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What will happen to gw2 when it dies?


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I have this vibe that Anet wants to do gw2 like wow does. Expansion after expansion after expansion. I honestly think we have 5+ years more until we need to worry. There are absolutely no signs of development of a gw3 (no hiring that tips us off etc etc) so they are completely and still utterly devoted to Gw2. They even have hinted about the third expansion, so we know they're developing that.


tldr - you have nothing to worry about for a good long while

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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > You can keep going, as often as you want. ....for as long as it's around.

> > Does the fact that it will leave, stop you from experiencing the rides?


> I get where you're coming from with your analogies, but the thing is is that gw2 is a game, traditionally something you pay to own. A material thing that is yours, not an experience you have once and it's over. It's something you own until you don't, only you don't know when that end will be. Besides, though I think your analogy is a little silly, I could for sure look forward to going on that ride again when it next comes into town, or follow it to the next town, etc.



You don't own Guild Wars 2, though. You pay for a license to access the content. Just as you pay for a pass to access an amusement park. You can read that very fact in the EULA. Worrying about the future can really spoil the present. You really only have two choices: enjoy the game now, and invest in your present happiness....or walk away.


Good luck.

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Don't worry about "the end". It is probably in the terms of agreement that you don't own the game but are entitled to use Anets services (server and game access), just like any other mmo out there. There are still lots of new players coming to this game (I am one of those) and the game is far from dead. The game economy is looking fine (healthy economy means nobody ragequitting over that), theres a good player community and a very pro-active Anet team (lots of updates both in game as on forums as reddit as live streams/Ama's,...). It also helps that the game uses megaservers (iow you are never locked on "the wrong server with the lack of players").


I have seen and played mmo's that got maybe 250 players on server active (alternative chars included coz dual client happens) only, a game client that is from "prehistory" which means tops 15 fps and lots of crashes and ultralag (the newer your pc the worse it ran) and a team behind it that is only thinking about how to get cash for the cows left and that pops in a broken expansion once in a while with a dungeon thats not open for months and bugged forever. And these games are still running as of today. It was already declared dead at end of their 1st year by community too xd I have seen a lot of doom scenarios on their forums regarding those.


But even if this game would die, which won't happen anywhere soon, if at all.... and they would continue the franchise, then we would probably just be shifted over to their new game (costumer binding is good for them anyways as it will secure them of an income and once an image is damaged its hard for mmo companies to get players back to them... you probably all have your own blacklists of "do not ever play a game of company name x"). As long as you can recommend this game fromout your heart to your friends, you can assure it won't die. Not by the player base at least :)

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Then only our memories and tears will remain.


Just like your 'real-life character' is dependent on the health of its body and the availability of the earth, your GW2 character depends on the availability of the world he/she lives in. The servers of AranaNet. Without them, everything ends.


I consider GW2 to be a fairly new game. Old enough to have established itself and new enough to have a robust engine and many more years of availability and expansion. We can be assured to have this world with us for a very long time. How long that is, nobody can say. probably not even ArenaNet/NCSOFT. The fact that far older games like LOTRO, Guild Wars 1 and WoW are still with us is a good sign, but no guarantees.


Pure speculation: Maybe ArenaNet will ever make a GW3 game with some Hall of Monuments -like transfer system of rewards or maybe even characters. For now, enjoy this game and let its reliability over the years of both GW1 and GW2 be of assurance.

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I bought a VCR and a bunch of tapes and a few years later, they were all but worthless. So I bought a DVD player and a few years later, I don't use it at all because everything is streamed.


If you go get a cup of coffee you enjoy it for 20 minutes and it's gone forever. If you have a meal, take a vacation you're just paying for experience and memories. MMOs are the same thing. I don't expect to be playing this game in 20 years time. Who knows if I'll even be alive in 20 years time.


But I get the fun and experience of playing it now. The few dollars here and there, in the larger scheme of things they mean very little. Have one less cup of coffee a week and buy some gems once a month. It'll be fine.

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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> I'm in a bit of a funk with gw2 right now, and have been for a while. The nature of mmo's is starting to bother me. I love this game so much, but the fact that I have no control over when it dies and what happens after really bums me out. Every time I go to spend money on the store I stop, because in a few years, who knows where gw2 will be. I know it's doing well now, but other iterations of the game may come out, or the company gets bought out, etc. Why it happens, or even when, isn't very important. What bugs me is the uncertainty, and god knows there's enough of that in life as it is. I love that I have other old games that I can boot up and play 20 years later, and I'll be able to in another 20 years.


You will burn out and wish this games dies in a fiery death long before it even comes close to shutting down.


Does that make you feel better and set your mind at ease?

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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> I'm in a bit of a funk with gw2 right now, and have been for a while. The nature of mmo's is starting to bother me. I love this game so much, but the fact that I have no control over when it dies and what happens after really bums me out. Every time I go to spend money on the store I stop, because in a few years, who knows where gw2 will be. I know it's doing well now, but other iterations of the game may come out, or the company gets bought out, etc. Why it happens, or even when, isn't very important. What bugs me is the uncertainty, and god knows there's enough of that in life as it is. I love that I have other old games that I can boot up and play 20 years later, and I'll be able to in another 20 years.


