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Legends have to change.


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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> These are way to expensive take way to long and are nothing more than a throw in the face of casual players and semi pro players. I have been working on Aurora and I was able to finally get the first part done in getting the Mastery of Draconis Mons. I than looked up what was next and i kitten near fell out of my chair.

> Having to collect the following

> 1 Spark of Sentience

> 1 Mystic Tribute

> 1 Gift of Sentience

> 1 Gift of Draconic Mastery


> For this trinket is way way way way outrageous Lets break this down and see just how much it will cost shall we. (this is of course at today's prices)

> Spark of Sentience, you need to charge 21 Xunlai Electrim Ingot. Each one is 3g 73s 43c that is 78g 42s 3c


> Mystic Tribute: For this you need to have 2 gifts of magic 2 gifts of might 77 clover and 250 mystic coins

> 250 coins: 385 g 11 2 45 c, The gifts of Might are 250g for 2 and the gifts of magic are 257g for 2. Of course you can not buy these off the trading post so you need the recipe and that will cost you 10 gold each. Clovers can not be bought so you have to gamble in the mystic toilet or you have to wait and wait and wait to get them ( i am not going to calculate the mystic toilet clover burst but if you calculate 100g you should be fine)

> That comes to: 1010g 11s 45c


> Gift of Sentience for this you require The gift of Valor which is a time gated mastery that you have to complete and get druid rune stones to get the backpack this in gold will cost you 16g for runestones you have to give to druids, than there is buying the druid rune stones with karma you need 16 in total and each one cost 1050 karma. now we all know that karma can be converted to gold at about 1g per 100 karma so 16x1050 is 24000/100 =240 (gold valued in karma)

> Icy Runestones 100 at 1g each is 100g

> The gift of energy is next that is 250 Crystalline, Incandescent Luminous, Radiant dust that is 75g 70s 98c


> Gift of the mist is next: you need cube of stabilized dark matter to get this you will need 75 matrix 22g 73s 26c and a ball of dark matter which you have to get from salvaging an ascended item. Gift of war is 250 memory of battle that is 17g 47s 50c a Gift of glory which is 250 shards of glory 1g 35s and last but not least gift of battle which you can only get through a reward track in PvP or WvW


> Last but not least is the Gift of Draconis Mastery for this you will require a Gift of dragon Magic: this means you have to collect 250 petrified wood snowberries and fire orchids, Gift of blood magic 250 blood rubies jade shards and orrian pearls a bloodstone shard 200 spirit shards and a Crystalline Ingot which you will need crystalline ore Augmented gemstone 95s 90c an ecto 19s 90c and Fulgrite which you have to make.


> So all in all Aurora will cost you in gold alone 1497g 6 s 74c


> This is out of hand it should not cost this much to be able to change your stats on the fly or for some floating cottonballs over your head. Lower the prices by making the farming and drop rates better to allow the players who can not be on all the time to farm hour after hour day after day or have deep enough pockets to buy all the mats they could ever want. These players make up the most of your players and I can a sure you if I am frustrated with this than there are others they are just afraid to voice it.


> I have wasted several days not thinking that once i completed the mastery it would be a simple completion to get it, but now I am stuck with useless legendary material that i am not going to use because I 1 do not have the time to farm this much stuff 2 do not have the gold flow to buy them or 3 have deep pockets to get gems to turn to gold to buy the mats.


> Things have to change and I say make legends dropable and raise the drop rate by 200-400% or have magic find effect your drop rates where you get more for higher magic find.


> From one really really mad vet player


Sadly some people are never going to see their char equip legendary item.It doesn't matter what others say,real and true endgame is for people who have time to play.


So those people with actual lives who have families and a job,gonna craft (if ever) 1 legendary item every 2 years.If you play 5 hours a day while having a job and family,sorry but you are lazy father/husband.


But you don't need flashy skins to play game?Sure,but community in online games judge others based on achievement points,how many legendary items they have or how many TP skins they got.More of those you have 'better person' you are.


Remember back in the days when dungeons were a thing?Before HoT release,people kicked you automatically if you had less than 10-15 k achi points.

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I was do auroa and vision on first week after announce. Is so cheap and easy.

Ofc next ring or wvw legendary amulet can have more changes, make more elitare, and harder.


also info for some who don't want long farm, it helps me very much - find a job and make bank account.

