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Name one positive

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There has been a fair number of negative threads this past week regarding many issues both related to the recent patch and related to a certain twitter post or two. However, one thing I like about this community is the positive nature and kindness we offer each other in game. Sometimes, when you play a game for a long time you become a little jaded, which is understandable.


But, I really try to think positive so, **I would like to know what people think are the most POSITIVE aspects of the game.** Here is my short list:


1. Tyrian Bosses and HoT Metas

2. The helpful community

3. No "loot battles" after a boss kill

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You know what the most positive thing about this game is for me? The friends I made. Sure, I love the game, it's great nightly entertainment for me after I get home from work. Far better than anything on TV. However, what makes it extra special is the friends that are there waiting to chat and play with me when I log on. It's been nothing but a positive experience.

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1. The graphics. :) I recently started playing with camera settings and I've noticed the *insane* amount of detail in this game. It's genuinely beautiful. All the gorgeous locations throughout Tyria...the Grove, Caledon Forest, Orr (in a morbid, creepy way), Hoelbrak, the Silverwastes...and I haven't even gotten to Elona or the Heart of Maguuma yet. I can't wait.

2. Voice acting! I've been spoiled on voice acting/storytelling through SWTOR, and while I keep wanting to call Rytlock "Andronikos" (or call Logan "Theron"), I just love that this game has voice acting for each individual race. I love my characters' voices, and for the most part, I think they fit perfectly.

3. Mounts! GRIFFON. BEETLE. I WANT. :heart: It will be several more months before I can get the griffon and the beetle (due to slowly going through the story in chronological order), but I'm willing to wait...impatiently...

4. How much FUN combat is. I love all the different combat styles, and I love trying out new things!

5. Silverwastes meta. Not because of the great loot farm it is (though there is that :blush:), but because it's just plain fun. It's genuinely a thrill to dive underground and fight a Mordrem boss, to advance up the lanes and blast that vine wall into oblivion to fight another Mordrem (and, with me and my really bad reflexes, die a lot)...and to run screaming from Bioluminescent Lurchers in the after-event. o_o That's not *quite* so fun, but still a heck of a thrill.

6. PVP. My dear friend was able to get me into PVP, and so far, I love it. I'm still bad at it, but I love it. Being called [an entire litter of baby cats] on my second-ever PVP match was actually quite hilarious, truth be told, and I can just shrug it off and keep playing my heart out.

7. The incredibly helpful community, both in-game and on the forums.

8. ...which leads to another point: there's no kill stealing. It encourages players to work together, team up, revive others when they're down, and there's no penalty to anyone for helping. It's fantastic.

9. The soundtrack. All of it.

10. ArenaNet, for their handling of recent events. :)

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for me personally, there is no need of constant gear progression like other MMOs, i can come back years later and still on the same level of playing field in terms of gears; and on top of that, all end game gears can come from crafting


these two were the major reasons why I like GW1 over WoW, I was really burnt out from the constant gear progression and the disappoints some random rolls on gears they dont need from dungeons and raids

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I really like-

1. The way classes work in the game

2. The environment design

3. The amount of customizing you can do to your outfit.

4. That everyone get's their own exp and loot. You don't have to worry about KSing.

5. Anet wanting to maintain a healthy and active relationship with it's community.

6. I will eat my humble pie, I was anti-mount. However, the way they were implemented seems pretty cool and I can't want to get POF expansion when I can.

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This is the only MMO I've played that prioritizes the open world and that's worth more to me and all the complaints they can muster. I neither raid nor PvP so if those formats aren't handled promptly it affects me not at all. But the open world is brilliant for me. It's expected regularly, there's plenty of stuff to chip away at, and it's fun for me. Even stuff like down-leveling which means I can go anywhere, instead of sitting huddled in the last zone of a game is brilliant.

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There is always something going on. Now that may seem like a little , but it is not, a lot of online games struggle with this. Whether you want to waste you day gaming in fractals or raids or just hop into open world for half an hour, you always have something "meaningful" to do, even if it´s only for AP.

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I like using the griffon's dive, sometimes it's just relaxing to fly around. I also like that I can do other things and come back whenever I feel like it. Reaper is a lot of fun and in general the classes all feel very unique and polished these days.

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There are SO many positives, I barely know where to start!