> I know gw2 is popular right now, and will in all likelihood stay active for years to come. My question is what will happen when its time is up? Will it be lost forever? Or will it be possible to have some offline/local play version of it or something? Private servers are possible but I don't want to be at the mercy of a random persons world either. I'm not looking for a dev to respond, as I'm sure they have better things to do. I suppose I'm looking for assurances, to help me feel better about playing the game. I know I'm gonna die someday, but I don't want my favorite avatar to die as well.


Just consider it a temporary pastime. You are paying for something that will last you a few years more, so enjoy the present. No virtual goods are eternal.


(Not like I would recommend spending considering the current balance of this game... yikes)

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I'm with the people that say things change and we move on, that we're spending our time in the game now for the enjoyment we get now and the memories we're making. I made friends in college that I knew I'd never see after graduation. I LARPed for many, many years (theatrical style, boffer being dangerous for my eyes) and then one year I didn't travel to the annual convention as it coincided with my husband's 50th birthday and somehow I just never went again and stopped sewing costumes when I'd made so many before. I did vintage dance until my arches crippled me too badly when I waltzed. I painted miniatures just for fun -- almost never used them in tabletop -- but when we moved to a new house I didn't get a good spot for doing it and my paints stayed boxed. 15 years later they are likely all powder, lol. I played DAoC until the Atlantis expansion ruined it, then Horizons until WoW lured me away, then WoW until GW2 got me, and had beloved long-arc RP characters in all of them complete with tons of creative writing, prose and poetry both, as well as art. I'm sure that deeply as I enjoy GW2 right now, I can't guarantee it will still be a thing in my life in ten years.


We do our hobbies while they are fun, then new hobbies move in to crowd them out. If you have to stop due to some inability on your part (eg the boffer swing that shattered a contact lens in my eye and that very night was the end of a whole circle of friends for me as I could no longer participate), well, that does suck and is sad. But if the natural lifespan comes to its end, so be it. Life will go on.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"Wulf.5431" said:

> > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > It's sort of like that for any game, though. None of my beloved old Age of Empires games plays on the newer Mac Os. Before that, TIE Fighter died for me when I had to upgrade to a computer that no longer supported joystick controls decently. There are Sega Genesis games I adored that I never found satisfactory playing on an emulator. And some Commodore 64 games I miss.

> > >

> > > Online games just have a slightly different sort of death.

> >

> > All those problems you have are fixable though, with the old games. You just need the right equipment. But you can't go out and play city of heroes, no matter how much you want to.


> I would drop this game in a heart beat if they made city of heroes available again. I’d pay a lot to play it again too. Best game I ever played.


Hah, I'm having CoX flashbacks and accidentally went on a rant about damage types. Ah, good times....


...that's why you enjoy the time you have with the game, so that when you don't have it, you can at least remember it fondly. I'm sure if you had the opportunity to travel around the world and visit exotic countries at least once before you died, you wouldn't choose to not bother because you knew you were going to die.

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I don't know what will happen with GW2, but I have already experienced the "death" of another game a package of years ago: Uru. It was the online version that did follow the Myst serie (Riven, Exile, PotS and co). My friends and me were very active into it, though, after a while, it stopped. We were left alone with nothing and pretty sad. It has never been replaced by anything.

However, there is always good even in the worst: That's how we started with GW1! <3


I tend to believe that the situation with GW2 is different, simply because there are many other MMORPG and I do not think that this type of game will disappear. So it will be more a swapping from one game to another similar one probably.

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Some would tell you that Star Wars Galaxies MMO died back on December 15, 2011 but the reality is, that thanks to the hard work and dedication of the community, the game still thrives with an active player base across many servers - My personal favorite being Star Wars Legends. It's my hope that if GW2 is ever shut-down, the fans can somehow bring it back.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> At the spending money in the store.


> Do you also. .not eat a cake? Buy a coffee/alcohol? Eat a meal out? Take away? Go to the zoo/some activity?

> ??

> All these things a momentary. They don't last.

> But what does, is our memories of them. (That is until dementia sets in, hopefully at a ripe old age).


> Being temporary isn't a reason not to spend money on things you want.

> Will it bring joy?


> And more than the things I mentioned that have a cost above. ..how much time do you spend eating a meal out or having that coffee. 2 hours, 3?


> If you used that same money in game...how many hours of use would you get from it then? Days, weeks, years. ...



When I eat a cake, it stays with me. But maybe that's because I shouldn't eat a WHOLE cake.

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> @"Wulf.5431" said:

> Every time I go to spend money on the store I stop, because in a few years, who knows where gw2 will be.


I suppose it could become a self fulfilling prophecy. If everybody lost faith that the game would be here next year, no one would spend in the store and the developers wouldn't have the income to keep the game running.

A good community, helping newplayers have a good experience so they will want to stay and spending now and again real money in the cash shop, will help keep it alive.




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