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A solid case as to why Tengu could be a playable race, and why it would be worthwhile.

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With the cantha expansion looming; Or more the Idea of one becoming closer and closer to reality I felt its time we touched this once again. However Im going to elaborate and explain as to WHY they should be made playable and how one could go about doing this without harming the game, as its not as hard as people might assume. First we must cover two things which are the models and animations are done. The armor more than likely already fit the model as the charr rig was used as a base so im sure the armor could and probably do fit within the engine and its not that hard of a fix. Next is that the voice actor has already and continues to be the same as Illidan from WoW(don't recall his name) for male and for female all they would need is either someone with an oriental accent or use one of the voice actors who currently don't have all three of their roles filled. (We know each actor can be used for three separate characters. I.E the human voice actor is also joko and mordremoth.)


>! 1. The first is simple, its an expansion seller. A new race will bring in new and older players and can offer cosmetics we don't currently have; Given the "Fashion wars" End-game they have a very unique feel that NO OTHER GAME offers. A solid case for the A-net montra of being different than the competition.

>! 2. They Don't need a starting zone but the city is already there; South of that are three Islands whom could be used as a starting location of need be however I feel they could start at level 80 with full exotics as we currently get a Level booster with each expansion. The kicker would be to make one you need one level 80 on your account which today is not hard nor does it take long to achieve; Likewise they should be unable to do the old story (Personal story) and only be able to do old living world as "Flash backs" or "Tales told" since the generic commander (Ill get to them below) would be dead.

>! 3. The five level instance that ties you to the story could go as follows ===> Meet the trailer commander (The one they use for PoF)===> Earn their trust ===> they die facing down the new threat/ helping the Tengu people survive the attack from cantha/the enemy. ===> He tells you to lead because you show promise, and are the only one capable. ===> Unique voice lines are only applicable through the expansion and once we move on to the living world afterwords, we are just the commander again.

>! 4. More importantly we could have it be that the tengu fill the Asian aesthetic we currently lack (Not anime) And make them more akin to Imperial China in their cosmetics, and thus Cantha as a whole could be a mixture of Japan/Korea(Korea within the kurzik/luxxon areas) but the main capital could be more akin to Japan. Thus the Tengu could be unique even among all the Asian themes present in the expansion and could help expand on how they effected cantha previously. (Architecture ect)

>! 5. Their animations are unique as is their model, it has tons of customization already and its a shame to see it unused.

>! 6. They took time to remodel them, why not let them be used for something more as the intention originally was to have them be playable.

>! 7. We have three human races, Two beast/anthro races so to even it out we need one more. I feel Tengu more than deserve their spot as a playable race considering their lore, ties to the story of guild wars and their unique theme. They are already at least in individual basis attached to the pact and one (The scribe trainer) left the dominion of winds to join your guild to teach us how to scribe; As he says the dominion wants to be more aware of whats going on.

>! 8. Once more they have never been done in any other game, like charr/asuran they could be more of guild wars 2's special thing. One of the three unique races that normally would not be playable in other popular mmo-rpgs.



I hope this was enlightening and I know full well new race haters will come to bash this thread; As they always do and will with them wishing for more of a focus on raiding or some other such thing. But this is simply an Idea for them to use to sell the expansion; Similarly to mounts as we know mounts can come from living world and E-specs are almost guaranteed in an expansion, we need something new to keep it fresh. Another "Joy" of movement that invalidates mounts would be horrid and I doubt they would do it, the mount skins make more money and the more they add the more we buy ect. A new race just like a new class can be the best kind of hook to pull people into the game, as someone who loves the tengu for their appearance Id love to have them as an option. I understand that some might want the resources spend else where, but realize that we who want a new race feel the same way about raids/mounts ect.


Have a good day and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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I've said time and again, 90$ for Tengu in the form of character slots. Totally would. I even have some names picked out.


