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Horse Mounts Discussion!


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Another option they could do is simlar to how they did the Jackal, if they're so fussy about Horses being plain and boring, why not make it some kind of Shadow Horse or something e.g. The Mist Walker.


It allows you to create bridges of mist between certain points of the map and later levels can almost serve as a psudo glider like the skimmer where it creates bridges of energy from one path to another, and yes, there could be a rainbow unicorn variant that farts rainbows, or a demon variant that makes a dark ominous shadow path.

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Adding to the horse references already mentioned there was a section in Edge of Destiny where some of the characters go through an asura gate and know they've ended up a very long way from home when they see horses in the distance. They were able to recognise them, so clearly knew what they were, but were very surprised to see them. My suspicion is horses are either extinct or live on the far side of Tyria somewhere, or possibly mythical, but I don't remember them being _that_ surprised, certainly not like I would be if I saw a griffon or centaur in real life.


As for horse mounts funnily enough I've been planning to make a topic about this - specifically a horse skin for the Warclaw.


Firstly because, as this topic and the other ones show, there is demand for one and I'd love to have one as well. But also because in most games your first 'starter' mount is a basic, brown or bay, horse and then you can eventually unlock more exciting mounts, maybe eventually building up to something as cool as a giant raptor. In GW2 we've got almost the reverse of that - the starter mount is a raptor and all the others, even with the basic skins, are similarly exotic creatures and I love that. I'd love it even more if they completed the 'cycle' and gave us a rare, premium skin which is a basic brown horse.


I think the Warclaw would be be the perfect mount for this skin for 3 reasons:

1) It's roughly the right shape

2) It's abilities are about right for a horse

3) It's highly unlikely to be the first mount anyone unlocks and, depending on the requirements, may actually be one of the last - for PvE players the effort might seem similar to unlocking the griffon - which fits with the idea of it being a special, rare mount.


Personally I'd be happy to play 2,000 gems for this skin (again keeping with the theme of it being the special 'upgrade' version) but I certainly wouldn't complain if it was part of a pack and therefore sold for 400 - 1,200(?) gems, or unlocked in-game.

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> @"Aediph.2873" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.


> Quoting the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "The existence of horses in Tyria is a contested question amongst players; no living horses have ever been seen, but references to them are plentiful, including: Zodiac Axe Skin, Horse Figure, Iron Horse Mines, and Rocking Horse Ornament. The original Guild Wars also featured a Necrid Horseman and Celestial Horse."


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse


> Doesn't seem like a completely terrible idea, I'm sure plenty of people would buy or work to acquire a horse skin if they put one up for sale in the gem store or made it some kind of in-game obtainable quest/currency thing.


I like to think horses are a mythical creature in GW2, they come out when they want to be there

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I'm sure there have probably been several horse threads by now. Personally, I don't see how a horse mount fits into the game at all given the distinct lack of horses in Tyria. Each mount does something unique and anything that a horse can do we can already do in game. A horse skin of something, sure, but there's no need for a separate mount.


I've often wondered if the current humans in the world of Tyria weren't the first and other humans came to Tyria in stages; of which one group of horse riders could have been magically fused with Tyria's horses becoming the centaurs. I very much doubt there is cannon for this but it would be interesting. It could have been one of the powerful native races (maybe the Forgotten) that came in conflict with those earlier humans and through a curse; fused them with their horses in an attempt to demoralize them.


A way to bring horses back could be through a story line where a group of outcast Centaurs get split from their horses by a enemy Centaur who sought to destroy their identity as Centaurs. A funny start to the story line could be by the skritt in Harathi Highlands discover the magic and accidentally fuse themselves with pigs they were riding then get discovered by a Centaur wizard. It'd be extremely funny to see a Skritt/Pig centaur.

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> @"Aediph.2873" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.


> Quoting the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "The existence of horses in Tyria is a contested question amongst players; no living horses have ever been seen, but references to them are plentiful, including: Zodiac Axe Skin, Horse Figure, Iron Horse Mines, and Rocking Horse Ornament. The original Guild Wars also featured a Necrid Horseman and Celestial Horse."


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse


> Doesn't seem like a completely terrible idea, I'm sure plenty of people would buy or work to acquire a horse skin if they put one up for sale in the gem store or made it some kind of in-game obtainable quest/currency thing.


