bot problem, itself, needs to be dealt with. However, this isn't to say that ONLY necros are bots, but it is what I am generally finding when I notice a bot on my team or if a teammate says someone is a bot (it generally ends up being the necro).


> :)


99% of “bots” are either new players or player that dont represent guild and dont use title.

Real bots are better than average player.


U dont meet bots in higher rating, thats why anet doesnt care

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> @"Filip.7463" said:

> > @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> > I'll keep this very quick and to the point.

> >

> > I've noticed quite a lot of scourge and some minion mancer bots in RATED pvp (I'm currently Gold 1). So much so that I had a game where enemy team said their scourge was a bot and then my team noticed that our scourge was also a bot. I've also had the pleasure to be in a game with 2 scourge bots on my team. That's not the craziest part, the crazy part is that sometimes, they are generally good and win fights.

> >

> > Either something needs to be done to stop the scourge from being manipulated by bots so easily or the bot problem, itself, needs to be dealt with. However, this isn't to say that ONLY necros are bots, but it is what I am generally finding when I notice a bot on my team or if a teammate says someone is a bot (it generally ends up being the necro).

> >

> > :)


> 99% of “bots” are either new players or player that dont represent guild and dont use title.

> Real bots are better than average player.


> U dont meet bots in higher rating, thats why anet doesnt care


That's not true at all. Right now I've been playing pvp matched more often without caring about my ranking. So I've dropped a lot (couldn't care less). But even when I was Gold III, borderline Platinum, I would still run into an occasional Bot. Much less than in lower rankings, but still more often than expected.


But I also agree with you, there have been multiple occasions that even I have been called a bot. I'd even respond to the player sometimes and they are still believe I'm a bot. So I wouldn't be surprised if actual players are being called bots, its completely possible. But to disregard a lot of videos and claims that someone is botting is not right. There are literally videos upon videos of bots that can be seen using near hacks while still falling under a lot of the criteria of a bot (e.g., following specific pathing, auto targeting not matter the target's location, and more).


With regards to auto targeting, I was fighting what I 'BELIEVED' to be a warrior bot (a damn good one too). At first I thought it was just a really good player, but then I noticed that if I went stealth (as a mesmer) he would stop moving and attacking. Once I was visible again, the enemy would instantly start moving to me without any delays. This happened multiple times. Even if I'd blink to some obscure locations and then stealth, it had absolutely no problem keeping track of my location as soon as I came out of stealth.


I think the real issue now is that these bots are so good that its becoming more and more difficult to distinguish them from actual players.


And, unfortunately, reporting feels like it does nothing. So it honestly feels like there's no harm in reporting an actual player since it doesn't seem to effect anything.

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> @"Filip.7463" said:

> > @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> > I'll keep this very quick and to the point.

> >

> > I've noticed quite a lot of scourge and some minion mancer bots in RATED pvp (I'm currently Gold 1). So much so that I had a game where enemy team said their scourge was a bot and then my team noticed that our scourge was also a bot. I've also had the pleasure to be in a game with 2 scourge bots on my team. That's not the craziest part, the crazy part is that sometimes, they are generally good and win fights.

> >

> > Either something needs to be done to stop the scourge from being manipulated by bots so easily or the bot problem, itself, needs to be dealt with. However, this isn't to say that ONLY necros are bots, but it is what I am generally finding when I notice a bot on my team or if a teammate says someone is a bot (it generally ends up being the necro).

> >

> > :)


> 99% of “bots” are either new players or player that dont represent guild and dont use title.

> Real bots are better than average player.


> U dont meet bots in higher rating, thats why anet doesnt care


No. There are bots (A LOT) and there are bad players.

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> @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> bots can’t jump. If u simply jump back and forth over a ledge or something the bot always walks the long way around, and u can just free cast on them

> Also an ez way to confirm whether someone is a bot


I'll try that next time and see what happens. Sometimes its just tough when all they do is stand on a point.

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> @"idontnoso.9850" said:

> > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> > bots can’t jump. If u simply jump back and forth over a ledge or something the bot always walks the long way around, and u can just free cast on them

> > Also an ez way to confirm whether someone is a bot


> I'll try that next time and see what happens. Sometimes its just tough when all they do is stand on a point.


And this tactic will absolutely DESTROY minion mancers with their slow followers... Well played.

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