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Suggestions to Balance Burst Damage from Stealth


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I think heavy burst damage from stealth should not be a thing.

Not just single hit skills, but even chained-skills that can be pulled off in a short frame of time from stealth should have its damage reduced.

There is little counter-play apart from guessing burst timings and burning defensive options assuming you even saw your opponent coming which may not even be the case for those that can stealth stack or hide in towers/keeps or some obscure spot near camps to wait for players to run by.

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if we're talking about thief and thief only, just reveal them when they fail their backstab or other stealth skill (such as the riffle one)


then comes the mesmer issue : the main issue is mirage mechanics ... we had no issue before that (almost ... except the pain train in spvp)


finally holosmith: but it's overall dmg that seems rough in a 1v1 aspect. otherwise it's fine.

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The choices are a bit confusing. Is damaged supposed to be reduced by that amoumt *while in stealth* or only after for a certain duration instead of the stealth attack?


Also this directly conflict with thief getting bonus damage for attacks from stealth as a class trait if we are talking about the opening strike.


Honestly, the damage isnt the problem. Its the constant restealths with no negative effects. If revealed actually mattered and made the thief have to think about how and when they stealth and attacks - and all other classes with stealth for that matter - I think we would get a better game.


Stealth should not be stackable, dropping out of stealth with no specific "stealth action" (such as backstab) should reveal you for like 5-10s or something and stealth attacks should have their own ICD.

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Those builds aren't likely to do more damage than your circles and stacks over the duration of a fight. If their build stats are one shotting you, you probably have similar stats but you're also likely laying out your circles within range of group buffs. Are you telling those builds to just take a damage dump and f off somewhere or are you saying everyone should have sustained area effects instead, or what are you asking for? For my own class, I'd say it would be fair to change to something with more mechanical effort than dodge for stealth but if I can't craft a decent opener then I'd be you.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Make Silent Scope work in combat only and add back 10s ICD on the stealth.

> >

> > OP didn't mention a class, but we all know what the problem is.


> 10 second icd lol , i think 5 would be fine. - Hadi


They could still refresh it on Kneel if they don't want to wait 5s for free ez stealth on dodge

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Make Silent Scope work in combat only and add back 10s ICD on the stealth.

> >

> > OP didn't mention a class, but we all know what the problem is.


> 10 second icd lol , i think 5 would be fine. - Hadi


I second this. 10s icd made that trait really suck. I think 3 or 5 would be fine.

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to make it more viable they need to change DJ back to a regular skill instead of one that doesn't cost initiative. Make players gain endurance or endurance regeneration on kneel ( 30-50% endurance Regen) and add a 5 second ICD on Silent Scope to reduce players from constantly abusing stealth dodge roll. Make kneel cost maybe like 4-5 initiative.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> I have to laught at the fact that people believe that cutting off damage by 30% would "fix" thier own inability of dealing with stealth targets.


> If they cut damage by 30%, classes will just answer by adding more damage.


At some point cutting damage would work but it's an inelegant solution imo.

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I agree with others that damage across the board is way too high. That said, the stealth mechanic is still not balanced. There is not enough counter play built into to each class to reign it in and a stealth class will always have an advantage over a non stealth class due to targeting mechanics alone. Until those two things are addressed competitive play cannot be taken seriously in gw2.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> if we're talking about thief and thief only, just reveal them when they fail their backstab or other stealth skill (such as the riffle one)


Actually, DE's are revealed when attacking from stealth with rifle for 3's on Deaths Judgement, failed or not, and Three Round Burst/Double Tap AND S Shot while in combat or on connect. I haven't used Malicious Backstab so I cant comment on that as to if there is a reveal.


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The point I'm addressing here isn't that stealth can be reapplied easily or causes loss of targeting or can be stacked.


What I'm trying to get at is attacks from stealth has extremely Low tells and can often result in instant KOs within a second or two.


There is barely sufficient time to react.


Better if you see the stealther coming in which case you need to Guess timings, burn defenses, and hope he isn't stacking stealth.


Worse if he engages you from blind spots. Like hiding in towers or keeps where you can't spot him before he closes in with stealth and downs you in one burst. Or hiding near camps and approaching from far with stealth and does the same to you while you are totally oblivious to his presence.


Damage from stealth needs to be shaved for 1 second during and after its opener due to extremely limited tells which affects reaction time.

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The problem is not the stealth attack, it is that you can literraly spam the stealth and stealth attack. Equiping a glass-cannon set, in particulary on thief, should award you with great dmg, but spamming stealth and leaps and teleport and dodges is completly absurd.

Stop putting stealth on every skills and traits, stop let buffing, tp skills etc when stealth.

On which games/mmo do you see stealth on 36 skills and traits, that cleanse conditions, regen life, give movement speed, reduce dmg, REMOVE "revealed" by stealth, allow more attacks/initiative, allow to FAIL attacks... ???????? Response : none.

Edit : on which game do you see thief put 15k dmg in one hit at 1500 range ????? You can't even close-gap before he flees away.


Edit²: I've seen people arguing "it is roaming, it is useless in zerg" Gosh you're so wrong, I just stealth and litteraly chain the elems and rangers etc at 1500range, even spam death's judgement and 3 to finish downed people, and stealth/flee again + half the time people are so focus on tagging the blob for bags they don't even care you're here.

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