Destiny's Edge also saw living horses through a Asura gate in the book as well. Horses are cannon and known just rare.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> Honestly I'd love a thestral-like skin rather than a plain horse.


That could run into issues with copyright, but they could call it a Night Mare. Apparently the word nightmare is actually derived from an old English word for a kind of demon, but the fact that's it looks like nighttime + female horse has lead to lots of depictions of 'nightmares' as horse monsters.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.


> Tyria has a lot more horses and horse imagery then we've had signs of Skimmers and Springers prior to them being available as mounts...



Look at how many depictions we, the real world, have of unicorns or dragons. Then compare that to depictions of actual animals like a skate or horseshoe crab. Just because an animal is known and recognized doesn't mean it's real, and vice versa.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Whereas all mounts have a purpose, horse one could be taking your time to contemplate the landscape, a very relaxing journey.

> It can include a sprint like beetle but also a decent jump 1/3 of jumping height of springer I will say. A kind of hybrid in sum.


"sprint like beetle"? When was the last time you saw a horse sprinting at 130+ mph?


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Honestly I'd love a thestral-like skin rather than a plain horse.


> That could run into issues with copyright, but they could call it a Night Mare. Apparently the word nightmare is actually derived from an old English word for a kind of demon, but the fact that's it looks like nighttime + female horse has lead to lots of depictions of 'nightmares' as horse monsters.


Yeah obviously it could not be an excact copy, and not called that. But something inspired by it.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Whereas all mounts have a purpose, horse one could be taking your time to contemplate the landscape, a very relaxing journey.

> > It can include a sprint like beetle but also a decent jump 1/3 of jumping height of springer I will say. A kind of hybrid in sum.


> "sprint like beetle"? When was the last time you saw a horse sprinting at 130+ mph?



It was a picture, not first degree....

A horse sprinting very fast but at the limit of reasonable... around 45 mph, 55 max.


I meant using the endurance bar to sprint lol

Edited the post if you misunderstand it surely some others too.

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If cats and dogs were big enough to ride on in the real world, would we even use horses...?

Horses are fairly unimpressive on their own. They’re fragile, and if they can’t run, they’re glue. They fall and die so easily in the movies. The most unmagical magical beast in Lord of the Rings. Now, Thranduil’s elk though? Love it! Still, it too was taken out by a couple arrows.

Finally, I think an idle animation would be hard to settle on. Watching a horse get up from lying down is the most uninspiring thing to see.

I think for their place in Tyria, they can be little more than a ranger pet.


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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> Honestly I'd love a thestral-like skin rather than a plain horse.


Agreed, something fantastical for a horse would add to the theme that's constantly being provided by the devs. That quote that I provided in my original post got stuck in my head more than the standard one in the Link + Epona image. Now I've got a thestral-like horse type stuck in my head lol


![](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/b/bd/Thestral.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20160524181902 "")

This is the Thestral type of horse I'm looking at, to make sure were talking about the same thing.

> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > @"Aediph.2873" said:

> > > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > > No. Dead horse. Horses do not exist in tyria.

> >

> > Quoting the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "The existence of horses in Tyria is a contested question amongst players; no living horses have ever been seen, but references to them are plentiful, including: Zodiac Axe Skin, Horse Figure, Iron Horse Mines, and Rocking Horse Ornament. The original Guild Wars also featured a Necrid Horseman and Celestial Horse."

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse

> >

> > Doesn't seem like a completely terrible idea, I'm sure plenty of people would buy or work to acquire a horse skin if they put one up for sale in the gem store or made it some kind of in-game obtainable quest/currency thing.


> TBF, horses could have existed from wherever humans came from (as they are not native to Tyria and were brought here by their Gods). The ornaments and such would have simply been a takeaway from wherever they came from originally.



Reading all the new posts that showed up now that I just got back home, backwards!

That's a great point you're making, hadn't factored in migrations!


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > >

> > > IMO, you can do this with the current iteration of mounts. The skimmer travels much slower than the other mounts across land and if that is still too fast, then a horse mount wouldn't really be any QoL change from being unmounted in the first place.

> >

> > Skimmer is a fail, gaining 3 cm of altitude is useless, ok it floats so then? What should have been its ability is diving underwater, and boost yourself underwater, but instead they added "swim infuz" -_-

> Well, I think to be fair, the skimmer was introduced with PoF maps in mind, in which there really isn't much underwater content. It was designed to be used for crossing terrain that would otherwise be harmful (quicksand, sulfur, branded area) in those maps. There wasn't really any need to make it work underwater. In this sense, I don't think it right to call it a failure.