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Just adding my vote to *never* change the Legendaries or make them easier, to strengthen Anets resolve in this. I have 5 Legendary weapons and 2 trinkets and getting them are a prime motivator for me to keep playing the game on and off. They also took me out of my comfort zone by requiring Dungeon tokens, drops from Fractals and having to do some WvW. Anet would shoot themselves in the foot in several ways (see other posts) if they would do what the OP wants.

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I looked at the final cost of 1500g and thought "damn, then you have to add an 800g precursor to that!"


Wait you dont?


**Damn thats cheap!**


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> i feel the root of the problem is the lack of mystic coins to gamble for clovers, its price just kept on going up and up

Thats 0g cost, clovers are unsellable trash from WvW tracks that just take up storage space, better to toss em :p

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I just had to laugh at the comment about 'pay to win the mats you need'.

Seriously? Show me where you can just buy mats with real cash. Sure, you can buy gems and convert it to gold and then by mats, but really.....

It's not like they provide bundles of materials on the gem store.


I work 10hrs a day with 1hr travel each way. Only a few hours a day at best in-game. I have made multiple legendary weapons OVER TIME by focusing my game-time on that goal at that time. It gave me focus and something to strive for. The second they make things like legendary weapons easier to get is the day you turn around and complain that there isn't enough to do. If you want to play a game, play it. Don't expect to be handed everything on a silver platter.

Personally, I prefer working towards a goal in a game like this. I could have gone on the TP and bought a large portion of my mats with gold..... but then I'd have the weapon sooner and wondering what to do next.


My only issue with any sort of legendary is the armour set from raids being the ONLY one to count for the achievement. I don't raid, but do a fair amount of WvW. I have legendary armour from there (again, earned OVER TIME), I'd just appreciate some AP too. haha

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > > Look legends should be drops it is the simple and maybe even able to be crafted,

> >

> > What, why?

> >

> > >They should not cost more than a couple of hundred gold to make maybe 5 at max,

> >

> > LMAO. ..200 gold to craft 5? So like 10€ ..for 5 ledgies...lol.

> >

> > yes, lets not give anyone anything long term to do in a game without constant outdated gear, ledgie grind is needed.

> >

> > >hey should not be based on a time gate or anything, They should not reflect as any kind of statues. Each and every single player casual or pro as in you live on the game should be able to choose a legendary and be able to make it in no longer than 2 weeks.

> >

> > I really hope you're not serious. Are you confusing gw2 with a single player game?

> >

> > > If they are not able to be done that way than get rid of all of them and put everything to ascended. Legendaries have one advantage and only one over ascended and that is switching of the stats. Ascended items do not take month or even years to make the same should be true about legendaries.

> >

> > Exactly, so no kne needs ledgies. So time commitment is fine.

> >

> > > On the part of the outcry for other that have already done it....,.TO BAD you are the ones that took the 1500 gold you are the ones that took the weeks/month/years to do it suck it up buttercup and get on with your life.

> >

> > Or you can accept that ledgies take time :)

> >

> > > I bet most of the people that made have deep kitten pockets and could pay to win the mats they needed. I for one do not...and lots of you here will say the same but you cannot prove it to me so do not bother. Plus if you have it already i really truly will not believe you.

> >

> > What?

> >

> > > Change it make the drops able and craft able

> >

> > They are craftable

> >

> > >lower the cost of the mats and take ectos out of salvageable material and make them drops.

> >

> > This is how you make materials and gold worthless.

> >

> > > Bring back the old days like in gw1 where farming got you something other than jack kitten.

> >

> > got you what exactly? I never played gw1.


> I GW1 you could farm the rarest weapons in the game by killing enemies, even when knowing how to do it and where to go it still took a ton of time


So how is this different to gw2?


>and the chances of getting one were low.

different to gw2 how?


>Making legendary weapons and armour as a drop would encourage players to go out and do more game content instead of sitting around in LA crafting and playing the TP like accountants.


I hardly think this is the majority of players. Legendary gear already gets players to play the game, by needing all the different gifts.


>It would also drop the prices of the mats your right with that but they would not bottom out.


You're an economist? you know this how?. What would people spend their mats on of ledgie gear was a drop or cheap?

Who would buy the mats?


>Besides the richest people in the game have over 2million in assets and gold.


Where are you getting your stats?

Richest player on gw2efficency has 331,000 in gold.

