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Griffon Mount requirements. No sir, I don't like them.

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I have already bought the items requiring a gold investment. No big deal. I have done all of the eggs in the first zone (forget its name.. crystal desert?) and many in other zones as well. In fact, I am probably about half way done, but I cannot bring myself to finish it. The whole time I was doing these things - I was NOT enjoying myself.


I just don't want to chase a bunch of silly bounties, or go and get all the eggs. I find it boring and senseless. This is my personal.... subjective... interpretation of what is "FUN".

I don't think the griffon collection is "FUN", but I would like to have a griffon. I will not do the griffon collection - I don't like it. I don't understand the concept of "suck it up" in a medium that is for entertainment. It's like you guys are telling me to "quit griping and go watch aqua man... its good for you!" . Well... I don't really like aqua man, and don't have any interest in watching it - why should what I consider entertaining mirror what you consider entertaining?


It only makes sense that I would like to pay Arenanet for the privilege of having what I would enjoy at the expense of what I do NOT enjoy.

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The collection tells a story. You may not like what you're doing, but there are enough people who also care about "rebuilding" the Sunspear Sanctuary and repopulating the Griffons, because at the time of your arrival they were almost extinct it looks like. What you're saying is that you don't like the gameplay, which is above the usual effort for the player and doesn't just throw rewards into your face. You're on a journey and you can't just skip to the last stop... That's just silly.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The collection tells a story. You may not like what you're doing, but there are enough people who also care about "rebuilding" the Sunspear Sanctuary and repopulating the Griffons, because at the time of your arrival they were almost extinct it looks like. What you're saying is that you don't like the gameplay, which is above the usual effort for the player and doesn't just throw rewards into your face. You're on a journey and you can't just skip to the last stop... That's just silly.


I will concede that it tells a story, albeit an obtuse one that requires a more than average investment in unearthing it. However I don't understand why you find me "silly".

I don't like the things you like. That doesn't make me "silly", just different.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> My apologies to everyone - rereading my post, I seem like a sullen child. Rude and needy. Sorry.


> To clarify, I don't really play GW 2 as an MMO. One of the things that I love about it is the solo-friendly aspect. The only group content I enjoy is the drop in/ drop out MAP stuff. So most of the group content required for this particular collection - not really my thing. I have a limited timetable and I don't relish sitting around trying to get people together to tackle it.


> Additionally I don't like collections, or jumping puzzles - it's tedious stuff and once again, I have limited time to play.


> I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


> I am petitioning Arenanet to add something I would find valuable to their gem store - something I WOULD give them money for. They have other advantageous items in it - this seems on par with a permanent harvesting item, or the extra options for your home instance. - etc.


Actually, you are right that Anet is already offering advantageous items but the difference is that a harvesting tool (example) is way more subtle in its function. What you are suggesting would be a blatant "pay2skip content" item offered for money. And a game company offering items like that for sale is indirectly admitting that said content is not worth playing. At least with the lvl 80 booster they can claim it is for alts, while there is no such excuse here.


The real issue though, is that if those "pay2skip" items are successful, and they often are, it will encourage the developer to make their game even more grindy, manipulating players into spending more. It is a slippery slope.

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It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.

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The way I see it is this: if you're not willing to put in the (quite honestly, relatively small) effort to get something, then you clearly don't want it very much, and don't deserve to have it. If this isn't a priority to you, then, well... sorry? I don't agree with just being able to buy something because you don't want to put in the effort to unlock it. What about all the collections for various skins? The time gated ones? The ones that are a considerably larger pain in the ass to get than the griffin mount? Do you think you should be able to throw 30 bucks at the cash shop to get those as well? Nah.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> One might question with the OP's limited time to play, when s/he would have time to actually use the griffon once obtained?


Always. It may not be as quick, but with jumping and flying, the griffon is definitely the best mount all around. The question is, when wouldn't they use the griffon?

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This collection can be done as a solo player. Go after the bounties when they are on the daily schedule since ppl will be doing them and you can just tag on freely. Big meta events ppl use to do as well (check when specific communities do them). Again simply tag on freely. You cannot avoid other ppl as this game is an MMO.


