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Is there anything to do with the permastealth thief


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I wanna apologize as last night, I geared up a permastealth DE for survivability purposes and may or may not have sniped some people here down. Lots of groups out from the other servers and it was a great way of getting around without getting roflstomped every 30 seconds. I will say that the perma stealth DE + thief portal makes re-capping structures a lot quicker.

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What match-up is this? I want to see them...or maybe not see them! ;)


> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> daredevils or deadeyes, they all can kill you from stealth in an slipt of a second, and finish you while in stealth.

> They are a plage right now. You can't roam anywhere because you'll be forced to fight with at least 2 of those every single cap.


> Is anything being done to balance stealth?




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> @"Milea.6043" said:

> What match-up is this? I want to see them...or maybe not see them! ;)


> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > daredevils or deadeyes, they all can kill you from stealth in an slipt of a second, and finish you while in stealth.

> > They are a plage right now. You can't roam anywhere because you'll be forced to fight with at least 2 of those every single cap.

> >

> > Is anything being done to balance stealth?





I was wondering the same thing but did not get an answer - was hoping to get in on some thief killing action.

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Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.

Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.


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> @"Leima.2640" said:

> Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.

> Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.



Or they are just bored and need to troll to break said boredom lol

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> @"Leima.2640" said:

> Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.

> Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.



GW2 doesn't have open world pvp. Before launch my guild assumed WvW would be mostly like an open world pvp server. WvW turned out to be a lager messier version of spvp with larger maps, but nothing open world where your character lives and survives in, it's a match and we have to try to catch those open world type of encounters within an ever shrinking window of the day as time goes by. There are leeches in any game and any game mode, but luckily for you since they suck at pvp, they should be of little problem.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> daredevils or deadeyes, they all can kill you from stealth in an slipt of a second, and finish you while in stealth.

> They are a plage right now. You can't roam anywhere because you'll be forced to fight with at least 2 of those every single cap.


> Is anything being done to balance stealth?





The correct question to ask is, is there anything to do with Thief Profession?


Of course,


And the correct answer is.


**Delete them from the game**

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> @"Leima.2640" said:

> Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.


Imagine making claims about someone "sucking at pvp" in the same sentence you defend "blob builds". Blobs -the definition of skill and pvp superiority :lol:



> Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.


Or maybe WvW isn't the same as PvP and it's the closest this game will get to open world pvp (sadly only faction based one), which obviously includes ganking, roaming and all sorts of pseudo-griefing? If you don't like that, stick to blobs or -better yet- other modes.



Edit: also, pretty much what @"kash.9213" said about it above.

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> @"Leima.2640" said:

> Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.

> Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.




Please stop having an opinion, every balance update passed years were mainly for blobbing


First of all; the main problem i have as one of the few roamers left in this game (yeah 90% left) is i cant 'find a fight i want anymore...

The mount helpen to protect you passing by me as you choose to run a 'very specialised build, most likely from a webpage to tely on Friends to support you. While i want to be a jack of all traits and vary my build on circumstances


You want a safepass? Guess that's allright but can you Guys then plz stop the toxic behavior of chasing roamers that accedently found your group and chase Them with mounts halfway the map?

^this happens at least 4 Times if i roam An hour primetime


Its basicly the same, Just the mount..who helpen you to safe you from 1v1 didn't help me here...i get dismounted...have adjusted speed and you can mount up and chase me down



On top of that the roaming scene became a cheese fest because all the support classes...firebrand and scourge (yeah fb can lounge in tome 2+ tome 3 on most smallscale fights if metaclasses are involved for zerglings)...the 'very cheesy rev hammern people are eager to defend (in zergs IT hit with 3 aoe skills as hard as scourge who has about 5 10 target skills, 3 well like skills and aoe boonrip...


I could go on for hours like this


Anet barely cares about WvW but wanna feed the mayority, which leans on roamers in map politics all the time


I like the gvg scene Being on EU recently (passed 2 years) but i dont always like the elitist mentality and build diversity they cry for but dont bother to try most of the time

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> On top of that the roaming scene became a cheese fest because all the support classes...firebrand and scourge (yeah fb can lounge in tome 2+ tome 3 on most smallscale fights if metaclasses are involved for zerglings)...


Yes its pretty insane that FB minstrel with monk runes is sssooo overtuned that it decides fights involving groups of 3. Its Meta in all forms of the game at the moment.

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> @"Leima.2640" said:

> Just ignore them, roamers are just players that suck at spvp so have to feel good about themselves by killing players running blob builds.

