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Jormag's voice... is AWESOME

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> @"Matt H.6142" said:

> It sounded like Matt Mercer to start but is it actually the new charr female VA? It was quite female by the end, but the androgyny is cool.


That's strange, I was thinking how it sounded a lot like Liam O'Brian (who also does various voices in the game)... Whoever the VA is/are, they're spot-on, and so are the effects teams. In fact, I kind-of hope it's more than one person, which really supports this whole "Borg collective" thing Jormag seems to have going.

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I like that I didn't realise at first it was Jormag. It starts out sounding like someone who might actually be an ally, someone we might want to help/receive help from, then the twist comes (around the time the Icebrood appear) where I started thinking "Oh...no...no I don't want _your_ help!" and then the voice turns much creepier.


I wonder if Jormag is going to speak to us in-game, or if it's just for the trailer. And if he/she/it does I wonder how the Sons of Svanir will feel about that if the player character is female.

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Some people on the youtube trailer video commented how Jormag is attracting minions or Sons of Svanir by being manipulative and promising of power and I wholely agree.


Jormag's voice in the trailer gave me some chills as it really embodied the feel of manipulation by sounding smooth, sliky, even somewhat comforting with what they were saying/promising and the final line just added to the chills. It's great and I'm loving it!

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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> Some people on the youtube trailer video commented how Jormag is attracting minions or Sons of Svanir by being manipulative and promising of power and I wholely agree.


> Jormag's voice in the trailer gave me some chills as it really embodied the feel of manipulation by sounding smooth, sliky, even somewhat comforting with what they were saying/promising and the final line just added to the chills. It's great and I'm loving it!


Also the voice brings sense of someone that feeel himself powerful and had lots of confidence, something that fit a "god like" character.

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I honestly think that we are going to be faced with a real hard set of decisions regarding Jormag before this is all over. There is something else that might be worse than Jormag and for evil as we may consider it, there is a bigger picture at play here and some things might not be as clear cut as they were before. Even Joko knew we were going about things wrong.

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Wait, that was Jormag's voice? I thought it was Drakkar...then I wondered if Drakkar was a sort of dark parallel to Glint (mostly because of the feminine-sounding voice): another dragon champion who, instead of being freed from the Elder Dragon's control, perhaps willingly submitted to it and now lures others in to the corruption (Svanir, for example) instead of keeping them safe like Glint.

...but I'm probably reading way, *way* too much into it. I just heard the female voice and thought of Glint.


> @"Trise.2865" said:

> In fact, I kind-of hope it's more than one person, which really supports this whole "Borg collective" thing Jormag seems to have going.


That would be *so* cool! The devs *did* mention a "Lovecraftian horror" element in the stories...

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> @"Elianora la blanche.1250" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Interestingly, the French trailer uses a female VA (and despite my lack of French understanding, I thought she was very good)


> oh I didn't see French trailer (I didn't search)



The lore forum has a link to it in the trailer thread there

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