You have to simply play the content to get these items (fun or not). You will be doing this again if you decide to get the rollerbeetle as well, or elegy armor, etc....


Keep the gem store without any P2W features. Mounts don't belong there (skins are fine).


If you really don't like to do a collection hunt then you can simply not get it. Nobody forces anyone to get a specific luxury mount, armor set,...

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


> Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


> This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


> Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


It is very much like other aspects of the game though. I would like to have legendary armor. I really don't like raids though. One could say that raids with all their time wasting, cookie cutter build reqs and dps check mechanics make me....angry. Because of that I am unable to acquire legendary armor unlike players who are willing to go through all that kitten. And I'm fine with it.



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You're asking for an easy way to get the reward, which is the griffon. But the griffon is optional content, you can play the entire game without ever getting it. So either put the effort in to finish the (VERY) small amount you have left to unlock it, or accept that it is a part of the game you will never have.

Sometimes, you just have to do things you don't absolutely love to get something that you really want. That's life, it's not exclusive to this video game. That's just the way the world works.

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I funded my own griffon selling mats and did the collection requirements fairly quickly (this was just after the mount came out though so it was pretty easy to do the events) however, those events are still going strong, you can always ask guild mates or friends for help. My guild helps others out a lot with that. It's kind of a giant spit in the eyeball to people who actually worked for the mount for you to say you would rather buy it because you're lazy. Granted, it wasn't the most difficult thing ever, but we earned ours and that entails a bit of pride. I don't play WvW anymore, so i won't be getting a warclaw. I'm not going to whine and demand anet hand me one on a platter because i don't want to play required content to get one. And when i see people sitting on those i know they worked for it, which is awesome.

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I can understand your feelings OP. I think the ascended PvP and WvW armors are some of the best looking armors in the game. However, I simply don't enjoy PvP or WvW in this game so I do little more than the dailies. This means I'll basically never get the ascended armors from these modes. I'd love it if there are open world PVE ways to get these armor skins.


Rest assured, though, the Griffon collection is actually not as bad as it seems. As many people here replied, if you use the dulfy guide it won't take you more than 3~4 hours to do all the collections (not counting making 250g). And IIRC, there's nothing hard or even remotely challenging. The group stuff required for the Griffon collection are the most casual of group contents; easier than playing solo. You don't have to worry about players requiring you to bring any specific builds, gears, knowledge, or anything. You just show up and go pew pew pew. If you do have trouble, I'm sure there are plenty of players who would be more than willing to help. Guildies, friends, and even people in this forums. If you play on NA and need help, you can send me a whisper. If I'm not busy, I'll give you a hand.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:


> I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


MMO game design is a balancing act. It's in the best interests of the game developer to make as many players as possible happy. This means that a good developer has to consider the views of players on both sides of an issue before pulling the trigger. Providing what you want could cause two potentially large public relations problems for ANet.


+ Some players may not care if ANet offers a premium reward like the griffin in the store. Others certainly will. If you don't believe me, then look through some of the fractals/raid forum for discussions about other means to acquire the Legendary Armor skin that is a raid reward. Player desire to keep a reward exclusive to those who did the same things "they" did is quite common, and those who feel that way feel strongly. Since there are a lot of people who have earned the griffin and some unknown number who would pay for it, it may be a lot better PR for ANet to not anger them than it would be to please people like yourself.

+ A very common complaint on these boards is that ANet puts too much stuff to be bought in the store and not enough to be earned in the game. Offering an in-game reward earned via play for money would both set a precedent and set those people off. ANet would have to balance the cost of the good will lost when they "prove" to this demographic they're right again versus the benefit of pleasing you and anyone else who really wants the griffin but hates the content.


