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PvP Rank Badge on Forums


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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> I'd like to see everyone's ranked PvP badge next to their names when posting on the forums. I feel like that would help give their comments weight and give a more accurate perception of their experience. Thoughts?


What if you don't have a badge?

I would imagine that some our former ESL players that always occupy the top spots in monthly tournaments haven't had a badge in months because they're just that uninterested in Q'ing for Ranked games.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > I'd like to see everyone's ranked PvP badge next to their names when posting on the forums. I feel like that would help give their comments weight and give a more accurate perception of their experience. Thoughts?


> What if you don't have a badge?

> I would imagine that some our former ESL players that always occupy the top spots in monthly tournaments haven't had a badge in months because they're just that uninterested in Q'ing for Ranked games.


Just an pending placement "badge." Just so that you can tell who actually has an idea about the current meta and what level they play at.

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Has been suggested many times, but as Sigmoid said they wont promote more toxicity. They removed the thumbs down button for the same reason. People already keep repeating the same mantra of “You are bronze/silver/gold and I am silver/gold/plat, therefore I am right and you are wrong” as if mechanical skill or the willingness to recollect to whatever is most broken right know would necessarily give you a better understanding of the game (I am sure I have done this too, as it is convenient even if it is not a good argument). Just look at the defenders/proponents of class x who always jump in to claim how weak their class is regardless of its actual power level, I am fairly sure that many of them are at least platinum, some are legend. People who mostly play 1 class are likely to be biased regardless of their division.

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Horrible idea, as OP has proved it unknowingly....it would bring more toxicity to the PvP universe of GW2 (combination of PvP in game and PvP forums). Some seasons I dont play, some I do (those I do, I usually reach gold/plat). Even tho I have a lot of experience, if I decide not to play a season or stop at bronze for whatever reason, that has no reflection on my knowledge or experience, thus the OP's reasoning is moot and flawed.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > This subforum doesn't need any more toxicity.


> How would there be toxicity? If you're bronze your opinions should not be steering the ship. If you're bronze you're not even on deck yet. People should know where these "facts" are coming from.


Your post calling out the bronze rank just prove his point...

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The badges don't say much anything since the rating span they cover is too wide and rating is volatile. Plat might be a top tier player who just had some unlucky matches and dropped from legend or a mid-gold player who had lucky placements. And yeah as Erzian pointed out and a certain mesmer is demonstrating here on a

weekly basis, hitting legend doesn't stop you from being delusional.

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Well anyway, I don't support this proposition. It would promote an unhealthy elitist attitude in the forums that are supposed to be a neutral meeting ground regardless of rating. Whether you like it or not, everyone's opinion is of equal value. I certainly admit to respecting the opinions some people more than the majority of people but even players in the higher tiers of play sometimes have some pretty bad opinions on balance.


Agree with @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" I'm pretty much in the same boat.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> I'd like to see everyone's ranked PvP badge next to their names when posting on the forums. I feel like that would help give their comments weight and give a more accurate perception of their experience. Thoughts?


How is that relevant? There is a misconception that the more skilled you are that your opinion is more valuable. It is not. The more **KNOWLEDGEABLE** about the game you are the more your opinion should have value (it also is not). Do you think the devs are the most skilled players out there? Does Tom Brady set NFL regulations?


For the record, I played one season few month ago and reached P2 in 22 games with over 60% win rate. That does not mean my opinion is authority, or more or less valuable than yours.

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> that would help give their comments weight and give a more accurate perception of their experience

High rating doesn't guarantee a player's impression of the game is accurate, it doesn't guarantee that they've thought through their ideas. And most of all, it doesn't guarantee that they are considering what's best for the game overall, and not just what's best for themselves.



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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> I'd like to see everyone's ranked PvP badge next to their names when posting on the forums. I feel like that would help give their comments weight and give a more accurate perception of their experience. Thoughts?


I disagree. Many players dont PvP and exclusively WvW but us WvW players know that ANET barely reads the WvW forums so if we want to suggest balancing changes we need to do it in the PvP forum since the changes made in PvP do usually bleed into WvW. (as in xyz change is for PvP/WvW only.)


As a solo/small group roamer changes to PvP/WvW directly impact my game experience in WvW.

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Haha! Looks like someone wants to show off on forums as well :)

Still I absolutely hate this kind of attitude (rank-related racism), I cannot deny the value of such information.

Knowing who is talking from 'combat prowess' perspective won't hurt.

I also do not think that this will increase toxicity because people who are tending to judge by rating will not change.


UPD: As a variant, rank info can be stored in profile page (one click away), so we will not face it BEFORE reading someone's post.

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The sPvP community is small enough to the point that if you have enough "prestige" behind your name, people should recognize you. If that is how you decide to determine the value of people's opinions, that should be more than sufficient. If you really want to know somebody's rating, just add them in game and check there.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> What if you don't have a badge?

> I would imagine that some our former ESL players that always occupy the top spots in monthly tournaments haven't had a badge in months because they're just that uninterested in Q'ing for Ranked games.

1) Former ESL players didn't need badges because they are well known from PvP community.

2) mAt winners are in the same case.

3) In your example, discrimination from ESL players already exist, we occasionally read/hear sentence like "I'm old ESL player, so I'm right, shut up!" while ESL tend to be far from 2018 ... (that said it's more about ESL's fanboy who said this ESL player say that, so it's true than the ESL player who snub someone.)


> @"otto.5684" said:

>It is not. The more **KNOWLEDGEABLE** about the game you are the more your opinion should have value (it also is not). Do you think the devs are the most skilled players out there? Does Tom Brady set NFL regulations?

Maybe that explain somes balance decisions :) .

And knowledgeable about the game and good results in game are correlated.

That said, players should not replace game-designer. And game-designer should **never** do what players said without thinking about it 9 times because players rarely take a step back and have ideas of the global impacts effects of changes.


> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> Whether you like it or not, everyone's opinion is of equal value. I certainly admit to respecting the opinions some people more than the majority of people but even players in the higher tiers of play sometimes have some pretty bad opinions on balance.

> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> yep those with less "skill" have less valuable opinions

> /sarcasm

Actually when you have a player who just came in PvP and play 6 hours just to make a rage post about nerfing something while his profession has the highest representativeness in top 20. Yeah, it's not a shame to note that no everyone's opinion is of equal value.

And if you accord same value between a top 20 streamer and a bronze backpedal on a PVE build, AKA if you accord same value between someone who spend hours trainning and understand the game mecanics for good results and someone who just pop and say bullshit, perhaps there is a problem.

Most of the time posters didn't want to use or do not know a skill/build/gameplay who make their profession strong.


Sometimes I feel that many people live in a Care Bears world where everyone should be 1st by doing whatever and make kisses.


Don't get me wrong, high rating players say bullshit as everyone but at least they know how work the current PvP environment.


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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > This subforum doesn't need any more toxicity.


> How would there be toxicity? If you're bronze your opinions should not be steering the ship. If you're bronze you're not even on deck yet. People should know where these "facts" are coming from.


Like platinum opinions matter more. Anet will never do this because of what will come from it. Extreme toxicity.

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