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'The Hunter' Alternate Title

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So, apologies in advance if this is a simple repeat of a previous thread made by someone else.


Recently, I unlocked 'The Hunter' title through the achievement in Sandswept Isles, and as amazing a title as it is, I couldn't help but wonder why there isn't another version of it; 'The Huntress'. Now, before people get all worked up and such, hear me out, with the past patch or maybe past two patches, the devs had added in an alternate title for the 'God of PvP' title named 'Goddess of PvP', which I think is pretty cool, personally.


All I really wonder is if it was at all possible to see this reflected throughout other eligible titles for an alternate version, it's something small in comparison to other things, sure, but I think it's a really nice touch to see with a single title alone, and picturing the same effect with other titles, I think it'd be nice to see it more widespread.

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> @"TheExiled.2357" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > a person or animal that hunts.

> >

> > It's not gender specific...


> " Huntress : a woman who hunts; Artemis, goddess of the moon, a virgin and a huntress"


> Besides, you could argue the same with the God/ Goddess of PvP title, too.


So the argument is for two titles for female characters with one for males?


Since there is already a title for either male, female, or non binary characters....why do we need an extra specifically for a group who already has one that fits?

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Personally, I've always found myself liking the female -ess titles (Sorceress, Actress, etc) because I find them more elegant, beautiful and feminine **but** I don't think it is worth spending the time and resources to code.


A sentiment I shared over the whole God/Godess debacle as well. Sad to see Anet caving in on that, really.

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I wonder if devs could you just combine all these posts of "give me an alternatively gendered title" into one merged thread (and then ignore it).


> @"TheExiled.2357" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > a person or animal that hunts.

> >

> > It's not gender specific...


> " Huntress : a woman who hunts; Artemis, goddess of the moon, a virgin and a huntress"


> Besides, you could argue the same with the God/ Goddess of PvP title, too.


He is absolutely correct here, the title is completely gender neutral as it refers to a _person_

(or animal) who hunts. Also, there is no male-specific version in this case.


Your reference to God/Goddess titles - did they actually add that?

It's not on wiki, I don't own it, nor have I seen it used.



Looking at other titles there, why is there no thread requesting _Yakslapperess_ as a title? - That's currently gender neutral too.


Inevitably there will be a mention of _Killer Queen_ to "Killer King" at some point in the thread.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> I wonder if devs could you just combine all these posts of "give me an alternatively gendered title" into one merged thread (and then ignore it).


Devs got baited into the trap they have no way to escape. After making God of PvP title gender oriented and declared changing Fractal God into Fractal Goddess there will be only more such ridiculous demands which they can't refuse.

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Personally I was disappointed by this title, there are already far to many titles using the word hunter, Bounty Hunter, Monster Hunter, Champion Hunter, Exotic Hunter... it got old a long time ago, it just highlights the lack of imagination that is being injected into this game.

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Yes, and to be COMPLETELY inclusive, we should change the names of the classes for female characters!

>! Warrioress

>! Rangeress

>! Guardianess

>! Engineeress

>! Thiefess

>! Mesmeress

>! Elementalistess

>! Revenantess

>! Necromanceress



Please don't be absurd. "Hunter" is a gender-neutral title. And even if it wasn't, who cares? It's an optional title that no one's forcing you to use. If it bothers you THAT much, just don't use it.

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"Huntress..." no. I've never, ever seen or heard anyone use that to refer to a woman who hunts _except_ in archaic usage (Artemis or Diana), ironically "My Cat, Huntress of Rats", or as a put down. Goddess? Sure, that gets used colloquially even in the 21st century.




I don't think we can ask ANet to set a 100%-consistent policy because the English language isn't 100% consistent. Not even advocates for gender-neutrality grammar agree on the best way to handle things.


Some words are historically or traditionally gender-specific. Sometimes, that usage impacts present day language, but not always. Sometimes the distinction is important, sometimes it's not.



Here's a recent modern example:

* The Spanish-language newspaper, El Pais, wrote about [Diana la Cazadora de choferes](https://elpais.com/internacional/2013/09/05/actualidad/1378340865_840005.html)

* The English-language radio show, _This American Life_, translated her _nom de guerre_ as [Diana, Hunter of Bus Drivers](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/diana-hunter-of-bus-drivers/)


(And yes, at least the American show is very familiar with the background, "Whoever chose Diana's name, chose well. Diana **the Hunter** is **the goddess** of women and childbirth who, like many other Roman gods, acts out of basic human feelings: like rage and revenge" — _emphasis_ added)



> @"coso.9173" said:

> i mean the german version does it.

It's not comparable. Gender-neutrality for German is a lot more complicated than it's every going to be for English. In English, it's not weird to see "Fred the Hunter" or "Wilma the Hunter". In German, "Fred Der Jäger" is easy, but how would people view "Wilma Die Jäger" versus "Wilma Die Jägerin."

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Personally I'd prefer to be able to use The Hunter on female characters. That was actually the name of my custom class in The Elder Scrolls 3 & 4, even though the character I used it on was female. Huntress would have looked wrong for her I think.


But since there's already a system in place to automatically convert gendered titles in other languages I wonder if it would be possible to add it as an option in English too. I assume it would have to be all or nothing - if you have Huntress you also have to have Godess of PvP, you couldn't pick the format for each title. But if it can be added that could be a good fix for people who want it.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Personally I'd prefer to be able to use The Hunter on female characters. That was actually the name of my custom class in The Elder Scrolls 3 & 4, even though the character I used it on was female. Huntress would have looked wrong for her I think.


> But since there's already a system in place to automatically convert gendered titles in other languages I wonder if it would be possible to add it as an option in English too. I assume it would have to be all or nothing - if you have Huntress you also have to have Godess of PvP, you couldn't pick the format for each title. But if it can be added that could be a good fix for people who want it.


Same. I have never really been a fan of needing to create feminine alternatives for things. More often than not they just end up seeming excessive to me.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> But since there's already a system in place to automatically convert gendered titles in other languages

As I mentioned above, gender phrasing in German (as well as French & Spanish) is complicated by the fact that gender is inherent to every noun. Even a sandwich or laptop has gender. English doesn't have anything comparable, so it's much easier for English to evolve naturally towards "neutrality," with the occasional push from activists.


I mean, sure, the tech exists to make the swap possible, but the connotative distinction between Hunter & Huntress is different than Cazador vs Cazadora. In other words, there's more likely a need to flip gender in Romance and Teutonic languages, and little (or at least, much less) likelihood it's needed for English equivalents.



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Rather than auto change, why not just unlock both versions for anyone that achieves a title-giving feat? Personally I feel it's a bit outdated to suggest that being female and doing something means it needs to be pointed out "oh look it's a WOMAN version of the exact same skills" but I'm not hung up on it and it would probably make a lot of people happy.


However, I think that once unlocked in both versions, *either* version should be available to a character. Those who feel matching noun to gender matters can do so, those that want the flexibility of mix and match can apply the version they prefer.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:


> However, I think that once unlocked in both versions, *either* version should be available to a character. Those who feel matching noun to gender matters can do so, those that want the flexibility of mix and match can apply the version they prefer.


I like this :)

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > a person or animal that hunts.

> >

> > It's not gender specific...


> Neither is God as in God of PvP. Unfortunately Anet takes such baits seriously.


> They should also consider "Leaves No Hero and/or Heroine and/or Gender Neutral Behind"


"Leaves no npc behind" works just as well.

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