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No new SAB mount skins?

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There is likely a good reason for this. I am positive they thought about it...


Now the reasons that I can come up with on the spot are one or both of the below:

- The SAB art style being "blocky" probably doesn't mesh well with most of the existing mount animations or rigs. Meaning that in order to make good quality SAB mounts they would need to create specific animations for the SAB style mounts, or in the worst case even new rigs to match those models and animations (if you have followed the game's development in any detail you know that custom rigs are expensive for them to make in terms of time investment).

- They got cold feet and decided not to risk a backlash (I find this unlikely, since SAB gliders exist).


And as we know their festival team is apparently circa 4 people or so, from that recent video, and they are also responsible for current events, while the gemstore people are a different group I'd imagine they aren't that high in number either (relatively speaking), and animators and modelers which could be shared between teams are probably busy already. So it is likely the cost vs ROI doesn't make SAB mounts worthwhile when compared to say the gliders.

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It still baffles me how people can be so happy at other people's disappointment, it is not like you lose out on anything if they included SAB mounts. Also people who are concerned about "muh immersion" yeah, having mini versions of raid bosses following you or sprouting wings from your back via skins like this is a korean mmo, celestial rooster glider a raid "aerodrome" that flies you into the underworld, yeah immersion doesnt exist for a long time now deal with it

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> It still baffles me how people can be so happy at other people's disappointment, it is not like you lose out on anything if they included SAB mounts. Also people who are concerned about "muh immersion" yeah, having mini versions of raid bosses following you or sprouting wings from your back via skins like this is a korean mmo, celestial rooster glider a raid "aerodrome" that flies you into the underworld, yeah immersion doesnt exist for a long time now deal with it


Yeah, the schadenfreude is a bit disappointing to see really.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Yet ;)


> /15 super adventure chars


Exactly. All they have to do is keep mount skins and SAB alive, and maybe drop a hint about them next year, and they'll have all the SAB fans logging in and playing/buying-gems for the next 3 or 4 years. SAB carrot on a stick.

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Personally very disappointed that we didn't get an SAB mount pack released with this patch. Holding out ~~my credit card~~ hope for Thursday, but I'm doubtful at this point. Please, Anet. Please.


I don't really get why some people are so opposed to SAB related things in-game. No, it's not breaking your immersion, and if you think it is then you clearly weren't paying attention. I mean we literally have teleportation, lasers, holograms, and virtual reality in the main story line. Or perhaps you just didn't notice the Asurans at all? I'm sure some of them would take that as a feeble insult of their height. Insufferable giants.

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> @"Vincent Xavier Snow.5869" said:

> Personally very disappointed that we didn't get an SAB mount pack released with this patch. Holding out ~~my credit card~~ hope for Thursday, but I'm doubtful at this point. Please, Anet. Please.


> I don't really get why some people are so opposed to SAB related things in-game. No, it's not breaking your immersion, and if you think it is then you clearly weren't paying attention. I mean we literally have teleportation, lasers, holograms, and virtual reality in the main story line. Or perhaps you just didn't notice the Asurans at all? I'm sure some of them would take that as a feeble insult of their height. Insufferable giants.


I have to disagree.

The problem (for me) is not so much the immersion. SAB has been properly explained in lore. My problem is the design of SAB. It was in my eyes a somewhat failed attempt to bring the SNES style into a mini game. The idea is nice, but it's implementation less so.


What gliders did, and mounts luckily did not, is take out this art style and visual assets from SAB, into Tyria. That is in my eyes a problem. The artstyle of Tyria and SAB are non-complementory.


And note? This is not true for just SAB, there have been a few more gliders or backpacks that made me raise an eyebrow. Luckily, most joke gliders and backpacks can be made to look somewhat normal with the proper character design. Even the giant wings.


That said, I *would* like a holographic mount set. In the way Tyria's holograms work, but **not** SAB's holograms.

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> No new SAB mount skins?

I'm using last year's SAB mount skins; the old ones are fine.


More seriously: while I recognize that some people love the "8-bit" theme (and sure, others hate it), it seems a poor use of limited design resources to come up with five SAB MountFits. If ANet could deliver 400 designs per year, sure. For now, I'd rather see a Lunar New Year set, dragon-style mounts, and so on.

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