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[SUGESTION] Should the Anet add wedding system??


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My wife is a huge nerd like me. We started playing Guild Wars 2 together to see if she even liked the MMO experience. I think GW2 has a lot of untapped potential in the RP environment which is not being seized at all. The PvP System is in my Opinion utter trash, but I don't even want to start a discussion on Elitism/Toxicity, I just want to explain why I think anet should add the wedding system. I think there should be something like a ceremonies or rather weddings, by doing this you can get people participating in bonding ceremony and getting bonuses like Experience Booster, Speed Booster, Food, Karma, a very cute mount skin >.< and other utility stuff, maybe even title. All of these bonuses wouldn't apply in PvP or WvW and would be minor, but at least there would be something else to do while grinding. Maybe even starting more friendly parties with guildies (much like Aurora Peachy used to do which really brought the community together, even raiders at times). Other suggestion would be the creation of a buff with an effect that every time i was on the same party as my partner or near by it would trigger it, the idea is quite simple (![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/353184314525089796/612348286514495504/unknown.png "")

). One more controversy idea would be the unlimited free TP that can teleport you to your partner easily. Sometimes i think about how people may just be meant to be with one another, then i think about how we were across the country from each other and it was the magic of an online game and a million little decisions and choices that brought us to where we are and it freaks me out a bit. The Gw2 community is very united and with this it can be encouraging to old and new players to grow further or explore more friendships. I can understand that a lot of people may be opposed to this, considering this would make Anet spend some resources, but right now we need more incentive for open world pve.


PS: My Wife and I would love to attend your ceremony if this goes through. But, we are currently on Europe server so maybe a long distance relationship with free servers transfers strictly to your significant other wouldn't be such a bad idea :)

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Two things


1) I’m sure a small handful will like it but it will do nothing to otherwise improve the game in any significant way. It’s been done before in mmos to virtually zero impact. Since it cannot give in game buffs or benefits for obvious exclusion reasons, I ask myself why we need it.


2) please don’t make duplicate threads. This was already posted a couple of days ago. Posting again reworded is not going to make the chances of this happening any better.


Edit: strike 2) as mods merged

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Your characters can already get married in gw2. You can have a ceremony, friends in attendance, a reception, gifts, formal attire, a band, trays of food, dancing, booze, and so on.


The only thing you cant currently have is game buffs granted for having your characters married. This gives the impression that your real motivation might be in game advantages.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> Just like in the other thread. I support this wedding thing idea. And I want to marry Queen Jennah.

You'll have to get past Logan first :) .


As for in-game weddings, there already are several places where you can stage a nice wedding ceremony, most notably the island in the eastern part of Lion's Arch. There's no need to attach any gameplay mechanics to it, those are better left for more general content that appeal more widely. "Forcing" people into things like character marriage just to get a unique in-game buff is an idea that doesn't really suit this game.

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The wedding system in Elder Scrolls Online is pretty harmless - it gives a 10% XP boost if you're both wearing the rings and playing together...but that also means relatively few people bother with it, even some of those who had a role-play wedding for their characters. The biggest problem is that (just like GW2) rings are one of a limited number of equipment slots and it's just not worth giving up a ring which is actually useful for your build for such a small bonus.


I think adding benefits for married couples which are worth using but not so good that players feel pressured to find someone to marry even if they don't want to would be extremely difficult. Especially if you get into things like "can share account bound items" and then Anet has to deal with people who want to break off their marriage and marry someone else...but is it because they genuinely don't play with that person anymore, or are they just trying to circumvent the binding and trade items with multiple people?


Personally I think it's just not worth it for the relatively minor benefits. Better to leave weddings as something for role-players to arrange however they want to do it.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe use the forum search function to look up wedding, marriage and such. This topic has been discussed already.


I recall the one from last year where the suggester even went so far as to suggest giving titles like "Widower" if the IRL *player* behind the in-game spouse (who could easily be the IRL spouse as well) died. Gaile Gray closed that one with a rather crisp comment.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Your characters can already get married in gw2. You can have a ceremony, friends in attendance, a reception, gifts, formal attire, a band, trays of food, dancing, booze, and so on.

You are right there but we are missing a important part of that. We really need the game blessing to make sure that anet really care about our bond, if we don't get that it make us feel kinda empty and non-supportive.


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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"WinterSolstice.7829" said:

> > Wellllllll. I once played an MMO where you could form a lovers relationship where you had exp boosts, and got lover tokens time to time that could be spent on nice things. Then there was a private chat between the two of you, the Pillow Talk. If we could have a Lovers thing in our Player/LFG window Y that keeps tabs on how long you're together for and rewards anniversaries would be neat. If we had an experience/magic find/karma boost being in party with each other would be neat. Maybe every ___ amount of time the boost goes up a bit more.


> Any boost from marriage will be problematic, this has been discussed at length and search is your friend. As to pillow talk, I guess you do not know that whisper is a thing and you can add tabs to the chat window?


