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Your Unpopular Opinions about something in GW2

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1. The whole idea of "killing the dragons is worse than letting them do their thing" is absolutely wretched and silly. I really hate this whole "being the hero does more harm than good" narrative overall but GW2 takes it to a whole new level of absurdity. Should have never even left Divinity's Reach if that's the case then.

2. Dragon's Watch is a joke and I hate almost every single one of them.

3. The 'human gods leaving Tyria because reasons*' garbage is just that. Garbage. Why do humans still have the god abilities then? We ain't Orks, red doesn't make the Pact Airships go fastah. (though orks in GW2 would make the game loads more entertaining)

4. I hate the Charr and the Sylvari are just absolutely creepy to me.

5. I hate the Roller Beetle and I really hate the new Beetle races.

6. The story is as riveting as watching paint dry and is as endearing as heart burn.

7. The humans' reacting to the news of their gods' abandonment was handled really poorly. Like don't Balthazar-blessed humans have anything to say about their god's fall from grace? Do they not get to choose between joining Balthazar or refusing him? Foolish.


*I know why they left, still doesn't make me feel any better or more reassured.

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I only play WvW and when I can't transfer to busy servers (servers that are actually fun with tons of action), the whole game just isn't as fun to me. Being stuck on servers that are only active for 2 hours during NA is dead boring, it actually makes me play the game less.

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I liked Scarlet Briar as a character and think Anet dropped the ball big time with her. With better storytelling and writing they could have had a better villain and a more epic storyline through HoT had we been able to save Ceara from herself rather than kill her, and want her back as an ally sans dragon corruption.

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Wait a second . . . . . . . If a post has more thumbs up in this thread, does that mean that it's a good example of an unpopular opinion? Or do more thumbs up mean that it's in reality not so unpopular, hence shouldn't have as many thumbs up?


Aaaahhh, who should get the thumbs up?!!


Anyways . . . . . .that's perhaps my unpopular opinion.

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Ohohoho! I'm going to have fun with this! Here goes:


1. **This game needs the Holy Trinity.** Yeah I said it. There's a reason other MMORPGs, or RPGs in general, have it: _because it works_. Most of GW2's community, including their developers, will reject this in favor of the desire to differentiate themselves from WoW and attempt to reinvent the wheel. The thing is, you didn't have to. GW1 got it right, I think. To not make the trinity so strict, have the dual-class system, but don't take the trinity away. Without the trinity, combat although more active, becomes spammish. There's not much thought or strategy involved. That people reflexively reject it is a mistake. It's not WoW's fault that they stuck with a system that works, it's a system that has worked since Dungeons and Dragons!


2. **The game needs to reign in the powercreep.** This continues from number 1, if you don't have a combat system like the holy trinity, you're going to have powercreep overtime. This has happened with the trait system change, HoT and PoF. Although the base game was ok and it wasn't as big of a issue then, looking back, the powercreep was bound to happen. The new trait system took away any tradeoffs that builds might have. All of a sudden, instead of having access to two trait lines under the trait-point system you have three under the specialization system. Also, HoT and PoF elite specs pretty much give people everything in one build: damage, support, sustain. There's no tradeoff. With this in place, spammy and disorganized combat is bound to happen.


3. **GW2 should've never went free-to-play.** Yup! Going there. Free-to-play games tend to suffer in quality over time. This game is no exception! Without a reliable source of revenue, there's not much developers can do really to improve things. GW1 and 2 had it right with buy-to-play.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Jumping puzzles are not fun nor are they engaging content that enriches the player experience. This is an MMO not a platformer game, and if I wanted jumping puzzles or jumping elements, I'd sign up for Super Mario Bros online.


Forgot to mention JP in my post. Agreed.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Ohohoho! I'm going to have fun with this! Here goes:


> 1. **This game needs the Holy Trinity.** Yeah I said it. There's a reason other MMORPGs, or RPGs in general, have it: _because it works_. Most of GW2's community, including their developers, will reject this in favor of the desire to differentiate themselves from WoW and attempt to reinvent the wheel. The thing is, you didn't have to. GW1 got it right, I think. To not make the trinity so strict, have the dual-class system, but don't take the trinity away. Without the trinity, combat although more active, becomes spammish. There's not much thought or strategy involved. That people reflexively reject it is a mistake. It's not WoW's fault that they stuck with a system that works, it's a system that has worked since Dungeons and Dragons!


