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UX - Legendary Runes - This needs to go back to the drawing board

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> How often to people change stats on their Legendary Weapons or Armor?

> Sure, at first it's fun to swap stats because you can.

> After a while you settle down and they become just another Ascended with a better skin.


That's not true at all.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> How often to people change stats on their Legendary Weapons or Armor?

> Sure, at first it's fun to swap stats because you can.

> After a while you settle down and they become just another Ascended with a better skin.

Depends on the player.


Some will change stats as they change game modes or roles, eg. moving from OW to Fractals to WvW.


But raiders might change their stats before each and every boss fight, if not outright switch characters.


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> @"Nomad.4301" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Nomad.4301" said:


> Yes it is terrible design, but all I'm saying is it _might_ not be terrible by choice.



Alright, well I guess I was _totally_ wrong on this, this awful UI was obviously VERY intentional as they have now passed it on to ALL legendary items with select-able stats making the scroll bar 5x longer and that's not even the worst part.. None of the stats are in alphabetical order making finding anything in this laundry list of stats incredibly cumbersome and effectively making swapping legendary gear take longer then before.

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Hopefully build templates will be updated quickly, I probably won't bother crafting any of this until you can use it with ArcDPS build templates.


Better yet put build templates in the game, arcs dont work for me and crashes my game. Its a function that should have been in the game already.

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> @"Nomad.4301" said:

> > @"Nomad.4301" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > @"Nomad.4301" said:

> >

> > Yes it is terrible design, but all I'm saying is it _might_ not be terrible by choice.

> >


> Alright, well I guess I was _totally_ wrong on this, this awful UI was obviously VERY intentional as they have now passed it on to ALL legendary items with select-able stats making the scroll bar 5x longer and that's not even the worst part.. None of the stats are in alphabetical order making finding anything in this laundry list of stats incredibly cumbersome and effectively making swapping legendary gear take longer then before.


Hotfix incoming in 3 days...2 days...1 day...

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> The more important thing would be to put the stats back in alphabetical order! **PLEASE!**


**Anet, so much ^ THIS ^**


Good heavens... making the listing of **Every Stat Combination in the game** non-alphabetical gave me an immediate reaction of...

What the heck!?! :confused:

Why in the world would you do that?! :rage:


Now I have to try and guess where the 3 Fates stuck Marauder... or Commander or Captains... etc in this Bizzaro window every time I want to change a stat on a piece of legendary gear, which is exasperated by the _issue_ that I can only create legendary trinkets once. :-1:

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> @"Krypto.2069" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > The more important thing would be to put the stats back in alphabetical order! **PLEASE!**


> **Anet, so much ^ THIS ^**


> Good heavens... making the listing of **Every Stat Combination in the game** non-alphabetical gave me an immediate reaction of...

> What the heck!?! :confused:

> Why in the world would you do that?! :rage:


> Now I have to try and guess where the 3 Fates stuck Marauder... or Commander or Captains... etc in this Bizzaro window every time I want to change a stat on a piece of legendary gear, which is exasperated by the _issue_ that I can only create legendary trinkets once. :-1:


It's the same for the exotic and ascended items where you choose permanent stats. The stats seem to be, more or less, in the order they were added to the game. So if, for example, you want to select Harrier and you know Harrier was added in PoF then you know it must be near the end. No, too far, Plaguedoctor and Diviner's were added in LS4, scroll a little up, oh Seraph is LS3... down a bit, there it is! Piece of cake! Simplicity itself and far more interactive than any old boring alphabetical sorting! It's like a little history quiz for every choice. /s


I hope the Runes and Sigils aren't arranged in a similar historical manner as there are a whole lot more Runes and Sigils than there are Stat Combinations. Actually, I don't have any hope, I suspect they're the exact same. (Edit: looking at the screenshot above would indicate that they are the same, Citadel then Defender... if it were alphabetical then it should have been Citadel, Daredevil, Deadeye then Defender).