Given how many times the above two attitudes have appeared on this forum versus the one time I've seen a request like yours, it's not hard to see ANet deciding that angering many to please one (or a few) is not worth it.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


> Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


> This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


> Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


With the greatest respect, it wont happen. They want you to play the game. The griffon is something specifically designed to be earned via various aspects of their game and everything they ask for it is not unreasonable for an mmo. Whether ppl play it a different way or not, this is an mmo and the tasks it makes you do are in keeping with the cooperative group play they want to encourage. Plus it would set a precedent which would upset the community. Collections, group play and jps are part and parcel of gw2. Sure people will dislike sime bits, but if you play the game, you accept doing the things in it to get what you want. I have to do things to get my legendary outside of my co fort zone, but i dont expect to pay a bypass for everything i dislike. Oncedown that route, whete does it stop? Pay to bypass story? Legendaries? Gear? Other mounts?


You have two options


- earn the way it is

- Dont get it


You can wait for the lifetime of the game, but i feel pretty confident in saying no other way will be forthcoming

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Requirements and rewards.

Don’t want to meet the requirements? You don’t deserve the rewards.

You want the rewards **for real?** then you wouldn’t mind the requirements.


GW2 will never become pay2win. Thats an absurdist request


As angry as the collection seems to be making you, your request is making me just as angry.


And for what? Its less than 1 day of work.

And if you want to pay money for it, you can, you have to buy trophies. Just turn money to gems, to gold, and buy them.

After that, there’s only some roosts and events you need to visit, you can be done in 3 hours.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> My apologies to everyone - rereading my post, I seem like a sullen child. Rude and needy. Sorry.


> To clarify, I don't really play GW 2 as an MMO. One of the things that I love about it is the solo-friendly aspect. The only group content I enjoy is the drop in/ drop out MAP stuff. So most of the group content required for this particular collection - not really my thing. I have a limited timetable and I don't relish sitting around trying to get people together to tackle it.


> Additionally I don't like collections, or jumping puzzles - it's tedious stuff and once again, I have limited time to play.


> I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


> I am petitioning Arenanet to add something I would find valuable to their gem store - something I WOULD give them money for. They have other advantageous items in it - this seems on par with a permanent harvesting item, or the extra options for your home instance. - etc.


Praise the 6, you aren't making Aurora or you'd throw the monitor out the window waiting for next reset to get another runestone.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> My apologies to everyone - rereading my post, I seem like a sullen child. Rude and needy. Sorry.


No harm done, overall. Don't worry about it.


> To clarify, I don't really play GW 2 as an MMO. One of the things that I love about it is the solo-friendly aspect. The only group content I enjoy is the drop in/ drop out MAP stuff. So most of the group content required for this particular collection - not really my thing. I have a limited timetable and I don't relish sitting around trying to get people together to tackle it.


Most of the *group* content is stuff that people do anyway (it, too, is drop-in/drop-out map stuff), and as noted above, the LFG tool will help you find groups ready to do them *now* (meaning "at whatever moment you are ready to do them"), so that part is pretty easy. You don't seem like the paralytically shy people who come on here talking about their social anxiety, so go for it.


> Additionally I don't like collections, or jumping puzzles - it's tedious stuff and once again, I have limited time to play.


Ultimately, we all have limited time to play in some way or other.. Nobody can play for more than 168 hours a week, for example. Chip away at it. Do one thing today, and another tomorrow, and a third the day after that. The requirements aren't going to get more demanding just because you do them slowly.


And of course you only have to do collections once each.


> I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


There isn't a problem wanting that. Most of the hostility you got was related to the "sullen child" thing, I would say, with a dose of "we did it that way, so why shouldn't you have to"(0) and "lots of people are able and willing to help you do it, so don't feel overwhelmed by it".


> I am petitioning Arenanet to add something I would find valuable to their gem store - something I WOULD give them money for. They have other advantageous items in it - this seems on par with a permanent harvesting item, or the extra options for your home instance. - etc.


It's significantly superior to those things, since it makes a big huge enormous difference to your ability to move around maps, and does so 100% of the time (subject to "no mounts here" restrictions) rather than giving you a handful of resources each day (home instance nodes) or a reduction in the gold you expend for gathering tools(1).


(0) That isn't necessarily a healthy attitude, of course.


(1) Possible exception for the glyphs that gather extra leather, cloth or wood, and for the UM and VM glyphs, although there are VM-glyphed in-game tools available in the LS4 maps. (From the heart vendor at the Astralarium, for example.)

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