I wasn't suggesting pillow talk. I was stating an example from what I seen. Also I'm not insinuating anything that effects combat, just reward by a small degree. Same logic that people would be fine with anyone owning the keep in WvW so long as they have the bare essential guild auras then magic find one is optional next as a tiny tiny luxury. It's already statistically proven that it takes an absurd amount of Magic Find to really notice any bit of difference to the loot tables (it's 1000% magic find to double your chance at a higher tier item statistically proven by a well broken down conducted research, but their account on reddit seems to have been deleted recently, so I don't know if their documented tables of statistics is still around somewhere.), so that's realistically not that absurd at all. Basically just boosts that would already work in all game modes because they really aren't a problem, nor harming the experience for anyone to the content of a game mode. It's really not a far fetched concept if you actually play the game and look at the boosters, buffs, boons, banners, bonfires, food, utility, etc. They just need to situate and reevaluate a tiny bit on how it could be done in a party concept, which for this particular case I'd say would be checking if lover and if lover is in same party/teaming. In general I think more could be done a bit better to promote a better sense of group structuring influences for activities and would allow for making up factors and leniency if say it were a guild % thing in parties or squads as an aura effect, which someone told me might be being looked into. *fingers crossed my level 41 guild will matter even more.*

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> @"WinterSolstice.7829" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"WinterSolstice.7829" said:

> > > Wellllllll. I once played an MMO where you could form a lovers relationship where you had exp boosts, and got lover tokens time to time that could be spent on nice things. Then there was a private chat between the two of you, the Pillow Talk. If we could have a Lovers thing in our Player/LFG window Y that keeps tabs on how long you're together for and rewards anniversaries would be neat. If we had an experience/magic find/karma boost being in party with each other would be neat. Maybe every ___ amount of time the boost goes up a bit more.

> >

> > Any boost from marriage will be problematic, this has been discussed at length and search is your friend. As to pillow talk, I guess you do not know that whisper is a thing and you can add tabs to the chat window?


> I wasn't suggesting pillow talk. I was stating an example from what I seen. Also I'm not insinuating anything that effects combat, just reward by a small degree. Same logic that people would be fine with anyone owning the keep in WvW so long as they have the bare essential guild auras then magic find one is optional next as a tiny tiny luxury. It's already statistically proven that it takes an absurd amount of Magic Find to really notice any bit of difference to the loot tables (it's 1000% magic find to double your chance at a higher tier item statistically proven by a well broken down conducted research, but their account on reddit seems to have been deleted recently, so I don't know if their documented tables of statistics is still around somewhere.), so that's realistically not that absurd at all. Basically just boosts that would already work in all game modes because they really aren't a problem, nor harming the experience for anyone to the content of a game mode. It's really not a far fetched concept if you actually play the game and look at the boosters, buffs, boons, banners, bonfires, food, utility, etc. They just need to situate and reevaluate a tiny bit on how it could be done in a party concept, which for this particular case I'd say would be checking if lover and if lover is in same party/teaming. In general I think more could be done a bit better to promote a better sense of group structuring influences for activities and would allow for making up factors and leniency if say it were a guild % thing in parties or squads as an aura effect, which someone told me might be being looked into. *fingers crossed my level 41 guild will matter even more.*


A boost not causing a problem? There is no such animal. Even if it were purely cosmetic it would cause an issue.

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> @"jpmc.6278" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Your characters can already get married in gw2. You can have a ceremony, friends in attendance, a reception, gifts, formal attire, a band, trays of food, dancing, booze, and so on.

> You are right there but we are missing a important part of that. We really need the game blessing to make sure that anet really care about our bond, if we don't get that it make us feel kinda empty and non-supportive.



Anet shouldn't need to support that because it's not their job not responsibility. It's how you make it out to be. This is so incredibly niche that it would not even be worth the investment. In other games it is an amazing investment since, you know, the benefits are worth it and the items that go along with it actually matter. Here, the game can barely hold itself up and you want to put hard earned money into a small community that wouldn't even make up half the costs for the efforts they would need to pull.


So, you guys can do what YOU want in order to make it feel special, that's the point of a wedding, not have a company give you some half-arsed blessing.


~ Sincerely

From an engaged player who also has their husband playing this game

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> @"jpmc.6278" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Your characters can already get married in gw2. You can have a ceremony, friends in attendance, a reception, gifts, formal attire, a band, trays of food, dancing, booze, and so on.

> You are right there but we are missing a important part of that. We really need the game blessing to make sure that anet really care about our bond, if we don't get that it make us feel kinda empty and non-supportive.



Your marriage feels empty if a game company doesnt give you stuff for being married?




Edit: Some context.


My wife and I met doing the Sanctum Cay mission in GW1. After dating for a while we got married in real life and then held a ceremony/reception in game. We had people from our full alliance in attendance, some of them had attended the real life wedding. We hosted a number of party games, fashion show, etc with some pretty cool (IMO) prizes. Everyone had a blast. We even invited Gaile Gray, who couldnt attend.


Our marriage (RL or in game) is in no way lessened by the fact that ANet didnt give us stuff.

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