> Anet don't care about WvW so complaining on the forums isn't going to change anything, last I knew they had one guy on WvW, that proves how much they care about it.



Yes, because in WvW you are "good" if you know how to hold points meant by circles of 5-20y radius instead of actually dueling. Go ahead, check dueling zone on server with active roamers and try your luck playing PvP-build of yours choice. Then come back and please share experience you got :)

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Roaming is long dead, the majority of people just play dumb gank builds now and run from fair fights. Either you play a build that counters them or you avoid them. I think rune of earth still works against rifle DE. A lot of deadeye players are really bad and only seem good when they counter your build or catch you when you arent paying attention. You can often see their smoke fields when they are stealthing, and if you have reflects they will often 1 shot themselves.

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Within 200-250 radius-ish (longer than melee weapons' radii), you're always visible to your enemy; not revealed just your camouflage is distinguishable. This will prevent melee burst from those that can do so.


For ranged, the enemy becomes revealed 0.25-0.5s before attacking, so it would solve the issue for ranged hits.


Quickness is not functional in Stealth.


The Stealth mechanic would be more of a defensive option while still holding onto its offensive aspects with some losses.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Roaming is long dead, the majority of people just play dumb gank builds now and run from fair fights. Either you play a build that counters them or you avoid them. I think rune of earth still works against rifle DE. A lot of deadeye players are really bad and only seem good when they counter your build or catch you when you arent paying attention. You can often see their smoke fields when they are stealthing, and if you have reflects they will often 1 shot themselves.

This implies that roaming was ever anything but playing dumb gank builds.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > Roaming is long dead, the majority of people just play dumb gank builds now and run from fair fights. Either you play a build that counters them or you avoid them. I think rune of earth still works against rifle DE. A lot of deadeye players are really bad and only seem good when they counter your build or catch you when you arent paying attention. You can often see their smoke fields when they are stealthing, and if you have reflects they will often 1 shot themselves.

> This implies that roaming was ever anything but playing dumb gank builds.


If that's what's efficient/fun, then why would it be anything else?

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Take out all stealth and replace it with mirage cloak.



> lmao :o ;) :p :3


Evade incoming attacks + Superspeed doesnt sound too bad :P :PPPP


Or each time they want to stealth , a numerous amount of Bamboos will show up in their schreen in various location . By left clicking it , they teleport to it and get 0.5 sec stealth , rise and repeat like a anoying ninja . Trying to find the nearest bamboo to hit the player .Or teleport in the bamboo behind him , and see him wastes dodges


Or use mini - teleportations with a shadowly figure (0.3 sec stealth) or the Kindread auto attack mechanic from the dispicable LoL . The more teleports is the span of 3 sec(stealth duration) = more damage in the next hit


Or try to use the old Blind effect (your schreen get darker-like a horor movie and add some pixelated moving shadowly objects to comfuse the player-till he is attacked) , rather than the theif going into perma stealth (effect all enemie targets in a 3000 area-just by using Cloak and Dagger in 1 player)


Edit: The thief can keep his perma stealth , but does lower damage in his openenr is the enemy have a Utility Spell in CD (either after a battle , or volunterarly to avoid the oponer of the thief) , leaving him as a more ''soft target'' for an other players to manage .(decaper+killing berseker targets+ ppl stab themselft (sucrifusing their utility) = theif job description)


But yeah a more acceptable idea , would be the ulti from Fiona from LoL (its the most costless idea)

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> I would happily give up stealth on my thief if it meant that no other class gets it. The fact that others do seems just stupid; whether it's through ranger pets, runes, mesmer...


> **Just get rid of it already**


100% support this


**Remove this Toxic design mechanic already**


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > daredevils or deadeyes, they all can kill you from stealth in an slipt of a second, and finish you while in stealth.

> > They are a plage right now. You can't roam anywhere because you'll be forced to fight with at least 2 of those every single cap.

> >

> > Is anything being done to balance stealth?

> >

> >

> >


> The correct question to ask is, is there anything to do with Thief Profession?


> Of course,


> And the correct answer is.


> **Delete them from the game**


You know, if balance is what you're after, it would be better to delete every class except thief. That way everyone's on a level playing field.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> I would happily give up stealth on my thief if it meant that no other class gets it. The fact that others do seems just stupid; whether it's through ranger pets, runes, mesmer...


> Just get rid of it already.


This. Too much stealth and to be honest every class has builds that are great without it.

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