This quickly drops after 10% of players to a meagre amount of gold.


>All they do is flip inside the TP and within their own guild.




>Players who do not have the time to play and make legends should still have the chance to get one or 2 or 100


Why should every player be able to get 100s of ledgies?



>but with time restrains some people can not play for as long as it takes





It tool my 7 years to make my first legendary...so. I'm not exactly swimming in them...but I also don't see why this "needs" to change.


And how you intend to stabilize the market if it did.

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People often wonder why I hold such disdain for legendary gear in Gw2..


Well thats why xD


At the end of the day the skin/effect is the only thing about a legendary item that makes them worth the time, effort and resources.. unless you're going to sell it for profit.

If you don't want the skin or effect then don't waste your time on them unless you're making to sell, they're not worth it for the cost, they are definitely not prestigious or rare enough to feel special anymore (hell they're more common than dungeon skins these days) and they're definitely not worth it just for the ability to swap stats.



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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> snip


Yes, Aurora is expensive. You could have simply used the crafting calculator on https://gw2efficiency.com/ to check how much the total costs is. As a vet, you should be using that site constantly. Or simply used the wiki since it states the total materials required as well.


As far as Arenanet changing the recepie, or any recepie for that matter. Not going to happen. Especially not on for an item added over 2 years ago.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> People often wonder why I hold such disdain for legendary gear in Gw2..


> Well thats why xD


> At the end of the day the skin/effect is the only thing about a legendary item that makes them worth the time, effort and resources.. unless you're going to sell it for profit.

> If you don't want the skin or effect then don't waste your time on them unless you're making to sell, they're not worth it for the cost, they are definitely not prestigious or rare enough to feel special anymore (hell they're more common than dungeon skins these days) and they're definitely not worth it just for the ability to swap stats.




Theres 2 things I've learned about the modern state of gaming......... Legendary gear in GW2 represents a state of excess that you can easily find in other games in one form or another. Its something thats made for someone with 'too much time' or 'too much gold' on their hands. And if you're decently competent at a game, both of those are inevitable.


Its those that confuse "want" and "need" that quickly fall into the big monetization trap. GW2 has been far less egregious, even by 2012 standards when it came out. But in a big twist, Legendary weapons were something each player would only realistically make a few over a life time.... but the reality of the post 2016 Lootbox/Cosmetics boom finds the entire premise flipped on its head, where Status symbols (whether we pursue them or not) is an integral part of "End Game", because "Expression" is our new premium.


The whole "I don't like legendaries" only holds true until you find a reason to care....... So regardless of your level of active interest, you will always have a major stake in making sure that system stays sane and healthy. Because whether you like it or not, it will affect everything around you. I warn against dismissing things as a "you problem", since that kind of apathy to a situation rings very heavily in the state of Society.... and we can all agree that things are not in a good place there.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > These are way to expensive take way to long and are nothing more than a throw in the face of casual players and semi pro players. I have been working on Aurora and I was able to finally get the first part done in getting the Mastery of Draconis Mons. I than looked up what was next and i kitten near fell out of my chair.

> > Having to collect the following

> > 1 Spark of Sentience

> > 1 Mystic Tribute

> > 1 Gift of Sentience

> > 1 Gift of Draconic Mastery

> >

> > For this trinket is way way way way outrageous Lets break this down and see just how much it will cost shall we. (this is of course at today's prices)

> > Spark of Sentience, you need to charge 21 Xunlai Electrim Ingot. Each one is 3g 73s 43c that is 78g 42s 3c

> >

> > Mystic Tribute: For this you need to have 2 gifts of magic 2 gifts of might 77 clover and 250 mystic coins

> > 250 coins: 385 g 11 2 45 c, The gifts of Might are 250g for 2 and the gifts of magic are 257g for 2. Of course you can not buy these off the trading post so you need the recipe and that will cost you 10 gold each. Clovers can not be bought so you have to gamble in the mystic toilet or you have to wait and wait and wait to get them ( i am not going to calculate the mystic toilet clover burst but if you calculate 100g you should be fine)

> > That comes to: 1010g 11s 45c

> >

> > Gift of Sentience for this you require The gift of Valor which is a time gated mastery that you have to complete and get druid rune stones to get the backpack this in gold will cost you 16g for runestones you have to give to druids, than there is buying the druid rune stones with karma you need 16 in total and each one cost 1050 karma. now we all know that karma can be converted to gold at about 1g per 100 karma so 16x1050 is 24000/100 =240 (gold valued in karma)