This is a terrible way of doing this, ArenaNet. I suspect it's an oversight and they're simply sorting the list on Item ID rather than Item Name but it's sloppy.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"JasonLucas.4981" said:

> > Coherent UI, but that thing doesn't work well in some circumstances


> IF I'm not mistaken the Coherent UI is used only for the Trading Post interface.


> @ OP

> How dare you provide feedback based on a single image? They released that to mislead us, the actual version will be much more polished. /sarcasm


The game used to use Scaleform but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Coherent UI seems like the most logical replacement.


I think a minor change could make this much better ... basically add in a similar filtering system as what you see on the wiki page for runes and sigils.

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Wow, the new UI is embarrassing and applies to all legendary items it would seem.


This is the opposite of QoL. You'd waste less time if you just had some ascended to swap between.


Also FFS either alphabetical order or most used/recent stat. Harrier and Minstrel being at the bottom is :(

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> @"Kaleygh.1524" said:

> This seems like such a waste of time. Most players will not craft this. It costs too much, it is pointless, and tbh i don't remember anyone asking for this. Legendary mini next?


legendary bags I think straight up money skin aswell and no special effects just like the runes/sigils.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Kaleygh.1524" said:

> > This seems like such a waste of time. Most players will not craft this. It costs too much, it is pointless, and tbh i don't remember anyone asking for this. Legendary mini next?


> legendary bags I think straight up money skin aswell and no special effects just like the runes/sigils.


With the difference being that legendary bags actually can be considered useful since they provide a benefit (more bags space). Legendary Runes and Sigils not so much. Having them is actually a bigger hassle than not using them (and way more expensive) and their main benefit can be achieved by more useful and way cheaper alternatives in game (legendary armor and weapons).

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Kaleygh.1524" said:

> > > This seems like such a waste of time. Most players will not craft this. It costs too much, it is pointless, and tbh i don't remember anyone asking for this. Legendary mini next?

> >

> > legendary bags I think straight up money skin aswell and no special effects just like the runes/sigils.


> With the difference being that legendary bags actually can be considered useful since they provide a benefit (more bags space). Legendary Runes and Sigils not so much. Having them is actually a bigger hassle than not using them (and way more expensive) and their main benefit can be achieved by more useful and way cheaper alternatives in game (legendary armor and weapons).

Yeah, as far as the legendaries go, runes and sigils provide us with the worst return on utility gained per cost. And they don't have any visuals attached, so the other reason for crafting legendaries doesn't even apply to them.


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Theoretically, the new UI design will be just fine once build templates are live. You'll not be swapping stats manually often, and will probably prefer to have all the data presented during the few times you are setting up a template.


Right now, having lots of data clogging up the screen is annoying, because you have to go through all of it each time you want to swap specs around. Once templates are live though, you'll do it once and then can instantly swap between builds so you'll only ever need to look at this screen after a balance patch or other major update that affects your build.

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For some reason I got to thinking this was just a UI change for the runes, but crafted a new legendary last night, and when I went to select the stats I got this eyesore of a menu. What was wrong with the old drop down menu? I confess I don't change stats on my legendary gear much, but for those who do, my sympathies.

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I think they hurried the release of Legendary Runes/sigils.


Maby they should have thought it over more and also introduced ascended runes/sigils as well as the legendary ones?


I don't know how they would solve the functionality of the ascended version but it's up to them to design it. ;)


Ascended ones would have to give lesser advantage compared to legendary ones by less convenience.


Armor, weapons and trinkets as of now have both versions. Runes and sigils do not.


For me it's a bit wierd that they would skipp a whole category when they have not done so before.


Why break the tradition of exotic, ascended, legendary? :o


If ascended runes and sigils where introduced, there would be less fuss about legendary ones as it would cost less by a lot.


Legendary is not a must nor is ascended in reality. You can go far with exotic's.


I am myself fully ascended with +5 stats infusions. Even underwater gear is ascended by maxing out my crafting disciplines.


But all that is not necessary to enjoy the game. :) I just did it because I had nothing better to do. ^^


It's more about how one plays their character which is far more important.


Atleast give the players that option so they can choose...

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