But there's also the practical reality of all the work that needs to go into it. It's no small feat, and it would create additional work going forward. I accept that it's just not practical, no matter how much I'd enjoy a new set of feathery doll babies to play with.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> I've said time and again, 90$ for Tengu in the form of character slots. Totally would. I even have some names picked out.


> But there's also the practical reality of all the work that needs to go into it. It's no small feat, and it would create additional work going forward. I accept that it's just not practical, no matter how much I'd enjoy a new set of feathery doll babies to play with.


I actually believe they are done, HoT's Tengu have unique animations and rigging. I also highly doubt the armors won't fit since they use the charr rig as a base rig, It's not a impossible feat. However its whether or not A-net are willing to give them to us, that is something yet to be seen ~

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Oh gods this again... you could not search for the hundreds of other threads that already beat this poor centaur to death?


Same was done for mounts, Im just going on now because we have tons of hints at a cantha expansion. Would be nice if it was done; Im not saying they will I have no faith in A-net anymore once so ever so I mean take it for what it is worth. They cater to... a very specific crowd and im not one of them, I know this but as it stands now I can't see myself giving them anymore money for expansions~ Especially with how poor the last two were.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > Oh gods this again... you could not search for the hundreds of other threads that already beat this poor centaur to death?


> Same was done for mounts,

false equivalent

"mounts" had design issues

"new races" has technical issues

> Im just going on now because we have tons of hints at a cantha expansion.

no we don't

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.


I was wondering the same thing; the only information I have is that all contact with Cantha has been cut off due the the deep sea dragon, and that Anet specifically have stated that no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

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you know, i love it when ppl talk about solid cases while having nothing but a baseless idea.

1. tengu don't exist in cantha.

2. cantha isn't happening, not soon, not ever.

3. there are so many other more worthwhile races to be added and more ways to add new races (without conflicts).

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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.


>no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.


just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> 3. there are so many other more worthwhile races to be added and more ways to add new races (without conflicts).


That's almost objectively false. Tengu have repeatedly been the most requested race-add out of *so many new race polls*. So many. Weekly, even. And they were *almost* included in the original 5 races before Charr made the cut.

That doesn't change that it's a huge undertaking to retrofit armor, hire a dozen voice actors, perform Season 2 on up, have *some* kind of 1-80 experience (unless they're treated as a post-vanilla hero race), etc...


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As others mentioned, there are a dozen of other Tengu threads.> @"sorudo.9054" said:


> you know, i love it when ppl talk about solid cases while having nothing but a baseless idea.

> 1. tengu don't exist in cantha.

> 2. cantha isn't happening, not soon, not ever.

> 3. there are so many other more worthwhile races to be added and more ways to add new races (without conflicts).


"cantha isn't happening, not soon, not ever," I do not think Cantha is the cards, but I won't say ever. We dunno what Anet plans.


"there are so many other more worthwhile races to be added and more ways to add new races (without conflicts)," like which race? If there is ever going to be a new race (unlikely) it will be Tengu, because:


1) They already have an existing city in Tyria, bordering to low level maps.

2) The race has to able to make work retroactively. Tengu location is close to Orr, which makes it easy to create a conflict with the Risen.

3) Tengu already have a boat load of existing animation, so this should not be an extensive technical task.


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> >

> >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.


> just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac


It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")


"Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."


Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.


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Things have changed since then. Then they were working on projects we have no idea about, now we are heading to season 5 (complete with eye roll) with no real knowledge apart from it not being cantha because those 18 odd players were 'listened too'

But in all honestly no matter where we are going, or if an expansion happens, people will moan and complain.

People will make sure we won't get Cantha.


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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > >

> > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> >

> > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac


> It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")


> "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."


> Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.



that's extremely flimsy

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If adding Tengu was a small investment, I'd be all for it. I love the idea of new races. Unfortunately, I remember reading somewhere that it isn't a small investment. Given this and the layoffs from a while back, I don't think Tengu can be justified at this point in time when that effort could be spent on something that changes gameplay. Maybe a combat tonic would be more viable?