> > Icy Runestones 100 at 1g each is 100g

> > The gift of energy is next that is 250 Crystalline, Incandescent Luminous, Radiant dust that is 75g 70s 98c

> >

> > Gift of the mist is next: you need cube of stabilized dark matter to get this you will need 75 matrix 22g 73s 26c and a ball of dark matter which you have to get from salvaging an ascended item. Gift of war is 250 memory of battle that is 17g 47s 50c a Gift of glory which is 250 shards of glory 1g 35s and last but not least gift of battle which you can only get through a reward track in PvP or WvW

> >

> > Last but not least is the Gift of Draconis Mastery for this you will require a Gift of dragon Magic: this means you have to collect 250 petrified wood snowberries and fire orchids, Gift of blood magic 250 blood rubies jade shards and orrian pearls a bloodstone shard 200 spirit shards and a Crystalline Ingot which you will need crystalline ore Augmented gemstone 95s 90c an ecto 19s 90c and Fulgrite which you have to make.

> >

> > So all in all Aurora will cost you in gold alone 1497g 6 s 74c

> >

> > This is out of hand it should not cost this much to be able to change your stats on the fly or for some floating cottonballs over your head. Lower the prices by making the farming and drop rates better to allow the players who can not be on all the time to farm hour after hour day after day or have deep enough pockets to buy all the mats they could ever want. These players make up the most of your players and I can a sure you if I am frustrated with this than there are others they are just afraid to voice it.

> >

> > I have wasted several days not thinking that once i completed the mastery it would be a simple completion to get it, but now I am stuck with useless legendary material that i am not going to use because I 1 do not have the time to farm this much stuff 2 do not have the gold flow to buy them or 3 have deep pockets to get gems to turn to gold to buy the mats.

> >

> > Things have to change and I say make legends dropable and raise the drop rate by 200-400% or have magic find effect your drop rates where you get more for higher magic find.

> >

> > From one really really mad vet player


> Sadly some people are never going to see their char equip legendary item.It doesn't matter what others say,real and true endgame is for people who have time to play.


> So those people with actual lives who have families and a job,gonna craft (if ever) 1 legendary item every 2 years.If you play 5 hours a day while having a job and family,sorry but you are lazy father/husband.


> But you don't need flashy skins to play game?Sure,but community in online games judge others based on achievement points,how many legendary items they have or how many TP skins they got.More of those you have 'better person' you are.


> Remember back in the days when dungeons were a thing?Before HoT release,people kicked you automatically if you had less than 10-15 k achi points.


Single player games may be more suited to your preferences.


You can also accomplish quite a lot in this game while have a job, family, etc. It all comes down to how you use the time available.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > These are way to expensive take way to long and are nothing more than a throw in the face of casual players and semi pro players. I have been working on Aurora and I was able to finally get the first part done in getting the Mastery of Draconis Mons. I than looked up what was next and i kitten near fell out of my chair.

> > Having to collect the following

> > 1 Spark of Sentience

> > 1 Mystic Tribute

> > 1 Gift of Sentience

> > 1 Gift of Draconic Mastery

> >

> > For this trinket is way way way way outrageous Lets break this down and see just how much it will cost shall we. (this is of course at today's prices)

> > Spark of Sentience, you need to charge 21 Xunlai Electrim Ingot. Each one is 3g 73s 43c that is 78g 42s 3c

> >

> > Mystic Tribute: For this you need to have 2 gifts of magic 2 gifts of might 77 clover and 250 mystic coins

> > 250 coins: 385 g 11 2 45 c, The gifts of Might are 250g for 2 and the gifts of magic are 257g for 2. Of course you can not buy these off the trading post so you need the recipe and that will cost you 10 gold each. Clovers can not be bought so you have to gamble in the mystic toilet or you have to wait and wait and wait to get them ( i am not going to calculate the mystic toilet clover burst but if you calculate 100g you should be fine)

> > That comes to: 1010g 11s 45c

> >

> > Gift of Sentience for this you require The gift of Valor which is a time gated mastery that you have to complete and get druid rune stones to get the backpack this in gold will cost you 16g for runestones you have to give to druids, than there is buying the druid rune stones with karma you need 16 in total and each one cost 1050 karma. now we all know that karma can be converted to gold at about 1g per 100 karma so 16x1050 is 24000/100 =240 (gold valued in karma)