> >

> > Yeah I use it to take the time, but it's a kind of feeling of liberty, riding with your horse it's not the same as riding a manta ray. It would be for players wanting to move rapidly, without having to swap to bunny/raptor to jump over a 2 meters edges or a precipice.

> No, it's not the same I grant you that. Still, if the argument for the need for a mount for simply exploring maps at a leisurely pace, then it would suffice to use the skimmer without Anet needing to spend resources to create something else.


> Most of the arguments for a horse mount, on both sides, have been made before so I'm not going to continue with this superfluous thread.



This is mostly me just wanting to talk about the idea of horse mounts in the game, I love some of the ideas such as a Thestral (winged horse creature)

I was running around Tyria and thinking, "I wish I had a horse to ride.". I did a search for a horse mount discussion, saw the old thread and wanted to talk in that one, but didn't want to necro it x_x

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No, I want an actual land horse with attachable flippers. We have a rabbit the size of a cow, a jackal made of sand and a beetle we levitate near in order to drag race. Next week we'll have a bison cat that destroys castles.


I want - no, demand! - an underwater horse with flippers and an aquabreather.


It will be called a Sploshhoof and it will cause PvP players to have a panic attack on the forum because the only way to unlock it will be to play mirage.


(I am being silly. Do not be offended by this, internet).

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There was horses in Tyria, and they were around back when Destiny's Edge were on their prime.

But they have been clearly eaten by that charr. If humans had any horses left, they likely had to give them to the charr in the peace treaties.

Everyone knows charr go crazy for horse meat, like Zoidberg around anchovies.

And hat means the mists would have been the only place to find one, since they are clearly extinct in Tyria.


Since the mists mount is a now cat, that only leaves [kirin](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kirin "kirin ") as the closest thing possible horse-like mount left we could have.


So your only hope is getting a Cantha expansion, a kirin mount, and a horse skin for it.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> TBF, horses could have existed from wherever humans came from (as they are not native to Tyria and were brought here by their Gods). The ornaments and such would have simply been a takeaway from wherever they came from originally.


Wellllll ... how many ancient Sumerian motifs do we have in our everyday Terran culture? Humans came to Tyria a *very* long time ago. I think there must have been/still be horses in modern Tyria for them to be something influencing figures of speech and festival entertainments.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > TBF, horses could have existed from wherever humans came from (as they are not native to Tyria and were brought here by their Gods). The ornaments and such would have simply been a takeaway from wherever they came from originally.


> Wellllll ... how many ancient Sumerian motifs do we have in our everyday Terran culture? Humans came to Tyria a *very* long time ago. I think there must have been/still be horses in modern Tyria for them to be something influencing figures of speech and festival entertainments.


Horses might have been very influential to human culture (which would make sense, beasts of burden are a reason humans are able to thrive generally). It all depends on what the history of humans was before they came to Tyria.


Plenty of ancient motifs are still around IRL. The Double-Headed Eagle, which is well-known in Russia and Scotland (and likely other countries) originates from ancient Mesopotamia and could be even older than that. The ouroboros has been used in many civilisations and is still recognized today, I believe early accounts of it stretch back to 13th century BC Egypt. The mistletoe originates from ancient norse and celtic mythology and is well-known today. The ankh, another well-known and popular symbol originates from 3000 BC. And those are only a few examples off the top of my head, I'm sure there are plenty more. Ancient motifs tend to stick around through the ages (other cultures tend to adopt them as well, and carry them forward into the next generations).



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> @"Aediph.2873" said:

> The first google search result for "Guild Wars 2 horse mount" was from 2018 and I think that's the newest one on the forums

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37824/why-cant-we-have-horse-mounts

> Sooooo instead of necroing that old one, I'm making this new discussion thread about them.


> Riding on a horse through the open world is something I've wanted to do since mounts were added. I'd love it if we got a new skin for one of the mounts.


> > @"Jessica Price.1649 " said:

> > because no one wants to let me live out my dream of galloping over the desert dunes on a horse made of fire


> ![](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/7/75/Link_and_Epona_%28Ocarina_of_Time%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20170328042811 "")


> ![](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/155/158/large/g-host-lee-nightmare-horse-as-170803.jpg?1533312239 "")



> Horse power!!!!



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