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What would the purpose of a new race be? I mean a new race is not content, I already have enough characters so I would not make a new character if a new race comes out and there are no race changes ingame. So please instead of a new race we need new content.

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I have seen nothing that suggest that we are going to Cantha next. I would love to go to Cantha and it is definitely not impossible that it can happen at some point. Do I think it is right around the corner though? No. I expect to see something more charr, norn and/or asura centric first, since we just had a very human centric expansion and the one before that was mostly sylvari centric. Since what we do know about Cantha is that the emperor threw out all other races and whatnot, there is no way around Cantha becoming human centric too. People would be mad and not entirely unreasonably so. Best give some love to the other races first.


IF we ever get another playable race, tengu is the most likely and the most (only) fitting. I would love playable tengu... I'd still main my sylvari... but I would definitely get me a couple of tengu too. I doubt it will happen though.

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This is all the confirmation I need, thank you. Its good to see the community wants nothing of weight, Peace.


And for the record, I assume we are going to cantha because of all the mentions through PoF/Living world (Books and ect) And all the anime/Asian themed skins and items being droped into the Black lion trading post. Frankly im over it, I don't like any of the races and the one I did like (Norn) got shafted this game so I think im about done; To me its all ugly and the only things I want (Viking armors or armors with furs/bones/leather for all weights that looks good) Gets shat on even when its not that big of a deal. I mean its fine really; I expect it from this community at this point to just want more of the same so as I stated. I might be one person but there are alot more who probably won't buy the next expansion, E-specs are nothing to get excited about anymore and like I care about mounts.


Thanks for reading, this thread can be deleted.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> This is all the confirmation I need, thank you. Its good to see the community wants nothing of weight, Peace.


> And for the record, I assume we are going to cantha because of all the mentions through PoF/Living world (Books and ect) And all the anime/Asian themed skins and items being droped into the Black lion trading post. Frankly im over it, I don't like any of the races and the one I did like (Norn) got shafted this game so I think im about done; To me its all ugly and the only things I want (Viking armors or armors with furs/bones/leather for all weights that looks good) Gets kitten on even when its not that big of a deal. I mean its fine really; I expect it from this community at this point to just want more of the same so as I stated. I might be one person but there are alot more who probably won't buy the next expansion, E-specs are nothing to get excited about anymore and like I care about mounts.


> Thanks for reading, this thread can be deleted.


talk about passive aggressive salt

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > This is all the confirmation I need, thank you. Its good to see the community wants nothing of weight, Peace.

> > >

> > > And for the record, I assume we are going to cantha because of all the mentions through PoF/Living world (Books and ect) And all the anime/Asian themed skins and items being droped into the Black lion trading post. Frankly im over it, I don't like any of the races and the one I did like (Norn) got shafted this game so I think im about done; To me its all ugly and the only things I want (Viking armors or armors with furs/bones/leather for all weights that looks good) Gets kitten on even when its not that big of a deal. I mean its fine really; I expect it from this community at this point to just want more of the same so as I stated. I might be one person but there are alot more who probably won't buy the next expansion, E-specs are nothing to get excited about anymore and like I care about mounts.

> > >

> > > Thanks for reading, this thread can be deleted.

> >

> > talk about passive aggressive salt


> kitten straight, Because this community is exhausting. If ya'll want this game to die then go for it~ It's already forgotten and overshadowed by other games whom don't even come close but offer people more customization and allows for better class builds/gameplay. The pvp is a joke, WvW is trash currently and really the living world is mute content (Outside the mount they added which took a bit, but is mainly just because of time-gating.) There is no cosmetics I like, I won't be forced to continue playing a game where my particular tastes are clearly not welcomed.


> So yes, passive aggressive salt. Id be far more aggressive but sadly this is a "Safe space".


this is the type of quality posts i come here for

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