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Liadri the Concealing Darkness - Whoever came up with that, I despise you :)

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So, so much. Just some simple feedback so I don't say anything I shouldn't.



EDIT: I got her and the 8 orb ach somehow but I didn't sign up to play dark souls in an mmo. It's an infuriating event, hate the whole festival cuz of it.

Needing tickets for it and the fact it's not instanced makes it several times worse, waiting in queue each time to give it another go is (insert curse word here).

Only those who are hardcore into the game can enjoy this sort of stuff.

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I found this one of the most difficult things I'd done in GW2. I couldn't tell you how many attempts it took me to beat her, but some days I did it so many times I was seeing the pattern of the shadows drop when I closed my eyes and literally dreaming about this fight. The feeling when I finally beat her was amazing.


A lot of it is down to quick reflexes and practice - knowing the fight, knowing where the orbs appear, when the shadows are going to drop, how long you can afford to stay in the red zone before they kill you, where the clones spawn etc. I think part of the challenge is that your build isn't as important as in other areas - although the right build definitely helps (and in this case that generally means one that can deal a lot of damage in a short space of time).

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Yeah I hate it too. It’s so ridiculously difficult any manner of success is almost entirely luck. You have to play it again and again until you get lucky enough to pass each bit, I suppose. When there’s too much to possibly deal with it’s not skill, it’s stupid RNG. Other than this fight and the turai one (which is only a tiny, tiny bit less annoying), this is by far my favorite festival

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> @"maidiance.6920" said:

> Congrats! I, on the other hand, can't even get three stacks of the light-mechanic on her without dying. I don't touch red aoes (or the shadow clones). She just murders my face. :(


Using food "Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew" helps (replenishes endurance to dodge those aoe). The aoe pattern is fixed. Her shadow's spawn position is fixed but varies depending on which ring you're in. The fight can be memorized by observing or continuous repeats.


Just keep calm and don't panic (eg. time limit, there's plenty). Just watch out for the black orb's pull.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I wish the game had more "ultimate challenges" like this: optional achievements with unimportant rewards, whose **accomplishment requires skill and almost no luck**.


> Gz @"Friday.7864" -- it's a really great accomplishment.


> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Yeah I hate it too. It’s so ridiculously difficult **any manner of success is almost entirely luck**. You have to play it again and again until you get lucky enough to pass each bit, I suppose. When there’s too much to possibly deal with it’s not skill, it’s stupid RNG. Other than this fight and the turai one (which is only a tiny, tiny bit less annoying), this is by far my favorite festival


Quoted bc it's always a good thing any time we're reminded that our perspective is only our perspective . . .


I agree that both the skill required and the insignificance of the reward is what makes this cheeve great, but I can promise you every time I lose to her it's bc I was unlucky :)

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> I agree that both the skill required and the insignificance of the reward is what makes this cheeve great, but I can promise you every time I lose to her it's bc I was unlucky

Absolutely, Gop! When you lose, it's because the orb's range was wider than it showed on screen or a bad hop.

And when you succeeded, it's all skill :)


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Yeah I hate it too. It’s so ridiculously difficult any manner of success is almost entirely luck. You have to play it again and again until you get lucky enough to pass each bit, I suppose. When there’s too much to possibly deal with it’s not skill, it’s stupid RNG. Other than this fight and the turai one (which is only a tiny, tiny bit less annoying), this is by far my favorite festival


Everything on that fight follows a timer so the entire fight can be predicted. There’s no luck needed for the encounter itself.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Yeah I hate it too. It’s so ridiculously difficult any manner of success is almost entirely luck. You have to play it again and again until you get lucky enough to pass each bit, I suppose. When there’s too much to possibly deal with it’s not skill, it’s stupid RNG. Other than this fight and the turai one (which is only a tiny, tiny bit less annoying), this is by far my favorite festival


> Everything on that fight follows a timer so the entire fight can be predicted. There’s no luck needed for the encounter itself.




There is literally no randomness in that fight. The pattern of the ground aoes, where the light circles spawn, the attacks she uses at different ranges, where the shades spawn, etc. None of it is random.

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I have no trouble doing Liadri on normal. I even did it with a gambit. But the Blazing Light Achievement is now the last one missing for me from the entire Queen's Gauntlet category and I haven't found the courage to attempt it.


Thief seems to be ridiculously cheasy when it comes to ANY fight in this arena (especially Turrai), but the one thing I have trouble with is health when fighting Liadri.

In the first phase i take way too much dmg from her projectiles. Is there a trick to it? Or a build with better selfsustain?

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> I have no trouble doing Liadri on normal. I even did it with a gambit. But the Blazing Light Achievement is now the last one missing for me from the entire Queen's Gauntlet category and I haven't found the courage to attempt it.


> Thief seems to be ridiculously cheasy when it comes to ANY fight in this arena (especially Turrai), but the one thing I have trouble with is health when fighting Liadri.

> In the first phase i take way too much dmg from her projectiles. Is there a trick to it? Or a build with better selfsustain?


Try left-right-stepping while at the edge of the arena to avoid them. As far as i know the projectile should be aimed at the location where you would be if you keep your current direction of movement.Iif you (constantly) change it, the projectiles should pass left and right of you.

Haven't tried it this year though, so not sure if this still works.

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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > I have no trouble doing Liadri on normal. I even did it with a gambit. But the Blazing Light Achievement is now the last one missing for me from the entire Queen's Gauntlet category and I haven't found the courage to attempt it.

> >

> > Thief seems to be ridiculously cheasy when it comes to ANY fight in this arena (especially Turrai), but the one thing I have trouble with is health when fighting Liadri.

> > In the first phase i take way too much dmg from her projectiles. Is there a trick to it? Or a build with better selfsustain?


> Try left-right-stepping while at the edge of the arena to avoid them. As far as i know the projectile should be aimed at the location where you would be if you keep your current direction of movement.Iif you (constantly) change it, the projectiles should pass left and right of you.

> Haven't tried it this year though, so not sure if this still works.


Thx, but in order to guide the clones, sometimes you have to be very close to Liadri since some of the vortexes are right next to her in the middle.

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