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Say one thing you love about GW2.


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This is kind of related to my first point, but I love that there's so many things hidden in odd places in Tyria. One of my favourite memories from the betas is scrambling around in a cave in Caledon Forest thinking it was a dead end, only to find it was the entrance to a jumping puzzle. I did the same thing with a cave in LA. Right up to today when I thought I was being clever climbing up on top of the dome over the skimmer ranch where you probably weren't supposed to go...only to find a chest on the top showing that clear someone had anticipated that kind of thinking.


I've been poking around odd corners of games as long as I can remember, even in games where it's not intended, so it's always a nice surprise to find someone has hidden things there for people like me to find.

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Only one thing!? Gah!


Well, if "almost everything" isn't an option... The music. Save for a few awful exceptions (that are thankfully few and far between), the music in this game is simply gorgeous. I can't get enough of listening to the soundtrack!

One memorable moment was when I was still quite new to the game. I was playing my sylvari and hadn't completed too much of the story yet, so he and I were pretty much figuring out the world together, exploring over the fields and hills and running everywhere there was to run. I was in Queensdale, and crested a hill - and there before me was Divinity's Reach, shining like a massive pearl in the sun.

Right on cue, [Logan's Journey](

"Logan's Journey") began playing.

I'm not sure who was more awed: me, or my sylvari. I just stood there as the song played, staring in wonder at the beautiful city, and knowing that I was *really* going to love this game.


A year later, I still do. :blush:

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Ok, I can be positive. I can be positive.


One thing? Just one? There are so many, big and small, but I'll go with jump physics. I'm not the best at jp's but I'm not the worst, and after playing ESO I *really* love GW2 jumping. It's smooth, it's got good distance, it works to hop over things, you can even steer midair.

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Gender locks don't exist. Everything is accessible to both male and female characters. Classes, armor, races, everything. They might look different or move differently, but the fact that you can create a smol flower boy with a leaf skirt or a hulking cat woman that looks like a tank monster is, I think, a really nice thing.

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The Living World. It might have gotten off to a rocky start, but I love the fact that the story and PvE side of the game is always evolving and how it comes out in these lovely bite sized chunks. I don't PvP, and don't have the free time to invest in raids, so I play games for the STORY. And GW2 is damn near the only MMO out there fully committed to story driven PvE endgame, as most end up chasing the the hardcore audience with endless raiding gear treadmills. It is nice for there to be a "casual" alternative for those of us with obligations to jobs and family.

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