1. Dynamic events (instead of the quest-giver system most mmos use)

2. Game is designed to foster a helpful community. Very little player competition in PvE.

3. WvW is great. Best implementation of large-scale pvp I have ever seen.

4. No gear grind. I was able to fully outfit my very first character in exotics as soon as it hit level 80. That was long before lv 80 boosts gave you a full set for free.

5. Varied maps. I may not be a fan of every map, but there's something for everyone in pve.

6. Excellent support. I have always received help in a reasonable amount of time.

7. PvP. I rarely participate, but this game mode is far more friendly to casuals like me than in other mmos.

8. Pay once, play forever. No pay-to-win. Everything in the gem shop is nice, but not essential to enjoy the game.

9. Buy gems for gold. I really don't know of any other mmo that allows their premium currency to be obtained so easily from a 100% in-game source. MOST games don't have any way to obtain premium currency except through RMT.

10. Buy gold for gems. While this is not something I have used more than once, I really appreciate what it does for the game. It's the best "KITTEN YOU!" to illegal 3rd party currency sellers I've ever seen.

11. Devs that listen. Staff that communicates. While it's impossible to please every player, the staff behind GW2 certainly tries to please most.

12. The ban wave. First, that it happened. There were a lot of players using cheats in competitive game modes, and the staff did something about it. Second, ANet's willingness to reverse their descision regarding punishment when they may be wrong.


I could go on for at least another dozen or so positives, but I'm too tired and my post is big enough to make the point. GW2 is AWESOME!

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The things I like:

1) you don't have to commit like you do to WoW, I used to be a big time WoW player but when gw2 came out I was looking for something new for multiple reasons. One of those reasons was that I felt like losing money when I wasn't playing or I was getting behind on the rest of my guild.

2) the community. friendly, helping and just nice.

3) graphics, this game is beautiful.

4) Something that I did miss from my WoW time were mounts and now GW2 has them.

5) I just love the game cause of the memories I made when playing GW1 with friends.

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I like the loot system, the community as a whole, the friends I've made over time, the way the combat works (i like having a somewhat harsh limit on available skills), the way the game looks, the fun mounts brough to the game and the fact that most maps can make you lose yourself in them if you're exploring them the first time or after a while again.

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**I can play it on my own time.** Increasingly these days it seems like games are trying to push me to play on their schedule with limited-time events and exclusive daily rewards and things like that. But GW2 still feels like a game I can play as and when I want to and where I'm not peanalised if I can't log in, or just don't want to.

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Not really sure how to say it but I would call it the 'class fantasy'. Every class feels unique, may use weapons differently (ie. Mesmer Greatsword is ranged), and they have their own unique mechanics. This is something a lot of other games (not just MMOs) try to pull off and usually flounder with which makes it feel all the better with how well Arenanet has accomplished it.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> There has been a fair number of negative threads this past week regarding many issues both related to the recent patch and related to a certain twitter post or two. However, one thing I like about this community is the positive nature and kindness we offer each other in game. Sometimes, when you play a game for a long time you become a little jaded, which is understandable.


> But, I really try to think positive so, **I would like to know what people think are the most POSITIVE aspects of the game.** Here is my short list:


> 1. Tyrian Bosses and HoT Metas

> 2. The helpful community

> 3. No "loot battles" after a boss kill


Sad how how one of them (spoilers n1) which i loved was disliked by some and anet moved away from with pof.



As for being positive i get where you're comming from and im like this but honestly its tiring. We dealt with a 9 month drought, then lw came but tbh it feels like a mini drought between every episode. The se3 year imo as a fractals player was great but now im not as optimistic.


Same case with raids they had a pretty good first year and now they release them every blue moon.


Pof didnt live up to my hype. I was sure that not every map was gonna be like hot but in classic anet fashion then went from one extreme ti the other and droped the hot format entirely.


The ama has set the tone for what to expect instanced content wise from anet and between that and the way lw works im not excited.


But hey, gw2 is the mmo u can leave and pick back up. According to MO thats the main selling point if the game. I guess the ppl that have it the best are the ones that dont stick with the game.


Bettle is fun tho, nightmare is my fave 5 man content, and i still love the hot maps.

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1. Gear system is pretty great

2. No loot battles at the end of the fight

3. Mounts and Gliding - was glad when they announced them but dubious about how good they'd be - result Fantastic implementation

4. Graphically very nice

5. WvW - Although this needs some serious love to use it to its full potential (or even return it to previous levels)

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