> 2. **The game needs to reign in the powercreep.** This continues from number 1, if you don't have a combat system like the holy trinity, you're going to have powercreep overtime. This has happened with the trait system change, HoT and PoF. Although the base game was ok and it wasn't as big of a issue then, looking back, the powercreep was bound to happen. The new trait system took away any tradeoffs that builds might have. All of a sudden, instead of having access to two trait lines under the trait-point system you have three under the specialization system. Also, HoT and PoF elite specs pretty much give people everything in one build: damage, support, sustain. There's no tradeoff. With this in place, spammy and disorganized combat is bound to happen.


> 3. **GW2 should've never went free-to-play.** Yup! Going there. Free-to-play games tend to suffer in quality over time. This game is no exception! Without a reliable source of revenue, there's not much developers can do really to improve things. GW1 and 2 had it right with buy-to-play.


I agree whole heartedly.

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The combat design has missed the mark for years.

The most common tactics are abusive (3-5 second) stuns or massive damage that makes healing/toughness tactics worthless.

Stability is done wrong.

Five-man content typically relies on monoliths. That's old-MMO, Trinity thinking. Raids made it much worse and didn't make the game better.


Itemization and crafting are a mess.

Crafting and "discovery" are obnoxious on their own and yield substandard results.

We have nothing worth filtering our item glut into, so prices are sinking while others get spiked for dumb reasons. (Still one of the most stable MMO economies ever.)

Grind is not content.

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My unpopular opinion on GW2 is that I am the smartest and most knowledgable person about this game and everybody should personally beg for my opinion on something before unleashing their uneducated and unwashed opinion to the Internet.


Did I go too far?


It can't get much more unpopular than that, ergo I win this thread and I shall be crowned King.

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stealth needs to be removed from the game. It is broken. It ruins the fun for everyone. It is not needed and just bad.

thieves need to hit by the nerfhammer.

holos need a big nerf

mirages need to big nerf.

soulbeasts needs to be nerfed into the ground.


Raids were a bad idea.

I prefer lw3 maps over PoF and lw4.

Everytime I hear 'ahai outlander' I feel the urge to strangle the speaker.

Festivals should never be longer than 2 weeks. They become boring, dried out grinds afterwards.

SuperAdventureBox should be permanently removed. Everyone using any SAB effects in the game should have their account deleted. The annoying, ear destroying sounds are bad enough. The pseudo-8-bit graphics are an insult. I lived throught the 8bit era, I don't want to hear, see or do anything related to it ever again.

I hate beetle racing.

I hate griffon adventures.


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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> Tybalt isn't the clear "best" mentor in the Personal Story. Sieran is amazing too and does not get the hype she deserves!


Sieran is def my fave but I never play priory bc I hate that klaxon sound that plays throughout the priory episode right before Claw Island. I also never play whispers bc I hate the drinking minigame in the pirate episode of that story. I'm pretty much neutral towards the vigil dude, so I always play that one, every week . . .


My unpopular opinion: Dying in this game is seriously just not a big deal, like, at all, ever. And fighting from downstate is fun . . .

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My unpopular opinion (well, one of them I suppose) is that GW2 is not designed for the hard-core MMO player and that those who come here from Game X or Game Y and want GW2 to change to suit their needs should simply play Game X or Game Y for those needs and leave GW2 to those of us who don't like or want to play Game X or Game Y.

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> @"Grimmtooth.4163" said:

> Too many people copypasta builds off snowcrows without understanding the assumptions they make. They assume you have tons of buffs & healer with you. They then they try to use these glass cannon setups solo in open world then have tons of trouble in areas like Tangled Depths & Lake Doric. Here's a tip buy a couple of extra ascended trinkets in either Solider(Pow) or Dire(Condi) & carry them in your bags. Swap to them in areas you keep getting one-shoted by mobs.


Actually, I recommend using [MetaBattle.com](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "MetaBattle.com"), where you will find most efficient builds for _all_ game modes, including open world PvE.


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> The music. It's a shame Jeremy Soule went.


:+1: I agree, but I do not consider the current musical additions "bad" by any means. They're different, just not the same tenor.

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