> > Icy Runestones 100 at 1g each is 100g

> > The gift of energy is next that is 250 Crystalline, Incandescent Luminous, Radiant dust that is 75g 70s 98c

> >

> > Gift of the mist is next: you need cube of stabilized dark matter to get this you will need 75 matrix 22g 73s 26c and a ball of dark matter which you have to get from salvaging an ascended item. Gift of war is 250 memory of battle that is 17g 47s 50c a Gift of glory which is 250 shards of glory 1g 35s and last but not least gift of battle which you can only get through a reward track in PvP or WvW

> >

> > Last but not least is the Gift of Draconis Mastery for this you will require a Gift of dragon Magic: this means you have to collect 250 petrified wood snowberries and fire orchids, Gift of blood magic 250 blood rubies jade shards and orrian pearls a bloodstone shard 200 spirit shards and a Crystalline Ingot which you will need crystalline ore Augmented gemstone 95s 90c an ecto 19s 90c and Fulgrite which you have to make.

> >

> > So all in all Aurora will cost you in gold alone 1497g 6 s 74c

> >

> > This is out of hand it should not cost this much to be able to change your stats on the fly or for some floating cottonballs over your head. Lower the prices by making the farming and drop rates better to allow the players who can not be on all the time to farm hour after hour day after day or have deep enough pockets to buy all the mats they could ever want. These players make up the most of your players and I can a sure you if I am frustrated with this than there are others they are just afraid to voice it.

> >

> > I have wasted several days not thinking that once i completed the mastery it would be a simple completion to get it, but now I am stuck with useless legendary material that i am not going to use because I 1 do not have the time to farm this much stuff 2 do not have the gold flow to buy them or 3 have deep pockets to get gems to turn to gold to buy the mats.

> >

> > Things have to change and I say make legends dropable and raise the drop rate by 200-400% or have magic find effect your drop rates where you get more for higher magic find.

> >

> > From one really really mad vet player


> Sadly some people are never going to see their char equip legendary item.It doesn't matter what others say,real and true endgame is for people who have time to play.


> So those people with actual lives who have families and a job,gonna craft (if ever) 1 legendary item every 2 years.If you play 5 hours a day while having a job and family,sorry but you are lazy father/husband.


> But you don't need flashy skins to play game?Sure,but community in online games judge others based on achievement points,how many legendary items they have or how many TP skins they got.More of those you have 'better person' you are.


> Remember back in the days when dungeons were a thing?Before HoT release,people kicked you automatically if you had less than 10-15 k achi points.



The fact is this everyone that plays should have an equal chance to get them if you play one hour a day or 20 hours a day. The point i am making is this that if you can not dedicate a ton of hours to playing than how are you to achieve something you may want to be cant because of time. That time is not your fault you have x y z to do and playing games for extended periods of time may not be on that list. So how do you get a legendary of you have only x number of hours? The only way to make it fair for all is to make them drop able, does it mean that they drop all the time no not at all does it mean that maybe a world event has a higher chance of one dropping, or a meta event or how about this, make random drops along different levels of enemies so fighting level 80 give you a chance at a legendary from season one, killing a vet season 2 and so on. This would do several things it would give players with a short period of time to play a chance to get one it would get them out into the game and exploring it and give them a fair chance to have a legendary drop for them. Have a max of say 10 random legendaries drop each month, once one drops from one kind of enemy, it jumps to the next so that you have to search for that type of enemy and you have no idea what type it will be. This could be weapons armour trinkets that drop they become account bound once you get them so you cannot sell them which allows for crafted ones to be sold still not effecting the TP.



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Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.


Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.


The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:


> > The fact is this everyone that plays should have an equal chance to get them if you play one hour a day or 20 hours a day.

> Everyone already has an equal chance. For some, it might take longer but the requirements are the same for everyone.





If it takes longer for you than me than you do not have the same chance, yes the deciding factor is on the player but that is not the point the point is that you do not have the same chance

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> If it takes longer for you than me than you do not have the same chance, yes the deciding factor is on the player but that is not the point the point is that you do not have the same chance

How entitled do you have to be to expect the devs to change how legendaries—cosmetic skins unlocked from dedicated play—are earned, just so __you__ can have one.




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